Department of Sociology

Smt. Priyam Sarkar
Head of the Department Assistant Professor-
Departmental E-mail Address
The Department of Sociology can boast of being the pioneer in introducing teaching and research in Sociology in the eastern region of India. As early as in 1964, the department started its journey with a subsidiary course in Sociology at under-graduate level. A couple of years later, a post- graduate course in Sociology had been introduced (1966) and the under-graduate (Honors) course only followed soon (1972). The department, since its inception, claims appreciation from all quarters for its close and continuous academic interaction with the peer departments in India and abroad with the aim of achieving academic excellence. As well, the department has always remained sufficiently responsive to the needs of her rural/semi-urban roots. In consistent with her perceived goals i.e.; achieving academic excellence and sustainable development of the community around, the department has already undertaken a good number of programs apart from updating the syllabi (both core and optional) at regular intervals through incorporation of contemporary ideas and issues. The department further plans to pursue a series of newer programs in the near future. These include sponsored/collaborative research with peer departments in India and abroad as well as out-reach/extension programs. In fact, the department has sincerely been striving to make optimum utilization of the available resources to achieve her “twin goals” referred to here-in above. The department is undoubtedly poised towards an enviable future. Needless to say, all that the department has thus far achieved have become possible because of generous support from all concerned.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
1 | P.G | 2 years | 50 | B.A (Hons.) in Sociology |
2 | Ph.D | 5 years | Professor: 08 Associate Professor:06 Assistant Professor:04 | Professor: 08 |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)
Department Details
- Sponsored Research Program: Consultancy Projects and Major/Minor Research Projects, sponsored by International, National and state-level agencies, are undertaken by the faculties on regular basis. These are carried out by the faculties either independently or in collaboration with faculties of other institutions. The sponsoring agencies include: IFAD, Ford Foundation, UGC, ICSSR, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, GOI, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, GOI, All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health and some Departments/Commissions of the Government of West Bengal. The quality of research output has always been appreciated by the Sponsoring Agencies.
- Participation in Seminar/Conference: In commensurate with our thrust on knowledge-sharing, the faculties participate in international/ national Seminar/Conference in India and abroad on regular basis.
- Career-oriented, revenue-generating Program: A Certificate course (self-financing) has being successfully running in the department mainly to promote self-employment or entrepreneurship among the localyouth. About 70 percent of the in-take either manages to find a decent job or applied services on contractual basis or ventures into start-up entrepreneurship.
- Geographical location: The location of the department in a backward area endows us with relatively greater opportunities to ‘enlighten’ the socially and economically weaker sections of the society.
- Current Programmes of the Department:
1. Certificate course on Social Awareness and Entrepreneurship Development (SAED) under the RUSA component No. 10.
2. Annual Status of Education Report Survey (ASER) and training in collaboration with Pratham Education Foundation and Liver Foundation, West Bengal.
3.Ongoing ICSSR research project (The Study of Four Midnapore Villages: Then and Now (After 60 Years) (2021-22) under ICSSR Senior Fellow Prof. Samita Manna (Retired Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Kalyani)
- Smart Class Room
- Departmental Reference Library
- Wifi Facility
- Safe Drinking Water Facility
- Clean and Hygienic Toilet for Students, Teachers and Office Staffs
- Computer Facility
a) Ongoing: Prof. Samita Manna (Retired Professor, Department of Sociology) has joined as a Senior Fellow of ICSSR in the Department of Sociology, University of Kalyani and has been currently undertaking research project under ICSSR.
The Study of Four Midnapore Villages: Then and Now (After 60 Years)
(2021 – 22) |
ICSSR National Fellowship, New Delhi | 2 Years |
b) Completed: List of Completed projects by Prof. Samita Manna are as follows
Title of the Project | Name of the Funding Agency | Duration |
Social Organization of a Small Town : A Case Study of Mahishadal, West Bengal (1983 – 84)
UGC (Minor) | 2 Years |
Kole of West Bengal : A Study in Continuity and Change (1985 – 86)
UGC (Minor) | 2 Years |
New Identity in New Setting Crystallization of Castes in Frontier Bengal (1987 – 95) | Self | 8 Years |
Fair Sex in Six Tribal Cultures : Problems and Development (1995 – 96)
Ministry of Welfare (TD) | 2 Years |
An Evaluative Study of Mother and Child Health : Awareness and Participation (1999 – 2000) | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
New Delhi |
8 Months |
Problem of Adjustment of the Working Women (UGC MAJOR) (1999 – 2002)
UGC, New Delhi | 3 Years |
An Evaluative Study of Residential School for S. C. Run by N.G.O.s in Four Districts of West Bengal (2000)
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
New Delhi |
2 Months |
A Study of Mortality and Morbidity Pattern in Children … Community Health Problem (2001)
Ministry Human Resource Development | 2 Months |
Bediyas of Nadia : Problems and Development – A Micro Study for Welfare Strategy
(2002 – 03)
Ministry of Tribal Affairs | 1 Year |
Tribal Girl Students : Hindrance Towards Achievement – A Micro Strategy in Nadia District (2003 – 2004) | Ministry of Tribal Affairs |
10 Months
Educational Status of Minority Girls: A Study of SarvaShiksha Mission in Nadia District (2009). | SarvaShiksha Mission in Nadia | 6 Months
Title of the Project | Name of the Funding Agency | Duration |
Learning Achievement of the Students of RabindraMuktaVidyalaya in the District of Nadia (2010)
SarvaShiksha Mission in Nadia | 6 Months |
Impact study of Cooked Mid-Day-Meal on Nadia District (2010)
SarvaShiksha Mission in Nadia | 6 Months |
Tradition Vs Modernity: Mother and Child Health (0-5) in two Integrated Tribal Development Blocks of PaschimMidnapore, West Bengal Problems and Development (2009-10)
Ministry of Tribal Affairs | 12 Months |
An Evaluative Study of the Students at Primary Level in Nadia District: Problems and Positive Measures (2011)
SarvaShiksha Mission in Nadia | 6 Months |
Prevalent Practices of Child Marriage and Educational Erosion of Different Tribal Groups in Two States – West Bengal & Jharkhand (2012)
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, New Delhi | 12 Months |
The Status of Girl Children in Tribal Society: Does it lead to increasing deficit of Girl Children? – A Socio – Demographic Study on Five Tribal Groups in PaschimMidnapore( 2012 – 13)
Ministry of Tribal Affairs, New Delhi | 12 Months |
“Declining Child Sex Ratio: Increasing Deficit of Girl Children – A Sociological Study in Nadia District, West Bengal”
( 2012 – 14) (UGC MAJOR)
UGC, New Delhi | 2 Years |
Nachni – An Endangered Marginalised Second Sex: Identity Crisis and Strategies for Survival (2014 – 2016) | ICSSR, New Delhi | 2 Years |
ICSSR Sponsored 10 days Research Methodology course for Ph.D students in Social Sciences (2017) | ICSSR, New Delhi
As a Course Director |
20.3.17 – 29.3.17 |
- Full Time: 03
- Part Time: 03
- Workshop on “HIV Aids: Socio-Behavioural Perspectives”
- Workshop on Mental Awareness: “Achena Mon”
- Workshop on ‘Challenges of Motherhood in Contemporary Society’
- National Seminar on ‘Dynamism of Culture: Integration, Contradiction and Conflict’
- ICSSR Sponsored ‘10 days Research Methodology course for Ph.D students in Social Sciences’
- ‘Invited Lecture Series’ by eminent scholars of Sociology fraternity
- Conducted preliminary Training and Survey through telephonic interview on ‘Annual Status of Education Report’ in collaboration with Pratham Education Foundation and Liver Foundation, West Bengal in September 2021
- Conducted ‘Annual Status of Education Report’ Training and Survey in collaboration with Pratham Education Foundation and Liver Foundation, West Bengal December, 2021
- Reunion and Alumni Meet of the Department
- Tree Plantation Programme of the Department
- Cultural programmes related to Fresher’s welcome, Farewell ceremony and Teacher’s day celebration.
Department of Sociology University of Kalyani in collaboration with, Pratham Education Foundation and Liver Foundation, West Bengal conducts Annual Status of Education Report Survey and Training every year.