Dr. Kakali Sen

Dr. Kakali Sen

Dr. Kakali Sen

Dr. Kakali Sen

Department: Department of Botany
Phone Number: 8910265226
Institutional E-Mail: itskakaliap@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kakali-Sen
Educational Qualifications:

M.Sc.(Botany), Ph.D.(Botany)

Awards and Honours (National/International)

Best Speaker award “West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress, 2014”
Certificate of Merits (IFS)
S.S. Bir Gold Medal (IFS)
Vice President of Indian Fern Society from 2017 to 2019
Executive Council Member̥ of Indian Fern Society since 2019

Research Area:

Evolutionary biology of seedfree vascular plants, bioprospecting of medicinal pteridophytes, conservation strategies of valuable pteridophytes and development of business model through fern cultivation in the ethnic centre.

Teaching Experience:

7 yrs.+

Administrative Experiences


List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)

1. Sen K. and Mukhopadhyay R. 2014, New report of vessel elements in Aleuritopteris and Cheilanthes, Taiwania., 59(3):231-239. Scopus indexed
2. Sen K. and Mukhopadhyay, R. 2015. An enumeration of sclereids and fibres of Indian cheilanthoid fern. Indian fern Journal. 32:193-201
3. Sen K and Mukhopadhyay R. 2016.Indian cheilanthoid Ferns: a numerical taxonomic approach. Bangladesh journal of plant Taxonomy. 23(2): 133-142 DOI: 10.3329/bjpt.v23i2.30839 (Impact factor: 0.696)
4. Sen K and Mukhopadhyay R. 2016.Pteridophytes:evolutionary boon as medicinal plants. Plant Genetic Resources; 1-28. doi:10.1017/S1479262116000290, ISSN: 1479-2621(Impact factor:0.464)
5. Sen K. and Mukhopadhyay, R. 2018. Prothallial development and reproductive biology of three species of Aleuritopteris in in vitro system. 35:332-355
6. Laskar S, Ghoshal U and Sen K. 2020 . Vessel elements of two thelypteroid ferns. Botanical Studies. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40529-020-0281-y Imapact factor: 2.787

Books Published / Book Chapters

1. Desiccation tolerant fer̥n gametophytes : an experimental tool of modern day research in Recent Trends in Life SCiences ISBN: 978-93-87263-67-3

Invited Lecture / Session Chaired

1. “Medicinal Pteridophytes as experimental tool-their present status and future prospect ” Pteridological studies in India: in Perspective and modern approaches in relation to environment and climate change:BSI, Itanagar in collaboration with IFS, Chandigarh, National
2. “Fern gametophyte: a model system of research tool for morphology to molecule” Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Botany Teaching and Research Prabir Chaterjee Research Foundation & CAS, Dept. of Botany, Calcutta University (National)
3.Seedless vascular plants: workout, description and major character of identification Workshop On 05.03.18-12.03.18 AICOPTAX, MOEF & CC & CAS, Dept. of Botany, Calcutta University, National
4. Seedless vascular plants: workout, description and major character of identification Workshop On 05.03.18-12.03.18 AICOPTAX, MOEF & CC & CAS, Dept. of Botany, Calcutta University National
4.Seedless vascular plants: workout, description and major character of identification Workshop 0n 5-12 Dec. 2018 AICOPTAX, MOEF & CC & CAS, Dept. of Botany, Calcutta University National
5. Seedless vascular plants: workout, description and major character of identification Workshop On 29 Jan.-5 Feb.2019 AICOPTAX, MOEF & CC & CAS, Dept. of Botany, Calcutta University National
5.Spore and gametophyte of ferns as experimental tool: some recent contribution International Conference of “Next generation Pteridology:The Indian Perspective” DBNDSM, Hatgovindapur & IFS, Chandigarh International
6.Chairing the session in Academic Session:1 On 08/03/19 International Conference of “Next generation Pteridology:The Indian Perspective” DBNDSM, Hatgovindapur & IFS, Chandigarh International
7.Chairing the session in Academic Session:9 0n 09/03/19 International Conference of “Next generation Pteridology:The Indian Perspective DBNDSM, Hatgovindapur & IFS, Chandigarh (International)
8. Invited Speaker World Environment Day Celebration, 2021 Dept. Of Botany, SKVU, (National)
9. Invited Speaker Plantae: essentials of Botany, Dept. Of Botany, Calcutta University (National)



Membership of Learned Societies

Indian Fern Society
Society of Bionaturalist

ORCID ID 0000-0002-3467-3452
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BSdraFYAAAAJ&hl=en
Notable Activities

Organized a virtual international conference on 06-09th April, 2022 entitled ” Entrepreneurship development with economically important seedless vascular plants: an emerging perpestive”

Consultancy work / Testing


Research Supervision

04 students registered of which one submitted her thesis 28.04.22