Anil Kumar Sarkar
Department: Department of HistoryPhone Number: 9434256229
Institutional E-Mail: anilkumarsarkar@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://www.gsmp.in
Educational Qualifications:
1. Passed M.A. in History from the University of North Bengal in 1998
2. Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in History from the University of North Bengal in 2001 Title: ‘Bengal in the Persian Chronicles of the 13th and 14th
3. Ph.D. Degree awarded from the Department of History, University of North Bengal in 2010
Title: ‘Revisited Anglo-Koch Relations 1773-1947: A Study of the Anatomy of Indirect Rule in Cooch Behar’
1. Harijan Bondhu Mama Krishna Nath Sarma Memorial National Award-2023, IQAC and UNESCO Centre, Cinnamara College, Assam, on 02. 10. 2023
Research Area:1. Dalit Studies
2. Marginal Studies
3. Ethnic Studies
4. Social and Cultural History
5. Regional History of Bengal and North East India
21 Years
Administrative Experiences1. Member, West Bengal Heritage Commission (WBHC), 2024 to till now
2. Acting as Head, Department of History, University of Gour Banga, from 2017 to 16th July 2018
3. Acting as Teachers Council Secretary, ABN Seal College (GOVT.) from 2014-2016
4. Acting as Superintendent in Maharaja Nripendra Narayan Smriti Abas (Hostel), ABN Seal College From 2009 to 2013
5. Acting as Chief Editor of the Journal of People’s History and Culture since 2015
6. Acting as Guest Editor and Member of the Editorial Board, CLIO Journal, Corpus Research Institute, Dhakuria, Kolkata since 2019
7. Acting as a member of the Editorial Board, Victoria Journal of Arts, ABN Seal College, Cooch Behar from 2008 to 2016
8. Acting as a member of the Review Board, Victoria Journal of Arts, ABN Seal College, Cooch Behar since 2016
9. Acting as a member of the Review Board, Exploring History Journal, Malda College
10. Acting as a member of the Review Board, Emblem Journal, Dr. Meghnath Saha College, Itahar
11. Acting as a member of the Editorial Board, East India Journal of Social Science, Alipurduar since2010
12. Acting as a member of the Editorial Board, Uttar Prasanga, Cooch Behar, since 2009
13. Performed as a Coordinator of History, DODL, PG course, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia-741235, West Bengal, India, 2019- 2022
14. Performed as a Chairperson, Departmental Research Committee, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia-741235, West Bengal, India, 2019-2022
15. Acting as a member of the Review Board, Contemporary Voice of Dalit, Sage Journal, 2023
16. Executive Member (Elected), Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata, 2023-2025
17. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, Diamond Harbour Mahila University, 2023-
18. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, West Bengal State University, 2023-
19. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, Aliah University, 2023-
20. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, Hari Chand Guru Chand University, 2021-
21. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, North Bengal University, 2022-
22. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, GourBanga University, 2022-
23. Member, PG Board of Studies in the Department of History, SKB University, 2023-
24. Member, Syllabus Committee in the Department of History, Hari Chand Guru Chand University, 2021-2022
25. Member, Syllabus Committee in the Department of History, Kanyasree University, 2021-2022
26. Member, Syllabus Committee in the Department of History, Biswa Bangla University, 2021-2022
27. Member, Syllabus Committee in the Department of History, Murshidabad University, 2021-2022
1. Health and Western medicine in colonial India: A case study in the Princely state of Cooch Behar,
International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, Vol. XII, p.533-541,2014,
ISSN-2278-0211 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315752243_Health_and_western_medcine_in_colonial_IndiaA_case_study_in_Princely_state_of_Cooch_Behar
2. History of Bengal as reflected in the Tabaqat-I-Nasiri of Minhaj-UddinSiraj, Twarik International Journal of Historical Studies, Indonesia, p. 29-39,
2013, ISSN-2058-0908,
3. Gorkha Identity and Separate Statehood Movement, Global Journal of Human Social Science (US), Vol.D, p.33-38, 2016, ISSN-3241-3424
https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/download/948/5-Gorkha-Identity-and-Separate- Statehood_LaTeX_pdf/7652
4. The British Policy of Indirect Rule in India, Twarik International Journal of Historical Studies, Indonesia, p.34-46, 2014, ISSN-2058-0908
5. The British colonial policy and its impact on the Judicial Administration in the Princely state of Cooch Behar in the 19th Century, Journal of
Historical Society, Vol. I p.117-122, 2007, ISSN 2085-0980
6. The British colonial policy and its impact on Land Settlement in the Princely state of Cooch Behar (1790-1928), Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol. III, p.
29-33, 2009, ISSN-0975-5632
7.Bengal Namasudras: In search of social Identity (1872-1911), East Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.I, p.46-49, 2012, ISSN-2277-4483,
8. The Rise of Trading Class in Princely State of Cooch Behar (1773-19 40), Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol. IV, p.26-30, 2010, ISSN-0975-5632
9. Kamata Koch Behar: A Review of the Contemporary Muslim Literary Sources(1500-1650), Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol. II, 2008, p. 15-18, ISSN-
0975-5632 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340092016_History_of_Kamata
Koch_Behar_as_reflected_in_the_Persian_Sources_published_it_’Journal_of_People’s_History_and_Culture_Vol_5_Number1-2_2019, p.1-8
10. Banglay Matua Dharma Andoloner Itihasa: Fire Dekha(in Bengali version), Journal of PurbaBharat,Vol.I 2012, p.9-18, ISSN-2319-8591
11. History of Bengal as reflected in the Tarikh –i-Firozshahi and Futuh-I Salatin, East Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. II, 2013, p.41-48, ISSN-
12. The Role of the Muslim Saints and Shrines on the Education, Religious and Cultural Life of North Bengal (1200-1664), Victorian Journal of Arts,
vol-l, p. 34-42, 2007, ISSN-0975-5632
13. Imperialism in the making of Cooch Behar State: Role of Political Agents, Victorian Journal of Arts, vol-vi, p.22-30, 2013, ISSN-0975-5632
14. BrajendraNath Seal and Victoria College (1897-1912): Fire Dekha (in Bengali version), Journal of Uttar Prasanga, p.32-43, 2014, ISSN-23482036
15. The British construction of indirect rule in the Princely State of Cooch Behar (1773-1947), East Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. II, No.1, p.
42-51,2014, ISSN-2277-448
16. State and Kingship of Kamata-Koch Kingdom: Viswa Singha to Nara Narayan (1522-1586), Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol-VIII, p. 12-23, 2015 ISSN-
17. Maharaja Nripendra Narayaner Amale Adhunik Sikhsher Prasar, Journal of Uttar Prasanga, p.76-86, 2015, ISSN- 23482036
18. Toto Tribe of West Bengal: Social Organization and Changes, Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol-VII, p.62-71, 2014, ISSN-0975-5632
19. The Tebhaga Movement in Dinajpur and the Role of the Communist Party of India (1946-1950), East Indian Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. II, No.II,
p.42-52, 2014 ISSN-2277-4483
20. Princely State of Cooch Behar: Role of Political Agents, Journal Uttar Prasanga UGC (No.42509)enlisted, ISSN no.2348-2036, Vol.12, No.34, April
2018, P.35-47
21. Khan Choudhuri Amanatulla Ahmed and Kochbiharer Itihas:Focus on Maharaja Naranaraya, Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol-IX, No.ii, p. 22-34, 2016,
22. From Kshatriya movement to Kamtapuri movement: In search of Koch-Rajbanshi Identity, Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol-IX, No.iii, P. 34-45, 2016,
23. Bengal Politics: Position of Muslim Women (1920-1934), Victorian Journal of Arts, Vol IX, No.i, P. 21-32, 2017, ISSN-0975-5632
24. History of Kamata Koch Behar as the reflection in the Persian sources, JPHC, Publish by GSSMP, Vol-5, No. 1-2, December 2019, p. 7-15
25. The British Ideology and the Cooch Behar State, 1773-1947, Clio, Published by CRI, Kolkata-68, Vol-, 2019, p. 14-31
26. Bangladesher Mukti Judda: Indira Gandhir Bhumika, Journal Uttar Prasanga UGC (No.42509) enlisted, ISSN no.2348-2036, Vol.12, No.34, 2022, P.
27. Babu Jagjivan Ram as a saviour and liberator of the Indian working class, The Mirror, Vol. No. 9, 2022, Assam State Achieve, p 10-32
28. Guruchand Thakur: The Messiah of the Namashudras and Other Marginalized Communities in Bengal, The Mirror (UGC Care), Vol. No. 9, 2023,
Assam State Archives, p. 7-19
29. Uttarbanger Garer Itihas: Tathabhittik Bislesion, Uttar Prasanga, January 2024, p. 51-72
30. Sufi Saints and their Roles in Spreading Education and Promoting Cultural Assimilation in the Society of Gour and Pandua during the 13th to 16th
Centuries, Swaraj (Bi-Annual Journal), January 2024, Vol-IV, ISSSN:2394-8736, p. 7-19
1. British Paramountcy and the Cooch Behar State (A study of the Anatomy of Indirect Rule inCooch Behar) Abhijeet publication, Delhi, 2011
2. Ethnicity and Regional Politics of Eastern and North East India Originals (Low price publications), New Delhi, 2013
3. History of India-Viswa, (Bengali version), Deb Publications, Kolkata, 2005
4. Historians and Historiography of Bengal and North East India: Dimensions and Perspectives, Abhijeet Publications, Delhi, 2015
5. Reflections on the History of North Bengal, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2018
6. Women in Indian Society: Essays on Historiography and Politics, Anvi Publications, New Delhi, 2020
7. History of North Bengal: Colonial Ideology, Entrepreneurship, Society and Culture, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2020
8. Tribes of Sub-Himalayan Region: Meches, Rabhas, Totos and Garos, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, 2021 https://mittalbooks.com/products/tribes-
9. Nation, State and Marginal People: Perspectives and Dimensions, Concept Publishing House, New Delhi, 2022 https://www.amazon.in/Nation-
10. Guruchand Thakur o Mead Saheb: PrasangaBanglar Matua Udbortan, Concept Publishing House, New Delhi, 2023
11. Banglar Jati Binaser Utpoti, Kromobikash o Charcha, Kolkata, 2024
12. Port Folio Activist: Babu Jagjivan Ram’s Pursuit of Social Justice, Manohar and Routledge (accepted)
1. Evaluation of Rural Drinking Water in India, p.59-72, ISBN-978-81-8424-752-7, Water Governance, (ed) Kirunjay Roy, Allied Publication, New Delhi,
2. The Influence of the Sufis and their Shrines on the Education, Religious and Cultural Life of Assam and North Bengal, p.62-66, ISBN-81-903917-0-4,
History of North Bengal and North East India, (ed) Bimal Kr Saha, Cooch Behar, 2013
3. Bangla Putite Dinajpurer Ganajagaran o Itihas aprasanga, p.19-27, (in Bengali version), Banglai Krishak Bidraha, (ed) Samar Kanti Chakraborty, Parul
Prakasan, Kolkata, 2018 https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=1vv2sasAAAAJ&hl=en
4. Society and cultural profile of Mech Tribes in North Bengal and North-East India, p.29-36, The Tribes of North Bengal and Sikkim, (ed) Bipul Mandal,
Academics, Kolkata, 2016
5. Women Witch-Hunt Existing in the 21st Century Tribal Society of West Bengal, p.1-16, ISBN-2345-67-87, Status of Women in India, (ed) Sanchari
Chatterjee, New Delhi, 2015
6. Swami Vivekananda Chintane Bharater Jati, p.38-42, (in Bengali version), Swami Vivekananda, (ed)Badal Barman, Kolkata, 2018
7. Raj Amale Cooch Beharer Adhunik Siksher Prachalan, p.48-56, Commemorate Volume, ABNSeal College, ISBN 978-93-83 -018-17-8, 125th Birth
Celebration of ABN Seal College, 2015
8. Ain Amanya Andaloner Prekhapote Dinajpur Jela, p.74-81, (in Bengali version), Opnibesik Dinajpur Jelar Bidraha o Gana Andolaner Itihas (ed)
Gandeswar Sarkar and Ajay Kr. Jha, Kolkata, 2018
9. Women Witch-Hunt Existing in the 21st Century: ACase Study of North Bengal, p.33-45, History of Northern Part of Bengal: A New Perspective (ed)
ChandanaSaha and Sanat Kumar Adhikary, Kolkata, 2019
10. The Ethnic Movements in North Bengal: A study of the Greater Cooch Behar Movement, edited book, Diverse Discourse, Sutapa Sengupta, Ababil
Books, Kolkata, 2019, p. 86-114
11. Gandhi and the Caste System: The Vision of Social Harmony, edited book, The Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, S. Simlandy & S.D. Banik, PSOPM Publishers, New Delhi, 2021, p. 19-29
12. Ethno-linguistics Movements in Darjeeling, Reflections on the History of North Bengal”, (ed), Abhijeet Publications, April 2018, p.1-12
13. Malda Jelar Zamidarsreni o Sadhinata Andolan: Ekti Tathyovitik Bisleson, Uttarbanger Sadhinata Andolanner Itibritto, Kunal Books, 2022
14. Naxalbari AndolanerItihas: Fire Dekha,SamajJagarane o GanoAndolane Uttar Banga, Progressive Pub. Kol., 2022
15. Tarai o Duarser Adivasi Territorial Administration erDabi: EktiOitihasikBisleson, BichhinatabaderUtso o Abhimuk:Prasanga Uttar banga, Kolkata,
16. The Cultural History of North Bengal, Off Hills of Bengal, Sagnik Book publication, 2022
17. Uttarbanger Nasya Sheikh Muslimder Atmaparichay o TaderSamaj, Of Hills and Plains of North Bengal, Sagnik Books, Kolkata, 2022
18. Guruchand Thakur: Samajik MuktirAgradut, The Mirror: Educational and Socio-Cultural Perspective, Saheed Nurul Islam Mahavidyalay, 2023
19. Social History of Health and Medicine of the Koch Kingdom, A Comprehensive History of the Koch Kingdom, AAYU Publications, New Delhi, 2023
20. Bangladesher Mukti judha o Jugantar Patrika: Prasanga Uttarbanga, Muktijudhe Uttarbangar Abodan, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi, 2023
1. Importance of International Museum Day, Organized by Archaeological Survey of India, Cooch Behar Palace, Kolkata Circle, 18th May,2011
2. Importance of World Heritage Day, Organized by Archaeological Survey of India, Cooch Behar Palace, Kolkata Circle, 18th April, 2013
3. Importance of International Museum Day, Organized by Archaeological Survey of India, Cooch Behar Palace, Kolkata Circle, 18th May, 2014
4. B.N. Seal Memorial Lecture, Organized by ABN Seal College, Cooch Behar, Annual Day Celebration,3rd Sept. 2015
5. Ekus Satake Uttar Banger Adibasi Samaje Dayani Hatya: Ekti Tathya Vithik Pratibedan, Organized by NBU Alumni Association and ABN Seal College,
State Level Seminar North Bengal: History, Society and Culture, 26th February 2016
6. Historical background of the Origin of Bodoland Movement in Assam, Organized by Dept. of History, Tufanganj College on Revisiting the Subaltern
History of North East India since Independence, National Seminar, 2nd and 3rd March 2016
7. Inscriptions of Eastern India: Historical Importance, Organized by Dept. of History, Kaliaganj College on Historical Aspects of the Inscription of
Eastern India, State Level Seminar, 24th September, 2016
8. Ethno-Linguistic Movements in Darjeeling, Organized by Dept. of History, Raiganj Surendra Nath College on History of North Bengal: A New
Perspective, National Seminar, 5th and 6th April, 2017
9. Ethnic conflict and political turmoil in North Bengal 1980-2005, Organized by Paschim Banga Anchalik Itihas o Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra, Third
Annual International Conference 2017, 1st and 2nd July 2017
10. The British Ideology and the Cooch Behar State (1773-1947), Organized by Dept. of History, Raiganj University on Ideology, law and Environment:
Ideas of Social Justice in India through the Ages, International Seminar, 22nd and 23rd March, 2018
11. Special Lecture on Hindu Religion in India: Historical Overview, Organized by Dept. of History, Samsi College, 13th April, 2017
12. Special Lecture on Temple Architecture in South India, Organized by Dept. of History, Samsi College, 10th May, 2018
13. Public Lecture on 100 Years of Gandhi’s Satyagraha Movement in Champaran, Organized by Dept. of Malda Women’s College, 12th March, 2018
14. Evolving Trends in the Bureaucracy in Colonial India, Organized by Dept. of History, Jagannath University and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute
of Asian Studies, 15th and 16th March, 2019
15. Brojendra Nath Seal as a Pole Star, Organized by Garia Suchintan Society for Culture, Kolkata, 9th September, 2018
16. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar and his relevance in the present time, Organized by Dept. of History, Dr. Meghnad Saha College and Dept. of History,
Raiganj University, 29th March 2019
17. Interpreting the History of Ancient India, Organized by Berhampore Girls College, held on 10th March 2021
18. Bharater Itihase Bahujan: Ambedkar o tar Poroborti Samoy, Organized by Bahujan Chintak Sabha, 6th March 2021
19. Netaji Subhas o Nutan Bharat, Murshidabad, Organized by Krishnanath College, held on 23rd January, 2021
20. Moments and Milestone in Indian Freedom Movement, organized by Kalyani University, held on 11th December 2020
21. Dalit Studies in mainstream Indian History, Organized by Plassey College, Nadia, 27th August 2020
22. COVID-19 and Indian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century, Organized by AMMT College and Plassey College, held on 26th June 2020
23. Maharaja Krishnachandra and Contemporary Bengali Society, Organized by Dwijendralal College, held on 27th March 2020
24. Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal A pole Star, Organized by GSSC and Indian Association, held on 15th & 16th June 2019
25. History of Bengal: from Micro to Macro, Organized by Manikchak College, held on 24th & 25th July 2020
26. Revisiting History of India and Beyond, Organized by SS College, held from 2 to 8 September 2020
27. Regional history and Nadia District, organized by CB Mahavidyalaya, held on 18th September 2020
28. Re-contextualizing History and Public Life, Organized by GH College, was held on 5th September. 2020
29. Uttarakhand Movement: Historical Analysis, Organized by BISS, WB, held on 5th &6th March 2021
30. Crisis and Marginalized of tribes in North Bengal, organized by Bharat Vidya Charcha Kendra, held on 26th & 28th February 2021
31. Historiography of North Bengal in Colonial Era, Organized by UGC HRDC, NBU, held on 15th February 2020
32. Chaitanya’s concept of Bharatayan, Organized by BISS, WB, 19th & 20th February, 2021
33. Dalits of West Bengal and Land Reforms: Historical Analysis, organized by D.L. College and Department of History, University of Kalyani,
International Seminar on Changing five decades of West Bengal, 26th August 2022
34. Origin of culture and its folk nature in Bengal, National Seminar, Pingla Thana College, on 22 September 2022
35. Special Lecture on Origin of Caste in Bengal, Department of History, Bhairab Ganguli College on 26th September 2022.
36. Birsa Munda’s movement and its relevance present day, Two Faces of Social Movement: Birsa Munda and Keshab Chandra Sen, state level
seminar, 18 Nov.2022, BKC College
37. B.R. Ambedkar’s thoughts on subaltern society and their development, Seminar, on 5.12.2022, Calcutta University
38. Child Rights in India, Bangla Academy, Bangladesh, on 14 January 2023
39. Urbanisation Debate in 2ndUrbanisation in Ancient India, organized by SHAM, International Seminar on 25th and 26th February 2023
40. Chaitanya Deva and Varnashrama Dharma: A Pursuit of Social Democracy, Maulana Azad College, International Conference, 20.03. 2023
41. Dr B. R. Ambedkar and the lower caste society, Bharat Vidyacharcha Kendra, Annual International Conference, 18.03.2023
42. Babu Jagjivan Ram: A messiah of Depressed Class, Surendra Nath Evening college, Perspective and Personalities of Colonial and post-Colonial
India, 28.03.2023
43. Indian Knowledge System: Vedic and Buddhist Education System, Goborrdanga Hindu College, State Level Seminar, 28.07, 2023
44. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar and Dalit Rights, East India Society for Social Science Studies, Webinar, 30.07.2023
45. Subaltern Charchar Sampratik Bhabna, Belur Ramkrishna Vidyamandir, 14.08. 2023
46. Subaltern Historiography: Past and Present, Fakir Mohan University, Odisha, 08. 09. 2023
47. Vidyagararer Bangla Shikha o Nari Mukti Bhabna, D.L. College, Krishna Nagar on 26.09. 2023
48. Special Lecture organized by Department of History, GHC, Topic: Influence of Caste in Indian Politics from 1935 to 1947, 04. 01. 2024
49. World Heritage Week -2023, Prabhu Jagatbandhu College, Andul, Howrah on 24.11.2023, Topic: How to protect our Heritage?
50. Special Lecture organized by Department of History, Malda College, Topic: Ethnicity and Ethnic movement in North East India since Independence,
22. 11. 2023
51. Terai and Duarser Adivasi Territorial Administration Dabi: Historical Analysis, Annual International Conference, Department of History, Rabindra
Bharati University, 30th and 31st January 2024
52. Chaitanya Dev and Caste system in Bengal: A study of Social Democracy, International Seminar, Panchokot College, Purulia, on 21 and 22 March
53. Samar Bagchi Smarak Lecture, organized by GobardangaGobeshona parishad and others, Grace Cottage Bhavan, Krishnanagar on 23rd March
2024, topic: Environment and Human Activities: Focus on Terai Region
54. Manishi Panchanan Barma: His Contribution towards the Upliftment of Rajbangsi Society, organized by the History Department, Malda College,
Special Lecture, on 30th April 2024.
1. Chaired the technical session ix, International seminar on Exploring South Asia: State, Religion and Society, UGB Malda, held on8th and 9th March,
2. Chaired the technical session 5, National Seminar on History of North Bengal: A New Perspective, Dept. of History, Raiganj SurendraNath
Mahavidyalaya, held on 8th and 9th March, 2017
3. Chaired technical sessions iv and ix, Third International Conference,Paschim banga Anchalik Itihas o Lokosanskriti Charcha Kendra, Bidhan Nagar
College, held on 01.07.2017 to 02.07.2017
4. Chaired technical sessions 5 and 7, Third State Level Seminar, Garia Suchintan Society for Culture, Institute of Historical Studies, held on 9th
December 2018
5. Chaired technical session I, International Seminar on Culture, Thought and Religion: Edges and Exchanges, East Calcutta Girl’s College, held on 28th
January 2019
6. Chaired technical session-4, Research Scholar’s Seminar, Institute of Historical Studies, held on 9th June 2018
7. Chaired technical session-8, International Conference on South Asia, Org. by Department of History, Jagannath University, Dhaka, held on 15th and
16th March, 2019
8. International Seminar on Culture, Thought and Religion, East Calcutta Girls’ College, 28th January, 2019
9. Re-Reading Vidyasagar: Humanism, Reforms and Beyond, Dept. of History, Dr Meghnath Saha College, Uttar Dinajpur, 29th March 2019
10. Samokalin Mulyobodh: Itihaser Analochita Prekhit, Garia Suchintan Society for Culture, Garia, Kolkata, 9th September 2018
11. Research Scholar Seminar, Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata, 9th June, 2018
12. Evolution …. Modern Times, GSSC and Indian Association, Kolkata, 15th and 16th June 2019
13. Pashchimbanga…..Charcha Kendra, ISSSHC and Dept. library and information science, JU, 07.09.2019
14. A pandemic World… of the present, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College, 28.06.2020
15. Prof. H.K. Barpujari Endowment Lectures, Institute of Historical Studies, 27th July 2019
16. Life and Culture of Bengal Through the Ages, BISS, WB, 19th & 20th Feb, 2021
17. Deshbhag, Sahitya, Samaj o Sanskriti: Itihaserprekhit, History Dept. Kalyani University, 28 May 2022, International seminar, Session-1
18. SP Sen Memorial Lecture given by Alok Kumar Ghosh, Institute of Historical Studies, 15.07.2023
19. Junior Research Seminar, Institute of Historical Studies, 22.08.2023
20. Chaired Plenary session, International Conference, Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People in collaboration with Department of History, Aliah
University on 27th and 28th January 2024
21. International Seminar organised by Institute of Historical Studies and Dakhineswar Women’s College on 24 February 2024
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
UGC- Major Research Project (MRP) |
A Comparative study of the Meches, Totos, Gaross and Ravas of North Bengal and North East Indiau2019 |
2 Years |
3 Lakh |
2 |
UGC Minor Research Project (MRP) |
Revisiting Anglo Koch Relations 1773-1947 |
1 Year |
1 Lakh |
Founder: Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People(GSSMP)
Panel Body of Resource Centre for UN-NER (UNESCO)
Indian History Congress
Institute of Historical Studies
Corpus Research Institute
Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad
South Asia Chapter
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1vv2sasAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Supervision
M.Phil Awarded: 6 Scholars
Ph. D. Awarded: 3 Scholars
Submitted Thesis: 2 Scholars