Dr. Sibsankar Jana
Associate Professor
Department: Department of Library and Information SciencePhone Number: 8910014612
Institutional E-Mail: ssjana@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://sibsankarjana.wordpress.com/
Educational Qualifications:
Ph. D.; M. Lib. I. Sc.; MLIS (Digital); M. Sc.; DPM, IR & LW
Awards and Honours (National/International)Ranganathan Award for best article in 2015
Research Area:Knowledge organization, Bibliometrics, Altmetrics, Ontology, Digital Resource Management
Teaching Experience:1. Assistant Librarian, Central Library, University of Kalyani from 30-11-2007 to 20-09-2012 in the pay scale Rs. 15600.00 – Rs. 39100.00 with AGP-Rs. 6000.00.
2. Assistant Professor, Library & Information Science, University of Kalyani from 21-09-2012 to 03-12-2012 in the pay scale Rs. 15600.00 – Rs. 39100.00 with AGP-Rs. 6000.00.
3. Assistant Professor (Stage – II), Library & Information Science, University of Kalyani from 04-12-2012 to 03-12-2017 in the pay scale Rs. 15600.00 – Rs. 39100.00 with AGP-Rs. 7000.00.
4. Assistant Professor (Stage – III), Library & Information Science, University of Kalyani from 04-12-2017 to 03-12-2020 in the pay scale Rs. 15600.00 – Rs. 39100.00 with AGP-Rs. 8000.00
5. Associate Professor (Stage – IV), Library & Information Science, University of Kalyani from 04-12-2020 to date in the pay scale Rs. 37400.00 – Rs. 67000.00 with AGP-Rs. 9000.00
1. Cyberplague: A tool for offensive information warfare in digital environment with special reference to library system. Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol.14, 2007
2. Workplace design for knowledge workers in digital library. (Pp. 27-41). SRELS Journal of Information Management. Vol.44, No. 1, 2007
3. Knowledge and it’s management: The core concepts. Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol.14, 2007
4. Stress management in the perspective of library environment. (Pp. 61-68). Indian Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 2, No. 2, May-August 2008
5. Web 2.0: of the users, by the users, for the users. (Pp. 24-28). SALIS Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 1, No. 2, April-June 2009
6. Electronic Information Resource Base Development (EIRBD) with Special Reference to Book CDs and Journal CDs-DVDs. (Pp. 76-84). Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol.15, 2008
7. Towards Understanding Digital Objects. (Pp. 147-156). IASLIC Bulletin. Vol. 54, No. 3, September 2009
8. LIS Education in India: A Critical Study Through System Approach and Information Assimilation Cycle from the View Point of Language as the Medium of Instruction. (Pp. 77-85). ISST Journal of Advances in Librarianship. Vol. 1, No. 1, January-June 2010
9. Electronic Waste with Special Reference to the Waste arising out from Computer: The Dark side of the Digital Age. (Pp. 46-58). Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 17, March 2010
10. Documentary and Non-documentary Information Sources on the Clay-based Handicrafts of West Bengal: A Bibliometric Perspective. (Pp. 7-19). Librarian: Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 18, March 2011
11. The Role of RDF Schema for Knowledge Representation in Semantic Web. (Pp. 47-52). SALIS Journal of Information Management and Technology. Vol.2, No.2, July-December 2011
12. Information Retrieval + X → Information Assimilation. (Pp.359-370). SRELS Journal of Information Management Vol.49, No. 4, August 2012.
13. Role of Library and Librarian in Bibliotherapy. (Pp. 93-97). Granthagar. Vol. 62, No,4, July 2012
14. Digital Black Hole and Electronic Waste: Two Fears of Digital Age. (Pp. 5-10). Sep-Dec, 2012. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 6, No. 3 (Supl),
15. Library Portal Designing & Web Resource Management. (Pp. 5-12). January-April, 2013. Indian Journal of Library and Information Science. Vol. 7, No. 1,
16. Career Guidance Section Universities Libraries of West Bengal: A Comparative Study. (Pp. 39-46). Jan-Jun,2013. ISST Journal of Advances in Librarianship. Vol. 4, No. 1.
17. Information communication through fiber optics: An overview. Pp. 21-33. International Journal of Information and Computing Science. Vol. 16, No. 2.
18. Ontology: The Basic Concept. Pp. 09-19. March 2014. COMSOMATH: Magazine on Computer Science, Social Science & Mathematics. Vol. 17, No. 1
19. Importance of the Information required by the Artisans of Clay-based Handicrafts of West Bengal for their Product Development. Pp. 158-167. September 2014. International Journal of Research (IJR). Vol. 1, No. 8
20. Terracotta Handicrafts of Bankura District of West Bengal, India: Role of Human Information Sources. Pp. 32-46. October 2014. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research (IJSSIR). Vol. 3, No. 10
21. Role of Human Information Sources Towards Identifying the Factors Responsible for the Development of Clay dolls and Clay models of Krishnanagar area of Nadia district of West Bengal. Pp. 73-88. January 2015. IISRR- International Journal of Research. Vol. 1, No. 1
22. Disaster Management in Library and Information Centres. Pp. 1-7. July 2015. e-Library Science Research Journal, Vol. 3, No. 9
23. Connotation and Denotation of LIS Education in Bangladesh: An overview. Pp. 17-28. July, 2015. IISRR International Journal of Research, Vol. 1, No. 3
24. Publish or Perish (PoP): An Easy-to-Use Tool for Measuring Scholarly Impact of the Academic Citations. Pp. 52-56. January 2015. Librarian, Vol. 22, No. 1
25. Human Information Sources of Clay-based Handicrafts of West Bengal, India: A Quantitative Analysis Towards Identifying the Factors Responsible for the Product Development, Pp. 951-969. July 2016.. International Journal of Research, Vol. 3, No. 11
26. Development of LIS Domain in Bangladesh: A Critical Study, Pp. 63-73. July 2016. Librarian, Vol. 23, No. 2
27. Towards designing the Indicator for Scholarly Academic Research Impact based on h-index. Pp. 845-853. 2016. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) 5
28. Digital Learning Environment (DLE) as an Emerging Platform for Lifelong Learning (LLL). Pp. 82-85. September 2017. International Journal of Emerging Research in Management &Technology. (Vol-6, No-9)
29. Digital learning environment: An outstanding platform for the sustainable development of the modern libraries. Pp. 195-198. October 2017. International Journal of Information Movement (Vol. 2 No.6)
30. Expansion and extension of LIS educational in Bangladesh: A historical study. Pp. 99-103. September 2017. International Journal of Information Movement (Vol. 2 No.5)
31. Library movement and spread of library science education in Bangladesh. Pp. 9-13. Granthagar. Vol. 67, No. 11, February2018.
32. Assessing India’s contribution to the scholarly publications of Asiatic region. Pp. 82-91. SRELS Journal of Information Management, Vol. 55 No. 2 April 2018.
33. Information sources in the field of horticulture with special reference to olericulture: A case study of Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau (CAB) Abstracts. Pp. 55-59. International Journal of Information Movement, Vol 2, No. 12, April 2018.
34. Information sources in the field of horticulture with special reference to pomology: A case study of Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau (CAB) Abstracts. Pp. 186-196. International Journal of Research in Social Science, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2018.
35. Resource sharing and networking initiatives in India: A historical study with special reference to West Bengal. Pp. 30-38. International Journal of Information Movement, Vol 3, No. 2, June 2018.
36. Collaborative authorship trend in leading Indian LIS journals. Pp. 320-325. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. Vol. 38, No. 5, 2018
37. Online Reference Services by Libraries in Higher Education Institutions of Government of India situated in West Bengal: A Comparative Study. Pp. 1111-1114. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. Volume 9, Issue 7, July-2018.
38. Metadata elements for cultural objects: A comparative study of metadata schemas. Pp. 78-84. IISRR International Journal of Research. Vol. 4, No. 1 & 2. July 2018.
39. Calcutta Library Network (CALIBNET): A historical review. Pp. 23-36. College Libraries, Vol. 33 No. 1-2, 2018.
40. Present status of Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in LIS courses of Bangladesh: Scope and opportunity. Pp. 67-75. RBU Journal of Library & Information Science, Vol. 20, 2018.
41. Assessment of Global Performance on COVID -19 Research during 1990-2019: An Exploratory Scientometric Analysis.. Pp. 21 – 39. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML) Special Issue Libraries in the age of COVID 19. Vol. 9, 2020
42. Mapping Global Performance on Open Access GIS Research: A Scientometrics Study. Pp. 1-12. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4028. January 2020.
43. Trends of Authorship and Collaboration Rate of IJBT Journal: An Analytical Study. Pp. 3-15.. College Libraries Vol. 35, No. 3. September 2020.
45. Bibliometric Analysis of Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS). Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 3685. January 2020.
46. Library and Information Center consider as third place. Pp. 13-14. Granthagar. Vol. 70, No. 9-10
47. Terracotta Temple in West Bengal: Designing a Prototype Retrieval System. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). April 2021.
48. Towards Selecting Effective Open-Source Learning Management System/Software (OSLMS) for Higher Education Domain. Pp. 47-70. . Higher Education for the Future. Vol. 8, No. 1, January, 2021.
49. A tangled triangle of’Society–COVID-19–Information’: LIS professionals should play an important role. Qualitative & Quantitative Methods in Libraries 10 (4), 2021
50. Characteristics of Mendeley Readership for Earth and Planetary Science Articles: An Exploratory Study of 12 Narrow Scopus Fields. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 41 (6), 2021
51. Possibility of the Applications of Drone in Library Functions and Services in India. Library Philosophy and Practice. 2021
52. DDC-wise subject mapping of NDLI indexed multileveled, multilingual resources: A special reference with Indian Languages. Library Philosophy and Practice. 2021
53. A Scientometric Review of Global Altmetrics Research. Science and technology libraries. 2021
54. Mapping and visualization of scholarly publications on Cancer: A bibliometric review. RBU Journal of Library and Information Science 23, 44-54. 2021
55. Bibliometric Analysis of Digital Library Research Output: A World Perspective. Library Philosophy and Practice. 2021
56. Library Operation during COVID-19 Pandemic. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (14), 3311-3323. 2021.
57. Visualization and Scientometric Mapping of Global Public Administration Research during 2016-2020. Library Philosophy and Practice. 2021
58. Scientometric mapping of organic farming research performance in the global perspective during 2010-2019, COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 16 (1), 19-23. 2022.
59. Research Trend of Internet of Things (IoT): A Scientometric Review. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries 11 (4), 669-686. 2022.
60. Data Wrangling from Socio-Academic Web-Space: Designing a Meta Model. Journal of Information and Knowledge 60 (2), 113-125. 2023
61. An Altmetric Analysis of Scholarly Publications from Earth and Planetary Science Discipline: An Exploratory Study of Indian Publications. Journal of Science and Technology Metrics 3(3), 80-87. 2022.
62. Digital Humanities in the Context of Library and Information Science. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology 43 (4), 282-290. 2023.
63. A Comparative Study of Open-Source Digital Library Software: Designing a Model Selection Criterion. Journal of Information and Knowledge 60 (5), 315-319. 2023.
64. Does openness of articles get higher attention in altmetric? An investigation of medical discipline. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. 2023.
65. Development of Domain Ontology on Movies: Proof of Concept with Methontology. IISRR International Journal of Research 10 (2), 49-63. 2024.
66. Towards Mapping Scholarly Communication Pattern among the LIS Faculty Members ofWest Bengal: an exploratory study. College Libraries 39 (2), 81-89. 2024.
67. Knowledge Based Modelling of the Movie Domain. Journal of Indian Library Association 60 (03), 436-448. 2024.
1. Concepts and Architecture of Digital Library With Special Reference to the Creation of Digital Library Through Institutional Repository by Using Dspace. (Pp. 256-293), In Managing Information in New Millennium; Ashok Kumar Sahu; New Delhu: Ess Ess Publication, 2007. Ess Ess Publication
2. Anatomy and Embedded Mechanism of Web Search Engine: A Birds Eye View. (Pp. 430-443).. In Managing Information in New Millennium; Ashok Kumar Sahu; New Delhu: Ess Ess Publication, 2007. Ess Ess Publication
3. Towards Understanding the Scope of Free and Open Source Software. (Pp. 107-115 ). In Information Professionals: Issues and Challenges in Digital Age”; Monawwer Eqbal ; New Delhi: Pragun Publication, 2011. Pragun Publication
4. Groundwork for developing Institutional Digital Repository (IDR) in the University of Kalyani using DSPACE. 2017. Pp. 157-170. In Digital library and open access initiatives: Responses, strategies and emerging trends. Edited by K.C.Sathpathy. Shankar’s Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 2017. Shankar’s Book Agency Pvt. Ltd
5. Digital archive of the journal ‘GRANTHAGAR”: Designing through open-source software. 2018, 22-23 September. Pp. 85-88. BLA
6. Users’ Trend Analysis: A Study on Some Selected Libraries of Mymensingh Town in Bangladesh.16-17 December, 2017. Pp. 297-303. DLIS, University of Kalyani
7. Information Retrieval in Cultural Object.16-17 December, 2017. Pp. 169-175. DLIS, University of Kalyani
8. Library 2.0: Applications in practice. Pp. 312-317. DLIS, University of Kalyani
9. LiNE: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era,16-17 December, 2017. P. 414. DLIS, University of Kalyani
10. Present infrastructural scenario of LIS education in universities of Bangladesh. In,Proceedings and paper IASLIC 28th National Seminar 2018: LIS education in India. Pp. 235-243. IASLIC, Kolkata-54
11. LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30 December, 2018. DLIS, University of Kalyani
12. Developing information retrieval system for cultural objects.In, LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30 December, 2018. Pp. 195-203. DLIS, University of Kalyani
13. RSS Feed: A new kind of information dissemination service. LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30December, 2018. Pp. 286-293. DLIS, University of Kalyani
14. Synthetic features in DDC 19 and 20 editions with special reference to Library and Information Science domain: A comparative study. LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30 December, 2018.Pp. 102-112. DLIS, University of Kalyani
15. Library 2.0: the new formation. LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30 December, 2018.Pp. 379-383. DLIS, University of Kalyani
16. Citation management tools: A comparative study of Zotero and Mendeley. LiNE-2018: Proceeding of the National Seminar on Libraries in the Next Era: Digital learning landscape,29-30 December, 2018.Pp. 172-177. DLIS, University of Kalyani
17. Students’ Attitude towards CBCS in the Department of Library and Information Science of the University of Kalyani. In,Proceedings and paper IASLIC 28th National Seminar 2018: LIS education in India. Pp. 102-109. IASLIC, Kolkata-54
18. BIGBLUEBUTION: An Emerging tool for enhancing the learners’ engagement in digital learning environment. In,Proceedings and paper IASLIC 28th National Seminar 2018: LIS education in India. Pp. 173-187. IASLIC, Kolkata-54
19. Public as a powerful agent for social integrity: A case study of Kalyani Public Library ,In, Trends in LIS Education, Research & Practice IV: Proceeding of National Seminar on Libraries for all: Exploring the roll of public libraries and information centers’ for sustainable development during 7-8 March 2019, Pp. 78-86. DLIS, Rabindra Bharati University
20. Present status of public libraries in Bangladesh: Problems and future plan, In, Trends in LIS Education, Research & Practice IV: Proceeding of National Seminar on Libraries for all: Exploring the roll of public libraries and information centers’ for sustainable development during 7-8 March 2019, Pp. 138-145. DLIS, Rabindra Bharati University
21. History of LIS Education: a journey from undivided Bengal to Bangladesh, In, 50 years of LIS education in North East India. Edited by Sanjay K. Singh. 2019. Pp. 195-204. Guwahati: DLIS, Gauhati University,
22. Use of e-information resources through the semantic web technologies, where computer will understand the meaning of the text, can indirectly help to develop sustainable library. In,Sustainable library, January 2020. Pp. 15-36. DLIS, Jadavpur University
23. Viswavidyalaya Granthagare Baidyutin tathya parisebar mann nirdharaner proyas. (Pp. 72-76). Proceeding of 50th Bengal Library Conference, 7-9 November, 2008
24. Developing Digital Libraries for Global Children Community with special reference to ICDL: analysis and evaluation. (Pp. 247-266). Proceeding of 6th International CALIBER, February 28-29 & March 1, 2008
25. Fundamentals of Knowledge sharing in digital era: A need-based approach. Proceeding of PLANNER, December 7-8, 2007, Guwahati
26. The core concept of metadata for digital information resources with special reference to Dublin Core`. Proceeding of International Conference on Semantic Web and Digital Libraries (ICSD). 2007
27. Management of IPR with Special Reference to Copyright in the Digital Era: Role of Library Professionals. Proceeding of International Conference on Knowledge for All: Role of Libraries and Information Centres. November 12-15, 2008
28. Requirement Analysis for Developing Digital Library having Institutional Digital Repository in the University of Kalyani by Using GSDL: A pragmatic approach. Proceeding of International Conference on Knowledge for All: Role of Libraries and Information Centres. November 12-15, 2008
Library 2.0: Extension of Web 2.0 in the library perspective. Proceeding of International Conference on Knowledge Networking in ICT Era, January 23-24, 2009
29. Digital Preservation With Special Reference to the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model: AN Overview. Proceeding of 7th International CALIBER- 2009 on E-Content Management: Challenges and Strategies. February 25-27, 2009
30. Knowledge Management-Tools and techniques: A bird’s eye view. Proceeding of International Conference on Knowledge Networking in ICT Era, January 23-24, 2009
31. Mashups: An Emerging Content Aggregation Web 2.0 Paradigm. 7th International CALIBER- 2009 on E-Content Management: Challenges and Strategies. February 25-27, 2009
32. Creating Digital Repository by Using GSDL: Review and Analysis. Proceeding of International Conference for Information and Knowledge Management. 2008
33. Provision of Electronic Information Service (EIS) in the University of Kalyani: A case study. Proceeding of 23rd National Seminar of IASLIC on Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm. December 10-13, 2008
34. Migration: An Effective Tool for Digital Preservation. (Pp. 294-310). Proceeding of International Conference on Digital Library Management (ICDLM), 11-13 January, 2011at Kolkata
35. Change management: A new policy, planning and methods in modern library and information system. (Pp. 415-422). Proceeding of Annual Convention on “Repositioning Libraries for User Empowerment: Policy. Planning and Technology” held on October 13-25, 2011 at New Delhi
36. Managing Optical Discs in Today’s Hybrid Library: An Overview. (Pp. 529-533). Proceeding of the International Conference on Collection Development in the Digital Environment, 29th – 30th June, 2012
37. Rabindra Aloke Granthagar O Tathya Bigyan. (Pp. 27-29). Souvenir of National Seminar on Rabindranath O Granthagar, University of Kalyani, 14th August, 2012
38. Digital Learning (DL): Overview. Pp. 351-356. LiNE: Libraries in the Next Era. 15th January 2015 by DLIS and KULISAA, KU
39. Managing electronic resources and services in a research institution: an evaluative study of the users of S N Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences. Pp. 55-69. LiNE: Libraries in the Next Era. 15th January 2015 by DLIS and KULISAA
40. Towards measuring the research output. Pp. 160-166. LiNE: Libraries in the Next Era. 15th January 2015 by DLIS and KULISAA
41. Community Information Services in Bangladesh and Role of Library Association of Bangladesh. IASLIC 30th All India Conference 2015 On Library legislation and community information services on 28th – 31st December, 2015 at Gujarat University
42. Academic Research Impact Indicator (ARII): A critical study of h-index and an attempt to frame a basic structure for designing a new indicator. 2015. Pp. 206-211. IASLIC 30th All India Conference 2015 On Library legislation and community information services on 28th – 31st December, 2015 at Gujarat University
43. Library movement and LIS education in Bangladesh: A bird’s eye view. 2016. Pp. 244-253. LINE 2016: Two days International Seminar on Libraries in Next Era on 16
44. Digital learning: Marching towards democratic learning. 2016. Pp. 281-284. LINE 2016: Two days International Seminar on Libraries in Next Era on 16
45. Are you ready to create M-library? Let us design Responsive Web for your library. 2016. Pp. 132-138. IASLIC 27th National Seminar 2016 On Social Networking and Libraries on 22nd – 24th December, 2016
46. Describing cultural objects: Issues and elements. 2016. Pp. 33-36. LINE 2016: Two days International Seminar on Libraries in Next Era on 16
47. Automatic reference management software. 2016. Pp. 37-45. LINE 2016: Two days International Seminar on Libraries in Next Era on 16
48. Facebook as an emerging platform for digital learning. 2016. Pp. 82-87. IASLIC 27th National Seminar 2016 On Social Networking and Libraries on 22nd – 24th December
49. Towards assessing users’ need and satisfaction in the Central library of JKKNU, Bangladesh: An analytical study. 2016. Pp. 88-99. IASLIC 27th National Seminar 2016 On Social Networking and Libraries on 22nd – 24th December
50. Public Libraries in Bangladesh: Progress and Challenges. 2017. Pp. 97-101. IASLIC 31st All India Conference 2017 on 07 – 09 November 2017
51. Accessible Website designing and application of other assistive technologies for public library users with vision disability. 2017. Pp. 240-244. IASLIC 31st All India Conference 2017 on 07 – 09 November 2017
52. Library and Information Science in Changing Paradigm. 2013. Ess Ess Publications,
53. Clay-Handicrafts of West Bengal: Annotated List of Information Sources. P. 177. 2015. Lambert Academic Publishing
54. Human Information Resources on Clay-based Handicrafts of West Bengal: A Critical Study Towards Designing a Generalised Model for the Overall Development of the Products. P. 367. 2017. Lambert Academic Publishing
55. Designing Interactive Digital Learning System: A Complete Guide. 2020. Lambert Academic Publishing
56. Integrated Master of Library and Information Science Course in India: Designing a Model Meta-Syllabus. 2021, Lambert Academic Publishing
1. Designing Library Portal and Website. 2nd CISSR Workshop on KOHA, November 13-16, 2010, J.U. Centre for Information Studies and Social Research, Kolkata
2. Towards weighing research impact. 324th IASLIC Study Circle on 9th July, 2015, IASLIC Seminar Room, Kolkata-54
3. Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centres
4. Towards Managing E-resources. Special Lecture on 8th March, 2016. Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University, Bangladesh
5. From Traditional Library to Digital Library: A Journey. Special Lecture on 2nd March, 2016. Institute of Library and Information Science, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
6. Preservation and conservation strategies at Indian public libraries. National Mission on Libraries-Capacity Building Programme on 13-17 November 2017. RRRLF, Govt. of India, Department of Lib. & Inf. Science, K.U., CIRM, K.U.
7. Digital Humanities in India: Present scenario and future scope. DHDS 2018: International Seminar on Digital Humanities and Digital Societies in the Contemporary World. 18-19 January, 2018. Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta
8. Towards weighing scholarly publications. 2 week 1st National Workshop on ‘Use of ICT in Teaching Learning Process (UICTTLP-18). CIRM, University of Kalyani during 27 August – 10 September 2018. Recent trends in LIS education with career perspective
9. Special Lecture on 16th November 2018. Department of Library and Information Science, University of Gour Banga. Pandemic Pedagogy: Teach- From -Home Students -At- Home”
10. National Webinar on Pandemic Pedagogy on 30-08-2020. Universal Briefing, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
11. Paradigm shift in teaching – learning process and role of LIS professionals in this pandemic situation. State level webinar on 16-07-2020. WBCLA, Kolkata
12. Peer review process of journal article. International Webinar on 17-01-2021. Indian Institute of Social Reform and Research
13. Topic selection and review of related literature: Hands-on-activities. 8-day Hands-on Activity based International Virtual Workshop on ART OF WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLE during 17-24 March 2021. Indian Institute of Social Reform and Research (IISRR) in collaboration with School of Commerce and Business Management, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).
14. Research Methodology: Hands-on-activities. 8-day Hands-on Activity based International Virtual Workshop on ART OF WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLE during 17-24 March 2021. Indian Institute of Social Reform and Research (IISRR) in collaboration with School of Commerce and Business Management, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).
15. Citation, referencing and plagiarism: Theory and practices in writing research article
16. 8-day Hands-on Activity based International Virtual Workshop on ART OF WRITING RESEARCH ARTICLE during 17-24 March 2021. Indian Institute of Social Reform and Research (IISRR) in collaboration with School of Commerce and Business Management, Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU).
17. Research metric tools and techniques. Short term training programme on Research 2.0: From Discovery to dissemination during 2-8 March 2021. CIRM, University of Kalyani
18. Invited lecture on Digital Humanities in India: Present scenario and future scope for LIS professionals. Refresher course in Library and Information Science during 2-15 March 2021. UGC-HRDC, NBU
19. Cornell University digital library: A user friendly approach for modern online information services. EMPI Digital Library National Convention., 2007. Knowledge and Learning Resource Centre, EMPI Business School, New Delhi
20. Open Access Publishing: The new arena of open movement for digital information service. 23rd National Seminar of IASLIC on Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm. December 10-13, 2008. Bose Institute, Kolkata
21. Library 2.0 = Web 2.0 + Library. Proceeding of 7th International CALIBER- 2009 on E-Content Management: Challenges and Strategies. February 25-27, 2009. Pondicherry University, Puducherry, February 25-27, 2009
22. Open Access Publishing: The new arena of open movement for digital information service. 23rd National Seminar of IASLIC on Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm. December 10-13, 2008. Bose Institute, Kolkata
23. Library 2.0 = Web 2.0 + Library. Proceeding of 7th International CALIBER- 2009 on E-Content Management: Challenges and Strategies. February 25-27, 2009. Pondicherry University, Puducherry, February 25-27, 2009
24. Open Access Publishing: The new arena of open movement for digital information service. 23rd National Seminar of IASLIC on Library Profession in Search of a New Paradigm. December 10-13, 2008. Bose Institute, Kolkata
25. E-resource Management and Scholarly Communication. International seminar on Usage of electronic resources and database management system: Scenarios in the university libraries of Bangladesh on 2nd March, 2016. Jatiya Kobi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Bangladesh
26. Librarian 2.0: Refining the Role of College Librarians in ICT Environment. Nation Level Webinar on 12-05-2022. Shri Annasaheb Dange Arts, Commerce & Science College, Maharastra.
27. Research made easy in science. Workshop on Research Methodology in Science, Humanities and Social Science on 17-08-2023. Berhampore Girls’ College, Murshidabad, West Bengal.
28. Research Made Easy: Tools and Techniques. 342nd IASLIC Study Circle on 20-07-2023. Indian Association of Special Libraries & Information Centres
29. From Data Metrics to Data Analytics. Refresher course in Library and Information Science during 26-09-2023 to 11-10-2023. On 27-09-2023. UGC-HRDC, NBU
1. Bengal Library Association (BLA)
2. Indian Library Association (ILA)
3. Indian Association for Special Libraries and Information Centres (IASLIC)
4. Indian Institute of Social Reform and Research (IISRR)
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