Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Coordinator Prof. Swati De, M.Sc., Ph.D. [Professor, Dept. of Chemistry]

Head of the Department

About the course
On December 29, 1959, in his classic lecture at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at Caltech, Richard Feynman said “I would like to describe a field, in which little has been done, but in which an enormous amount can be done in principle……furthermore, a point that is most important is that it would have an enormous number of technical applications..… there is plenty of room at the bottom”
He invited the audience to enter and venture this new field of physics. Within a couple of decades, the term nanotechnology was coined and remarkable advancement and novel discoveries in this new ‘world of nano’ followed.
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology deals with understanding and manipulating matter at dimensions of approximately 100 nm and below, with cross sectoral application and an interdisciplinary orientation. Within nanoscale, the physical, chemical and biological properties of materials differ from the properties of individual atoms and molecules or bulk matter enabling novel applications. Definition of nanotechnology is naturally very broad and includes various fields of science such as quantum mechanics, surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, nanofabrication, etc. The programme on nanoscience and nanotechnology aims to provide a multidisciplinary natural science education towards students from various backgrounds like physics, chemistry, mathematics and biological sciences. This science of the miniscule encompasses a wide area of research ranging from energy and environmental applications to cancer treatment and targeted drug delivery.

Human Resource Development with wide, cutting-edge and in-depth knowledge in nanoscience and nanotechnology with the ability to translate in the benefit of the society.


Programmes offered

Sl. No. Programme Duration Intake capacity Admission criteria
No programmes available.

Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)

Department Details

Prof. Swati De, M.Sc., Ph.D. [Professor, Dept. of Chemistry]
Deputy Coordinator
Dr.Keka Sarkar, M.Sc., Ph.D. – [Head, Dept. of Microbiology]
Full-time Faculty Member
Dr.BidhanHazra, M.Sc., Ph.D. Click here for details
Dr.Joyjyoti Das, M.Tech., Ph.D. Click here for details

    Renowned professors and scientists in-house as well as from various academic institutes and industries for teaching and mentoring
     “Motivational talks” every month by eminent scientists with special attention on industrial personalities

Rapid scientific progress in nanoscience offers an increasingly prominent role in our everyday lives, so learning about phenomena at the nanoscale is becoming increasingly important. Globally acclaimed Universities and Institutions have already started post graduate programme in Nanoscience and nanotechnology. However, in India, only a few educational institutions/ Universities offer this kind of advanced course. For more than a half century, University of Kalyani has contributed to the development of higher education keeping in view the importance of the outlying rural economy and the needs and aspirations of the youth in the region. Many of our students are first generation learners. Amid this backdrop, the university has established an academia of Nano education to sensitize our students and to encourage them to pursue collaborative research among various disciplines in this exciting multi-disciplinary cutting-edge area of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Moreover, introducing the M.Sc. program in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is a first-of-its-kind initiative in East and NorthEast India.
Very well skilled human resource is critical for the applications of this multidisciplinary field. Nanotechnology has enormous potential to influence the world from consumer goods, electronics, computers, information and biotechnology to aerospace, energy, environment, defence sector and medicine. In this regard, the program on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will enhance the knowledge and skill of the students from a wide range of backgrounds; it will provide them with a better understanding of the role of nanomaterials in various fields of application mentioned above. The program consists of flexible and modular course structure and includes full-time M.Sc. course, to be delivered over two years. Advances in research would influence the curricula being taught in this course. The M.Sc. program will be structured on semester system (having 4 semesters), so that all modules become available at least once during the tenure. This program aims to enhance knowledge and skill development in this fast evolving discipline by providing a flexible, interdisciplinary course in nanoscience and nanotechnology at both the basic and applied level to different stakeholders(Research lab to Public domain).

Nanoscience and nanotechnology have huge potential to bring benefits to many areas of research and application, and are attracting rapidly increasing investments from government and from businesses in many parts of the world. This is an emerging field in science and technology and is poised to bring in revolutionary changes across all spheres of life, bringing in lot more job opportunities than one can imagine. With the advent of this discipline, there is a huge opportunity in the areas of pharmaceutical technology, healthcare, forensics, medical testing, agriculture, and environmental research. Moreover, there will be entrepreneurship opportunityin the related field of nanobiotechnology, biomedical research, diagnostics, agricultural science and others.

Semester I

A Theory
Sl. No. Code Course Title Hrs/Wk [L-T-P] Credit
1 NST101 Fundamentals of  Nanoscience 3-1-0 4
2 NST102 Synthesis of Nanomaterials 3-1-0 4
3 NST103 Characterization of Nanomaterials 3-1-0 4
4 NST104 Biology for Nanoscience 3-1-0 4
    Total Theory 12-4-0 16
B Practical
5 NSP111 Nanotechnology Lab-I 0-0-9 3
6 NSP112 Biology Lab-I 0-0-6 2
7 NSP113 Biostatistics & computing Lab – I 0-0-6 2
    Total Practical 0-0-21 7
C Sessional
8 NSS121 Communicative English & HR management – I 0-0-3 1
    Total Sessional 0-0-3 1
    Semester Total 12-4-24 24


Semester II

A Theory
Sl. No. Code Course Title Hrs/Wk [L-T-P] Credit
1 NSTO201 Open Choice 3-1-0 4
2 NST202 Aspects of Nanotechnology 3-1-0 4
3 NST203 Computational Nanoscience 3-1-0 4
4 NST204 Nanotechnology in medical science 3-1-0 4
    Total Theory 12-4-0 16
B Practical
5 NSP211 Nanotechnology Lab-II 0-0-9 3
6 NSP212 Biology Lab-II 0-0-6 2
7 NSP213 Computational Nanoscience Lab 0-0-6 2
    Total Practical 0-0-21 7
C Sessional
8 NSS221 Communicative English & HR management – II 0-0-3 1
    Total Sessional 0-0-3 1
    Semester Total 12-4-24 24


Semester III

Sl. No. Code Course Title Hrs/Wk [L-T-P] Credit
1 NST301 Bioentrepreneurship, IPR & Bioethics 2-1-0 3
2 NST302 Research Methodology 2-1-0 3
3 NSE303 Elective I 0-2-0 2
4 NSE304 Elective II 0-2-0 2
5 NSE305 Elective III  (Student’s Choice) 0-2-0 2
    Total Theory 4-8-0 12
C Sessional
9 NSS321 Review on frontiers in Nanoscience 0-0-6 2
10 NSS322 Project/Training Seminar   2
    Total Sessional 0-0-6 4
    Semester Total 4-8-6 16


 List of electives (NSE303 and NSE304)
1.    Advanced spectroscopy for Nanoscience
2.    Food and agricultural nanotechnology
3.    Nanooptics
4.    Nanomedicine
5.    Environmental nanotechnology
6.    Industrial nanotechnology

Semester IV

C Sessional
Sl. No. Code Course Title Hrs/Wk [L-T-P] Credit
1 NSS421 Dissertation (Final) 0-0-40 10
2 NSS422 Seminar 0-0-6 2
3 NSS423 Grand Viva   4
    Total Sessional 0-0-40 16
    Semester Total 0-0-40 16


NST        Nano Science Theory
 Nano Science Practical
Nano Science Sessional
Nano Science Theory (Open Choice)
Nano Science Elective
 Life Skill Course Sessional
1st Digit in the Suffix    No. of Semester [1= Semester I, 2= Semester II, 3= Semester III, 4= Semester IV]
2nd Digit in the Suffix    Type of paper [0 = Theory paper; 1 = Practical paper; 2 = Sessional Paper]
3rd Digit in the Suffix    No. of paper [1 = 1st paper; 2 = 2nd paper; 3 = 3rd paper; 4 = 4th paper]