Applicatiorrs arc invited fbr the post o1’JI{lr in an I{&l) pro.ject sanctioneci by DS’l’B’l’. Covt. ol’WB under the supervision o1’Pro1-. Swati I)e^ I)c’paflrrent ol’Chcmistry. [)niversity’ol’Kal1’ani as the ]’}1.

Applicatiorrs arc invited fbr the post o1’JI{lr in an I{&l) pro.ject sanctioneci by DS’l’B’l’. Covt. ol’WB under the supervision o1’Pro1-. Swati I)e^ I)c’paflrrent ol’Chcmistry. [)niversity’ol’Kal1’ani as the ]’}1.

Applicatiorrs arc invited fbr the post o1’JI{lr in an I{&l) pro.ject sanctioneci by DS’l’B’l’. Covt. ol’WB under the supervision o1’Pro1-. Swati I)e^ I)c’paflrrent ol’Chcmistry. [)niversity’ol’Kal1’ani as the ]’}1.