Baisali Hui
Department: Department of EnglishPhone Number: 9434661037
Institutional E-Mail: baisalihui@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: na
Educational Qualifications:
M. A. (English), PhD, Postgraduate Certificate in the Teaching of English from Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages, Hyderabad.
Awards and Honours (National/International)(iv) Awarded University gold medal for M.A. in English (1st in 1st class) from the University of Burdwan, West Bengal.
(v) Awarded Sadananda Chakraborty gold medal for M.A. (English)
(vi) Awarded Gopal Chandra Majumdar Endowment Prize for M.A. (English)
(vii) Awarded Prof K. Subrahmanian Endowment Prize for distinction in Postgraduate Certificate Course in the Teaching of English at CIEFL, Hyderabad.
Linguistics, English Language Teaching (ELT), Indian Writing in English, Translation Studies
Teaching Experience:More than 20 (Twenty) years since 2002.
Administrative ExperiencesCurrently the Head of the Department (2nd term) at the University of Kalyani since April 2021. Also served as the Head of the Department at the University of Kalyani (2017-19). Actively involved in administrative activities in various capacities as the Chairperson, PG Board of Studies in English, Chairperson, PGBoS in English at the Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, University of Kalyani, Convener of the Departmental Research Committee etc.
List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)(i) “Re-living Partition Memory in Literature: Some Aspects of Post-Partition Fiction in English”, Journal of the Department of English Vol. XIV No. I, University of Burdwan, 2005. pp. 65-70.
(ii) “Bapsi Sidhwa’s Ice-Candy Man: A Postcolonial Re-reading”, Literature and Criticism Vol. V, Journal of the Literary Society of India, 2005-06. pp. 73-79.
(iii) “The Partition of India in Short Stories: ‘A Metaphor for Irreparable loss’ ”, Wesleyan Journal of Research Vol. II No. II, Bankura Christian College, Bankura, 2009. ISSN 0975-1386. pp. 71-76.
(iv) “Chhinna Bharat, Bichchhinna Jiban: Prasanga Ingreji Upanyash”(a Bangla article), Visva-Bharati Patrika, Visva-Bharati Publication Division, July-December 2009. pp. 60-70.
(v) “Literature as Resistance: Partition Narratives and the Violation of Human Rights”, The Critical Endeavour Vol. XVII, The Journal of the Researchers’ Association, Orissa, January 2011. ISSN 0976-0199. pp. 142-152.
(vi) “English Teaching in India: Principles and Practices”, Critical Essays: Golden Jubilee Volume. Ed. S. Majumdar, Kalyani: University of Kalyani. 2012. ISBN 978-81-901525-3-2. pp. 147-157.
(vii) “The Wild American Beauty: Crime and Gendered Nationality in Conan Doyle’s Detective Fiction”, Virtuoso Vol. I No 2 (February 2012). ISSN 2249-6076. pp. 86-97.
(viii) “Confession as Catharsis: Reading Sylvia Plath’s Ariel”, Wesleyan Journal of Research Vol. V No. I. June 2012. Bankura Christian College, Bankura. ISSN 0975-1386. pp. 47-54.
(ix) “The Subterranean Life: Mother-Daughter and/or the Shadow of the Other”, Labyrinth: An International Journal of Postmodern Studies Vol. 3 No. 4 (October 2012). ISSN 0976-0814 (Abstracted and Indexed at Literary Reference Centre Plus-EBSCO HOST, USA). pp. 152-159.
(x) Translation of selected sections from Chandalinir Kobita (as Poems by an Untouchable Woman) by Kalyani Thakur, Ei Astitwa (as This Existence) by Sukanta Mondal, and “The Evil Eye of Saturn” (a short story) by Sunil Kumar Das in Muse India, Issue. 46: Nov-Dec 2012. ISSN 0975-1815.
(xi) “English Teaching in India Today: Relocating English Pronunciation”, Teaching English in India Today: A New Perspective (Proceedings of UGC National Seminar at SKCG College, Odisha) 2012. ISBN 978-93-5067-915-9. pp.38-45.
(xii) “The Shifting Gaze and the Parable of the Vision: Myth-making in the Short Stories of H.G. Wells”, The Critical Endeavour Vol. XIX, The Journal of the Researchers’ Association, Orissa, January 2013. ISSN 0976-0199. pp. 152-164.
(xiii) “Myth, Memory and Fictional Imagination: In Time of the Breaking of a Nation”, Global Journal of English Language and Literature, Volume-1, Issue-3. July 2013. ISSN: 2320-4397.pp.2-12.Website: https://sites.google.com/site/globaljournalofell/
(xiv) “Language, Storytelling and Culture: Reading Narratology Anew”, Impressions of Eternity: Journal of Language and Literature Studies, Vol. 5-6 (Autumn 2012-Spring 2013). ISSN 2229-4813. pp. 26-42.
(xv) “Reconstructing History and Memory: Partition in Translation”, Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2011 (published in 2014), A peer-reviewed Journal of Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla. ISSN: 0972-1401. pp. 119-135.
(xvi) “The Politics of Representation: Cultural Appropriation and Ethnicity in Kalyana Rao’s Untouchable Spring”, The Contour: An International Peer-Reviewed Online Journal, Vol. 1 No.1 (July 2014). ISSN: 2349-6398. pp. 7-12.
(xvii) “(En)Countering Colonialism, (En)Trusting Childhood: Late 19th-Early 20th Century Short Fiction in Perspective”, The Contour: An International Peer-Reviewed Online Journal, Vol. 1 No.3 (January 2015). ISSN: 2349-6398. pp. 32-41.
(xviii) “English as L2 to Indian Learners: Texts and Contexts” (Lead Article), The Light, Official Organ of English Language Lovers’ Association, West Bengal, Issue 39, September 2015. pp.1-10.
(xix) “(W)Rites of Passage: Literary Text as Site for Intercultural Negotiations”, Litscape: Journal of Vidyasagar University English Teachers’ Consortium, Vol. 9 No.1 2015. ISSN: 0976-9064. pp. 100-106.
(xx) Review of Tragic Cognition in Shakespeare’s Othello: Beyond the Neural Sublime by Paul Cefalu. Multicultural Shakespeare, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 131–136, ISSN: (Online) 2300-7605,DOI: 10.1515/mstap-2016-0010, April 2016.
(xxi) “A Metaphor for freedom, Displacement: Reading Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Short Stories”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol. 2, September 2016 (published in 2017 September) Dhaka, Bangladesh: Institute of Advanced Studies. ISSN 2413-1814 pp. 67-78.
(xxii) “Save Languages, Save Cultures”, Janajati Darpan: A Multi-lingual International Periodical on Tribals of India, Issue 2, Vol. 1, April 2017. Kolkata: Knowledge Bank Pub. ISBN: 978-81-932737-4-6 pp. 40-44.
(xxiii) “Chuni Kotal Speaking”, A trans. of Ami Chuni Kotal Bolchhi by Raju Das, Janajati Darpan: A Multi-lingual International Periodical on Tribals of India, Issue 2, Vol. 6, 2019. Kolkata: Knowledge Bank Pub. ISBN: 978-81-932737-4-6 pp. 19-33.
(xxiv) “Trapped Between Myth, Memory and Reality: Narrativising the Sundarbans”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol. 6, 2020-21. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Institute of Advanced Studies. ISSN 2413-1814 pp. 61-70.
(xxv) “The Shrimp-Catchers of the Mangrove Forest”, Translation of a Short Story by Niranjan Mandal, Janajati Darpan: A Multi-lingual International Periodical on Tribals and Dalits of India, Vol. 7, 2020. Kolkata: Multi Books & Knowledge Bank Pub. & Dist. ISBN: 978-81-932737-4-6 pp. 208-213.
(xxvi) An Interview of Niranjan Mandal by Baisali Hui, Janajati Darpan: A Multi-lingual International Periodical on Tribals and Dalits of India, Vol. 7, 2020. Kolkata: Multi Books & Knowledge Bank Pub. & Dist. ISBN: 978-81-932737-4-6 pp. 214-18.
(i) A contributor (“Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth) to the annotated volume, University Anthology of Poems, Burdwan: The University of Burdwan, April 2007. ISBN 81-87259-53-1.
(ii) “Difficult Daughters: A (Sub) Version of the Woman’s Identity”, Changing Faces of Indian Women. Eds. Anita Bagchi and Sanjay K. Roy, Kolkata: Levant Books. 2009. ISBN 978-93-80663-06-7. pp. 146-156.
(iii) ‘Dalit “Draupadi”: Violation of Women and the Subversion of Epic Tradition’, Marginal Writings in English: Bengal and other Regional Literature, Eds. J. Sarangi and C. Ghosal. New Delhi: Authorspress, 2013. ISBN-978-81-7273-717-7. pp. 69-80.
(iv) “Where is the teller of the Tale? Orality, Environment and Interaction”, Cultural Studies: Theories and Praxes, Ed. P. S. Guha. Berhampore: Berhampore Girls’ College, 2013. ISBN- 978-81-927259-0-1.
(v) “Indian English Texts in the Classroom: Pedagogical Issues and Suggestions”, Post-Colonial Pedagogical Issues: Strategies, Theories and Practices in English Language Teaching, Eds. Binod Mishra and Prashant Mishra, New Delhi: Adhyayan Pub.2014. ISBN – 978-81-8435-398-3. pp. 53-67.
(vi) “Environment and Ecocentrism: Reading Ukrainian Folktales”, English Literature: A Quest for Eco-Social Justice, Ed. T. Sai Chandra Mouli. New Delhi: Authorspress, 2014. ISBN – 978-81-7273-718-4. pp.134-149.
(vii) “Tagore’s Gitanjali: Recoding and Problems of Equivalence”, Metaphysics of Redemption: An Anthology of World Literature, Vol.-1, Ed. N.N. Das, New Delhi: Adhyayan Pub.2014. ISBN-978-81-8435-400-3.pp.172-81.
(viii) “Rising out of the Ashes of Disillusion: Historical Transition in Translation”, Metaphysics of Redemption: An Anthology of World Literature, Vol.-1, Ed. N.N. Das, New Delhi: Adhyayan Pub.2014. ISBN-978-81-8435-400-3.pp.228-41.
(ix) “The Bengal-Punjab Interface: Reading Short Fiction on Partition”, Proceedings of the International Seminar on “Partition Literature: Memory and Inheritance of Self” organized by School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Netaji Subhas Open University on 8-10 February 2014. ISBN-978-93-82112-11-2. pp. 89-100.
(x) “Nature’s Natural: Language Use and the Ecosphere in Chinese and Ukrainian Folktales”, Ed. Prashant Mishra and S.K. Bardhan, New Delhi: Adhyayan Pub. 2015. ISBN- 978-81-8435-446-1.pp. 103-121.
(xi) “Increasing store with loss and loss with store”, Shakespeare in India: Criticism, Translation and Performance, Ed. Debayan Deb Barman, Kolkata: Ashadeep. 2016. ISBN: 978-93-81245-74-3. pp. 67-73.
(xii) “Acharya Kripalani Colony”, A translation of “Acharya Kripalani Colony” by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay in The Bleeding Border: Stories of Bangla Partition (in press) by Niyogi Books, New Delhi in 2022.
(xiii) Contributed a chapter, “Imagery of Revolt and Withdrawal: The City-Country Interface in the Poetry of Keki N. Daruwalla and Adil Jussawalla” to a book entitled City Speaks: Representation of City in Indian Literature to be published by Routledge (UK) in 2022.
i) Presented a paper entitled ‘Some Difficulty Areas in English Pronunciation of the Bengali Learners at the Undergraduate Level in Suburban West Bengal’ at the Platinum Jubilee International Conference of the Linguistic Society of India on 6-8 December 2005 at the University of Hyderabad.
ii) Acted as a resource person in the seminar-cum-workshop on Phonetics and Linguistics organized by the Department of English, Asansol Girls’ College on 10 March 2007.
iii) Chaired an academic session on “Children’s Literature” in the UGC-sponsored National Seminar on “Popular Culture, Media and Literature: Genres, Genealogies, Subjectivities” organized by the Department of English, North Bengal University on 20-22 March 2010.
iv) Acted as a panelist in a Panel Discussion of the American Study Forum at the American Center, Kolkata on 24 June 2010.
v) Delivered a talk on ‘Teaching English, Teaching Pronunciation: The English Classroom Revisited’ in the UGC sponsored (under SAP) National Seminar on “English Language Teaching in Jharkhand” organized by the Department of English, Ranchi University on 28-29 March 2012.
vi) Delivered a lecture as Plenary Speaker on “Home Truth: Stories for ‘Children’ from Native England” at the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Colonialism, Postcolonialism and Beyond” organized by the Departments of Bengali, English and Sanskrit of Ramananda College, Bankura on 27-28 September, 2013.
vii) Chaired a Paper Presentation Session on January 10, 2014 in the UGC-Sponsored Film and Visual Culture Workshop “The Moving Image” organized by the Department of English, University of Kalyani on 7-10 January 2014.
viii) Delivered Four (4) Lectures on 22 and 24 January 2014 as a Resource Person at the UGC Refresher Course in English on “Literature Matters Today” at the UGC Academic Staff College, University of North Bengal.
ix) A paper entitled “Assessment in English Teaching-Learning at the Level of Higher Education In India: English Education in Suburban West Bengal” was accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference on Teaching English as Foreign Language on “Assessment in ELT: Opportunities and Challenges” held at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University, Lisbon, Portugal on 21-22 November, 2014.
x) Presented a paper entitled “Teaching English to Indian Learners: Culture, Literary Texts and Communicative Competence” at the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) RELC 50th International Conference on “Transcending Boundaries in Language Learning: Language Arts and ELT across the Curriculum” held at RELC, Singapore on 16 – 18 March 2015.
xi) Delivered an Invited Lecture entitled “Indian Writing in English: Text, Pre-text and Context” at Turku Hansda Lapsa Hemram Mahavidyalaya, Mallarpur on 26 September 2015.
xii) Chaired a Paper Presentation Session in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Shakespeare in India: Criticism, Translation & Performance” at THLH Mahavidyalaya, Mallarpur on 27-28 November 2015.
xiii) Delivered a lecture on “Shakespeare’s Sonnets in the English Class in India: Enculturing the Text” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Shakespeare in India: Criticism, Translation & Performance” at THLH Mahavidyalaya, Mallarpur on 27-28 November 2015.
xiv) Delivered an invited lecture on “Division, Subjectivity and Narratives: 1947 Partition of India in Short Fiction” at a UGC-sponsored National Seminar at Hooghly Mohsin College on 8-9 January 2016.
xv) Delivered Three (3) Lectures on 21 and 22 January 2016 as a Resource Person at the UGC Refresher Course in Teaching Methodology and Communication Skill Development at the UGC Academic Staff College, University of North Bengal.
xvi) Presented a paper entitled “Language in Translation: A site for Cultural Politics” at 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2016) on “Language: the Essence of World Literature” held at The University of Vienna, Austria on 21 – 27 July, 2016.
xvii) Chaired a paper presentation session on 23 July, 2016 at 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA 2016) held at The University of Vienna, Austria on 21 – 27 July, 2016.
xviii) Chaired a paper presentation session at the International Conference on “Good Place: Representation of the Utopic” organized by the Department of English, University of Kalyani on 8-9 February, 2017.
xix) Delivered a plenary lecture entitled “English Teaching in India: Developing Language Skills” at TEQIP sponsored National conference on “ELT for Management and Technology: Recent Trends” organized by and held at Narula institute of Technology, Agarpara, Kolkata on 27-28 February 2017.
xx) Chaired a paper presentation session at the International Conference on “The Body Politic: Gender and the Nation” organized by the Department of English, University of Kalyani on 24 March, 2017.
xxi) Presented a paper entitled “Bengali Science Fiction: A Postcolonial Reading of Shanku Stories by Satyajit Ray” at the 5th International Congress of Bengal Studies held at Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25-28th January 2018.
xxii) Delivered the Keynote Address at the International Seminar on “Language, Culture and Society: A Postcolonial Perspective” organized by and held at the Department of English, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh on 30 January 2018.
xxiii) Acted as a Resource Person at the one-day English Language Skill Development Workshop organized by IQAC, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh on 31 January 2018.
xxiv) Convener of a one-day National Symposium on “Dalit Studies : Issues, Challenges, Possibilities & Reception” organized by the Department of English, University of Kalyani in collaboration with ICSSR- ERC Kolkata, on 26 April 2019.
xxv) Chaired a paper presentation session at a two-day International Webinar on “The Empire and After: Trends, Issues and Perspectives” organized by the Department of English, Sewnarayan Rameswar Fatepuria College, Beldanga, Murshidabad on 4-5 September 2020.
xxvi) Delivered an Invited Lecture on “Re-writing 1947: Partition in Indian English Fiction” at a webinar organized by Pune Writers’ Group, Pune on 17 October 2020.
xxvii) Delivered an invited talk entitled, “Shanku Stories: Eco-Consciousness in the Science Fiction of Satyajit Ray”, in Ray in Retrospect: New Contexts, a National-Level One-Day Seminar organized by the Department of English, Ramanamda College, Bishnupur (Bankura), held on 3 December 2021.
xxviii) Delivered an invited talk entitled “Literature, Language and Postcolonial Identity Formation” at a one-day seminar organized by the Department of English, Sreegopal Banerjee College, Hooghly on 30 April 2022.
i. Life Member, Linguistic Society of India, Deccan College, Pune.
ii. Life Member, Literary Society of India, Kolkata.
Has been selected as an Associate at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas, Summerhill, Shimla for three years (a spell of one month each year) and spent the 1st spell of research at IIAS during September 2009, the 2nd spell in October 2011 and the 3rd spell in October 2012. During this month-long stay three papers entitled “Narrativizing the Nation: Partition in Translation” (1st spell) and “De-scribing Nation: Women in Partition Fiction” (2nd spell) and “Weaving Myth into History: Partition Fiction and the Subversion of Epic Tradition” (3rd spell) were presented in the presence of the Associates, Fellows, National Fellows and Visiting Scholars of the Institute. Also participated in all the academic activities of the Institute including seminars, conferences and workshops of scholars of national and international repute.
Research SupervisionFive Ph.D research scholars have already been awarded degree between 2016-2020. Currently five research scholars are working towards their doctoral degree.
Sl. No | Name | Photo | Current Status |
1 | Mousrisha Roy |
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Ph. D. Research Scholar [URS] (ongoing), Research area -- Interrogating Nature: Ecocritical Reading of Indian English Poetry (1950s - 1980s) |
2 | Bidyabrata Majumdar |
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Ph. D. Research Scholar [JRF] (ongoing), Research area -- Major Areas : Nineteenth Century Philology, European Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century, Nineteenth Century Old English and Norse Translations into English, Nineteenth Century European Medievalism, Nascent Forms of Knowledge in the Nineteenth Century and Contemporaneous Reactions to them, Translation Studies, European Romanticism ; Ancillary Areas : Nineteenth Century Oriental Studies, Nineteenth Century Travel Literature, Victorian Gothic, Victorian Science Fiction |
3 | Koushik Ghosh |
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Ph. D. Research Scholar (ongoing), Research area -- Electronic Resources and English Language Skill Development in Tertiary Level School Education in West Bengal |
4 | Sangeeta Rakshit |
Ph. D. Research Scholar (ongoing), Research area -- Implementation of Integrated Skill Approach in English Among the Learners of Upper-primary and Secondary Levels, in Bengali Medium Schools of Select Districts of West Bengal: Scope and Limitations |
5 | Tamalika Das |
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Ph. D. Research Scholar (ongoing), Research area -- Translating Third Theatre: A Sociolinguistic Study of the Plays of Badal Sircar |