Dr. Bijan Sarkar
Department: Department of EducationPhone Number: 033-25828348(Office)
Institutional E-Mail: bsedn@klyuniv.ac.in
Educational Qualifications:
B.Sc. Hons in Chemistry (Calcutta University)
M.Sc. in Agr. Chem & Soil Science (Calcutta University)
B.Ed. (Rabindra Bharati University)
M.Sc. in Education (University of Kalyani)
Ph.D. in Education (University of Kalyani)
Environmental Education
Psychology of Education and Instruction
19 years and 7 months (as on April, 2022)
Administrative ExperiencesIn-charge, Admission section, University of Kalyani
Programme-in-charge, IGNOU Programme study Centre (B.Ed.)
HoD, Dept. of Education, University of Kalyani
List of Publications (Selected)
1. Student’s interest and attitude towards co-curricular activities. pp. 6-12, Journal of Education and Culture. December, 2014. 2229-4287, Referred journal
2. Environmental Education Curriculum in India and Nepal: A comparative study. pp. 282-287, Journal for Educational Research Perspectives. April, 2015. 978-93-84472-08-5
3. Students’ Interst in Co-curricular Activities: A case study. pp. 282-287. Journal for Educational Research Perspectives. April, 2015, 978-93-84472-08-5
4. Rabir Brikhabandanar Prasangikata: Ekus sataker pariprekhite. pp 96-105. International Journal of Humanities and Aesthetics. June, 2015, 2394-1898, Peer reviewed
5. Attitude of School teachers towards use of TLM in regular teaching learning process. pp. 16-21. Paripex- Indian Journal of research. August, 2015, 2250-1991. Peer reviewed & Refereed International journal.Impact factor: 3.4163
6. Attitude of Teachers and students towards No-detention Policy. pp 175-180. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, December, 2015, 2348-537X Impact factor: 2.593
7. Problems of Inclusive curriculum transaction. pp 382-391. International Research Journal of Management & Humanities; 2015, 2277-9809
8. Awareness of plastic pollution among school students and its relation to academic achievement. pp110-116. International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities; 2015, 2277-9809
9. Choice based credit system (CBCS) – A new reform in Education. (Pp-85-89). EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD) July, 2017, ISSN: 2455-7838 (Online) Peer reviewed
Refereed, Impact factor: 4.144
10. Pro-Environmental behavior of college students in relation to gender and personality. (Pp-1262-1268). International Journal of Research. August, 2017, e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-795X
11. Attitude of Students towards Research in Higher Studies. (Pp-1173-1179), International Journal of Research. August, 2017, e-ISSN: 2348-6848, p-ISSN: 2348-795X. Refereed
12. Environmental Education Curriculum of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and Central Board of Secondary Education- A Comparative Study. International Journal of Research April, 2018
E- ISSN: 2348-6848. P-ISSN: 2348-795X. Refereed
13. Problem faced by student and teacher in new two years B.Ed curriculum. (Pp-1282x- 1290x). IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. July, 2018, E- ISSN: 2348-1269. P-ISSN: 2349-5138. Impact factor: 4.236. Refereed
14. Environmental education at school level: A comparative study between Bhutan and India. (Pp-362-375). International Journal of Research in Social Sciences. July, 2018, ISSN: 2249-2496. Peer reviewed. Refereed. Impact factor:7.081
15. Views of Teacher and Parents on the causes of delinquency among secondary level students. (Pp-690-704). International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities. August, 2018. ISSN-2321-7065. Peer reviewed. Refereed. Impact factor: 5.7
16. Attitude of B.Ed students towards semester and credit system. Review of Research, August-2018. ISSN – 2249-894X. Impact factor:5.7631. Refereed
17. Parenting style in relation with socio-economic status among the university students. (Pp-1-9). Review of Research, August-2018. ISSN – 2249-894X. Impact factor:5.7631. Refereed
18. Study Habits, Academic Achievement, and socio-economic status of post graduate students-a correlation study. (Pp-942-951). International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, August-2018. ISSN-2249-7455. Impact factor:6.3. Refereed
19. Attitude of Undergraduate and post graduate students having Bengali medium of instruction towards English medium school. (Pp- 104-110). International Journal of Research in Social Sciences. August, 2018, ISSN: 2249-2496. Peer reviewed. Impact factor:7.081. Refereed
20. Environment and Environmental awareness in the Bhagavad Gita. (Pp- 251-256). IJRAR-International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. Oct-Dec, 2018, E- ISSN: 2348-1269. P-ISSN: 2349-5138. Impact factor: 4.236. Refereed
21. Determinants of Pro-environmental behavior: An expert opinion study through Delphy method. IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT:IJRHAL), P-ISSN: 2347-4564. E-ISSN: 2321-8878 Impact factor:3.7985. Refereed
22. Awareness of Environmental Pollution, Environmental Behaviour and Academic Achievement of College Students- A Correlational Study. Review of Research, December-2018. ISSN – 2249-894X. Impact factor:5.7631. Refereed
23. Awareness of Environmental Pollution and Environment friendly behavior of College Students: A case study. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering. December, 2018, ISSN-2249-7455. Impact factor:6.3. Refereed
24. Learning Environment of Hostel & Mess at PG level- A Comparison. (Pp- 373-377). International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations. July-Sep, 2018, ISSN: 2348-1218(Print). ISSN: 2348-1226
1. Environmental variables- a study in West Bengal, India. Lap-Lambart Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN- 978-3-659-12662-8
2. Introduction to Research Methodology in Education: An Overview. Neelkamal Publishers, New Delhi. ISBN-978-93-89740-04-2 (Edited Book)
3. Environment and Education: Multi-Angled view. Crescent Publishing Corporation, New Delhi
ISBN: 978-81-8342-468-4. (Edited Book)
4. Education- thinking through quality parameters . Readers Service, Kolkata. ISBN-13 : 978-8187891468 (Edited Book)
5. Shikhon O Monobidya (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 89169-41-6
6. Shikhatri O Shikhan Monobidya (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-89169-15-7
7. Bharater Shikhar Chalaman Ghatanabali (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-89169-68-8
8. Shisu O Bikash (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-89169-16-5
9. Sikhon O Shikhshon (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-89169-21-1
10. B.Ed Practicum Ruparekha (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 81-89169-49-1
11. Sikhoner Mullyan (Bengali). Aheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN- 978-81-940051-9-3 (Edited Book)
12. Shiksha Monobidya (Bengali). Aheli Publishers. Kolkata. ISBN- 978-93-924160-0-2
Invited Lectures (Selected)
1. Check your Emotional Bank account . 7-8 November,2020. Webinar on “ Re-negotiating and edcating emotional intelligence in pandemic’. Bankura University (International)
2. Schoolwork at home & Homework at school . 3.7.2020. Webinar on “e-Learning strategies and teachers’ stress in post Covid 19 sessions”. Satariya Roy College of Education. (International)
3. Avoid DAD, stay digitally healthy. 21.07.2020. International webinar on “Technology in 2020’s Classroom”. Kalyani Mahavidyalaya & Sukumar Sengupta Mahavidyalaya. (International)
4. e-Inclusion vs. Digital Divide. 9-11 August, 2020. Webinar on “ Inclusive education CVhallenge to Covid-19”. Siddhinath Mahavidyalaya. (International)
5. I am a Digital Immigrant . 17.06.2020. Webinar on “Socio-Economical issues of COVID-19 and its impact on Higher Education”. Domkal girls’ college & Sree Chatanya college. (International)
6. From Closed book to Open book Examination . 16.08.2020. Webinar on “Revamping educational evaluation in new normal days”. Panchla Mahavidyalaya. (National)
7. Approaches of Research in Social Science . 29.09.2020. Webinar on “Research Methodology in Social; Science”. P.N. Das College. (National)
8. Mindfulness- an avenue for being mentally healthy . 23.07.2020. webinar on “Exploring avenues for normalcy of ife amidst COVID-19”. Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya Bamanpukur Humayun Kabir Mahavidyalaya. (National)
9. SWOTing Education during COVID 19 crisis . 02.08.2020. Webinar on “Challenges and opportunities of Education across covid 19 crisis”. Balagarh Bijoy Krishna Mahavidyalaya. (State)
10. Classroom in my pocket. 11.08.2020. Webinar on “ Role of Libraries in Higher education”. Ranaghat College. (State)
11. Review of Related Literature & Anti-Plagiarism free software . 22.06.2020- 28.06.2020. Workshop on “ Research Methodology”. Acharya Prafulla Chandra college & East Calcutta girls college”. (State)
12. Changing role of Teacher- 10 in 20s . 21.06.2020. Webinar on “ Reviving learning in Post Covid-19 period: Reoriented roles of teachers”. Hazi A. K. Khan college. (State)
13. Speech on “Teachers’ role in digital age”. Webinar series. Dept. of Education, University of Kalyani. (University)
14. Speech on ‘Quality Education, Cultural diversity & Multilingualism’ as Resource person.
‘Quality Education, Cultural diversity & Multilingualism’. 21st Feb, 2017. Prabharani B.Ed College. (International)
15. Speech on “Quality Teacher Education: Issues and Challenges” as Resource person.
Quality Teacher Education: Issues and Challenges. 17th March, 2018. Santipur B.Ed College. (International)
16. An overview of Educational Research. Modern Trends and Methodology of Educational Research, 5-11 oct, 2015. Jakir Hossain B.Ed. College. (National)
17. Evaluation in the light of RTE Act, 2009, Right to Education & its proper Implementation: Problems and way-out for better future. 22-23 Nov, 2013. Dept. of Education, Kaliachak College, (National)
18. Development of Action Research proposal. B.Ed. ODL mode workshop, on 30.12.13. JRSET college of Education. (National)
19. Speech in Technical session: Contemporary issues in Indian Education, 30.4.14. Durgapur Anandamoy B.Ed. college. (National)
20. Speech on Educational Research as resource person. Modern Trends and Methodology of Educational Research, 5-11, 2015. Jakir Hossain B.Ed. College. ( National)
21. Speech on “Encouraging and Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviour” as Resource person.
“Guidance and Counselling for College Students- Necessity and Implementation”. 18th & 19th Nov, 2016.
Panihati Mahavidyalaya. (National)
22. Speech on ‘Current trends and Challenges for Education in India’ as Resource person. “Current trends and Challenges for Education in India”. 9th & 10th June, 2017. Sabuj B.Ed College. (National)
23. Resource Person in the National Seminar on “ Learning Innovation and Quality Education in 21st Century”. “ Learning Innovation and Quality Education in 21st Century”. 10th Sep, 2017. Nathulal Das PTTI & B.Ed College. (National)
24. Resource Person in the National Seminar on “Innovation in Teacher Education”. National Seminar on “Innovation in Teacher Education”. Durgapur Anandamoy B.Ed College. (National)
25. Speech on “Innovations in Teacher Education”. Innovations in Teacher Education., 10th March, 2018. Durgapur Anandamoy B.Ed College. (National)
26. Speech on “Teacher Education in Present Day Context” as Resource person. Engaging Trends in Teacher Education in the Present Context. 7th April, 2018. Krishnanagar B.Ed College. (National)
27. Speech on “Teachers Education at the Cross Road in 21st Century” as Resource person. “Teachers Education at the Cross Road in 21st Century”. 15.12.2017. Kalna College. (State)
28. Panel discussion: Challenges of Education in India in 21st century, 9.3.15. Dept. of Education, Women’s Christian College. (State)
29. Speech on ‘Creativity & Creative Teaching’ as Resource person. Teacher Education at the cross road in 21st century. 15th Dec, 2017. B.Ed Department, Kalna College. (State)
30. Speech on “ Trends of India Education” as Resource person. Changing Scenario of Indian Education System. 15th Sep, 2017. Suniti Educational Trust. (State)
31. Speech on “ Computer Applications for rural young mothers” as resource person. Week-long hands-on Training programme on “ Computer Applications for rural young mothers”. 2nd -6th May, 2016.
Centre for Women’s Studies. University of Kalyani. (University)
32. Current Trends in teacher education and its preset day implication, Art & Craft, 3.4.2014. St. Mary College. (College)
33. Speech on “Factors Influencing Learning” as Resource person. “Factors Influencing Learning”.
10th Jan, 2017. Kalyani Mahavidyalaya. (College)
34. Resource Person in the workshop on ‘Innovation in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation”
One day faculty development workshop on ‘Innovation in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation”. 13th May, 2016. Sivanath Sastri College. (College)
35. Resource Person in the workshop on “Teaching Internship”. Workshop regarding “Teaching Internship”. 22th July, 2016. Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education. (College)
36. Speech on “Environmental Issues and Pro-environmental Behavior.” Seminar on “Environmental Issues and Pro-environmental Behavior.” Govt. Training College, Hooghly. (College)
37. Extension lecture on “Healthy Human resource for healthy India”. NSS special camp. Kalyani Mahavidyalaya. (College)
Session Chaired:
1. Chaired a session. Different Perspectives of Education in modern society, 21-22, Feb, 2015. JRSET college of Education. (International)
2. Chairperson of Paper presentation session. “Quality Education, Cultural diversity & Multilingualism”.
21st Feb, 2017. Prabharani B.Ed College. (International)
3. Chairperson of Paper presentation session: Women Empowerment & Environmental Sustainability, 21-22 March, 2013. Shimurali Sc of Education. (National)
4. Chairperson of paper presentation session: Right to Education in the perspective of present society. 18-19, Feb, 14. Ramkrishna Mission Brahmanada college of education. (National)
5. Chairperson: Art, Culture & Ethics in the perspectives of Indian Education. 11-12 April 2015
Shimurali Sc of Education. (National)
6. Chairperson of Paper presentation session: Drug abuse and drug addiction: Combat Through Education. 30th & 31st March, 2016. Dept. of Education, West Bengal State University. (National)
7. Chairperson of Paper presentation session: “Relevance of Educational Technology in Modern Education System”. 25th June, 2016. Durgapur Anandamoy B.Ed College. (National)
8. Chairperson of Paper presentation session: “Contemporary Issues in Indian Education”. 28th -29th Sept, 2016. Haringhata Mahavidyalaya. (National)
9. Chairperson of Paper presentation session: “Guidance and Counselling for College Students- Necessity and Implementation”. 18th & 19th Nov, 172016. Panihati Mahavidyalaya. (National)
10. Chairperson of Paper presentation session. “Gender and Women’s Studies”. 19th March, 2017
Scottish Church College. (State)
Life Member of AIAER
ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4628-0963