Dr. Zahed Hossain
Department: Department of BotanyPhone Number:
Institutional E-Mail: zahed_kly@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zahed-Hossain-2
Educational Qualifications:
M.Sc. (Botany), Ph.D.
Awards and Honours (National/International) Recipient of Shiksharatna Award (2021), Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal, India
JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Invitation Fellow (2014: Short-Term): National Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Japan
DST- BOYSCAST Fellow (2010-2011): “Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science & Technology” programme of the Department of Science & Technology (DST). National Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Japan
Visiting Researcher: Ecofisiologia-Biotecnologia, Universitat Jaume I, Spain, 2009
Recipient of DST SERC FAST TRACK Young Scientist Fellowship, 2008
Visiting Researcher: Ecofisiologia-Biotecnologia, Universitat Jaume I, Spain, 2007
Recipient of Certificate of Editorial Achievement in recognition of contributing as Guest Editor to the Special Issue “Plant Proteomic Research” for the journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2017)
Recipient of Membership Award by American Chemical Society (2015)
Recipient of Certificate of Editorial Achievement in recognition of contributing as Guest Editor to the Special Issue “Plant Proteomics” for the Journal Proteomes, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2015)
WBCSC topper 2 consecutive times
Recipient of CSIR Senior Research Fellowship, 2004
Recipient of CSIR Junior Research Fellowship, 2002
CSIR-NET Exam- Secured position in top 20%, 2002
GATE, 2001
CSIR-NET (Lectureship) 2000
Post-graduate Topper – 1st Class 1st – University of Kalyani, 2000
Under-graduate Topper – 1st Class 1st – University of Kalyani, 1998
Recipient of Merit scholarship-Under-graduate & Post-graduate levels (University of Kalyani) (1998 and 2000)
Plant Genomics, Plant Proteomics, microRNAomics, Nanotoxicology
Teaching Experience:More than 17 years
List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)1. Roy D, Adhikari S, Adhikari A, Ghosh S, Azahar I, Basuli D, Hossain Z.* (2022). Impact of CuO nanoparticles on maize: Comparison with CuO bulk particles with special reference to oxidative stress damages and antioxidant defense status. Chemosphere, 287: 131911. Journal Impact Factor 7.086
2. Ghosh S, Adhikari S, Adhikari A, Hossain Z.* (2022). Contribution of plant miRNAome studies towards understanding heavy metal stress responses: Current status and future perspectives. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 194: 104705. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
3. Adhikari S, Adhikari A, Ghosh S, Roy D, Azahar I, Basuli D, Hossain Z.* (2020). Assessment of ZnO-NPs toxicity in maize: An integrative microRNAomic approach. Chemosphere, 12; 249: 126197. Journal Impact Factor 7.086
4. Azahar I., Ghosh S., Adhikari A., Adhikari S., Roy D., Shaw A.K., Singh K, Hossain Z.* (2020). Comparative analysis of maize root sRNA transcriptome unveils the regulatory roles of miRNAs in submergence stress response mechanism. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 171, 103924. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
5. Adhikari A., Adhikari S., Ghosh S., Azahar I., Shaw A.K., Roy D., Roy S., Saha, S., Hossain Z.* (2020). Imbalance of redox homeostasis and antioxidant defense status in maize under chromium (VI) stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 169, 103873. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
6. Hossain Z, Yasmeen F, Komatsu S. (2020). Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Morphophysiological Effects, and Proteomic Responses of Crop Plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21, 3056, 1-19. Journal Impact Factor 5.923
7. Adhikari S., Ghosh S., Azahar I., Adhikari A., Shaw A.K., Konar S., Roy S., Hossain Z.* (2018). Sulfate improves cadmium tolerance by limiting cadmium accumulation, modulation of sulfur metabolism and antioxidant defense system in maize. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 153 (2018) 143–162. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
8. Shaw A.K., Bhardwaj P.K., Ghosh S., Azahar I., Adhikari S., Adhikari A., Sherpa A.R., Saha S.K., Hossain Z.* (2017) Profiling of BABA-induced differentially expressed genes of Zea mays using suppression subtractive hybridization. RSC Advances. 7(69): 43849-43865. Journal Impact Factor 3.361
9. Ghosh S, Singh K, Shaw AK, Azahar I, Adhikari S, Ghosh U, Basu U, Roy S, Saha S, Sherpa AR, Hossain Z*. (2017) Insights into the miRNA-mediated response of maize leaf to arsenate stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 137: 96–109. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
10. Hossain Z*, Mustafa G, Sakata K, Komatsu S. (2016) Insights into the proteomic response of soybean towards Al2O3, ZnO, and Ag nanoparticles stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 304: 291-305. Journal Impact Factor 10.588
11. Ghosh S, Shaw AK, Azahar I, Adhikari S, Jana S, Roy S, Kundu A, Sherpa AR, Hossain Z*. (2016) Arsenate (AsV) stress response in maize (Zea mays L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 130: 53-67. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
12. Shaw AK, Bhardwaj PK, Ghosh S, Roy S, Saha S, Sherpa AR, Saha SK, Hossain Z*. (2016) β-aminobutyric acid mediated drought stress alleviation in maize (Zea mays L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23(3): 2437-53. Journal Impact Factor 4.223
13. Mustafa G, Sakata K, Hossain Z, Komatsu S. (2015) Proteomic study on the effects of silver nanoparticles on soybean under flooding stress. Journal of Proteomics 122: 100-118. Journal Impact Factor 4.044
14. Hossain Z*, Mustafa G, Komatsu S. (2015) Plant Responses to Nanoparticle Stress. (Review) International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(11):26644-53. Journal Impact Factor 5.923
15. Komatsu S, Kamal AH, Hossain Z. (2014) Wheat proteomics: proteome modulation and abiotic stress acclimation. Front Plant Sci. (Plant Proteomics) 5:684. Journal Impact Factor 5.753
16. Komatsu S., Mostafa Kamal A.H., Makino T., Hossain Z (2014) Ultraweak photon emission and proteomics analyses in soybean under abiotic stress (Review article). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins and Proteomics. 1844(7): 1208-1218. Journal Impact Factor 3.036
17. Shaw A.K., Ghosh S., Kalaji H.M., Bosa K., Brestic M., Zivcak M., Hossain Z* (2014) Nano-CuO Stress Induced Modulation of Antioxidative Defense and Photosynthetic Performance of Syrian Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 102: 37-47. Journal Impact Factor 5.545
18. Hossain Z*, Khatoon A, Komatsu S. (2013) Soybean Proteomics for Unraveling Abiotic Stress Response Mechanism (Review). Journal of Proteome Research. 12 (11), 4670–4684. Journal Impact Factor 4.466
19. Shaw A.K., Hossain Z* (2013) Impact of nano-CuO stress on rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Chemosphere 93 (6): 906–915. Journal Impact Factor 7.086
20. Hossain Z*, Komatsu S. (2013) Contribution of proteomic studies towards understanding plant heavy metal stress response (Review). Front Plant Sci. (Plant Proteomics) 3, 310: 1-12. Journal Impact Factor 5.753
21. Komatsu S, Hossain Z (2013) Organ-specific proteome analysis for identification of abiotic stress response mechanism in crop (Review). Front Plant Sci. (Plant Proteomics) 4, 71: 1-9. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00071. Journal Impact Factor 5.753
22. Hossain Z, Makino T, Komatsu S (2012) Proteomic study of β-aminobutyric acid-mediated cadmium stress alleviation in soybean. Journal of Proteomics 75 (13): 4151-4164. Journal Impact Factor 4.044
23. Hossain Z, Hajika M, Komatsu S (2012) Comparative proteome analysis of high and low cadmium accumulating soybeans under cadmium stress. Amino Acids 43(6):2393-2416. Journal Impact Factor 3.520
24. Hossain Z, Nouri MZ, Komatsu S (2012) Plant cell organelle proteomics in response to abiotic stress (Review). Journal of Proteome Research. 11(1): 37-48. Journal Impact Factor 4.466
25. Kausar R, Hossain Z, Makino T, Komatsu S (2012) Characterization of ascorbate peroxidase in soybean under flooding and drought stresses. Molecular Biology Reports 39(12):10573-9. Journal Impact Factor 2.316
26. Kalaji HM, Bosa K, Kościelniak J, Hossain Z (2011) Chlorophyll a fluorescence–A useful tool for the early detection of temperature stress in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Omics: a journal of integrative biology 15(12): 925-934. Journal Impact Factor 3.374
27. Hossain Z, Lopez-Climent MF, Arbona V, Perez-Clemente RM & Gomez-Cadenas A (2009) Modulation of the antioxidant system in citrus under waterlogging and subsequent drainage. Journal of Plant Physiology 166: 1391- 1404. Elsevier. Journal Impact Factor 3.549
28. Arbona V, Hossain Z, Lopez-Climent MF, Perez-Clemente RM & Gomez-Cadenas A (2008) Antioxidant enzymatic activity is linked to waterlogging stress tolerance in citrus. Physiologia Plantarum 132: 452–466. Blackwell ISSN: 0031-9317. Journal Impact Factor 4.500
29. Hossain Z, Mandal AKA, Datta SK & Biswas AK (2007) Development of NaCl-tolerant line in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. through shoot organogenesis of selected callus line. Journal of Biotechnology. 129: 658- 667. Elsevier. ISSN: 0168-1656. Journal Impact Factor 3.307
30. Hossain Z, Mandal AKA, Datta SK & Biswas AK (2006) Development of NaCl-tolerant strain in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. through in vitro mutagenesis. Plant Biology. 8: 450- 461. Georg Thieme Verlag. ISSN: 1435-8603. Journal Impact Factor 3.081
31. Hossain Z, Mandal AKA, Datta SK & Biswas AK (2006) Isolation of a NaCl-tolerant mutant of Chrysanthemum morifolium by gamma radiation: in vitro mutagenesis and selection by salt stress. Functional Plant Biology. 33: 91-101. CSIRO Publication. ISSN: 1445-4408. Journal Impact Factor 3.100
32. Hossain Z, Mandal AKA, Datta SK & Biswas AK (2006) Decline in ascorbate peroxidase activity – A prerequisite factor for tepal senescence in gladiolus. Journal of Plant Physiology. 163: 186-194. Elsevier. ISSN: 0176-1617. Journal Impact Factor 3.549
33. Hossain Z, Mandal AKA, Shukla R & Datta SK (2004) NaCl stress– its chromotoxic effects and antioxidant behavior in roots of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. Plant Science. 166: 215-220. Elsevier. ISSN: 0168-9452. Journal Impact Factor 4.729
Z. Hossain and S. Komatsu (2014) Soybean Proteomics (Chapter 23). In Plant Proteomics. Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1072. Jorrin-Novo, J.V.; Komatsu, S.; Weckwerth, W.; Wienkoop, S. (Eds.). 2nd ed., XXI, Page No. 315-331. Humana Press. (Springer)
Z. Hossain, A. K. A. Mandal, S. K. Datta (2010) In vitro mutagenesis- an effective tool for development of salt-tolerant line in Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat. In: Floriculture- Role of Tissue Culture and Molecular Techniques by S.K. Datta and D. Chakrabarty. Page No. 140-156.
K. Datta, A. K. A. Mandal and Z Hossain (2006) Pollen morphotypes in ornamental plants. In: Advances in Ornamental Horticulture by S.K. Bhattacharya. Chapter No. 16, Vol. No. 6.
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Govt. of India |
Screening of Maize Inbreds, microRNAomic Profiling Assisted Identification of Candidate Genes and Development of miRNA-based Markers Conferring Tolerance to High Arsenite (AsIII) Stress. Principal Investigator (PI) No.: CRG/2021/001474 |
2021 to 2024 |
39.24 lakh |
2 |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India |
Nanoparticle induced oxidative stress and microRNA profiling of maize (Zea Mays L.). Principal Investigator (PI) No.38(1440)/17/EMR-II |
2017 to 2020 |
19.85 lakh |
3 |
Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India |
Antioxidative Modulation and stress Related Genes & sRNA Expression Profiling of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Response to Arsenic Exposure Principal Investigator (PI) No.BT/PR538/AGR/2/795/2011 |
2013 to 2016 |
30.25 lakh |
4 |
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India |
Chemical Priming: A novel approach of Maize (Zea mays L.) improvement for drought tolerance at flowering stage. Principal Investigator (PI) CSIR sanction order no. 38 (1309)/11 EMR u2013II dt. 10/12/2011 |
2012 to 2015 |
18.96 lakh |
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