The term Diaspora is derived from Greek word Diasperian implying sowing or scattering seeds. Originally it was applied to Jewish people outside Palestine. However, at present it is applied to displaced people dislocated from homeland and relocated in a foreign land. International migration due to war and territorial conflicts, geographical and environmental changes leads to influx of refugees. Sometimes voluntary migration in search of better employment opportunities or to be in the forefront impels settlement in foreign land.
Diaspora figures prominently in Social Sciences like Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics etc. It also has ramifications in History and Literature.
The Bengali Diaspora is an integral part of the Indian Diaspora. Non resident Bengalis are interspersed throughout the lengths and breadths of the world. They have maintained their emotional attachment to their motherland and sought to perform their role as bridge builders between their country of residence and their original homeland.
There has been an enormous proliferation of literature on Diaspora and centres for Diaspora studies have mushroomed in various parts of India. However, none of them has established any centre exclusively devoted to studies on the Bengali Diaspora in particular and Indian Diaspora as a whole.

About Us
- Year of establishment: 2014
- Faculty: Faculty of Arts and Commerce
- Interdisciplinary programmes and departments involved: In all the programs of the Centre, diverse faculties like Bengali, English, Economics, Folklore, Sociology, Political Science, History, Sanskrit participated actively and imparted a multidisciplinary dimension to the same.
- Number of teaching posts sanctioned, filled and actual (Professors/ Associate Professors/ Asst. Professors/ others): Proposal sent to UGC in 2015.
- Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation, area of specialization, experience.
Name: Prof. Sumit Mukerji
Designation: Director, Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora Professor,Department of Political Science
Qualifications: M.Phil., Ph.D.
Specialization: Identity Politics Diaspora Studies Terrorism Indian Freedom Movement Political Thought
No. of Years of Experience: 35 yrs.

General Information
The Centre looks forward to collaborative endeavour with the objective of stimulating inter disciplinary research envisaging intensive academic vibration through generation of research insights encompassing diverse areas and domains of knowledge. The ultimate goal is to reach out to the regional, national and global arena at both the academic and practical level and ensure enhanced visibility for the diasporic community. The common agenda for this integrated, collective effort is as follows.
- Organizing inter-disciplinary workshops based on diverse disciplines like Political Science, History, Literature, Sociology, Anthropology, Folklore, Education and also specialized fields like Film, Media and Gender Studies.
- Arranging Distinguished Lectures/ Seminars/ Panel Discussion consisting of writers, social and cultural activists and intellectuals of the Bengali Diaspora and academicians.
- Opening Doctoral programme on Area Studies in the University.
- Undertaking outreach activities pertaining to community, culture and society in multi-dimensional perspective. Issues like Sensitization programs, Awareness programs for immigrant women and children etc.

Rashbehari Bose with his Japanese wife

Dr. Ketaki Kushari Dyson

Pt. Ravi Shankar with his daughters Anoushka & Nora

Amar G. Bose with his deported revolutionary father at childhood

Baroness Shami Chakrabarti , Peer

Jhumpa Lahiri with US President
Inauguration Ceremony
The Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora, University of Kalyani was inaugurated on June 26, 2015 by His Excellency, the Governor of West Bengal Mr. Kesari Nath Tripathy in the presence of Prof. Rattan Lal Hangloo Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of the University, with an international seminar entitled Offsprings of Bengal in Distant Lands, Quest of the Disanchored. Ms. Helen LafaVe, Hon’ble Consul General US and the Hon’ble Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh Mr. Zokey Ahad was also present in the occasion.
Event Speakers

Director of Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora
Prof. Sumit Mukerji, Director of Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora explaining the mission and vision of the Centre
More Details
Ms. Helen LafaVe, Hon’ble Consul General US and the Hon’ble Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh Mr. Zokey Ahad were present on the occasion.
Ms. Helen LafaVe, Hon’ble
Consul General US and the Hon’ble Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh Mr. Zokey Ahad were present on the occasion.

Outreach Awareness Programme
Outreach Awareness Programme on ImmigrationAn Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration was organized by the Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora, University of Kalyani at Kanchrapara College on June 2, 2022. The objective of the programme was to enlighten youn
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International Seminar 2016
International seminar entitled Renegotiating the Dichotomy of Homeland and Motherland, Migrant Bengali Community on alien soilOn June 20, 2016, the Centre organized its second major programme, an international seminar entitled Renegotiating the Dichotomy of Homeland and Motherland, Migrant Bengali Community on alien soil. The seminar was inaugura
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Workshop 2018
7 Days International Inter-Disciplinary Workshop on Migration for Better Life: Challenge and Response in a Globalized World- The 7 days international, interdisciplinary workshop entitled Migration for Better Life: Challenge and Response in a Globalized world organized by the Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora and Faculty of Arts More Details

Summer School 2019
21 Days Summer School on DiasporaThe primary objective of the Summer School is to equip young learners with multi-disciplinary
academic inputs on Diaspora Studies which is a specialized field of knowledge. It does not fall within the purview of any

Webinar 2020
ONE DAY INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR ON “GLOBAL MULTICULTURALISM” August 10, 2020When the world was gripped by the COVID 19 crisis whose repercussions in the political, socio-economic and cultural domains, have been far reaching. It has significantly influenced policy formulation, both domestic and for
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International Webinar 2022
The Indian Diaspora in South East Asia and the Indian National Army: Overseas Nationalism in historical perspective on February 24, 2022Bose has been the object of intense attraction, attention and emphasis. However, while the spectacular achievements and significant impact of the I.N.A. as an indirect catalyst of India’s freedom struggle, have deservedl
More DetailsNews Article
Not just Amartya Sen, Amitav Ghosh or Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. The centre aims to recognise the largely undocumented contribution of unknown, but remarkable Bengalis from the two Bengals who spread throughout the world since Independence. The centre is the brainchild of vice-chancellor Rattanlal Hangloo, Kashmiri by birth, but “Bengali by heart” and an ardent admirer of Ashutosh Mukhopadhyay, the model vice-chancellor for him.
The Telegraph
Photo Gallery
Precious Moments
Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Inaugural Program of the Diaspora Colloquium

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

Outreach Awareness Programme on Immigration

US Consul General’s Visit

Visit of Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh

Visit of Deputy High Commissioner of Nepal

Visit of Deputy High Commissioner of UK

Visit of US Consul

Neil Fraser Edinburgh University

Dr. Bashabi Fraser, CBE

Summer School Participants

INA Veteran
Contact Us
Prof. Sumit Mukerji (Director)
Centre for Studies on Bengali Diaspora
University of Kalyani
Kalyani, Dist. Nadia, Pin 741235
West Bengal, India
Email: csbdku@gmail.com
Mobile: +91 9831441665
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/ikk5nyskPCyxkhgF7