Department of Economics

Professor (Dr.) Archita Ghosh
Head of the Department-
Departmental Phone No.
(033) 2582 8750/ 8275 (Ext. 288, 289, 290)
One of the premier departments of this university in the Faculty of Arts & Commerce, the Department of Economics is one of the first few departments with which the university started imparting quality education in tranquil sylvan surroundings to the students of a relatively backward rural area since 1961.
The Department had a modest beginning under the stewardship of Prof. S.R. Dutta Gupta. Since then the Department has grown in size and offered quality education in Economics at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. The undergraduate course in Economics was discontinued in the early part of the last decade when the colleges located in the districts of Nadia and Murshidabad were brought under the jurisdiction of this University.
The Department of Economics remained the first department in the eastern region to introduce a special paper in Population Economics. In recent years, a number of innovative papers have been introduced in its Post-graduate curriculum; viz., Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, Input-Output Economics, Financial Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, World Development, Industrial Organizations, Derivatives and Risk Management, etc. Of late, a compulsory paper on Computer Applications in Economics including a Project Work has been introduced to meet the demand of the present time. In fact, periodic up-gradation of the post-graduate syllabus is done at the Department to meet the growing needs of the students as far as the recent developments in Economics are concerned.
Apart from offering a MA/M.Sc degree in Economics to the students who qualify BA/B.Sc (Hons.) in Economics the Department also offers M.Phil and Ph.D. degrees as per the University rules and regulations in this regard. So far, since its inception, a good number of research scholars have obtained their doctoral degrees from the Department after the fruitful completion of their research work.
The students who passed out from the Department are well placed in various academic institutions including many universities within and outside the state like Visva Bharati, Jadavpur University, etc., research institutes like Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR), Mumbai, Gokhale Institute of Economics and Politics, Pune, Indian Statistical Institute, etc, and also in various undergraduate colleges and schools, in administrative services including West Bengal Civil Services and like, in banks and insurance companies, and in other services like print and electronic media.
The Department was offered DRS-I (UGC-SAP) for a five-year period during 2007-12.
The faculties of the Department regularly participate in international and national seminars, conferences, workshops, and symposia as paper presenters and also as resource persons. Some faculty members of the Department received invitations from foreign universities and research institutes to visit them as guest faculty/resource persons.
At regular intervals every year for more than a decade the Department holds international as well as national and state-level conferences. For this, the Department has received grants from outside agencies like the Indian Council of Social Science Research, the Reserve Bank of India, and the University Grants Commission. These conferences have provided ample scopes for mutual interaction among the experts in the subject and also between the research scholars and students. Also, in the recent past, the Department has held research scholars’ workshops where scholars pursuing their doctoral research in various universities and institutes got the opportunity to present their works before the experts in the respective fields and received comments and suggestions to improve the quality of their works. Besides, the Department held some special workshops with the help of the Census of India and the like.
The Departmental Library has around 4,000 books and journals. In 2011, the entire stock of these books and journals was computerized. The reading room in the Library can be used by the students, scholars and the teachers of the Department for the purpose of consultation of any reading material in the library. The Department of Labour of Government of West Bengal generously donates from time to time for subscription and/or purchase of periodicals, journals and books which are of immense use for any competitive examination meant for different government and non-government jobs for the students studying Economics at the Post-Graduate level.
In 2007, an air-conditioned Computer Lab was set up on the first floor of the department with LAN connection and internet facility which can be used by any student, scholar, and teacher of the department during working hours on any working day. The setting up of this Computer Lab has facilitated (a) the introduction of a compulsory paper in Computer Application and (b) research works for the scholars and the students.
A seminar room was also set up in the Department in the year 2007 where small seminars, workshops, and lectures are organized at regular intervals. The seminar room has air conditioning comfort and a modern-day PowerPoint presentation facility.
At present, the faculties of the Department including the Head of the Department and the Office of the Department are equipped with a desktop computer along with a printer and also, with internet facility.
The Department is now in the process of bringing out its own peer-reviewed journal Kalyani University Journal of Economics (KUJE) bearing ISSN. The first issue of the Journal is expected in March 2014. A plan to bring out a web version of the journal is also under consideration at the moment keeping in mind the present practice of publication all over the world.
Some of the faculty members of the Department remained involved from time to time in research projects sponsored by the outside funding agencies like ICSSR, SANDEE, and like.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
No programmes available. |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)

Department Details
- Agricultural Economics
- Population Economics
- International Economics
- Econometrics
- Natural Resources and Environmental Economics
- Comparative Economic Systems
- Mathematics for Economics
- Applied Econometrics
- One Computer Laboratory.
- Departmental Library facility.
- DRS-I [UGC-SAP], 2007-12 with the main thrust area being Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Coordinator: Prof. Sutanu Bhattacharya and Deputy Coordinator: Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta). One of the major outcomes of this project was a book published from the Regal Publications, Delhi on ‘Globalization, Foreign Capital and Development’ edited by the four faculty members of the Department.
- Prof. Rabindranath Bhattacharya (retired from the Department) was awarded two projects – one sponsored by the World Bank and the Ministry of Environment and Forest of Government of India on Environmental Economics related to CPR Institutions in West Bengal (funded by World Bank) with 18 months’ duration involving Rs. 7,00,000/- and another on Economics and Institutions of Coastal Wetland Management: India and Bangladesh (funded by SANEI, ICRIER) with one year duration involving Rs. 9,00,000/-
- During 2003-06 Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta was awarded an Indo-Dutch project on Political Economy of Labour in a Globalized Economy involving Rs. 15,11,000/- (approx.) funded by IDPAD-ICSSR. The outcome of the project is a book on Unfreedom and Waged Work – Labour in India’s Manufacturing Industry from Sage India (jointly with Professor Sunanda Sen) and three articles – two in Economic and Political Weekly and one in Indian Journal of Labour Economics.
- Prof. Madhusudan Datta was awarded a Project on Economics of Petroleum Industry by ICSSR involving Rs.5, 00,000/- (approx.) and duration of 18 months.
- During 2011-13, Professor Madhusudan Datta was awarded a project on Final Demand, Technical Structure and Reallocation of Value-added: Effects on the Shares of Major Sectors of the Indian Economy by ICSSR.
- Dr. Prasenjit Sarkhel acted as co-Investigator in University of Calcutta, Department of Economics, DRS-I [UGC-SAP] funded project “Municipal Governance practices in Solid Waste Management” with Prof. Sarmila Banerjee as the Principal Investigator (2011-12).
- During 2012-14, Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta was awarded a project on “Labour Security in Urban Informal Economy – A Study of West Bengal” by ICSSR involving around Rs.7, 50,000/- for 24 months.
- During 2012-14, Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta as one of the project directors of a project on “Imperialism – Old and New” under the newly structured Sponsored Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR received a small grant in this University to carry out the research work in West Bengal with the project actually being located at MMAJ Academy of International Studies of Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi with Professor Sunanda Sen as the Principal Coordinator.
- For the ensuing 2014-16 period Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta as Principal Coordinator of a project on “Class and Caste in India – Theoretical and Empirical Implications” has been already sanctioned a grant under the newly structured Sponsored Research Project Scheme of the ICSSR. The other two project directors include Professor Anjan Chakrabarti of Department of Economics of University of Calcutta and Dr. Anup Kumar Dhar of Ambedkar University, Delhi.
- Professor Rabindranath Bhattacharya (retired from this Department) was given the responsibility of editing an introductory text book on Environmental Economics by the Ministry of Environment of Government of India in due recognition to his contribution in the field of Environment Economics and as part of the then governmental programme of popularizing the subject.
- Prof. Madhusudan Datta was invited by the OECD Statistics Department in Paris as a Visiting Professor through FMSH, Paris during 2007 for a month.
- Dr. Byasdeb Dasgupta was awarded Indo-French Cultural Exchange Award (2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2013) as DEA (Visiting Professor) scheme of FMSH, Paris to visit France and Indo-China Cultural Exchange Award to visit China for a month during February 2008 by ICSSR and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
- Dr. Nitish Datta received the ‘Best Quantitative Paper’ award at the International Conference on Banking & Insurance, 2005, BIMT & Philadelphia University award for the paper “The Regulations, Efficiency and Ownership Pattern of Indian Commercial Banks: An Empirical Analysis”.
- Professor Dipti Prakash Pal became the Emeritus Fellow of UGC after his retirement from the Department for two years during 2011-13.
- Professor Madhusudan Datta since 1st December 2013 has become the Senior Fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) after his retirement from the Department.
- Dr. Prasenjit Sarkhel was invited to present a paper in the conference Planet under Pressure at London during 26-29 March,2012 which was sponsored by SANDEE.
- One-day Research Scholars’ Workshop on Economics during 6th September 2013.
- Two-day International Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Economic Development’, March 21-22, 2013.
- One-day conference on ‘Swami Vivekanander Shiksha Ebong Samajik-Arthatnaitik Bhabna’, March 27, 2012.
- Two-day International Conference on ‘Globalization and Economic Development’, January 12-13, 2012.
- One-day National Conference on ‘Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Development’, February 17, 2012.
- Two-day National level Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Development’, March 03-04, 2011.
- One-day State level Conference on ‘Global Capital Flows and Economic Development’, February 04, 2011.
- Three-day Workshop on ‘New UG Syllabus in Economics’, July 12-14, 2010.
- State Level Workshop on ‘Theories and Empirics on Economics’, March 17, 2010.
- International Conference on ‘Globalisation, Development and Emerging Market Economies’, December 17-18, 2009.
- Symposium on ‘Global Financial Crisis’, April 01, 2009.
- National Workshop on ‘Course Curriculum in Commerce and Economics’, April 01-02, 2009.
- National Workshop on ‘Issues in Development’, March 30-31, 2009.
- National Workshop on ‘Global Financial Crisis’, November 27, 2008.
- Dasgupta, Byasdeb, Arundhati Datta, Archita Ghosh and Bishakha Ghosh (ed.), WTO & TRIPS: Indian Perspective, Bibhasa, Kolkata, 2003.
- Bhattacharya, Sutanu, Byasdeb Dasgupta, Bishakha Ghosh and Archita Ghosh and (ed.), ‘Globalization, Foreign Capital and Development’, Regal Publications, New Delhi, 2011.