Department of Mathematics

Professor (Dr.) Dibyendu De
Head of the Department Professor-
Departmental E-mail Address
The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1963 as an Under Graduate Department and started Post Graduate course along with research program in Mathematics since the year 1966. The undergraduate course in Mathematics has been discontinued in the department from the year 2000 due to the inception of that course in colleges affiliated under this university in Nadia and Murshidabad districts. From the academic session 2009-10, the semester system has been adopted in M.Sc. course and from 2014 – 15, the choice based credit system (CBCS) has been introduced in the department. This Department successfully conducts teaching and research jointly in different fields of Applied Mathematics and Pure Mathematics. The student intake capacity of the Department in the Post Graduate level is now 130. More than 250 Nos. of students achieved their Ph.D. degree from this department till 2021. A significant number of students of this department qualify NET/ GATE/ SET/ other competitive examinations in each year. After successful completion of the courses, the students perform higher studies in this university or different reputed institutions and engage in teaching in schools, colleges, universities, institutes; and also placed in other Government/ Non-Government sectors.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
1 | M.Sc. in Mathematics | 2 Years | 130 | B.Sc. (Honours) in Mathematics |
2 | Ph.D. | 6 Years | 76 | M.A./ M.Sc. in Mathematics |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)

Department Details
- Complex Analysis
- Differential Geometry & Geometric Evolution Equations
- Ergodic Theory and Combinatorics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fuzzy Sets & Systems
- Mathematical Biology
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Operations Research & Optimization Techniques
- Partial Differential Equations
- Numerical Computer Laboratory: 3
- Computational Laboratory: 1
- Smart Classroom: 1
- Class Room: 6
- Seminar Room: 1
Departmental Level
- DST FIST Level 1 (2020 – 2025) Fund Value: 55.0 Lakh
Individual Projects
Sl. No. | PI | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Duration | Fund Value |
1. | Prof. Animesh Biswas | Multicriteria Decision Making using Type 2 Fuzzy Systems | DST-SERB-TARE | 2019-2022 | 18.3 Lakh |
2. | Prof. Samares Pal | Complexities in the dynamics of anti-predator chemical defense in marine ecosystems | DST-SERB-CRG | 2019 – 2022 | 19.5 lakh |
3. | Prof. Dibyendu De | A Variant of Density version of Carlson-Simpson Theorem | NBHM | 2021-2024 | 15 Lakh |
4. | Prof. Sanjib Kumar Datta | On some Development in the area of Comparative Growth Analysis of Entire and Meromorphic Functions | RUSA | 2021-2022 | 2 Lakh |
5. | Prof. Samares Pal | Dynamics and bifurcation analysis of non-autonomous model for the effect of water level fluctuations and environmental toxin on plankton system | DST-SERB-MATRICS | 2021-2024 | 6.6 Lakh |
- DST-FIST Level 1 (2004 – 2008) Fund Value: 9.5 Lakh
- UGC SAP DRS I (2009 – 2014) Fund Value:
- UGC SAP DRS II (2015 – 2020) Fund Value: 75 Lakh
Sl. No. | PI | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Duration | Fund Value |
1. | Prof Abhijit Banerjee | Some investigations on the uniqueness properties of entire and meromorphic function and related topics | CSIR | 2014 – 2017 | 10 Lakh |
2. | Prof. Samares Pal | Effects of HAB-toxin and insecticide runoff on Coral reef ecosystem | EMR-SERB | 2015-2018 | 18.5 Lakh |
3. | Prof. Samares Pal | Role of nutrient and toxin in marine plankton community ecosystem: Mathematical Observation | UGC | 2015-2018 | 18 Lakh |
4. | Prof. Sanjib Kumar Datta | On some progress in the field of growth properties of composites entire and meromorphic functions | HRDG-CSIR | 2018-2021 | 12.02 Lakh |
- Full Time: 24
- Part Time: Number: 19
- “International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications (ICMSA 2020)” held during February 26-28, 2020. Sponsored by UGC-SAP-DRS (Phase-II)
- “National Seminar on Mathematics” held during February 22-23, 2018. Sponsored by UGC-SAP-DRS (Phase-II)
- “The 82nd Annual Conference of the India Mathematical Society (IMS)” held during December 27-30, 2016.
- “National Seminar on Recent Developments on Mathematics and its Applications (NSRDMA-2016)” held during January 21-22, 2016 supported by UGC-SAP-DRS (Phase-II).
- National Seminar on “Micro Symposium on Recent Trends in Mathematics” held during March 13-14, 2014 supported by DST-PURSE and UGC-SAP-DRS (Phase-I).
- the national seminar on “Rediscovering Acharya Brojendranath Seal in the New Millennium” jointly organized by Departments of Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Chemistry and Statistics, University of Kalyani during October, 07-09, 2013.
- National Seminar on Analysis, Modelling and Geometric Topology (NSAMGT-2012) held during March 21-22, 2012 supported by UGC-SAP-DRS (Phase-I).
- National Seminar on Analysis, Modelling and Geometry (NSAMG- 2011) held during March 10-11, 2011.
- U.G.C. sponsored International Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Earth Sciences (ISRAMSES 2005) held during December 2-4, 2005.
- U.G.C. sponsored National Seminar on Teaching and Research Developments in Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences held during 13-14 February, 2004.
- G.C. sponsored National Symposium on Recent Development in Mathematics and Applications held during March 27-28, 2001.
Foreign Collaboration
Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan
University of Texas Pan-American, USA
Texas A&M University-Kingsville, USA
University of Western Cape, South Africa
University of Victoria, Canada
Dongguk University, Republic of Korea
Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan
Ocean University of China, P.R. China,