Arunima Biswas
Assistant Professor
Department: Department of ZoologyPhone Number: 09836793528
Institutional E-Mail: arunima10@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofile
Educational Qualifications:
Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, INDIA
Degree earned: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D), Biochemistry, January 2006 – November 2010 Thesis title: Host-parasite interaction: Modulation of signaling pathways in Macrophage and Leishmania and its impact on parasite infectivity.
Supervisor: Dr. Pijush K. Das
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, INDIA
Degree earned: Master of Science, Zoology, September 2005 – August 2005 First Class in Zoology
Masters Project: Hypothyroid induced differential expression of mitochondrial genes in ovary
Maulana Azad College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, INDIA, 2003, First Class in Zoology
Degree earned: Bachelor of Science, Zoology
Graduated with First Class in Zoology with Chemistry, Botany as subsidiaries
• Young Scientist Lecture Award, Translational Cancer Research Conference Translational Cancer Society (TCR), Varanasi, INDIA 2020
Awarded with International Congress of Cell Biology Travel Award for Attending 12th ICCB in Prague. July 2016
• Awarded with American Society of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Travel Award for Attending ASBMB meeting in Boston, USA. April 2015.
• Awarded prestigious DST INSPIRE faculty scheme in Bio-Medical Sciences, DST, India, September 2012
• Best poster award in the Society of Biochemists (SBC, India), CIMAP, Lucknow, India, November 2011
• Third prize in oral presentation in ICOPA, India, AIIMS, New Delhi, October 2010
• Qualified CSIR-NET (Council of Scientific and industrial Research, Govt.of India, National Eligibility Test) in Life Sciences, June 2005
• Awarded the National Scholarship Scheme under Govt. of India for being placed in top 20 students in Bachelors Examination, University of Calcutta, 2003
• Awarded the National Scholarship Scheme sponsored by Govt. of West Bengal in recognition of high rank (49 out of 2, 00, 000 candidates) secured Class X Board Examination
Institutional Collaborations:
Prof. Shital K. Chattopadhyay, Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani
• Prof. Swati De, Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani
• Prof Sk. Manirul Islam, Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani
Prof. Kumaresh Ghosh, Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani
Dr. Nitish Saha, Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani
Inter-institutional Collaboration:
Dr. Jayanta Kr. Das, Department of Biological Sciences, FLorida Memorial University, USA
Prof. Christopher Fernandez Prada, Mc. Gill University, Canada
• Prof. Urmi Chatterji, Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Ballygunge Science College, University of Calcutta, INDIA.
• Dr. Anindyo Halder, AIIMS, Kalyani
• Dr. Arijit Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Adamas University, Kolkata INDIA
Dr. BIswajit Dey , VIswabharati University
Prof. Debapratim Das, Department of Chemistry, IIT, Guwahati
Prof. Sankar C. Moi, Department of Chemistry, NIT, Durgapur
Dr. Analabha Roy, Department of Physics, The University of Burdwan
Research Interest:
Targeting and understanding the cyclic nucleotide signaling in cancer stem cells (with special reference to breast cancer stem cells and cervical cancer stem cells)
Understanding cyclic nucleotide signaling in unicellular eukaryotes like Leishmania
Ongoing Research Statement:
Repurposing PDE inhibitors as Breast Cancer target.
SERB, Govt. of India, Fund Sanctioned Approx. 29,00,000
Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells with Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors.
PDE5 inhibitor encapsulated nanoparticles for the treatment of cervical cancer, UGC-DAE-CRS, Contingency and Project Fellow Support.
Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal. Funds Sanctioned: INR 37,00,000. (3 Y) Sanctioned on March 2017.
Comprehensive cell cycle regulation in context of cAMP signaling in eukaryotic pathogen like Leishmania
DST-INSPIRE Project (IFA-12 LSBM-22) December 2012- Till Date. Funds Sanctioned: INR 35,00,000 (5Y) (COMPLETED)
Brief Summary: Teaching at post-graduate level at Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani. Teaching Experience 10 years
Teaching undergraduate courses in Zoology (Honours and General courses) as assistant Professor in DinabandhuMahavidyalaya, West Bengal State University (2015 March- 2015 November.
Taught undergraduate and post-graduate courses in Zoology and special paper Endocrinology as a Part-time lecturer in Maulana Azad College, Kolkata.
Invited by University of Calcutta, Department of Zoology, to deliver five lectures on Cancer Biology at post-graduate level.
Details of Teaching Experience
2015- Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani
Animal Physiology & Biochemistry and Metabolic Processes
Animal Physiology
Physiology of muscles: a) Chemical nature of contractile elements b) Role of structural and regulatory proteins in muscular contraction c) ATP and signal molecules in muscular contraction
Synaptic and functional transmission; a) Pre-and postsynaptic structure and function b) Chemical transmission of synaptic activity
Biochemistry and Metabolic Processes
Proteins: Protein folding and protein stability.
Amino-acid metabolism: a) Urea Cycle
Biosynthesis of transport of cholesterol
Enzymes: Kinetic analysis of enzyme-catalyzed reaction b) Regulation of enzyme activity c) Allosteric control of enzyme activity
Brief knowledge of growth factors and their mechanism of action in normal cell growth.
Apoptosis: the concept, mechanism and importance.
Complement system: classical pathway and the alternative pathway
Major histocompatibility complex: T -Cell receptors, MHC genes and gene products
Vaccination and immunization: natural and artificial immunization; active immunization, vaccines.
Biomembranes: Transport across cell membrane diffusion; carrier bound transport; active transport and pumps; uniport, symport and antiport
Cell-to-cell signaling: cell surface receptor and nuclear receptor; Second messenger system; MAP kinase pathways
Phylogeny of Endocrine Glands: pituitary and adrenal.
Biosynthesis, secretion and regulation of hormones: biosynthesis of protein and peptide hormones (Growth Hormone and Insulin), Post-Translational event und release; biosynthesis of steroid hormones and their regulations; biosynthesis of T3 and ‘1 \ and their regulation
Neuroendocrine system and neurosecretion: neural control of glandular secretion; hypothalamic pituitary unit
Physiological role of hormones: hormonal regulation of mineral metabolism and fluid volume; pineal gland hormones and their role in photoperiodic response in vertebrates
Mechanism of hormone action: hormones that acts at the cell surfaceproperties of the hormones- receptor interaction; Cellular mechanism of action
Endocrine techniques
Principles and applications of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Ultra-centrifugation, Ion-exchange chromatography and gel electrophoresis in endocrine research.
Recombinant DNA technology- its application in endocrine research
A). Principles and techniques of Southern, Northern and Western Blotting
B). Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR), definition, technique and application Principles of radio-immuno Assay (RIA) and ELISA Unit-II
Molecular Biology of endocrine signaling
Signaling of peptide hormone and epinephrine a) G-protein coupled receptors and their effectors- mechanism of receptor binding, bacterial toxin that modify the G-protein b) Activation of Adenylate-cyclase system
Receptor Tyrosine kinases (RTKs), Ras and Raf a). Autophosphorylation of RTKs b) Role of adapter protein and guanine nucleotide exchange factor in activation of Ras
MAP kinase pathway, multiple MAP kinase pathways.
Second Messengers and activation of protein kinases A). Protein kinase A B). Protein kinase C C). Calcium-calmodulin signaling D). cGMP 5. Signaling of cytokines and growth hormones.
Ion channel receptor, orphan receptors
External Responsibility/ Admin Responsibility:
Member, AQAR Committee, University of Kalyani
Member, IPR Cell, University of Kalyani
Member, Purchase Committee, MBBT, University of Kalyani
Member, European Association for Cancer research
Member, American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)
Member, Technical Specification Committee, DBT-BOOST, University of Kalyani
Member, Board of Studies, Belur Vidyamandir, Belur Ramkrishnamission
IBSC External Committee Member, Coochbehar Panchanan Burma University
Paper Setter/ Examiner, University of Calcutta, Gourbanga University, Coochbehar Panchanan Burma University
1. Bagchi A., Bhattacharya A., Chatterji U., Biswas A. (2024) PDE4 inhibitor rolipram represses hedgehog signaling via ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of GLI transcription factors to regress breast cancer. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.03.583221.
2. Manan Saha, Suman Mandal, Solanki Sarkar, Arunima Biswas, Amit Ghati, David B. Cordes, Alexandra M.Z. Slawin, Nitis Chandra Saha (2024)
Anticancer, antimicrobial and photocatalytic activities of a new pyrazole containing thiosemicarbazone ligand and its Co(III) and Ni(II) complexes: Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and X-ray crystallography, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry,Volume 257, 2024, 112577, ISSN 0162-0134, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2024.112577.
3. Anindita Bhattacharjee, Arka Bagchi, Solanki Sarkar, Sriparna Bawali, Arijit Bhattacharya, Arunima Biswas, (2024) Repurposing approved protein kinase inhibitors as potent anti-leishmanials targeting Leishmania MAP kinases, Life Sciences, Volume 351, 2024, 122844, ISSN 0024-3205, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lfs.2024.122844.
4. Shaw S., Bagchi A., Ruj D., Bhattacharya S. P., Biswas A., Bhattacharya A. (2024) Designing Combinatorial Multiepitope Vaccine Candidate against Scrub Typhus by a Proteome-wide Immunoinformatics Approach. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.05.583536.
5. Mandal S., Bagchi A., Biswas A., Cordes D.B., Slawin A. M. Z., Saha N. C. (2023)
Synthesis, Spectroscopy and Structural Elucidation of Two new CoII and NiII Complexes
of Pyrazole Derived Heterocyclic Schiff base ligand as Potential Anticancer and
Photocatalytic Agents. Chemistry Africa.
6. Mandal S., Sarkar M., Bagchi A., Denrah S., Biswas A., Cordes D.B., Slawin A. M. Z., Saha N. C. (2023) Catalytic and anticancer activity of two new Ni(II) complexes with a
pyrazole based heterocyclic Schiff-base ligand: Synthesis, spectroscopy and X-ray
crystallography. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1287, p. 135648.
7. Ghosh S., Saha R., Sarkar S., Biswas A., Ghosh K. (2024) Rhodamine hydrazide-linked naphthalimide derivative: Selective naked eye detection of Cu2+, S2− and understanding the therapeutic potential of the copper complex as an anti-cervical cancer agent, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,Volume 305,2024,123428,ISSN 1386-1425,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2023.123428.
8. Mondal D., Bagchi A., Biswas S., Dagar T., Biswas A., Bagchi A., De S. (2024) Vesicle-Encapsulated Rolipram (PDE4 Inhibitor) and Its Anticancer Activity, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2024, 7, 1, 369–378
9. Sarkar S., Saha A., Das B.K., Das D., Biswas A. (2023)Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor Sildenafil inhibits HPV+ cervical cancer cells and cervical cancer stem cells by apoptotic induction and telomerase activity modulation. https://doi.org/10.22541/au.169379663.33105962/v1. PPR: PPR719133
10. Bhattacharjee A. and Biswas A. (2023) Cycling Within a Cell: Cell Cycle of Intracellular Kinetoplastid Parasites (book chapter). Pathobiology of Parasitic Protozoa: Dynamics and Dimensions Pages 95-108. Springer Nature Singapore. ISBN 978-981-19-8224-8 ISBN 978-981-19-8225-5 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8225-5.
11. Pan A., Bhaduri R., Mandal S., Tarai S. K., Bagchi A., Biswas A., Moi S. C. (2023) Photophysical study on DNA and BSA binding and cytotoxic behaviour of piperidine-Pt(II) complexes: Their kinetics & mechanism and molecular docking. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 441, p.114740.
12. Tarai S. K., Mandal S., Tarai A., Som A., Pan A., Bagchi A., Biswas A., Moi S. C. (2023) Biophysical study on DNA and BSA binding activity of Cu (II) complexes: Synthesis, molecular docking, cytotoxic activity, and theoretical approach. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 37, p.e7164.
13. Tarai S. K., Tarai A., Mandal S., Nath B., Som I., Bhaduri R., Bagchi A., Sarkar S., Biswas A., Moi S. C. (2023) Cytotoxic behaviour and DNA/BSA binding activity of thiosemicarbazone based Ni (II) complex: Biophysical, molecular docking and DFT studies. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 383, p.121921.
14. Bhaduri R., Pan A., Tarai S.K., Mandal S., Bagchi A., Biswas A., Moi S.C. (2022) In vitro anticancer activity of Pd(II) complexes with pyridine scaffold: Their bioactivity, role in cell cycle arrest, and computational study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, doi: 10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120540 (IF: 6.165)
15. Mukherjee P., Bagchi A., Banerjee A., Roy H., Biswas A*., Chatterji U*. (2022) PDE4 inhibitor eliminates breast cancer stem cells via non-canonical activation of mTOR. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, doi. 10.1002/jcb.30325 (IF 2021: 4.23)
16. Editorial to: Signaling in Stress Sensing and Resistance in Parasitic Protozoa, Arijit Bhattacharya, Christopher Fernandez-Prada, Guillermo Daniel Alonso and Arunima Biswas. Editorial Accepted on 08 June 2022 Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.962047
17. Banerjee J., Bhattacharjee A., Biswas A.*, Chattopadhyay S. K.* Synthesis, Bio-physical and anti- studies of some novel indolo[3,2-a] phenanthridine derivatives(2022) Bioorganic ChemistryVolume 123, June 105766 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioorg.2022.105766(*Co-corresponding)(IF 5.1)
18. Bhaduri R., Mandal S., Tarai S. K., Pan A., Mukherjee S., Bagchi A., Biswas A. (2022)Cytotoxic activity of sulfur and oxygen chelated Pt(II) complexes; their DNA/BSA binding by in vitro and in silico approaches.Journal of Molecular Liquid Volume 360, 15 August 2022, 119529 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2022.119529 (IF 6.2)
19. Bagchi A., Saha P., Biswas A.*, Islam S. M. *(2022) Application of microbes in vaccine production. Book Chapter Springer, Singapore. 573-585. ISBN: 978-981-16-2224-3 * Co-corresponding author
20. Bhattacharjee A, Biswas A*, Das P.K.*(2022) The tale of mastering macrophage environment through the control of inflammasome-mediated macrophage activation and cAMP homeostasis by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. Doi10.5772/intechopen.102671(*Co-corresponding)
21. Solanki Sarkar, Amrita Saha, Arunima Biswas*, SK Manirul Islam* (2022) Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science Biomedical Application of Biosurfactant in Medical Sector. Inhibitory Activity of Biosurfactants Against H+-K+ ATPases and defense against gastric ulcers. *Co-corresponding authorhttps://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85146-6.00002-4
22. Saha A., Bhattacharjee A., Vij A., Das P. K., Bhattacharya A*, Biswas A. *(2020). Evaluation of Modulators of cAMP-Response in Terms of Their Impact on Cell Cycle and Mitochondrial Activity of Leishmania donovani. Fron. in Pharmacol. 11:782 DOI:10.3389/fphar.2020.00782 ISSN=1663-9812. Impact Factor 5.6* Co-corresponding author (IF 5.8)
23. Biswas A., Bhattacharjee A and Das P.K (2019). Role of cAMP Homeostasis in Intra-Macrophage Survival and Infectivity of Unicellular Parasites like Leishmania. Current Topics in the Epidemiology of Vector-Borne Diseases (Intech Publications). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86360
24. Bagchi A, Saha P., Biswas A. * and Islam Sk*. Applications of MOFs and their derived materials in molecular transport. Book: Metal-Organic Framework Composites – Volume I, (Materials Research Foundations). DOI: 10.21741/9781644900291. ISBN: 9781644900291 * Co-corresponding author
25. Chowdhury A.H., Bagchi A., Biswas A*., Islam Sk*. (2018) In Book: Sustainable Polymer composites and nanocomposites. Chapter: Toxicological Evaluation of nanocomposites with special reference to cancer therapy. (Springer Publication) * Co-corresponding author
26. Biswas A., Bhattacharya A., Vij A. and Das PK. (2018) How Unicellular Pathogen Like Leishmania Survive Change in the Environment While Infecting Mammalian Macrophages? Proceedings of UGC-SAP National Seminar on “Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity”. Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, WestBengal, India. ISBN- 978-81-932401-2-0
27. Biswas A., Bhattacharya A., Vij A., and Das P.K. (2017), Role of leishmanial acidocalcisomalpyrophosphatase in the cAMP homeostasis in phagolysosome conditions required for intra- macrophage survival.Inter. J. Bio Chem. Cell Biol. 86, 1-13 Impact Factor 3.98.
28. Vij A.1, Biswas A.1, Bhattacharya A., Das P.K., A novel cytosolic phosphodiesterase (Ld- PDED)inLeishmaniaregulatescAMP-dependentproteinkinaseAsignalinginanunique way.(2014)Inter.J.BioChem.CellBiol.57,197-206ImpactFactor:4.2.
29. SahaA.,BiswasA.,SrivastavS.,MukherjeeM.,DasP.K.andUkilA.(2014) Prostaglandin E2NegativelyRegulatestheProductionofInflammatoryCytokines/ChemokinesandIL-17 inVisceralLeishmaniasis,J.Immunol.193(5),2330-2339ImpactFactor:5.5.
30. Saha S., Dey S.K., Biswas A., Das P., Das M.R., Jana S.S., (2013) The effect of including theC2insertofnonmusclemyosinII-Conneuritogenesis,J.Biol.Chem.288,7815-7828. Impact Factor:4.8.
31. BhattacharyaA.,BiswasA.andDasP.K.,(2012)IdentificationofaproteinkinaseAregulatorysubunitfromLeishmaniahavingimportanceinmetacyclogenesisthroughinduction ofautophagy.Mol.Microbiol.83(3),548-564.ImpactFactor:5.01.
32. Biswas A., Bhattacharya A. and Das P.K., (2011) Role of cAMP signaling in the survival and infectivity of the protozoan parasite, Leishmania donovani, Mol. Biol. Int. 2011, 782971. Impact Factor:1.2.
33. VassalloO.,CastelliS.,BiswasA.,SenguptaS.,DasP.K.,D’AnnessaI.,OteriF.,LeoniA., TagliatestaP.,MajumderH.K.,andDesideriA.,(2011)ConjugatedEicosapentaenoicAcid (cEPA)InhibitsL.donovaniTopoisomeraseIandhasanAntiproliferativeActivityAgainstL. donovani Promastigotes, The Open Antimicrob. Agents J. 3, 23-29.
34. Biswas A., Bhattacharya A., Kar S. and Das P.K., (2011) Expression of IL-10-triggered STAT3-dependentIL-4Rαisrequiredforinductionofarginase1invisceralleishmaniasis, Eur.J.Immunol.41,992-1003.ImpactFactor:5.1.
35. BhattacharyaA.2,BiswasA.2andDasP.K.,(2009)RoleofadifferentiallyexpressedcAMP phosphodiesterase in regulating the induction of resistance against oxidative damage in Leishmaniadonovani,FreeRadicalBiol.Med.47,1494-1506.ImpactFactor:5.969.
36. BhattacharyaA.,BiswasA.andDasP.K.,(2008)RoleofintracellularcAMPindifferentiation- coupled induction of resistance against oxidative damage in Leishmania donovani, Free RadicalBiol.Med.44,779-794.ImpactFactor:5.969.
1. Modulation and Determination of the Status of Inflammasomes in Leishmania-Infected Macrophages (2024) Arunima Biswas, Anindita Bhattacharjee & Pijush K. Das
Protocol First Online: 16 April 2024 pp 137–146 Part of the book series: Methods in Molecular Biology ((MIMB,volume 2782))
2. Bagchi A., Saha P., Biswas A.*, Islam S. M. * (2022) Application of microbes in vaccine production. Book Chapter Springer, Singapore. 573-585. ISBN: 978-981-16-2224-3 * Co-corresponding author
3. Bhattacharjee A, Biswas A*, Das P.K.* (2022) The tale of mastering macrophage environment through the control of inflammasome-mediated macrophage activation and cAMP homeostasis by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.102671 (*Co-corresponding)
3. Solanki Sarkar, Amrita Saha, Arunima Biswas*, S.K. Manirul Islam* (2022) Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science Biomedical Application of Biosurfactant in Medical Sector Inhibitory activity of biosurfactants against H+-K+ ATPases and defense against gastric ulcers https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-85146-6.00002-4 * Co-corresponding author
4. Biswas A., Bhattacharjee A and Das P.K (2019). Role of cAMP Homeostasis in Intra-Macrophage Survival and Infectivity of Unicellular Parasites like Leishmania. Current Topics in the Epidemiology of Vector-Borne Diseases (Intech Publications). DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86360.
5. Chowdhury A.H., Bagchi A., Biswas A*., Islam Sk*. (2018) In Book: Sustainable Polymer composites and nanocomposites. Chapter: Toxicological Evaluation of nanocomposites with special reference to cancer therapy. (Springer Publication) * Co-corresponding author
6. Bagchi A, Saha P., Biswas A. * and Islam Sk*. (2017) Applications of MOFs and their derived materials in molecular transport. Book: Metal-Organic Framework Composites – Volume I, (Materials Research Foundations). DOI: 10.21741/9781644900291. ISBN: 9781644900291 * Co-corresponding author
1. Biswas A., PDE4 inhibitor Rolipram Represses Hedgehog Signaling Pathway via Ubiquitin-mediated Proteolysis of Gli Transcription Factors to Regress Breast Cancer. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Chemists (India), December 18 – 20, 2023.
2. Biswas A., Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors for Targeting Breast and Cervical Cancer: A new way to Combat Breast & Cervical Cancer. Celebration of National Cancer Awareness Day, Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkata, November 7, 2022.
3. Biswas A.,The tale of mastering macrophage environment through the control of cAMP Homeostasis by the protozoan parasite Leishmania. International Day for Biological Diversity, Maulana Azad College, Kolkata, West Bengal, on May 22, 2022.
4. Biswas A.,Breast Cancer as a Stem Cell Disease: From Origin to Targeted Therapy, Kingston College. April 09, 2021.
5. Biswas A.,Recent Trends in Diagnosis of Viral Infection: Be it Flu or Cancer. Recent Trends in Biological Sciences. Krishna Nath College, February 05, 2
6. Biswas A.,Animal Biotechnology Techniques: From Cell Culture in vitro to Generation of Transgenic Animals on March 16, 2017. Invited lecture in “Essential Lab Skills and Biotechnology Techniques: From Theory to Bench” Sripat Singh College, Murshidabad, West Bengal. March 14-18, 2017.
7. Biswas A.,Role of modulators and effector of cAMP signaling pathway in infectivity of Leishmania: exploiting the signaling pathway to for anti-leishmanial targets. Indo-Brazil Symposium, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology,Kolkata. September 19-20, 2017.
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
From Animal Cell Culture to Studying Gene Expression |
6 months |
5,00,000 |
2 |
Stakeholdersu2019 perception and socio-economic outcomes: Exploring the impact of an innovative screening technique of gynaecological cancers and strategic plans for implementation |
3Y |
1 crore |
3 |
Investigating the nexus between MMP-2/TIMP-3-LRP-1 and modulation of the same by PDE inhibitors for a therapeutic target for triple negative breast cancer |
3 Y |
2900000 |
4 |
DSTBT, Govt. of West Bengal |
Trojan Horse Type Vesicular Drug Carriers for Targeted and Controlled Drug Delivery Against Cancer (As Co-PI) |
3 Y |
Approx 28.5 Lakhs |
5 |
SERB, Govt. of India |
Repurposing PDE inhibitors as a breast cancer target |
3y |
2900000 |
6 |
Repurposing PDE5 inhibitor encapsulated nanoparticles for the treatment of cervical cancer |
3 y |
7 |
DBT, Govt. of W Bengal |
3 y |
38,00,000 |
8 |
DST, Govt. of India |
Comprehensive cell cycle regulation in context of cAMP signaling in eukaryotic pathogen like Leishmania , Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors |
5 years |
3500000 |
Membership of Learned SocietiesMember, American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB)
Life Member of Indian Society of Cell Biology
Life Member of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR)
Life Member of Indian Society of Biochemists
Life Member Cytometry Society, India
SCOPUS ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=23033387000
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ArvW_fkAAAAJ&hl=en
VIAF ID Profile URL: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/195595
Notable Activities
1. Significant Research and Innovation in Science
Dr. Arunima Biswas is presently exploring the field of understanding cAMP modulation in various disease models like breast & cervical cancer in women and in leishmaniasis. Her innovative area of research involves exploiting cAMP-dependent Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (some of which are market available drugs like Sildenafil) as potential anti-cancer and anti-leishmanial targets. She is into repurposing market available or in-trial phosphodiesterase inhibitors in cancer and leishmaniasis. This field of research has brought her several publications and DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award.
Working for
Fluoresight Bioprobes Private Limited
Qtr C360, BITS PILANI KK BIRLA Goa Campus,
NH 17B Bypass Road, Zuarinagar
Goa 403726.
Four Ph.D students.
Mr. Solanki Sarkar NET
Mr. Analava Bera, GATE qualified, UGC-DAE Fellow
Ms. Sriparna Bawali UGC NET JRF
Ms. Deblina Basak CSIR-JRF
Arnab Kar SERB Project Assistant
Dr. Amrita Saha
Alumni of the Lab
Mr. Arka Bagchi, DST-INSPIRE SRF, CSIR-NET qualified
Ms. Anindita Bhattacharjee, UGC-SRF
Sl. No | Name | Photo | Current Status |
1 | Anindita Bhattacharya |
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Degree Awarded, Working as Research Expert in ICSSR project |
2 | Sriparna Bawali |
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3 | Deblina Basak |
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4 | Analava Bera |
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UGC-DAE Project Fellow |
5 | Solanki Sarkar |
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Degree Awarded, Presently Team Lead at Invictious Oncology, New Delhi |
6 | Arka Bagchi |
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Awarded, ICMR Post Doctoral Fellow, BITS Pillani |
Advertised for CSIR ASPIRE Project Fellow