Amalendu Bhunia

Amalendu Bhunia

Amalendu Bhunia

Amalendu Bhunia

Department: Department of Commerce
Phone Number: 8240086974
Institutional E-Mail:
Web URL: Not Applicable
Educational Qualifications:

M.Com., M.Phil., P.G.D.F.M., Ph.D

Awards and Honours (National/International)

1. The best paper award on the paper titled “Relationship between Indian Stock Market and Selected Macroeconomic Variables” (jointly with Dr. Soumya Ganguly) from a national seminar on the theme “Developments of Commerce, Economics and Management in the Present Millieu of VUCA”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College in collaboration with ICAI held on May 27, 2019.
2. Received National Education Leadership Award 2019 on November 17, 2019, from Orpit Services Ltd.
3. The best paper award on the paper titled “Causal Relationship between Select Macroeconomic Variables and Economic Growth in India” (jointly with Joydeep Deyasi) from an international conference on the theme “Changing Dimensions of Accounting and Finance”, organized by the IAA Research Foundation in collaboration with EIILM held on January 8-9, 2021.
4. The best paper award on the paper titled “Volatility Clustering and Leverage Effect of Indian Stock Market with ASEAN Stock Markets – An Econometric Analysis” (jointly with Debshika Roy) from a one-day national seminar on the theme “Contemporary Issues in Business Education”, organised by the Post-Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani held on November 12, 2022.
5. The best paper award on the paper titled “An Assessment of the G20 Countries Stock Returns: An Empirical Study” from a One Day International Seminar on the theme “Issues in Accounting, Finance and Management”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Kalyani University in association with Indian Accounting Association (Kolkata Branch) on February 9, 2024.
6. The best paper award on the paper titled “An Assessment of Volatility in Select International Stock Markets” in a two-day International Conference on “Exploring Global Research Trends in Commerce and Management”, organised jointly by the Bhowanipur Education Society College and South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on June 21-22, 2024.

Research Area:

Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Behavioural Finance, International Finance

Teaching Experience:

28 years

Administrative Experiences

1. Former Vice-Chancellor (02.06.2023 – 16.12.2024)
2. Former Dean, Faculty of Arts & Commerce (19.02.2021 – 18.02.2024)
3. Former Head, Department of Commerce (01.08.2013 – 31.07.2015)

List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)

1. Sarkar, S. and Bhunia, A. (2004). Liquidity Trend Analysis: A Case Study of TISCO, Southern Economist, 43.
2. Bhunia, A. (2006). Working Capital Analysis- A Case Study of SAIL, The Management Accountant, 5 (8).
3. Bhunia, A. (2007). Liquidity Management of Sponge Iron in India- A Study, Southern Economist, 46.
4. Bhunia, A. (2008). A Discriminant Analysis and Prediction of Liquidity-Profitability, V.U. Journal of Commerce, 13, 100-106.
5. Bhunia, A. (2008). Liquidity Management of PSEs in India, V.U. Journal of Commerce, 12.
6. Bhunia, A. (2008). Global Convergence of Accounting Standards, Southern Economist, 47.
7. Bhunia, A. (2009). E-Society and E-Literacy-A Study, Samaj-tattva, 15.
8. Bhunia, A. (2009). What Good Corporate Governance Does? Southern Economist, 48.
9. Bhunia, A. and Brahma, B. (2009). Efficiency Analysis-A Study of Liquidity and Profitability, V.U. Journal of Commerce, 14, 77-88.
10. Bhunia, A. (2010). A Market based Concept of NGOs, Samaj-tattva, 16.
11. Bhunia, A. (2010). Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on India, Southern Economist, 49.
12. Bhunia, A. (2010). Financial Performance of Selected Pharmaceutical Firm in India: A Case Study of Risk Evaluation, Southern Economist, 49.
13. Bhunia, A. (2010). A Trend Analysis of Liquidity Management Efficiency in Selected Private Sector Indian Steel Industry, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, India, 1(1), 48-53.
14. Bhunia, A. and Roy, G. (2010). A Study on WCM and Profitability Affiliation, International Journal of Research in Computer Applications and Management, India, 1(1), 6-11.
15. Bhunia, A. and Brahma, B. (2010). Importance of working capital Management on Profitability, International Review of Business and Finance, USA, 2(2), 219-228.
16. Bhunia, A. (2010). Liquidity Management of Private Sector Indian Steel Companies, Journal of Business Administration Online, USA, 9(1), 1-25.
17. Bhunia, A. and Sarkar, R. (2011). A Study of Financial Distress based on MDA, Journal of Management Research, USA, 3(1), 1-11.
18. Bhunia, A., Khan, I. U. and Mukhuti, S. (2011). A Study of Managing Liquidity, Journal of Management Research, USA, 3(2), 1-22.
19. Bhunia, A. (2011). Financial Performance of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry-A Case Study, Asian Journal of Management Research, UK, 1(1), 427-451.
20. Bhunia, A. (2011). Financial Performance of Selected Pharmaceutical Industry in India-A Cross Section Analysis, Global Journal of Finance and Management, USA, 3(2), 217-222.
21. Bhunia, A. and Brahma, B. (2011). Importance of Liquidity Management on Profitability, Asian Journal of Business Management, UK, 3(2), 98-107.
22. Bhunia, A. (2011). A Study of Liquidity Trends on Private Sector Steel Companies in India, Asian Journal of Management Research, UK, 1(1), 618-628.
23. Bhunia, A. and Khan, I. U. (2011). Liquidity management efficiency of Indian Steel Companies (a Case Study), Far East Journal of Psychology and Business, Hong Kong, 3(3), 3-13.
24. Saha, M. and Bhunia, A. (2011). An Empirical Analysis of Global and Domestic IPO Activities in Selected Countries before and after the Financial Crisis, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, USA, 2(4), 98-107.
25. Bhunia, A. (2011). A Test of Market Efficiency based on Share Repurchase Announcements, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, USA, 2(8), 1-13.
26. Bhunia, A. (2011). Studying Efficacy of Organizational and Conceptual Factors on Manager’s Decision, European Journal of Business and Management, USA, 3(7), 1-5.
27. Bhunia, A. and Mukhuti, S. (2011). Workplace Spirituality on Motivations for Earnings Management-An Empirical Analysis, Business Management Dynamics, UK, 1(4), 20-32.
28. Bhunia, A. (2011). An Impact of ICT on the Growth of Capital Market-Empirical Evidence from Indian Stock Exchange, Information and Knowledge Management, USA, 1(2), 7-14.
29. Bhunia, A. and Das, A. (2011). Financial Market Integration: Empirical Evidence from India and Select South Asian Countries, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, UK, 2(12), 1-6.
30. Bhunia, A, Mukuti, S. and Roy, G. (2011). Financial Performance Analysis-A Case Study, Current Research Journal of Social Sciences, UK, 3(3), 262-268.
31. Bhunia, A. (2011). Short-term Liquidity Management-A Study of Indian Steel Companies, Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies, India, 1(2).
32. Bhunia, A. and Khan, I. U. (2011). An Association between Stock Returns and Day of the Week Effect- A Study of Indian Stock Exchange, International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research, 2(10).
33. Bhunia, A. (2011). A Study of Stock Market Efficiency-An Empirical Evidence of National Stock Exchange in India, Asia Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, 2(10), 1-11.
34. Bhunia, A. and Ghosal, A. (2011). The Shock of ICT on the Capital Market, South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 1(3), 1-10.
35. Saha, M. and Bhunia, A. (2011). Modeling Short-run and Long-run Co-integration Relationship between Crude Price and Stock Markets in India, Indian Accounting Review, 15(2), 33-51.
36. Saha, M. and Bhunia, A. (2011). Performance of Global and Domestic IPO Activities: An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, 2(4), 13-40.
37. Bhunia, A. (2011). Evaluating Liquidity Trends: A Study of Select Public Sector Manufacturing Companies in India, Business Insight: Journal of the Department of Commerce, The University of Burdwan, 2.
38. Bhunia, A. (2011).Free Cash Flows and Earnings Management, The Research Bulletin.
39. Bhunia, A. (2011). Financial Performance of Public Sector Drug & Pharmaceutical Enterprises in India, Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 2(2).
40. Bhunia, A. and Mukhuti, S. (2012). An Empirical Association between Crude Price and Indian Stock Market, International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow, UK, 2(1), 73-81.
41. Bhunia, A. and Das, A. (2012). Explore the Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Motivations for Earnings Management-An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, France, 2(2), 1-6.
42. Bhunia, A. and Das, A. (2012). Affiliation between Working Capital Management and Profitability, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(9), 957-968.
43. Bhunia, A. (2012). Relationship between shareholder’s value and financial variables-A study of maximise shareholder value, Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research, Nigeria, 1(1), 006-016.
44. Bhunia, A. (2012). The Shock of Domestic Gold Price on Stock Price Indices-An Evidence of India, Economics Bulletin, UK, 32(4), A29.
45. Bhunia, A. (2012). Financial risk measurement of small and medium-sized companies listed in Bombay Stock Exchange, Research Journal of Business Management and Accounting, Nigeria, 1(3), 040 – 045.
46. Bhunia, A. (2012). A Study of Stock Market Efficiency-An Empirical Evidence of Stock Exchange in India, Journal of Commerce and Management Thought, 3(1).
47. Bhunia, A., Bagchi, B. and Khamrui, B. (2012). The Impact of Liquidity on Profitability: A Case Study of FMCG Companies in India, Research and Social practices in Social Sciences, 7(2), 44-58.
48. Bhunia, A. (2013). Relationship between Domestic Gold Price and Exchange Rate: An Evidence of India, International Journal of Business and Economic Research, UK, 1(1), 1-13.
49. Bhunia, A. (2013). Cointegration and Causal Relationship among Crude Price, Domestic Gold Price and Financial Variables-An Evidence of BSE and NSE, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business Research, UK, 2(1), 1-10.
50. Bhunia, A. (2013). The Impact of Domestic Gold Price on Stock Price Indices-An Empirical Study of Indian Stock Exchanges, Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research, Nigeria, 2(2), 035-043.
51. Bhunia, A. (2013). Relationships between Commodity Market Indicators and Stock Market Index-an Evidence of India, Academy of Contemporary Research Journal, Pakistan, V. II (III), 126-130.
52. Bhunia, A. and Mukhuti, S. (2013). Is it true that Indian gold price influenced by Indian stock market reaction? Journal of Business Management and Economics, Nigeria, 4(8), 181-186.
53. Bhunia, A. and Pakira, S. (2013).Accounting and reporting practices of NGOs- A case study, Universal Journal of Marketing and Business Research, Nigeria, 2(3), 076-088.
54. Bhunia, A. and Saha, P. (2013). Growth Performance-A Comparative Study between SBI and ICICI Bank, Business Perspectives, 3, 66-76.
55. Bhunia, A. (2013). Importance of Liquidity Management on Profitability, Business Perspectives (ISSN: 0975-0746), 4, 43-53.
56. Bhunia, A. (2013). Statistical Methods for Practice and Research (A Guide to Data Analysis using SPSS) South Asian Journal of Management, 20(1), 154-157.
57. Bhunia, A. (2013). Life Insurance in India: An Information Source, South Asian Journal of Management, 19(4), 137-139.
58. Bhunia, A. and Deyasi, J. (2014). Cointegration Relationship between Gold Prices and Exchange Rates-An Evidence of India, Applied Economics and Business Review, USA, 1(2), 47-52.
59. Pakira, S. and Bhunia, A. (2014). Investigating the Impact of Gold Price and Exchange Rates on Sensex: An Evidence of India, European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business, Romania, 2(1), 1-11.
60. Bhunia, A. (2014). Underlying Relationship between Four Macroeconomic Variables and Sensex, BIOINFO Business Economics, UK, 1(1), 013-016.
61. Bhunia, A. (2014). How Does WTI Crude Oil Affect Economic Growth of India?, Applied Economics and Business Review, USA, 1(4), 94-98.
62. Bhunia, A. and Das, S. (2014). Liquidity Position of Private Sector Textile Companies in India, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 1(2), 57-63.
63. Bhunia, A. (2014). Assessing the Influence of Selected Macroeconomic Variable on Stock Prices in India, Indian Accounting Review, 18(2).
64. Bhunia, A. (2014). Macro-Econometric Model of a Developing Economy: A Case Study of Bangladesh, South Asian Journal of Management, 21(4), 198-201.
65. Bhunia, A. and Ganguly, S. (2015). Does Indian Stock Market Rely on other Asian Stock Markets? American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, USA, 1(1), 32-39.
66. Bhunia, A. and Dandapat, D. R. (2015). Long-run Association among Emerging Seven (E7) Stock Markets, Applied Economics and Business Review, USA, 2(2), 37-47.
67. Bhunia, A. and Ganguly, S. (2015). Cointegration Influence of Macroeconomic Indicators on Stock Market Index in India, American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business, 1(1), 1-5.
68. Bhunia, A. and Das, A. (2015). Underlying Relationship between Working Capital Management and Profitability of Pharmaceutical Companies in India. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business, 1(1), 27-36.
69. Bhunia, A. and Das, L. (2015). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm’s Profitability- A Case Study on Maharatna Companies in India. American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(3), 8-21.
70. Sur, D. and Bhunia, A. (2015). Impact of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Market in India. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business, 1(3), 53-63.
71. Das, L. and Bhunia, A. (2015). How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Affect Financial Performance Indicators? Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2(7B), 755-760.
72. Sarkar, T. and Bhunia, A. (2015). Assessing Road Users’ Accidental Risk – A Case Study on Kolkata City, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2(2A), 211-216.
73. Das, L. and Bhunia, A. (2016). The Impact of CSR on Firms’ Financial Performance – A Literature Review. American Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 4(4), 66-74.
74. Bhunia, A. (2016). How Inflation and Interest Rates Are Related to Economic Growth? A Case of India. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 4(1), 20-26.
75. Bhunia, A. and Ganguly, S. (2016). Relationship between Sensex and Selected Financial Variables. Indian Accounting Review, 20(1), 60-73.
76. Bandyopadhyay, P. and Bhunia, A. (2016). Working Capital Management: A Comparative Study between Public and Private Sector Crude Oil and Natural Gas Companies in India. International Journal in Commerce, IT & Social Sciences, 3(9), 17-30.
77. Mukhuti, S. and Bhunia, A. (2016). Long-Term Association between SENSEX and Shanghai Composite Index. EPRA International Journal of Research & Development, 1(8), 5-10.
78. Mukhuti, S. and Bhunia, A. (2016). Direction of Causality among Japan, China and Indian Stock Markets. Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 3(9), 512-516.
79. Kumudha, A. and Bhunia, A. (2016). Customer relationship management and marketing practices in airlines industry- An empirical study. International Journal of Applied Research, 2(11), 39-43.
80. Bhunia, A, and Yaman, D. (2017). Is There a Causal Relationship Between Financial Markets in Asia and the US? The Lahore Journal of Economics, 22(1), 71-90.
81. Bhunia, A. (2017). Financial Integration of Indian Stock Market with ASEAN-5 Stock Markets. The Journal of Economy, Environment and Society [ISSN: 2456-5156], 1(2), 33-40.
82. Samadder, S. and Bhunia, A. (2018). Integration between Indian Stock Market And Developed Stock Markets. Journal of Commerce & Accounting Research, 7(1), 13-23.
83. Samadder, S. and Bhunia, A. (2018). Linkages among Selected Asian Stock Markets. International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, 21(2), 26-34.
84. Bhunia, A. and Siddika, H. (2018). Perception of Women Investors towards Savings and Investment Avenues. Indian Accounting Review, 22(1), 40-56.
85. Bhunia, A. and Siddika, H. (2018). How is the level of awareness of women investors towards investment avenues in West Bengal affected by the demographics and the source of information? Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 6 (9), 1-17.
86. Yaman, D. and Bhunia, A. (2018). Southeast Asian Tigers and Asia’s Largest Economy: Investment and Diversification Opportunities. Journal of International Economics and Finance, 18(1), 45-60.
87. Bhunia, A. and Yaman, D. (2019). Opportunity or Crisis? Volatility and Leverage Effect in the World’s Largest Economies. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, 9(4), 1-18.
88. Siddika, H. and Bhunia, A. (2019). The Impact of Perceptions and Level of Awareness towards Savings and Investment on Investment Behaviour – A Study of Women Investors in West Bengal. International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research, 8(3), 1-15.
89. Bagchi, B., Bhunia, A. and Dandapat, D. (2019). Analysis of Volatility and Leverage Effect in Select Stock Markets. Indian Accounting Review, 23(1), 33-46.
90. Ganguly, S. and Bhunia, A. (2019). Relationship between Sensex and Selected Macroeconomic Variables: a Study based on VAR Model. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Special Issue, 353-360.
91. Bhunia, A. and Ganguly, S. (2020). An assessment of volatility and leverage effect before and during the period of Covid-19: a study of selected international stock markets. International Journal of Financial Services Management, 10(2), 113-127.
92. Bhunia, A. (2020). Influence of Government Capital Expenditure on Economic Growth: An Evidence of India. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 9(3)(11), 20-29.
93. Bhunia, A. (2020). Is Gold Price Related to the Sensex During 2014 – 2019? An Econometric Analysis. Indo-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 1(1), 27-34.
94. Bhunia, A. and Ganguly, S. (2020). Impact of Crude Oil Prices, FIIs and Exchange Rates on Volatile Indian Stock Market during Lockdown Period of COVID-19. Indian Accounting Review, 24(1), 1-14.
95. Samadder, S. and Bhunia, A. (2021). Does the Pandemic have Greater Impact on World’s Stock Markets? Journal of Finance and Economics, 9(3), 152-160.
96. Bhunia, A. and Yaman, D. (2021). How Did Covid-19 Affect the Co-Movement of the World’s Largest Economies? Journal of International Finance and Economics, 21(3), 133-150.
97. Dutta, M. and Bhunia, A. (2021). Impact of Foreign Fund Flows on Volatile Indian Stock Market. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 10(1), 31-35.
98. Dutta, M. and Bhunia, A. (2021). Impact of Foreign Fund Flows on Sensex. Indian Accounting Review, 25(1), 59-68.
99. Bhunia, A. (2021). Statistical Analysis of Survey Data. International Journal of Research, 7(II), 40-46.
100. Bhunia, A., Deb, S.K. and Siddika, H. (2021). Socio-Economic Impact on the Working-Class during the Covid-19: A Comparative Study between Kolkata and Dhaka Cities. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 10(2), 6-15.
101. Ganguly, S. and Bhunia, A. (2021). Market Volatility and Causal Relationship among BRICS Stock Markets. Orissa Journal of Commerce, 42(3), 1-14.
102. Ganguly, S. and Bhunia, A. (2022). Testing volatility and relationship among BRICS stock market returns. SN Business & Economics (Article 111), 2(8), 1-15.
103. Karmakar, R. and Bhunia, A. (2022). Emerging problems and prospects of insurance industry and road ahead. International Journal of Commerce and Economics, 4(1), 1-4.
104. Singh, P. and Bhunia, A. (2022). Impact of Receivables Management on Profitability of Selected Housing Finance Companies in India. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 7(10), b47-b59.
105. Das, L. and Bhunia, A. (2023). CSR and Financial Performance: A Virtuous Circle- An Empirical Study on Central Public Sector in India. International Journal of Current Science, 13(1), 348-361.
106. Sen, M. and Bhunia, A. (2024). Association between Select Financial Variables and the Indian Stock Market. Indian Journal of Economics and Development, 20(1), 147-153.
107. Bhunia, A. and Roy, D. (2025). Long-Term Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Indian Capital Markets. Goya Journal, 18(1), 1-9.
108. Bhunia, A. (2025). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Stock Price Prediction in India. Journal of Finance and Accounting, 13(1), 1-6.
109. Bhunia, A. and Rajdeep Bhattacharjee (2025). Profitability Analysis: A Study on Select BSE-Listed FMCG Companies in India. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 6(3), 660-665.
110. Bhunia, A. (2025). Financial Integration of African and Asian Capital Markets During Pre- and Post-Global Financial Crisis. Journal of Finance and Economics, 13(1), 57-62.

Books Published / Book Chapters

Publication of Books
1. Bhunia, A. (2011). Liquidity Management, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8443-3468-5.
2. Bhunia, A. (2011). Financial Performance Analysis, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8473-1513-1.
3. Kar, S, Bhunia, A. and Chakraborty, S. (2011). Principles and Principles of Management & Business Communication, Lawpoint Publications, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-80649-82-5.
4. Kar, S, Bhunia, A. and Chakraborty, S. (2011). Principles of Marketing & e-Commerce, Lawpoint Publications, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-80649-90-0.
5. Kar, S, Bhunia, A, Pakira, S. and Chakraborty, S. (2013). Auditing for B. Com. Honours, Lawpoint Publication, Kolkata, 978-93-80649-91-2, 2013.
6. Kar, S, Bhunia, A, Pakira, S. and Chakraborty, S. (2013). Auditing for B. Com. General, Lawpoint Publication, Kolkata, 978-93-80649-91-0.
7. Bhunia, A. Chakraborty, S. and Giri, D.K. (2013). Cost & Management Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, Kolkata, 978-93-80621-89-3.
8. Bhunia, A. and Mukhuti, S. (2015). Relationship between Gold Price and Stock Market-An Evidence of India, CreateSpace, An Amazon Company, U.S.A. ISBN- 10: 1508686173; ISBN-13: 978-1508686170.
9. Bhunia, A. (2023). Associations among Gold Price, Crude Price and Indian Stock Market. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-620-5-63349-6.
10. Bhunia, A. (2023). Research in Accounting: Some Clues. Notion Press, India.
11. Deyasi, J. and Bhunia, A. (2024). Influence of Select Macroeconomic Variables on the Growth of Indian Economy. Notion Press, India, ISBN: 979-88-9233-632-1.
12. Bhunia, A. (2024). How to Focus on Quality Research. Notion Press, India. ISBN: ‎ 979-88-9415-158-8.
13. Bhunia, A. (2024). Research Methodology (Based on NEP Syllabus). Notion Press, India. ISBN: ‎ 979-88-9415-458-9.
14. Bhunia, A. (2024). Quantitative Research Methods for Social Science. RED’SHINE PUBLICATION PVT. LTD., UK. ISBN: 978-93-5879-324-6.
15. Bhunia, A. (2024). Diving Deep into Business Research. Techno World, India. ISBN: 978-81-19777-09-9.
16. Bhunia, A. (2024). Econometrics Simplified. Techno World, India. ISBN: 978-93-48492-44-9.
Publication of Edited Book as one of the Editors
1. Basu, S.K., Bhunia, A., Samanta, P.K., & Dutta, S. (2022). Contemporary Issues in Business Education. Indian Books and Periodicals. ISBN: 9789394779563
2. Bhunia, A., Ahmad, R.B., & Zhu, Y. (2023). Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management (Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research). Atlantis Press, Springer Nature, Neitherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6463-297-2.
Publications in Edited Volume
1. Bhunia, A. (2013). Association between Life & Non-life Insurance Sectors and Economic Growth-An Econometric Analysis of India and Selected Developed Countries, Insurance and Social Security, edited by Dr. Jaydeb Bera, published by ACB Publications, 28-32.
2. Bhunia, A. and Pakira, S. (2013). Economic benefits of IFRS-An Impact on Adoption of IFRS in India, Indian Accounting Standards: Convergence with IFRSs, Edited by Sri Amal Bhakat, published by Lawpoint Publications, Kolkata, 63-74.
3. Banerjee, S., Bhunia, A. and Dandapat, D. R. (2014). Post Merger Performance of Indian Financial Intermediaries: An Empirical Study, Edited by Prof. Sharmistha Banerjee, published by UGC Academic Staff College & Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 109-125.
4. Bhunia, A. (2015). Adhunik Shilpamanaska Swami Vivekananda O Draridramukta Bharatbarsher Swapna, Aprameya Vivekananda, edited by Dr. Kartik Chandra Mandal, published by Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya, 173-178.
5. Bhunia, A. (2015). Investigating the Influence of e-Banking Instruments on Banking Profitability: Empirical Evidence from India, e-Banking: Its Challenges and Opportunities in Indian Economy, edited by Dr. Alak Kr. Das, published by Department of Commerce, Bethuadahari College, Nadia, West Bengal, 43-51.
6. Bhunia, A. (2015). Assessing the Impact of Direct Tax and Indirect Tax Revenue on Economic Growth of India, Tax Reforms in India: Issues and Challenges, edited by Dr. Jaydeb Bera and Sibaram Chatterjee, published by Department of Commerce, Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya, West Medinipore.
7. Bhunia, A. (2015). Reliance of Indian Stock Market on US and China Stock Markets, Contemporary Issues in Finance and Management, edited by Suvankar Chakraborty and Prasanta Saha, published by Department of Commerce, Puras Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya, Howrah.
8. Bhunia, A. (2016). Dependence of Indian Stock Market on Major ASEAN Stock Markets, full conference proceedings of International Symposium on Business and Management 2016 (ISSN: 2226-6577) by the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
9. Bhunia, A. (2016). The Upshot of Capital Structure on Share prices in India. Capital Structure Analysis of Indian Companies, edited by Prem Kumar Ghosh and Dr. Raghunath Dutta, published by Roshan Lodha for Lawpoint Publications [ISBN: 978-93-84158-91-0], Calcutta Girls’ College.
10. Bhunia, A. and Siddika, H. (2020). Impact of Demographics of Women Investors on Select Investment Avenues – A Study of West Bengal on an edited book titled “Innovative Business Practices in a V.U.C.A. World”, edited by Dr. Sanjib Kr. Basu, Dr. Sanjib Poddar, and Dr. Sumanta Dutta, published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi [ISBN: 978-93-89657-14-2]
11. Roy, D. and Bhunia, A. (2022). Volatility Clustering and Leverage Effect of Indian Stock Market with ASEAN Stock Markets – An Econometric Analysis on the edited book titled “Contemporary Issues in Business Education”, edited by Dr. Sanjib Kumar Basu, Dr. Amalendu Bhunia, Dr. Pradip Kr. Samanta, and Dr. Sumanta Dutta, published by Bharti Publications, New Delhi [978-93-94779-56-3].
12. Roy, D. and Bhunia, A. (2022). Relationship of ASEAN-6 Stock Markets with Indian Stock Market on the edited book titled “Contemporary Issues in Accounting Finance and Management”, edited by Dr. Pranjal Chakraborti and Sri Tapan Purkait, published by Department of Commerce (PG), Netaji Nagar Day College, Kolkata [978-81-956899-1-0].
13. Bhunia, A. (2023). Does Education Level of Women Increase the Awareness towards Investment Paths? An Evidence of Nadia District, West Bengal, India the edited book titled “Shaping Gender from Women’s Perspectives”, edited by Professor Kakali Dhara Mandal, published by Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Kalyani, Kalyani [978-93-82858-00-0].

Invited Lecture / Session Chaired

Resource Person in Workshop/Refresher Course
1. Acted as a resource person in “Application of Statistical Software in Social Science Research” organized by the Department of Commerce, University of Gour Banga, Malda, West Bengal held on January 18, 2017, at the University of Gour Banga Main Campus.
2. Acted as a resource person in “2nd Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Social Science” organized by UGC-HRDC, the University of Burdwan, held on March 16, 2017, at UGC-HRDC, the University of Burdwan.
3. Acted as a resource person in “How to Write a Research Proposal” and “How to Write an Empirical Research Paper” in the One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish”, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on October 6, 2018.
4. Acted as a resource person in “Research Methodology of Research in Social Science” on the theme “Theory and Application of Econometric Models with Software Packages”, organised by the Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on November 13, 2018.
5. Acted as a resource person in “How to Write a Strong Research Proposal” and “How to write a Research Methodology in a Research Paper” in a One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish (Phase-II)”, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on February 9, 2019.
6. Acted as a resource person in “Research Methodology”, organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on May 10, 2019.
7. Acted as a resource person in “Research Methodology”, organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on May 17, 2019.
8. Acted as a resource person in a One-Day Silver Jubilee Workshop on “Preparing a Quality Research paper in Social Science”, organised by the Shree Agrasen College, Dalkhola, Uttar Dinajpore held on September 3, 2019.
9. Acted as a resource person in a One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish (Phase-III)”, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on November 9, 2019.
10. Acted as a resource person in “Application of Statistics in Business Research using Software” organised by the Department of Commerce, University of Gour Banga, Malda, West Bengal held on November 20-21, 2019 at University of Gour Banga Main Campus.
11. Acted as a resource person in the “UGC-HRDC Refresher Course” organized by the Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta, West Bengal held on December 6, 2019, at the University of Calcutta, College Street Campus.
12. Acted as a resource person in “Behavioural Finance: How Women in West Bengal are Behaving Nowadays” on the theme “International Accounting Day Celebration”, organised by the Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on November 13, 2018.
13. Acted as a resource person in “Application of Statistics in Survey Research” on the theme “ICSSR sponsored two-week capacity building programme for young social science faculty, organised by the Political Science Dept. on December 11 and 16, 2019.
14. Acted as a resource person (December 21 & 22, 2019) in “Structural Equation Modelling through AMOS” on the theme “Analysis and Representation of Educational Data through SPSS and AMOS”, organised by the Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata held between 16th December 2019 and 22nd December 2019.
15. Acted as a resource person (February 9, 2020) in “Structural Equation Modelling through AMOS” on the theme “Analysis and Representation of Educational Data through SPSS and AMOS”, organized by the Department of Education, Jadavpur University, Kolkata held between February 3, 2020, and February 10, 2020.
16. Acted as a resource person (February 14 & 15, 2020) in the “UGC-HRDC Orientation Programme” organized by the Sambalpur University, Orissa held between January 28, 2020, and February 17, 2020, at Sambalpur University Campus, Hirakud.
17. Acted as a resource person on “Questionnaire Design and Research Methodology” in a “Research Methodology Workshop cum FDP” on August 17, 2020, organized by the Department of Commerce, Kidderpore College, Kolkata in joint collaboration with the Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India from 17th August 2020 to 23rd August 2020.
18. Acted as a Resource Person in a State-Level webinar on “Issues in Social Science Research”, organised by the Research Cell and IQAC, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College, Nadia, West Bengal on August 29, 2020.
19. Acted as a resource person in “UGC-HRDC Refresher Course” on “Business Studies”, organised by the Department of Business Management, University of Calcutta, West Bengal held on March 18, 2021.
20. Acted as a resource person on March 19, 2021, on “Statistical Analysis on Collected Quantitative Data”, on March 19, 2021, organized by IISRR in collaboration with the Maulana Azad National Urdu University, a Central University, Hyderabad, from 17 to 24 March 2021.
21. Acted as a resource person on May 2, 2021, on “Processing and Analysis of Data” and organized a 3-day online workshop “Research Methodology” by RNB Global University, Bikaner, Rajasthan.
22. Acted as a resource person on May 29, 2021, on “Statistical Analysis on Survey Data” in a workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by the Department of Commerce and Management by West Bengal State University, Barasat, West Bengal.
23. Acted as a resource person on September 14, 2021, on “Sampling Design” in a workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by the BAIPARD, Govt. of West Bengal.
24. Acted as a resource person on October 11, 2021, on “Testing Hypothesis” in a workshop on “International Training Programme on Research Methodology” organized by the Department of Finance and Banking, Govt. Titumir College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
25. Acted as a resource person on November 20, 2021, on “Statistical Analysis on Quantitative Data” in a workshop on “Advanced Legal Research Methods” organized by the West Bengal National University of Juridical Science, Kolkata.
26. Acted as a resource person in the One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish (Phase-IV)”, organized by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on April 9, 2022.
27. Acted as a resource person in the Seven-Day Faculty Development Programme on “How to Write a Research Paper”, organized by the Vivekananda Mission Mahavidyalaya, Purba Medinipur held on May 31, 2022.
28. Acted as a resource person on “The Methodology of Conducting a Research”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Shree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya, Habra, North 24-Parganas held on June 4, 2022.
29. Acted as a resource person on “E-Filing and Income Tax Return”, organised by the Department of Commerce in collaboration with IQAC, Sree Gopal Banarjee College, Magra, Hoogly held on June 15, 2022.
30. Acted as a resource person on “Crafting and Conducting a Research”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Asansol Girls College in collaboration with IQAC, Paschim Bardhaman held on June 18, 2022.
31. Acted as a resource person on “GST Composition Scheme and Input Tax Credit Mechanism”, organised by the Department of Commerce in collaboration with IQAC, Sree Gopal Banarjee College, Magra, Hoogly held on June 27, 2022.
32. Acted as a resource person in One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish (Phase-V)”, organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on September 10, 2022.
33. Acted as a resource person in the Ph.D. Coursework on “Non-Parametric Tests”, organised by the Department of Commerce and Commerce, St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata held on November 5, 2022.
34. Acted as a resource person in “Specific Refresher Course” on the topic titled “Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Indian Stock Market” organised by UGC-HRDC, the University of Calcutta, held on November 19, 2020.
35. Acted as a resource person for 5 days (November 29, 2022, December 1-3, 2022 and December 7, 2022) in a Seven-Day Workshop on “Research Methodology and Statistical Application in Physical Education”, organised by the Department of Physical Education, Jadavpur University held between November 29, 2022 and December 7, 2022.
36. Acted as a resource person on December 10, 2022 in a Seven-Day Workshop on “Research Methodology”, organised by the Department of Education, Baba Saheb Ammedkar Education University held between December 7, 2022 and December 16, 2022.
37. Acted as a resource person on February 9, 2023 in a One-Week National Workshop on “Research Methods using SPSS”, organised by the Swami Vivekananda University held between February 6, 2023 and February 10, 2023.
38. Acted as a resource person in a One-day College-Level Workshop on “Research Methodology”, organised by the Balagarh Bijay Krishna Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly, held on April 5, 2023.
39. Acted as a resource person in a one-day College-Level Workshop on “An Insight to the Business Research Methods”, organised by the organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on May 3, 2023.
40. Acted as a resource person in One-Day Workshop on “Crafting and conducting research and how to publish (Phase-VI)”, organised by the Post Graduate Department of Commerce of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata held on May 6, 2023.
41. Acted as a resource person in One-Day Workshop on “NEP 2020” organised by the Barasat College on May 25, 2023.
42. Acted as a resource person in One-Day Workshop on “Research Methodology” organised jointly by the Netaji Nagar Day College and CU Commerce Alumni Association on May 27, 2023.
43. Acted as a resource person on the theme “A 5-days (August 8-12, 2023) Research Methodology Workshop on R Software”, organised by the Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata held on August 8, 2023.
44. Acted as an inaugural speaker on the theme “Social Stock Exchange and Social Audit”, organised by the Bidhan Chandra College, Rishra jointly with Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch held on August 26, 2023.
45. Acted as a resource person on the theme “A 7-days (September 18-24, 2023) Research Methodology Workshop”, organised by the Netaji Nagar Day College, Kolkata held on September 19, 2023.
46. Acted as an inaugural speaker on the theme “National Education Policy 2020”, organised by the Gour Mohan College, Monteswar, Burdwan jointly with Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch held on January 20, 2024.
47. Acted as an inaugural speaker on the theme “An Assessment of the G20 Countries Stock Returns: An Empirical Study” from a One Day International Seminar on the theme “Issues in Accounting, Finance and Management”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Kalyani University in association with Indian Accounting Association (Kolkata Branch) on February 9, 2024.
48. Acted as an inaugural speaker on the theme “Different Dimensions of Development Economics” from a Two Day International Seminar on the theme “Different Dimensions of Development Economics & Its Shifting Paradigms”, organised by the Heritage College in collaboration with Ramakrishna Vidyamandir, Belur on February 22, 2024.
49. Acted as an inaugural speaker on the theme “New Dimensions on Issues in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Taxation” from a One Day International Conference on the theme “Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Taxation”, organised by the Department of Commerce, West Bengal State University in collaboration with IQAC, West Bengal State University, Indian Accounting Association, South Bengal Branch along with ICSI as a Knowledge Partner on March 15, 2024.
50. Acted as a resource person on the topic “Descriptive Statistics” and Levels and Scales of Measurement in Social Science Research” from a 14-Days Workshop on “Capacity Building Programme for the Young Social Science Students”, organised by the Department of Political Science, Kalyani University on March 20, 2024.
51. Acted as a resource person on the topic “Data Analysis using Python” from a 7-Days Workshop on “AI Tools in Academic Research”, organised by the Department of CIRM, Kalyani University on September 24, 2024.
52. Acted as a resource person on the topic “Basics of Data Science, AI/ML” from a one-week Workshop on “Data Science in Environmental Sustainability-An Integration of Python, AI/ML”, organised by the Department of Environmental Science, Kalyani University on December 2, 2024.
53. Acted as a resource person on the topic “Preparing a Quality Research Paper in Social Science” from a 10-days Workshop (December 2-11, 2024) on “Research Methodology in Social Science”, organised by the Department of Folklore, Kalyani University on December 4, 2024.
Keynote Speaker in Seminar/Conference
1. Career Building an Agenda for 21st Century-Role of Commerce Education, State Level One Day Seminar on Role of Commerce Education in Building One’s Career in 21st Century on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Year Celebration of the UGC, organised by the Department of Commerce, Sundarban Mahavidyalaya, Kakdwip, South 24-Parganas, held on February 19, 2014.
2. e-Banking: Its challenges and opportunities in Indian Economy, UGC sponsored national seminar on “e-Banking: Its challenges and opportunities in Indian Economy”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Bethuadahari College, Nadia, West Bengal on March 20, 2015.
3. Tax Reforms: Issues and Challenges in India, UGC sponsored national seminar on “Tax Reforms: Issues and Challenges in India”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya, West Midnapore, West Bengal on May 7-8, 2015.
4. Issues in Capital Markets, UGC sponsored national seminar (November 27-28, 2015) on “Contemporary Issues in Finance and Management”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Puras Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya, Howrah.
5. ‘Taxable and Tax Liability – How Computed from Balance Sheet Profits & Necessary Adjustments’ and ‘General Provisions of Income Tax Returns for Cooperative Societies & Payment of Advance Tax”, extension talks on February 02, 2016, organized by Netaji Subhas Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Kalyani.
6. “Growth and Prospects of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises” on February 11, 2016, a State-level Seminar organized by the Department of Commerce, Kalyani Mahavidyalaya.
7. “Financial Market Integration between US Stock Market and Asian Stock Markets” (Jointly with Devrim Yaman) organised by the Department of Commerce, Azad Hind Fouz Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Domjur, Howrah in collaboration with Sovarani Memorial College, Howrah held on November 11-12, 2016 at Howrah, West Bengal.
8. “Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth after the Global Financial Crisis” in a one-day International Seminar on Management Practices in Bangladesh in the 21st Century”, organized by the Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh held on April 18, 2018.
9. “Has Macroeconomic Fundamentals Respond to Sensex” in a one-day National Conference organized by the Department of Commerce, Kazi Nazrul University, West Bengal in collaboration with the Institute of Cost Accountants of India held on November 20, 2018.
10. “The Impact of Economic Policy Uncertainty on the Stock Market Performance-The Case of India” in a two-day ICSSR-sponsored National Seminar organized by the Department of Commerce, Calcutta Girls College in collaboration with Vidyasagar College held on January 29-30, 2019.
11. “GST Implementation in India and Its Impact of GST Implementation on Stock Market Volatility” in a one-day College-level Seminar organized by the Department of Commerce, JIS College of Engineering and Management held on May 7, 2019.
12. “Impact of GST on Indian Economy” in a one-day State-level Seminar organized by the Department of Commerce, Bogula College, Nadia held on January 15, 2020.
13. “Impact of Government Expenditure on Indian Economy – An Evidence of India” in a two-day International Conference on “Emerging Issues in Finance and Banking”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Surendranath Evening College, Kolkata held on February 27-28, 2020.
14. “Impact of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market on the Economic Growth: An Evidence of the Top Five Economies in the World” in the 4th International Conference on “Business Economics and Finance (BEF 2021) held during March 26-28, 2021 in Xiamen, China”.
15. “Does the Covid-19 have a greater impact on BRICS Stock Markets?” in the 7th Global Business Research Congress 2021 held at Istanbul, Turkey on June 11, 2021.
16. “Covid-19’s Impact on the US and Asian Stock Markets” in the International E-Conference on Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Finance and Management 28-29th, August 2021 held at Kanchrapara, West Bengal on August 28, 2021.
17. “Income Tax & GST: Application in the Society” in the College Level Certificate Course organised by the Department of Commerce in collaboration with IQAC, Sree Gopal Banarjee College, Magra, Hoogly held on June 10, 2022.
18. “BRICS Stock Markets: An Evidence of Volatility and Its Association” in a One-day National Seminar on “Changing Paradigm on Finance and Management”, organised by the Department of Commerce in collaboration with IQAC, Kanchrapara College, held on September 16, 2022.
19. “Is Master of Commerce a Programme for Employability Only?” in a One-Day ‘Induction Programme’, organised by the Department of Commerce, the West Bengal State University, held on November 4, 2022.
20. Acted as a Plenary Speaker on “Stock Market Integration (2020-2022)-A Study of ICU” in a 2-day International Conference on ” The VUCA World: Its Impact on the Business Environment” organised by the Department of Commerce PG & UG (Afternoon & Evening Section), the Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with the IQAC (The BESC) & South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on March 10-11, 2023.
21. Acted as a Speaker in the Valedictory Session on “What should the Researcher do before Starting on a Research Paper?” in a 2-day International Conference on “The VUCA World: Its impact on the Business Environment” Organised by the Department of Commerce PG & UG (Afternoon & Evening Section), the Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with the IQAC (The BESC) & South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on March 10-11, 2023.
22. Acted as a keynote speaker in the 5th International Conference (March 24-26, 2023) on Business Economics and Finance (BEF 2023) on March 24, 2023 in Xiamen, China organised by the Engineering Information Institute (China) and co-sponsored by the Scientific Research Publishing (USA).
23. Acted as a keynote speaker in the International Conference on Empirical Economics on August 5, 2023 organized by the Pennsylvania State University (USA).
25. Acted as a keynote speaker on a topic “Stock Market Integration: An Empirical Study of India, China and the USA” on September 23, 2023 in the online conference on 2023 International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management, organized by the FTBM Organizing Committee and Academic Exchange Information Center, China.
26. “Value for Time in Life” in a One-Day ‘Induction Programme’, organised by the Kannasree University, held on November 8, 2023.
27. 27. Acted as a Keynote Speaker in a one-day International Seminar on “Sustainability amidst Digital Technology: Imperatives for Domains in Commerce and Management”, organised by the Department of Business Administration, JIS College of Engineering held on January 8, 2024.
28. Acted as a Keynote Speaker in a seven-day International Workshop on “Social Science Research: Methods and Practice”, organised by the Department of Education, Kalyani University held on January 10, 2024.
29. Acted as a Keynote Speaker in the valedictory session in a two-day International Conference on “Trends in Financial Sector in India and Abroad”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar University held on January 11, 2024.
30. Acted as a keynote speaker on the topic “Market Volatility and Causal Relationship between Indian and Chinese Stock Markets” on March 30, 2024, on the 6th International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance (March 29-31, 2024), organized by the BEF Centre, Suzhou, China.
Invited Speaker
1. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on Health, Economy and Tourism Industry”, organized by the FBS Debating Club, Bangladesh in collaboration with Dhaka University in May 14, 2020.
2. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a state-level seminar on “Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Economy”, organized by the Department of Commerce and Economics, Balagarh Bijay Krishna Mahavidyalaya, Hoogly on July 7, 2020.
3. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an International E-Conference on “Covid-19 Global Impacts”, organized by Africa-British Journals (USA, Nigeria, UK, and Ghana) on July 20-21, 2020
4. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism Industry in Particular and the Economy at large”, organised by the Department of Commerce & IQAC, Puraskanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya, Howrah on 24th July 2020.
5. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 on the Economy and Society”, jointly organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata on July 28, 2020.
6. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Emerging Issues in Education and Economy in the Pandemic of Covid-19”, jointly organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidhyalaya, Hoogly on August 1, 2020.
7. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a National webinar on “Application of Statistics in Social Science Research”, jointly organised by the Department of Education, Siddhinath Mahavidhyalaya, Purba Medinipur on August 3, 2020.
8. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a State-Level webinar on “GST and Income Tax”, organised by the NTI, West Bengal and FACC, BCKV, Kalyani, West Bengal on August 4 & 5, 2020.
9. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Covid-19: Rebooting Economy”, jointly organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Bhowanipur Education Society College, Kolkata on August 13, 2020.
10. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Financial Market Scenario-Impact of Covid-19 in India and Bangladesh”, jointly organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Sushil Kar College, South 24-Parganas on August 16, 2020.
11. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Covid-19: Impact on Economy and Society”, organised by the FBS Debating Club, Bangladesh, Dhaka University on August 20, 2020.
12. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Covid-19: Global Economic Crisis”, organised by the Department of Commerce and Economics, Fakir Chand College, South 24-Parganas, West Bengal on August 25, 2020.
13. Acted as an Invited Speaker in an international webinar on “Covid-19: Emerging Issues in Accounting and Financial Markets”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Maharaja Manindra Chandra College, Kolkata, West Bengal on August 26, 2020.
14. Acted as a Speaker in the Lecture Series-11 on “Tax Management and Procedure”, organised by the Commerce Alumni Association, Calcutta University, Kolkata, West Bengal on August 28, 2020.
15. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a National webinar on “Covid-19: Impact on Informal Workers”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Maheshtala College, West Bengal on August 31, 2020.
16. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a two-day international webinar on “Covid-19: Impact on Manufacturing, Trade and Commerce”, organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nibedita College and Victoria Institution, Kolkata, West Bengal on August 31, 2020.
17. Acted as an Invited Speaker in a National webinar on “Major Issues of Research Methodology in Social Sciences”, organised by the Department of Geography in collaboration with the Department of Commerce & IQAC, Hiralal Bhakat College, Birbhum, West Bengal on September 24, 2020.
18. Acted as a speaker in an international webinar on “Covid-19: Economic and Tourism Aspects”, organized by the Dept. of Commerce and IQAC, Vidyanagar College on October 2, 2020.
19. Acted as an Invited speaker in a national webinar on “Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities for Indian Economy” organised by the Dept. of Commerce, Calcutta Girls College on October 17, 2020.
20. Acted as an Invited speaker in a state-level webinar on “Socio-Economic Conditions during the Period of Covid-19” organised by the Dept. of Commerce, Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College, Murshidabad on July 24, 2021.
21. Acted as an Invited speaker on the topic “Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Indian Stock Market” in a national webinar on “2019 nCov and Intricacies of Indian Business” organized by the Odisha State Open University, Sambalpur on September 4, 2021.
22. Acted as an Invited speaker on the topic “Preparing a Quality Research Work with Anti-Plagiarism” in a 3-day International Certificate Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences and Humanities – Guidelines for Designing and Conducting Interdisciplinary and Evidence-based Research, organized by the International Association on Physical Education, Philippines and Sports Incorporated in collaboration with Physical Education Foundation of India and International Federation for Fitness, Health, Physical Education And Iron Games, Thailand on September 25, 2021.
23. Acted as an Invited speaker on the topic “How did COVID-19 affect the Co-movement of the World’s Largest Economies? (jointly with Devrim Yaman)” on October 2, 2021, in a 3-day IABE -2021 New York Online Conference Program October 1-3, 2021 in Partnership with the School of Management, New York Institute of Technology.
24. Acted as an Invited speaker on the topic “Entrepreneurship Development: An Emerging Perspective” on April 7, 2022, in a 4-days (April 6-9, 2022) in a Virtual National Conference under RUSA 10 Component, organized by the Department of Botany, K.U. in collaboration with IQAC, K.U.
25. Acted as an Invited speaker on the topic “Covid-19 Pandemic: Macroeconomic Impact on the Indian Economy” on May 29, 2022, in a 2-day (May 28-29, 2022) International e-Conference on “Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Economy, Business, and Society”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Kazi Nazrul University, India.
26. Acted as an Invited speaker on a topic “Capital Expenditure and Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth” on February 27, 2023 in 56th Webinar on “Capex and Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth”, organized by the ASBM University, Orissa, India.
Acted as a Chairman of the Virtual Conference
1. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day national webinar on “Post Lockdown Economy: Issues and Challenges before Business and Accountants”, organised by the Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch in collaboration with the ICAI on July 4-5, 2020.
2. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day international webinar on “Covid-19: Impact on Manufacturing, Trade and Commerce”, organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nibedita College and Victoria Institution, Kolkata, West Bengal on August 31, 2020.
3. Acted as a Chairman on November 25, 2021, in a two-day international webinar (November 25-26, 2021) on “Sustainable Excellence in Business and Entrepreneurship”, organized by Techno Main, in collaboration with the University of Malaysia, Indonesia, Eurasian Doctoral Academy..
4. Acted as a Chairman on December 16, 2021, of a technical session in the International Conference organised by the Raiganj University.
Acted as Chairman
1. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session-I) on Career Building an Agenda for 21st Century-Role of Commerce Education, State Level One Day Seminar on Role of Commerce Education in Building One’s Career in 21st Century on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee Year Celebration of the UGC, organized by the Department of Commerce, Sundarban Mahavidyalaya, Kakdwip, South 24-Parganas, held on February 19, 2014.
2. Acted as a Co-Chairman (Technical Session-IIB) on National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance, Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani, India, held on March 27 & 28, 2014 in Kalyani, Nadia, India.
3. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session-II) on e-Banking: Its challenges and opportunities in Indian Economy, UGC sponsored national seminar on “e-Banking: Its challenges and opportunities in Indian Economy”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Bethuadahari College, Nadia, West Bengal on March 20, 2015.
4. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session-II) on Tax Reforms: Issues and Challenges in India, UGC sponsored national seminar on “Tax Reforms: Issues and Challenges in India”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Pingla Thana Mahavidyalaya, West Midnapore, West Bengal on May 7-8, 2015.
5. Acted as a Co-Chairman (Technical Session-IIIB) on National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance, Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani, India, held on November 20, 2015, in Kalyani, Nadia, India.
6. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session-IIIA) on UGC sponsored national seminar on “Contemporary Issues in Finance and Management”, held on November 27-28, 2015, organized by the Department of Commerce, Puras Kanpur Haridas Nandi Mahavidyalaya, Howrah.
7. Acted as a Conference Secretary/Organiser of National Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance, Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani, India, held on March 27 & 28, 2014 in Kalyani, Nadia, India.
8. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session-IIIA) of the International Symposium of Business and Management organized by the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand held on April 6-8, 2016.
9. Acted as a Co-Chairman in the 13th International Accounting Conference on “Changing Paradigm in Accounting & Finance – Emerging Issues”, organized by IAA Research Foundation jointly with Deloitte India, held on January 7-8, 2017 at Kolkata.
10. Acted as a Chairman in “Emerging Issues in Accounting and Finance”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Azad Hind Fouz Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Domjur, Howrah in collaboration with Sovarani Memorial College, Howrah held on November 11-12, 2016 at Howrah, West Bengal.
10. Acted as a Chairman in State level Seminar on Goods and Service Tax, organized by the Department of Commerce and Economics, Kancrapara College held on November 10, 2017.
11. Acted as a Chairman of the International Conference on Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Banking, organized the Flame University in collaboration with Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation at Flame University, Pune held on December 17-18, 2017.
12. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session – I on GST for Academics) in a one-day State-Level Seminar on GST: Laws and Impact. organized the Department of Commerce, Kaliaganj College in collaboration with the Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch, and IQAC, Kaliaganj College held on March 24, 2018.
13. Acted as a Chairman (Technical Session – I on Finance, Accounting, and Banking) in a one-day International Seminar on Management Practices in Bangladesh in the 21st Century”, organized by the Department of Management, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh held on April 18, 2018.
14. Acted as a Co-Chairman in the 14th International Accounting Conference on “Future of Accounting and Finance” organized by IAA Research Foundation jointly with Deloitte India and EIILM, Kolkata, held on January 5-6, 2019 at Kolkata.
15. Acted as a Co-Chairman in the 1st International Accounting Conference on “Emerging Socio-Economic Trends and Business Strategy”, organized by the International School of Business and Media, Kolkata in collaboration with the Indian Economic Association held on January 18 & 19, 2019.
16. Acted as a Co-Chairman in a two-day ICSSR-sponsored National Seminar on “Contemporary Issues in Accounting and Finance”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Calcutta Girls College in collaboration with Vidyasagar College held on January 29-30, 2019.
17. Acted as a Chairman in a national seminar (Technical Session-I) on the theme “Developments of Commerce, Economics and Management in the Present Millieu of VUCA”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College in collaboration with ICAI held on May 27, 2019.
18. Acted as a Chairman in a national seminar (Technical Session-2B) on the theme “Developments of Commerce, Economics and Management in the Present Millieu of VUCA”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College in collaboration with ICAI held on May 27, 2019.
19. Acted as a Chairman in a college-level seminar (Technical Session-2) on the theme “International Accounting Day Celebration”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Bhowanipur Education Society College in collaboration held on December 9, 2019.
20. Acted as a Chairman on “Impact of GST on Indian Economy” in a one-day State-level Seminar organized by the Department of Commerce, Bogula College, Nadia held on January 15, 2020.
21. Acted as a Co-Chairman in the 2nd International Accounting Conference on “Emerging Socio-Economic Trends and Business Strategy”, organized by the International School of Business and Media, Kolkata in collaboration with the Indian Economic Association held on January 24 & 25, 2020.
22. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day International Conference on “Emerging Issues in Finance and Banking (Technical Session IA and IIB)”, organized by the Department of Commerce, Surendranath Evening College, Kolkata held on February 27-28, 2020.
23. Acted as a Co-Chairman in a two-day International Conference (Technical Session: Capital Market) on “Changing Dimensions of Accounting and Finance”, organized by the IAA Research Foundation in collaboration with EIILM, Kolkata held on January 8-9, 2021.
24. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day International Conference (Technical Session: Business and Finance related topics) on “Changing Dimensions of Accounting and Finance”, organized by the IAA Research Foundation in collaboration with EIILM, Kolkata held on January 8-9, 2021.
25. Acted as a Co-Chairman in a two-day International Conference (Technical Session: Taxation, Profitability, and Auditing) on “Changing Dimensions of Accounting and Finance”, organized by the IAA Research Foundation in collaboration with EIILM, Kolkata held on January 8-9, 2021.
26. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day International Conference (Valedictory Session) on “Debating Gandhi in 21st Century India”, organised by the Department of Political Science, University of Kalyani held on November 11, 2022.
27. Acted as a Chairman in a one-day national seminar (Technical Session-2) on the theme “Contemporary Issues in Business Education”, organised by the Post-Graduate Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata in collaboration with the Department of Commerce, University of Kalyani held on November 12, 2022.
28. Acted as a Chairman in the Plenary Speaker in a 2-day International Conference on “The VUCA World: Its impact on the Business Environment” Organised by the Department of Commerce PG & UG (Afternoon & Evening Section), the Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with the IQAC (The BESC) & South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on March 10-11, 2023.
29. Acted as a Chairman in Track-6 (Financial Performance and Capital Structure) in a 2-day International Conference on “The VUCA World: Its impact on the Business Environment” Organised by the Department of Commerce PG & UG (Afternoon & Evening Section), the Bhawanipur Education Society College in collaboration with the IQAC (The BESC) & South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on March 10-11, 2023.
30. Acted as a Chairman in a one-day National Conference (Valedictory Session) on “Contemporary Issues in Accounting, Finance, and Management”, organised by the Department of Commerce and Management, St Xavier’s University in collaboration with Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata held on April 29, 2023.
32. Acted as a Chairman in a Plenary Session in a two-day International Conference on “Trends in Financial Sector in India and Abroad”, organised by the Department of Commerce, Vidyasagar University held on January 11, 2024.
33. Acted as a Chairman in a Concurrent Session D in a two-day International Conference on “Issues in Accounting and Finance – the Role of Accounting Educators and Professionals in the 21st Century”, organised jointly by the Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation and EIILM – Kolkata held on January 13, 2024.
34. Acted as a Chairman in a Keynote Session in a two-day International Conference on “Exploring Global Research Trends in Commerce and Management”, organised jointly by the Bhowanipur Education Society College and South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on June 21, 2024.
35. Acted as a Chairman in a Technical Session (Track 3: Banking, Insurance, and Finance) in a two-day International Conference on “Exploring Global Research Trends in Commerce and Management”, organised jointly by the Bhowanipur Education Society College and South Kolkata Association for Commerce Researchers and Academicians held on June 21, 2024.
36. Acted as a Chairman in the Technical Session 3 in a three-day (November 22-24, 2024) International Conference on “GST Unified Taxation: Accounting Challenges”, organised by All India Accounting Conference & International Seminar (46th) on Accounting Education and Research held on November 22, 2024.
Acted as a Chairman in the Virtual Conference
1. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day national webinar on “Post Lockdown Economy: Issues and Challenges before Business and Accountants”, organised by the Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata Branch in collaboration with the ICAI on July 4-5, 2020.
2. Acted as a Chairman in a two-day international webinar on “Covid-19: Impact on Manufacturing, Trade and Commerce”, organised by the Department of Commerce and IQAC, Kishore Bharati Bhagini Nibedita College and Victoria Institution, Kolkata, West Bengal on August 31, 2020.
3. Acted as a Chairman on November 25, 2021 in a two-day international webinar (November 25-26, 2021) on “Sustainable Excellence in Business and Entrepreneurship”, organised by the Techno Main, in collaboration with University of Malaysia, Indonesia, Eurasian Doctoral Academy..
4. Acted as a Chairman on December 16, 2021 of a technical session in the International Conference organised by the Raiganj University.

Details of Extra Mural Research Funding

Sl. No Grant Agency Title of The Project Duration / Tenure Total Cost of The Project


Financial Performance Analysis of Public Sector Drug & Pharmaceutical Enterprises in India

1 year (2009-10)




Working Capital and Liquidity Management: A Comparative Study between SAIL and TISCO

1 year (2006-07)




A Study of Savings and Investment Behaviour of Women Investors in West Bengal

2 Years (2018-20)




Association between Gold Price, Crude Price and Stock Market-An Empirical Study of Indian Stock Exchange

2 years (2013-15)


Membership of Learned Societies

1. President, South Kolkata Association for Commerce and Researchers Association
2. Life Member, Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation
3. Life Member, Indian Accounting Association
4. Professional Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability, Japan.
5. Member, Asian Council of Science Editor, Dubai.
1. Former Editor-in-Chief (Founder Editor), American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Business (USA)
2. Former Editor-in-Chief (Founder Editor), Indo-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting (India)
3. Former Editor-in-Chief (Founder Editor), Indian Journal of Finance and Economics (India)
4. Editor, Journal of Economics, Business Management and Administration (Nigeria)
5. Editor, E3 Journal of Business Management and Economics (Nigeria)
6. Associate Editor, Indian Accounting Review (India)
7. Editorial Board Member, The Arab Economic and Business Journal (Elsevier Journal)
8. Editorial Board Member, American Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (USA)
9. Editorial Board Member, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies (Dubai)
10. Reviewer, Journal of Sustainable Development (Canada)
11. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management (U.S.A.)
12. Editorial Advisory Board Member, Academy of Contemporary Research Journal (Pakistan)
13. Editorial Board Member, European Journal of Accounting, Finance & Business (Romania)
14. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Commerce and Accounting Research (India)
15. Editorial Board Member, Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management (India)
16. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Accounting and Finance Reporting (U.S.A.)
17. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Finance and Economics (U.S.A.)
18. Editorial Board Member, Journal of Advances in Economics and Finance, Isaac Scientific Publishing (Hong Kong)
19. Editorial Advisory Board Member, Asian Journal of Managerial Science (India)
20. International Journal of Applied Business and Management Sciences (India)
21. Editor-in-Chief, Indian Journal of Finance and Economics (India)
22. Editorial Board Member, Review of Knowledge Economy (Malaysia)
Foreign Conference Organising/Scientific Committee Member
1. The 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Management, Business and Economics, 17-19 September 2021 in Nice, France
2. 3rd International Conference on Research in Human Resource Management, February 17-19, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain
3. 1st International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management, Kunming, China, September 22-24, 2023
4. 2nd International Conference on Finance, Trade and Business Management, Hangzhou, China, August 23-25, 2024
5. 14th International Conference on New Ideas in Management, Economics and Accounting, 21-23 of February 2025, Milan, Italy.
6. The 7th International Conference on Economics and Business Research (ICEBR 2025), April 19-21, 2025, Guilin, China.
7. 8th International Conference on Research in Management, 06-08 of June, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

ORCID ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7517-1216
Google Scholar ID
VIAF ID 286024
Notable Activities

Acted as an Invited Speaker in: USA, China, Turkey, Philippines, Nigeria, Thiland, and Bangladesh

Consultancy work / Testing

1. Research works with Professor (Dr.) Devrim Yaman, Professor of Finance, Western Michigan University, U.S.A.
2. Research works with Dr. Santus Kr. Deb, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dhaka University, Bangladesh

Research Supervision

Ph. D. Thesis
Awarded – 10
1. Financial Performance Analysis of Selected Crude Oil and Natural Gas Companies in India: A Comparison Before and After Deregulation of Price (Palash Bandyopadhyay from Kalyani University).
2. Causal Relationship between Working Capital and Profitability- A Study of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies in India (Amit Das from Kalyani University).
3. Assessing the Performance of Disaster Management in West Bengal (Suvankar Chakraborty from Kalyani University ).
4. Efficiency and Productivity Analysis in the Banking Sector: A Study of Commercial Banks in India (Sudipto Jana from Kalyani University).
5. Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Markets – An Empirical Study of BSE and NSE (Soumya Ganguly from Kalyani University)
6. Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm’s Financial Performance – An Empirical Study of Indian Central Public Sector Enterprises in India (Lakshmi Das from Kalyani University)
7. A Study of College Students’ Perception and Usage Behaviour of Smart Phones in Kolkata (Sanjukta Mallick)
8. An Investigation of the Influence of Selected Macroeconomic Variables on the Growth of Indian Economy (Joydeep Deyasi)
9. The Influence of Receivables Management on Profitability: An Empirical Study on Housing Finance Companies in India (Preti Singh)
10. Impact of International Cash Flows on Stock Market – An Empirical Study of India (Monojit Dutta)
M.Phil. Awarded – 8
1. Liquidity Management of Selected Pharmaceutical Enterprises in India (Gautam Roy from Annamalai University).
2. Financial Performance Analysis of Selected Public Sector Pharmaceutical Enterprises in India (Jiban Kr. Sharma).
3. Growth of Primary Education- Quality vs. Quantity (Paramita Basu from Netaji Subhas Open University).
4. Growth of Female Literacy- A Study of Diamond Harbour (Madhumita Halder from Netaji Subhas Open University, ).
5. Relationship between Capital Structure and Financial Performance – A Study of Selected Indian Companies (Saheli Mukherjee from Kalyani University).
6. Impact of FDI & FII on Indian Stock Market (Monojit Kundu from Kalyani University).
7. Investment Behaviour of Working Women – A Comparative Study between the Districts of Nadia and North 24-Parganas (Priyankar Modak from Kalyani University).
8. Socio-Economic Status of Workers during Covid-19 Pandemic – A Study of the District of Nadia, West Bengal (Rabindra Shil from Kalyani University)

Current Openings
Socio-Cultural Impact on the Performance of Marginalised Entrepreneurs – A Study of West Bengal (Completed)