Arjun Chandra Das
Department: Department of EducationPhone Number: 9432878658/9433559155
Institutional E-Mail: acdas@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: na
Educational Qualifications:
1) B. Com (Honours), University of Kalyani
2) M. Com, University of Kalyani
3) B. Ed, University of Kalyani
4) M.A/M. Sc. in Education, University of Kalyani
5) Ph.D. in Education, University of Kalyani
1. Educational Psychology
2. Educational Measurement and Evaluation
3. Educational Management and Administration
4. Inclusive Education
1. 04 Years in General Degree College (Chandraketugarh Sahidullaha Smriti Mahavidyalaya, North 24 Pgs, WB)
2.12 Years in University of Kalyani, Nadia, WB
3. 02 Years in Balia High School, Chakdaha, Nadia, WB
4. 04 Years in Kamalpur High School, Chakdaha, Nadia
1) Member in Routine/Time Table Preparation Committee
2) Member in Data Compilation Team in Department
3) Member in DRC, DC
1. Total Quality Management in Higher Education: A Review; pp 927-935, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Dated: 08.01.2019, ISSN 2349-5162, Vol. 6, Issue 1, ISSN UGC Approved (Journal No. 63975) and 5.87 Impact Factor
2. Democratic Value and Education: A Brief Review; pp 438-443, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR),Dated: 13.02.2019, ISSN 2349-5162, Vol. 6, Issue 2, UGC Approved (Journal No. 63975) and 5.87 Impact Factor
3. Learning Difficulties in Mathematics of Backward Children of Secondary Students in west Bengal, pp 562-566, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Dated: 16. 04. 2019, ISSN 2349-5162, Vol. 6, Issue 4, UGC Approved (Journal No. 63975) and 5.87 Impact Factor
4. Students’ Progress Reports Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Hybrid Vector Similarity Measure, pp 1766-1778, European Journal of Business & Social Sciences (EJBSS), Dated: May 2019, 2235-767X (UGC approved Sr. No 62841 & IF 6.76), International Refereed Journal and Impact Factor 6.76
5. Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Development, pp 575-579, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2348-1269(E) & 2349-5138 (P), UGC approved Journal No. 43602, International Refereed journal and IF 5.75
6. Overview of Hidden Curriculum During Covid-19, pp 366-373, “Towards Excelllence”, Care listed, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Gujrat University, Amhedabad, 380009, Gujrat, India, O974-035X, Sept, 2021. VOL.13. ISSUE NO. 3, Sepetmber, 2021. VOL.13. ISSUE NO. 3
7. Thoughts and Ideas of Rishi Aurobindo in Education, pp 108-114, Education Today (APH Publishing Corporation), Vol. XI, Number 2, ISSN 2229-5755, Dated: January-December, 2021, UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
8. Motivation of Ninth Grade Students in Hooghly District of West Bengal, pp 377-386, Journal of Education and Development, [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal], IF-6.626-(SJIF), 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021, [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
9. Mental Health and its Relation with Academic Achievement of Ninth Grade Students in West Bengal, pp 387-394, Journal of Education and Development, [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal], IF -6.626-(SJIF), ISSN 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021, [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC
10. Women Empowerment and Role of Schools in Rural West Bengal, pp 395-401, Journal of Education and Development, [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal], IF -6.626-(SJIF), ISSN 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021 , [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
11. A Brief Analysis on Indian Environmental Policies, Laws and Improvement , pp 402-409, Journal of Education and Development, [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal]SJIF), ISSN 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021, [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
12. Influence of Education on Ecological Problems in West Bengal, pp 409-41, Journal of Education and Development [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal]62SJIF), ISSN-2248-9703, Dated: June 2021 [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, IMPACT FACTOR-6.626-Inf
13. School and Classroom Environment in the Light of NCF 2005, pp 429-439, Journal of Education and Development, [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal, ISSN 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021, [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, IF-6.626-(SJIF), UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
14. Relationship Between Academic Achievements and Manifest Anxiety of Secondary Students in West Bengal, pp 440-445, Journal of Education and Development [Multi-disciplinary, Peer Reviewed Journal (SJIF), ISSN 2248-9703, Dated: June 2021, [Vol-11, No. 21, June 2021 [UGC Approved Journal-41042, IF-6.626(SJIF), UGC listed Peer Reviewed/Refereed Journal
15. Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Achievement of B.Ed Trainee Teachers in West Bengal, pp 765-776, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 10, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: October 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
16. Secularist Value and Education: A Brief Review, pp 1212-1221, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 11, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: November 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
17. Impact of Social Network on the Academic Performance of College Students in West Bengal, pp1692-1701, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 11, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: November 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
18. In-service and Pre-service Trainee Teachers’ Attitude and Interest Towards Their Teaching Profession in West Bengal, pp 172-183. Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 11, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: November 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
19. A Study on Emotional Maturity and Self-Concept at Higher Secondary Students in West Bengal, pp 1618-1622, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 11, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: November 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
20. Inclusive Education: A Performance of Education For All, pp 215-226, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 12, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: December 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal
21. Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi and Basic Education: A Brief Critical Discussion, pp 319-332, Journal of Information and Computational Science, Vol. 9, Issue 12, ISSN1548-7741, Dated: December 2019, An ISO: 7021-2008 Certified Journal (Scopus Source List)
22. Overview of Curriculum Change: A Brief Discussion, pp 260-265, EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), ISSN 2455-3662, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Dated: March 2021, UGC listed Peer Reviewed Journal
23. Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic Situation on the Present Teaching Learning Process at Higher Education in West Bengal, pp 39-45, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, ISSN 2582-5200. Vol. 3, issue 2, Dated: February 2021, IF: 5.354
24. Educational Contribution of Savitribai Phule in 21st Century India, pp , International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, ISSN 2456-6470, Vol. 5, Issue 4, Dated: May-June, 2021, IF: 6.410
25. Attitude of Secondary school Students Towards On-line Education during COVID-19 in West Bengal, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, ISSN 2456-6470, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Dated: January -February, 2021, Impact Factor: 6.410
Books Published:
1) Developing Leadership Quality Among The Late Adolescents, Reference Book, Printed: 2019, ABS Books, New Delhi-110086, ISBN No.978-93-86088-93-2
2) Jiddu Krishnamurti – The Visionary Educationist, Reference Book, Printed: 2021, Kunal Books, New Delhi-110002 (India), ISBN No. 978-81-953651-7-3
3) Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Total pages: 239, Text Book for B.Ed/M.Ed/MA in Education Level, Printed: 2021, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London UK, ISBN: 978-1-329-82022-7
4) Educational System of Contemporary India, Reference Book, Mittal Publications, 4594/9 Daryaganj, New delhi-110002
Book Chapters:
1) A General Notion on Special Education, pp 11-27, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK , ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
2) General Belief of Integrated Education, pp 28-52, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK , ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
3) Background of Inclusive Education, pp 53- 74, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
4) Factors affecting Inclusive and Identification and Overcoming Barriers for Educational and Social Inclusion, pp 83-102, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
5) Classroom Management and Organization, Curricular Adaptations, Learning Designing and Development of Suitable Teaching Learning Methods, pp 257-271, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Pass code, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
6) Technological Progress and its Present use in an Inclusive Education. Pp 291-301, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
7) Preparing Teacher in Inclusive Education as per National Curriculum Framework-2005, pp 322-329, Pedagogy of Inclusive Education, Arjun Chandra Das, Suvankar Saha and Keshab Chandra Halder, Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-329-82022-7
8) Empowerment, Gender Equity, And Equality with Respect to The Perspective of ‘Women Empowerment’ in India, pp 168-174, National Education Policy: 2020 and Gender Equality. Editors: Somdyuti Rakshit and Jayanta Mete, Pub: Redshine Publication , 232, Bilton Road, Perivale, Greenford, Passcode, UB6, 7 HL, London, UK, ISBN 978-1-4834-3032-4
9) Role and Responsibility of Teaching in Inclusive Education for Children with Disability, pp 20-30, Creating an Inclusive Schooling system, Editors: Ratan Sarkar and Suman Atta, Publication: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Str. A. Russo 15, of .61, Chisinau-2068, Republic of Moldova Europe, ISBN 978-620-4-19169-0
1. Acted as a resource person in the IGNOU, B.Ed. Workshop-II (2015). at Department of Education, University of Kalyani.
2. Acted as a resource person in the IGNOU, B.Ed. Workshop-II (2015). at Department of Education, University of Kalyani.
3. Acted as an resource person in one day seminar cum workshop on “Two year New B.Ed. Curriculum, 2015-2017” (2015). At Department of Education, University of Kalyani.
4. Acted as a resource person in one day workshop on “Revision of Honours and General Curriculum of B.A. (Education)” (2019) at University of Kalyani.
5. Resource Person, Dated 21st February, 2019, Nai Talim, Experiential Learning and Work Education in School & Teacher education Curriculum (FDP), Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad in collaboration with Bishnupada Sarkar College of Education, Amambagh, Hooghly, WB, National Level
6. Resource Person, Dated 8th March, 2019, Nai Talim, Experiential Learning and Work Education in School & Teacher education Curriculum (FDP), Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad in collaboration with Dept. of Education University of Kalyani, Nadia, WB, National Level
7. Resource Person, Dated 02nd to 22nd July, 2019, 21 Days Summer Training Programme on Science and Education, University of Kalyani, Department of Education, University of Kalyani, University Level
8. Chaired a Seminar Session, 23rd December, 2018, Educational Renovation in Contemporary Society, Nathulal Das B.Ed College, Manikpur, Dafahat, Murshidabad, WB, in collaboration with Dept. of Education, KU, International Seminar
Research Guidance (Ph. D ):
1. Sarbari Datta Roy Mallick, Assistant Teacher, Taherpur High School, Nadia, West Bengal, Title of Ph.D.: Leadership Quality Among the Late Adolescents in Relation to Emotional Intelligence and Peer Group Relation. Date: 22.09.2016
2. Krishna Boyal (Chowila), Bankura High School, Bankura. WB “Contribution of Sister Nivedita to The Education of Women, Their Empowerment and Awakening of Nationalism in the Early Twentieth Century Bengal” , Date: 24.10.2016
3. Arun Kumar Barai, Associate Professor, Gopal Chandra Memorial B.Ed College, New Barrackpore, WB. Title of the Research “Shiksha O Samaj Sachetanatay Sree Sree Guruchand Thakurer Abadan”. Date: 16.03.2017
4. Bhabesh Pramanik, Principal, Domkal College, Murshidabad, WB, Title: “Reactions to Frustration of Scheduled Tribe Secondary School Children in the District of Purba Midnapur, West Bengal-A Suvery”. Date: 26.05.2017
5. Abhijit Chanda, Assistant Professor, Tripura Govt. Training College, Tripura, India, Title: “A study on the Achievements and Challenges of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan in Tripura During the Period 2004-2013”. Date: 31.07.2017
6. Priya Mitra, Faculty, JIS University, Khardah, 24 Pgs (N), WB, Title: “Achievement in English of Eighth Grade Madrasha Students of West Bengal as Function of Some Variables”. Date: 21.03.2018
7. Chandan Mishra, Headmaster, Bally High School, Bally, Howrah WB, Title: “An Insight into Jiddu Krishnamurti’s Alternative Approach to Education”. Date: 10.04.2018
8. Kanak Pramanik, Assistant Teacher, Hariharpara, Murshidabad, WB, Title: “Mental Health of the School Going Adolescents in Relation to Some of Their Family Characteristics”. Date: 03.08.2018
9. Sunita Bera, Assistant Professor, Gobordanga Hindu College, North 24 Pgs, WB, Title of the research: “Behaviour Pattern of School Going Adolescents in Relation to Their Family Characteristics”. Date: 04.03.2022
10. Pulin Mondal, Assicteristics”. Date: 03.08.2018stant Teacher, Palasy High School, Nadia, WB, Title of the research: “Achievement Motivation of Adolescent Students in Relation to their Problem Solving Ability and Mental Health in West Bengal”. Dated: 19.04.2022
Research Guidance (M. Phil):
1. Mita Sarkar, Assistant Teacher, Aranghata High School, Nadia, WB, Title of the research problem: “Distance Mode Post-graduate Students about their Problems, Attitude, Study habits and Motivation in West Bengal”. Dated: 04.01.2021
2. Juli Roy, Assistant Teacher, Dhubulia Primary School, Nadia, WB, Title of the research problem: ‘’Stress and Emotional Intelligence as related to Psychological Well-being among Secondary School Students in West Bengal”. Dated: 24.08.2021
3. Safirul Mondal, SI of Schools, South 24 Pgs, WB, Title of the research problem: “Attitude towards Privatization in Education of West Bengal Government Aided School Teachers for Their Children’s Education.” Dated 21.11.2020