Jyostna Kumar Mandal
Department: Department of Computer Science and EngineeringPhone Number: 9434352214
Institutional E-Mail: jkmandal@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: http://jkmandal.com/JKM_New_WebSite/home.html
Educational Qualifications:
MTech, PhD
Awards and Honours (National/International)1 A. M. Bose Memorial Silver medal for securing highest marks in the paper “Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Rays” at M. Sc 1985 Jadavpur University
2 Kali Prasanna Dasgupta Memorial Silver medal for securing highest marks in the paper “Nuclear Physics and Cosmic Rays” at M. Sc 1985 Jadavpur University
3 “Bharat Jyoti Award” for meritorious services, outstanding performances and remarkable role in the field of Computer Science & Engineering on 29th August, 2012 2012 International Friendship Society(IIFS), New Delhi
4 “The Best Citizen of India Award 2012” 2012 The International Publishing House, Delhi, India
5 Biography in Marquis Who’s Who in the World 2014(31st Edition), USA (published in November 2013) 2014
6 Chapter Patron Award, CSI Kolkata Chapter, 2014 2014 CSI Annual Convention at JNTU, Hyderabad during 14-16 December, 2014
7 Vidyasagar Award 2016 International Society for Science Technology and management in the fifth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Sensor Network, on 25th December, 2016 at Hotel Golden park, Kolkata
8 Rastriya Pratibha Award 2017 Indo Socio Development Association, Delhi
9 Siksha Ratna award 2018 Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal
Research collaboration leading to Ph. D. in the field of Network Encryption with Logitech Engineering and Design India Pvt. Ltd.(during 2012)
Research Area:Coding Theory, Data and Network Security, Remote Sensing & GIS based Applications, Data Compression Error Corrections, Information security, Watermarking, Steganography and Document Authentication, Image Processing, Visual Cryptography, MANET, Wireless and Mobile Computing/security, Unify Computing, Chaos Theory and Applications
Teaching Experience:36
Administrative ExperiencesEx-Dean Faculty of Engineering, Technology &Management 2008-2012(first term: 09.04.2008-22.04.2010, second term: 09.07.2010-08.07.2012), Member of University Executive Council and University Court 2008-2012(July). Experienced as Head and Chairman of various boards since 1998. Coordinator of TEQIP in Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Domain Expert member of Uttarbanga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya for planning and integration of Public domain networks. Organizing various conferences of Springer Nature, ELSEVIER, IEEE etc.
Infrastructure Development
• Designed and implemented full campus networking consisting of 4Km fiber optic network and 4Km UTP network at the University of North Bengal during 1998-2000 from the project fund received from UGC(80Lakhs).
• Initiated to open Department of Engineering & Technological Studies, under Engineering, Technology and Management, Faculty and two streams of undergraduate studies, Information Technology and Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering has been started as Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Technology & Management, University of Kalyani during 2008-2010.
• Actively involved in infrastructure development, networking, wireless communication between Main campus and hostels situated at a distance of 2 km from main campus of Kalyani Government Engineering College as Coordinator of TEQIP I in Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Govt. of West Bengal, during 2006-2007.
• Domain Expert member of Uttarbanga Krishi Viswavidyalaya nominated by ICAR, Govt. of India for planning, designing and implementation of networking and internetworking of Uttarbanga Krishi Viswavidyalaya campus, Coochbehar during my tenure as Head, Department of Computer Science & Application, University of North Bengal during 2002-2004.
• Domain Expert member of West Bengal University of Animal and Husbandry, Belgachia for designing and implementation of Video Conferencing labs at Belgachia Campus and Haringhata Campus during 2009-10.
• As Chairman of Center for Information Resource Management, University of Kalyani, implemented wireless connectivity between Central Park and Main Campus of the University of Kalyani
• Implemented web based Remote Library Resource Access at the University of Kalyani as Chairman, CIRM
• Expert member of Raiganj Uiversity for design and implementation of ICT and Networking infrastructure
SCI Journals:
1. Krishan Kundu, Prasun Halder & Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (2022) Estimation and Analysis of Change Detection, Forest Canopy Density, and Forest Fragmentation: A Case Study of the Indian Sundarbans, Journal of Sustainable Forestry, SCIE(IF:1.515); DOI: 10.1080/10549811.2022.2059515, published 30th March 2022, link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10549811.2022.2059515
Patent Title: Enhancing Cyber Security using Hybrid Authentication Technique, Gaurav Gambhir, M Gambhir, J K Mandal, Patent Number 2021100948, Innovation Patent, Australian Government, Eight years from 19.02.2021.
1. Santra, D., Basu, S. K., Mandal, J. K., & Goswami, S. (2019). Rough set based lattice structure for knowledge representation in medical expert systems: low back pain management case study. Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (Impact factor: 6.954 (2019)) [SCI], 145,113084
2. Kundu, K, Halder P and Mandal, J K, Change Detection and Patch Analysis of Sundarban Forest During 1975–2018 Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data, SN Computer Science , Springer(June 2021), 2:364.
3. Debarpita Santra, Subrata Goswami, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal and Swapan Kumar Basu, Low Back Pain Expert Systems: Clinical Resolution through Probabilistic Considerations and Poset”, Journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Science Direct Elsevier,Volume 120,October 2021, 102163(SCI, IF:5.326) ( https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0933365721001561), September, 2021.
4. Krishan Kundu, Prasun Halder & Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Detection and Prediction of Sundarban Reserve Forest using the CA-Markov Chain Model and Remote Sensing Data”, Earth Science Informatics (2021), Springer Nature(17th July 2021( SCIE with IF: 2.878))2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12145-021-00648-9, 2021.
5. M Marjit Sing, Mandal, J K, A Novel Wide & Deep Transfer Learning Stacked GRU Framework for Network Intrusion Detection, Journal of Information Security Applications, ELSEVIER, Vol 91,SCIE(IF 3.872), June, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2021.102899, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214212621001265.
6. Sounak Sadhukhan, P.K. Mishra, S.K. Basu, J.K. Mandal, A multi-scale agent-based model for avascular tumour growth, Biosystems,Volume 206,2021, 104450,ISSN 0303-2647,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystems.2021.104450. ELSEVIER SCI, SCIE with IF:1.808. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303264721001040).
7. Arindam Sarkar, Moirangthem Marjit Singh, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Neural Synchronization guided Concatenation of Header and Secret Shares for Secure transmission of Patients’ Electronic Medical Record: Enhancing Telehealth Security for COVID-19, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering(SCIE, IF 2.334, Springer Nature, January 2021.
8. Gambhir, G and Mandal, J K, Shared memory implementation and performance analysis of LSB steganography based on chaotic tent map, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-021-00385-8(March 2021)
9. Bandyopadhyay, S., Thakur, S.S. & Mandal, J.K. Product recommendation for e-commerce business by applying principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering: benefit for the society. Innovations Syst Softw Eng 17, 45–52 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-020-00372-5
11. Santra, D., Mandal, J. K., Basu, S.K. et al. Medical expert system for low back pain management: design issues and conflict resolution with Bayesian network. Med Biol Eng Comput (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-020-02222-9, Springer(SCI, IF-2.6022), 7 September,2020.
12. Soma Bandyopadhyay, S. S. Thakur1,J. K. Mandal, Product recommendation for e‐commerce business by applying principal component analysis (PCA) and K‐means clustering: beneft for the society, Innovations in Software and Systems Engineering(NASA Jpurnal), Spinger, SCIMago, June, 2020
13. Mandal, J K., Chakraborty, R, A 10nm MOS and Its Applications, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (Feb, 19,2020) (IF:1.581).
14. Kundu, K, Mandal, J K., Halder, P, Urban Change Detection Analysis during 1978-2017 in Kolkata, India using Multi-temporal Satellite Data, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Sept., 2020) (SCIE, IF: 1.563)
15. Das, S, Mandal, J K., An enhanced block based Compress Sensing Technique using orthogonal matching pursuit, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Springer (2020) (in press)(SCI, IF 2.157).
16. Gambhir, G. & Mandal, J.K. Multicore implementation and performance analysis of a chaos based LSB steganography technique, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (2020) 25: 1669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-020-04762-4) Feb. 2020 (IF:2.276).
17. Das, S., Mandal, J.K. Saliency detection via outlier pursuit in compress domain (SDOPCD). Microsyst Technol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-020-04769-x
18. Santra, D., Mandal, J. K., Basu, S. K., & Goswami, S. (2019). Addressing Design Issues in Medical Expert System for Low Back Pain Management: Knowledge Representation, Inference Mechanism, and Conflict Resolution Using Bayesian Network. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Springer (Impact factor: 2.039 (2019) [SCI]) [In revision]
19. Hassan, K L, Mandal, J K, Mondal, S, Enhanced Trust-based Intrusion Detection Syatem in MANET,Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research(JSIR), Vol. 78, August 2019, pp. 509-512, 2019(IF:0.735)
20. Chakraborty, R. & Mandal, J.K. An FPGA based cascaded CBC block cipher through RPSPNC and TE, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3458-x) May 2019, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp 1669–1677(IF:1.581).
21. Chakraborty, R, Mandal, J K, An FPGA based non-feistel block cipher through recursive substitutions of bits on prime-nonprime detection of sub-stream (RSBPNDS), Microsystem Technologies (2019) ( Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1679. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3662-8), May 2019, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp 1679–1687(IF:1.581)
22. Hassan, K. L., Mandal, J. K. (2019), “Risk Factor Based Ad-hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol (RF-AOMDV), JSIR (SCI E Journal), (vol 78, pp 746-750, Nov, 2019) ( IF:0.557).
23. Dutta, P., Chatterjee, R. & Mandal, J.K.(2019) , “An approach for deployment of BRS in software-defined network”, Innovations Syst Softw Eng(ESCI) (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-019-00340-8, A Nasa journal, Springer, pp 1-7(IF:1.10)
24. Kundu K., Halder P., Mandal J.K. (2019) Forest Cover Change Analysis in Sundarban Delta Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS. In: Mandal J., Sinha D. (eds) Intelligent Computing Paradigm: Recent Trends. Studies in Computational Intelligence (Web of Science Indexed), vol 784, pp 85-101, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7334-3_7, Springer, Singapore.
25. Das, S., Mandal, J.K, An information Hiding scheme in wavelet domain using Chaos dynamics, Journal of scientific & industrial research, vol 77, May 2018.pp 264-267.
26. Saha, S Ghoshal, S K Chakraborty A, Drargupta S, Sarkar, Mandal, J K, Improved exploiting modification direction-based steganography using dynamic weightage array, Electronica Letters, Vol. 54 No. 8 pp. 498-500, (IF:1.59)19th April, 2018(2018)
27. R Chatterjee, R Chakraborty, J K Mandal (2018), Design of Cryptographic model for End-to-End Encryption in FPGA based systems Microsystems Technology, Springer (SCI)(online first), (IF:1.581)
28. Mandal J., K., Chakraborty Raktim “Design of 4nm MOSFET and its Applications”, Microsystem Technology, Springer, July 2018 (SCI) (online first) (IF:1.581).
29. Ghosal, S and Mandal, J., K., “High Payload Image Steganography based on Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Edge Detector”, Multimedia Tools and Applications (IF:1.530), Springer (Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch), May, 2018.
30. Ghosal, S and Mandal, J., K., On the use of the Stirling Transform in Image Steganography, Journal of Information Security and Applications (IF:1.357), Elsevier (in Press), 2018
31. Mandal, J. K.,Das, S,(2018), An Information Hiding Scheme in Wavelet Domain using Chaos Dynamics, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (IF:0.557), ISSN: 0022-4456(SCI)(Vol 77(05), pp264-267
32. Chatterjee R, Mandal J. K., (2018), A Content Proposer System (CPS) based on deficiencies of Confidence Based Learning (CBL), Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (IF:0.557), ISSN: 0022-4456. (SCI), Vol. 78(1), pp 35-38
33. Das, S, Mandal, J. K., Secured Hand Sacking Based Two Phase Data Concealing Architecture in Spectral Domain, Microsystem Technology (IF:1.581), Springer (Online first) March 2018(SCI)
34. Shaswata Saha ; Sudipta Ghosal ; Anuran Chakraborty ; Souvik Dhargupta ; Ram Sarkar ;Jyotsna Mandal, “Improved exploiting modification direction based steganography using dynamic weightage array”, Electronics Letters, IET Digital Library(IF:1.155), DOI: 10.1049/el.2017.3336 , Print ISSN 0013-5194, Online ISSN 1350-911X Available online: 02 March 2018(SCI)(IF:1.232).
35. Chakraborty Rajdeep and Mandal J.K., Recursive Substitutions of Bits on Prime-Nonprime Detection of Sub-stream: FPGA Based Non-Feistel Block Cipher, Microsystem Technology (IF:1.581), Springer, 2017(SCI) (online first) (2017)
36. Amit Kumar Gupta1,Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Indrajit Bhattacharya1 Tamal Mondal and & Sourav Sanu Shaw(2017), “CTMR-collaborative time-stamp based multicast routing for delay tolerant networks in post disaster scenario”, Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl. (IF:1.514), Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12083-016-0533-5, 16th Nov.2017
37. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K. (2017), “Reliability of MANET under the Influence of Black Hole Attack in Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (IF:537), vol 76(07), 2017, pp 423-426, ISSN: 0022-4456. (SCI)(2017)
38. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K., “Logistic regression-based reliability analysis for mobile ad hoc network with fixed maximum speed and varying pause times”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (IF:537), Vol.76 (02) 2017, pp 81-84, ISSN: 0022-4456(SCI) (2017)
39. Utpal Nandi & Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (2016), Efficiency of adaptive fractal image compression with archetype classification and its modifications, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 38:2-3, 156-163; Taylor & Francis (SCIMago)link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1206212X.2016.1237130
40. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K. (2016), “Logistic Regression Based Reliability Analysis for Mobile Ad hoc Network with Fixed Maximum Speed and Varying Pause Times”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research. (SCI, IF:537), ISSN: 0022-4456, Vol. 76, pp 81-84
41. Arindam sarkar, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (2015), Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange Method in Wireless Communication, International Journal of Network Security (SCIMago), Vol.17, No.4, PP.484-493, July 2015
42. AK Gupta, I Bhattacharya, PS Banerjee, JK Mandal, A Mukherjee, DirMove: direction of movement-based routing in DTN architecture for post-disaster scenario, Wireless Networks (IF:1.981), 22(3), pp.723-740,2016(389 download, 4 citation)(SCI)
43. D Acharya, A Mukherjee, J K Mandal, NMukherjee (2016), Activity Recognition System Using Inbuilt Sensors of Smart Mobile Phone and Minimizing Feature Vectors. Microsystem Technology (IF:1.581), Springer, Volume 22 Issue 11, pp 2715-2722(SCI)
44. Arindam Sarkar, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal(2015), Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange Method in Wireless Communication, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.17, No.4, PP.484-493(SCIMago)
45. Mukhopadhyay, S and Mandal, J. K. (2014), A Fuzzy Switching Median Filter of Impulses in Digital Imagery (FSMF), Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (IF:1.998), February 2014, DOI:10.1007/s00034-014-9739-z,ISSN: 0278-081X, Springer US, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00034-014-9739-z, Volume 33 Issue 7, pp 2193-2216
1. Ghosh, P, Sadhu, Deep, Mandal, J K, Mandal, J K and Sen, S, RHProphet: An Enhanced Sales Forecasting Model, International Journal for Computers & Their Applications . Dec2021, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p212-221. 10p. https://doi.org/10.1145/3468081.3471064
2. Debarpita Santra, Subrata Goswami, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal and Swapan Kumar Basu, Low Back Pain Expert Systems: Clinical Resolution through Probabilistic Considerations and Poset”, Journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Science Direct Elsevier,Volume 120,October 2021, 102163(SCI, IF:5.326) ( https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0933365721001561), September, 2021.
3. M Marjit Sing, Mandal, J K, A Novel Wide & Deep Transfer Learning Stacked GRU Framework for Network Intrusion Detection, Journal of Information Security Applications, ELSEVIER, SCIE(IF 2.327), June, 2021.
4. Kundu, K, Mandal, J K, Halder, P Change detection and patch analysis of Sundarban forest during 1975-2018 using remote sensing and GIS data,J. SN Computer Science, Springer Nature, June 2021.
5. Arindam Sarkar · Moirangthem Marjit Singh · Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Neural Synchronization guided Concatenation of Header and Secret Shares for Secure transmission of Patients’ Electronic Medical Record: Enhancing Telehealth Security for COVID-19, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering(SCIE, IF 2.074), Springer Nature, January 2021.
6. Santra, D., Mandal, J. K., Basu, S.K. et al. Medical expert system for low back pain management: design issues and conflict resolution with Bayesian network. Med Biol Eng Comput (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-020-02222-9, Springer (SCI, IF-2.022), 7 September,2020.
7. Soma Bandyopadhyay, S. S. Thakur1,J. K. Mandal, Product recommendation for e‐commerce business by applying principal component analysis (PCA) and K‐means clustering: beneft for the society, Innovations in Software and Systems Engineering(NASA Jpurnal), Spinger, SCIMago, June, 2020
8. Santra D., Basu S.K., Mandal J.K., Goswami S. (2020) Lattice-Based Fuzzy Medical Expert System for Management of Low Back Pain: A Preliminary Design. In: Mandal J., Banerjee S. (eds) Intelligent Computing: Image Processing Based Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1157. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4288-6_8,pp.119-129
9. Mondal U.K., Debnath A., Mandal J.K. (2020) Deep Learning-Based Lossless Audio Encoder (DLLAE). In: Mandal J., Banerjee S. (eds) Intelligent Computing: Image Processing Based Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1157. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-4288-6_6,pp. 91-101,2020
10. Mandal, J K., Chakraborty, R, A 10nm MOS and Its Applications, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (2020) 2020 (SCI IF:1.581).
11. Kundu, K, Mandal, J K., Halder, P, Urban Change Detection Analysis during 1978-2017 in Kolkata, India using Multi-temporal Satellite Data, Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing (Sep., 2020) (SCIE, IF:1.102)
12. Das, S, Mandal, J K., An enhanced block based Compress Sensing Technique using orthogonal matching pursuit, Signal, Image and Video Processing, DOI :10.1007/s11760-020-01777-2, Springer (2020) (online first) (SCI, IF 1.824), pp. 1-8.
13. S Bandyopadhyay, S. S. Thakur and J. K. Mandal, Product Recommendation for E-Commerce Business by Applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and K-Means Clustering: Benefit for the Society Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal(2020)(August,25,2020)(SCIM/SCI)
14. Gambhir, G. & Mandal, J.K. Multicore implementation and performance analysis of a chaos based LSB steganography technique, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (2020) 25: 1669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-020-04762-4) Feb. 2020 (SCI IF:1.581).
15. Das, S., Mandal, J.K. Saliency detection via outlier pursuit in compress domain (SDOPCD). Microsyst Technol (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-020-04769-x(SCI IF:1.581).
16. Santra, D., Basu, S. K., Mandal, J. K., & Goswami, S. (2019). Rough set based lattice structure for knowledge representation in medical expert systems: low back pain management case study. Expert Systems with Applications, Elsevier (Impact factor: 4.292 (2019)) [SCI] [In press]
17. Santra, D., Mandal, J. K., Basu, S. K., & Goswami, S. (2019). Addressing Design Issues in Medical Expert System for Low Back Pain Management: Knowledge Representation, Inference Mechanism, and Conflict Resolution Using Bayesian Network. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Springer (Impact factor: 2.039 (2019) [SCI]) [In revision]
18. Hassan, K L, Mandal, J K, Mondal, S, Enhanced Trust-based Intrusion Detection Syatem in MANET,Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research(JSIR), Vol. 78, August 2019, pp. 509-512, 2019(IF:0.735)
19. Chakraborty, R. & Mandal, J.K. An FPGA based cascaded CBC block cipher through RPSPNC and TE, Microsystem technologies, Springer (Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1669. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3458-x) May 2019, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp 1669–1677(IF:1.581).
20. Chakraborty, R, Mandal, J K, An FPGA based non-feistel block cipher through recursive substitutions of bits on prime-nonprime detection of sub-stream (RSBPNDS), Microsystem Technologies (2019) ( Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1679. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3662-8), May 2019, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp 1679–1687(IF:1.581)
21. Hassan, K. L., Mandal, J. K. (2019), “Risk Factor Based Ad-hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol (RF-AOMDV), JSIR (SCI E Journal), (IF:0.735)
22. Dutta, P., Chatterjee, R. & Mandal, J. K. (2019) , “An approach for deployment of BRS in software-defined network”, Innovations Syst Softw Eng (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-019-00340-8, A Nasa Journal, Springer, pp 1-7. (SCIM/SCI)
23. Kundu K., Halder P., Mandal J.K. (2019) Forest Cover Change Analysis in Sundarban Delta Using Remote Sensing Data and GIS. In: Mandal J., Sinha D. (eds) Intelligent Computing Paradigm: Recent Trends. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 784, pp 85-101, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-7334-3_7, Springer, Singapore.
24. Hassan, K. L., Mandal, J. K.,, Enhanced Trust-based Intrusion Detection System in MANET, JSIR(SCI E Journal), (In Press), 2019
25. Hassan, K. L., Mandal, J. K., Risk Factor Based Ad-hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing Protocol (RF-AOMDV), JSIR(SCI Journal), (accepted), 2019
26. Debarpita Santra, S K Basu, J K Mandal, S Goswami(2019),Rough set based lattice structure for knowledge representation in medical expert systems: low back pain management case study, Expert Systems With Applications.
27. Chatterjee, R and Mandal J K,(2019),A content proposer system(CPS) based on deficiencies of confidence based learning(CBL), journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, vol 78, January 2019, pp.33-38(SCI, IF 0.5)
28. Rajeev Chatterjee, Sadhu Prasad Kar, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal “An Intelligent Prescription of Content Modelling for A Typical Learner”, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering, Vol 7. Special issue 1 Jan 2019,pp.12-131.
29. Krishan Kundu1, Prasun Halder, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal,Estimation of changes of vegetation cover in Sundarban using multi-temporal satellite data Advances in Modelling and Analysis D,Vol. 23, No. 1, December, 2018, pp. 19-26,Journal homepage:http://iieta.org/Journals/AMA/AMA_D (Dec., 2018)
30. Saha, S, Ghoshal, S K Chakraborty A, Drargupta S, Sarkar, Mandal, J K, Improved exploiting modification direction-based steganography using dynamic weightage array, Electronica Letters, Vol. 54 No. 8 pp. 498-500, 19th April, 2018(2018)
31. R Chatterjee, R Chakraborty, J K Mandal, Design of Cryptographic model for End-to-End Encryption in FPGA based systems Microsystems Technology, Springer(SCI)(online first), 2018.
32. Krishan Kundu1, Prasun Halder, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, “Estimation of changes of vegetation cover in Sundarban using multi-temporal satellite data”. Advances in Modelling and Analysis D (AMSE) Vol. 23, No. 1, December, 2018, pp. 19-26.
33. K. Kundu, P. Halder, J. K. Mandal, “A Digitization of Polygon Objects in a Raster Map Based On the Direction”. International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA) ISSN: 0975 – 8887 Vol.- 162 No.-3, 2017, pp.-10-16.
34. Mandal J., K., Chakraborty Raktim “Design of 4nm MOSFET and its Applications”, Microsystem Technology, Springer, 2018 (SCI) (in press).
35. Ghosal, S and Mandal, J., K., “High Payload Image Steganography based on Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Edge Detector”, Multimedia Tools and Applications,(IF:1.530), Springer(Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
36. Ghosal, S and Mandal, J., K., On the use of the Stirling Transform in Image Steganography, Journal of Information Security and Applications, Elsevier(accepted and revised version submitted).
37. Mandal, J. K., Das, S An Information Hiding Scheme in Wavelet Domain using Chaos Dynamics, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, ISSN: 0022-4456.(SCI) 2018)
38. Chatterjee R, Mandal J. K., A Content Proposer System (CPS) based on deficiencies of Confidence Based Learning (CBL), Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, ISSN: 0022-4456.(SCI)(accepted)(2018)
39. Das, S, Mandal, J. K.,Secured Hand Sacking Based Two Phase Data Concealing Architecture in Spectral Domain, Microsystem Technology, Springer(https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00542-018-3843-0) March 2018(SCI)
40. Shaswata Saha ; Sudipta Ghosal ; Anuran Chakraborty ; Souvik Dhargupta ; Ram Sarkar ;Jyotsna Mandal, “Improved exploiting modification direction based steganography using dynamic weightage array”, Electronics Letters, IET Digital Library, DOI: 10.1049/el.2017.3336 , Print ISSN 0013-5194, Online ISSN 1350-911X Available online: 02 March 2018(SCI).
41. Chakraborty Rajdeep and Mandal J.K. ,Recursive Substitutions of Bits on Prime-Nonprime Detection of Sub-stream: FPGA Based Non-Feistel Block Cipher, Microsystem Technology, Springer, 2017(SCI) (online first)
42. Amit Kumar Gupta1,Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Indrajit Bhattacharya1 Tamal Mondal and & Sourav Sanu Shaw, ”CTMR-collaborative time-stamp based multicast routing for delay tolerant networks in post disaster scenario”, Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl., Springer, DOI 10.1007/s12083-016-0533-5, 16th Nov.2017
43. Raktim Chakraborty, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, “Modeling of 5nm Gate length n-type MOSFET”, The CSI Journal of Computing, Volume 3, Issue 3, October 2017, e-ISSN: 2277-7091, PP 14-17.
44. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.G.(2017), “Reliability of MANET under the Influence of Black Hole Attack in Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research vol 76(07), 2017,pp 423-426,ISSN: 0022-4456.(SCI)
45. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K.(2017), “Impact of Black Hole Attack on Reliability of Mobile Ad Hoc Network under DSDV Routing Protocol”, International Journal of Systems, Control and communications Vol.9,No.1,pp.20-30, ISSN: 1755-9340.(2018) (SCOPUS).
46. Kundu, K, Halder , P, Mandal, J K, Digitization of Polygon Objects in a Raster Map based on the Direction, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 162 – No 3, March 2017
47. Singh, M.M. and Mandal, J.K., “Logistic regression based reliability analysis for mobile ad hoc network with fixed maximum speed and varying pause times”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol.76 (02) 2017, pp 81-84, ISSN: 0022-4456(SCI)
48. Utpal Nandi & Jyotsna Kumar Mandal (2016), Efficiency of adaptive fractal image compression with archetype classification and its modifications, International Journal of Computers and Applications, 38:2-3, 156-163;link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1206212X.2016.1237130
49. AK Gupta, I Bhattacharya, PS Banerjee, JK Mandal, A Mukherjee,DirMove: direction of movement based routing in DTN architecture for post-disaster scenario, Wireless Networks, 22(3), pp.723-740,2016
50. Kundu K, Halder P, Mandal JK.(2016), “A GIS Based Tool to Digitize Polygon and Line Segments of a Black and White Map”, Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS(JoRSG), ISSN: 2230-7990(online), 2016; Vol. 7 No.1, pp. 27–41.
51. Amit Kumar Gupta, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Indrajit Bhattacharya(2016),Mitigating Selfish, Blackhole and Wormhole Attacks in DTN in a Secure Co-operative ,International Journal of Information and Computer Security,2016(In Press).
52. Amit Kumar Gupta, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Indrajit Bhattacharya, Tamal Mondal, Sourav Sanu Shaw(2016),CTMR-collaborative time-stamp based multicast routing for delay tolerant networks in post disaster scenario,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, Springer pp.1-19,2016
53. K Kundu, P Haldar, J K Mandal(2016), An Efficient Method to Digitize Polygon Objects of a Black and White Raster Map,IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 13, Issue 4, July 2016, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, pp 90-99.(2016)
54. Madhuchhanda Dasgupta and J. K. Mandal(2016), Bit-plane Oriented Image Encryption through Prime-Nonprime based Positional Substitution(BPIEPNPS), International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, E-ISSN: 2347-2693, Volume-4, Special Issue-6, pp. 65-70, Aug 2016,
55. J. K. Mandal , KhondekarLutful Hassan(2015),Analysis of Black Hole and Gray Hole Attack in MANET ,based on Simulation through NS2 , AMSE JOURNALS –2015-Series: Advances D; Vol. 20; N° 1; pp 35-46 ,Submitted April 2015; Revised Sept. 21, 2015; Accepted Nov. 30, 2015
56. Parthajit Roy, J.K. Mandal, “A Novel Spectral Clustering based on Local Distribution”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE),V ol. 5, No. 2, April 2015, pp. 361-370, ISSN: 2088-8708
57. D Acharya, A Mukherjee,J K Mandal,N Mukherjee(2015), Activity Recognition System Using Inbuilt Sensors of Smart Mobile Phone and Minimizing Feature Vectors. Microsystem Technology, Springer (2015).
58. Gupta A. K., Bhattacharya, I, Banerjee, P. S.,Mandal J K & Mukherjee A,”DirMove: direction of movement based routing in DTN architecture for postdisaster scenario Wireless Networks,The Journal of Mobile Communication,Computation and Information, ISSN 1022-0038,DOI 10.1007/s11276-015-0994-0(SCIIndexed), June, 2015, .link:http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11276-015-0994-0
59. Singh, M.M., Singh, A., Mandal, J.K.(2015), “A Snapshot of Black Hole Attack Detection in MANET”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), New York USA, Vol 16, Number 14, April 2015, ISSN: 0975-8887, DOI: 10.5120/20406-2759, pp 23-26, 2015.
60. Mukhopadhyay, S., Mandal, J. K. (2015): Image Denoising based on Sub-image Restoration through Threshold Optimization. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, Inderscience Publishers, Geneva, Switzerland, Vol. 4, No. 3/4, pp. 288–312
61. Arindam sarkar, Jyotsna Kumar Mandal(2015), Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange Method in Wireless Communication, International Journal of Network Security, Vol.17, No.4, PP.484-493, July 2015
62. Singh, M.M., Singh, A, Mandal, J.K, “Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Vol 4, Number 2(2014), ISSN: 0974-2239, pp 153-164, 2014.
63. Dulal Acharjee, Amitava Mukherjee, J K Mandal, Nandini Mukherjee ,”Activity Recognition System Using Inbuilt Sensors of Smart Mobile Phone and Minimizing Feature Vectors”, Microsystems Technologies, Springer(accepted) 2015.
64. Mukhopadhyay, S. and Mandal, J.K. (xxxx) ‘Image denoising based on sub-image restoration through threshold optimisation’, Int. J. Computational Intelligence Studies, Inderscience, Vol. X, No. Y, pp.xxx–xxx.(Accepted).
65. Chakraborty, R, Mandal, J.K. “Secure Encryption Technique (SET): A Private Key Crypto System’ in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security (IJMCIS)”, ISSN 2320-2610, Vol.4, No.1 (January – February 2015 issue), pp.10-13, 2015.
66. Mallick, M., Sengupta Madhumita and Mandal, J. K. (20th February, 2015). Authentication through Hough Signature on G-Let D4 Domain (AHSG – D4), National Conference on Computational Technologies – 2015 (NCCT’15), Organized by North Bengal University. Proceedings published with International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering. 3(1), 59 – 67, e-ISSN: 2347-2693, 2015.
67. Bandyopadhyay, D, Dasgupta, K Mandal, J. K. Dutta, P, “A novel secure image steganography method based on Chaos theory in spatial domain”, International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM) ,Vol 3, No 1, February 2014, pp: 11-21, 2014.
68. Rajdeep Chakraborty, Sibendu Biswas and JK Mandal “Modified Rabin Cryptosystem through Advanced Key Distribution System”, published in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR–JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, accepted & published in Volume 16, Issue 2 Ver XII (Mar. – Apr. 2014) issue, PP 01-07, indexed by NASA, Cross Ref, Arxiv.org, Cabell’s, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Host, Ulrichs Web, Google Scholar, ANED, Jour Informatics, 2014.
69. Rajdeep Chakraborty, Santanu Basak and JK Mandal “An FPGA Based Crypto Processor through Triangular Modulo Arithmetic Technique (TMAT)”, published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cryptology and Information Security (IJMCIS) ISSN 2320 –2610, accepted & published in Volume 3, No.3 (May – June 2014) issue, PP 14-20, indexed by Google scholar, Cite Seer, getCited, .docstoc, Scribd, Ulrich Web, Index Copernicus, Microsoft Academics, New Jour, DOAJ, 2014
70. Singh, M.M.,Singh., A and Mandal, J.K., Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology,Vol 4, Number 2(2014), Pp 153-164,ISSN: 0974-2239., 2014
71. Ghosal, S.K, Mandal J.K, “Color Image Authentication based on Two-Dimensional Separable Discrete Hartley Transform (CIA2D-SDHT)”, Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), 2014.
72. Sarkar, A., Mandal, J. K. (2014). Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange method in Wireless Communication (CKE). International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), ISSN 1816 – 3548 [Online]; 1816 – 353X [Print]. (Accepted). Indexed by: SCOPUS, DBLP, SciVerse, Engineering Village, Ei Compendex, Summon by Serial Solutions, SCImago, EBSCO, DOAJ, Google Scholar etc., 2014.
73. Sarkar, A., Mandal, J. K. (2014). Computational Science guided Soft Computing based Cryptographic Technique using Ant Colony Intelligence for Wireless Communication (ACICT). International Journal of Computational Science and Applications (IJCSA), 4(5), 61-73, DOI: 10.5121/ijcsa.2014.4505, ISSN 2200 – 0011. Indexed by: Ulrichsweb, DOAJ, Scrib, getCITED, Pubget, .docstoc, pub zone, Open J-Gate, CiteSeerx, Google Scholar, cnki.net, etc.,2014.
74. Sarkar, A, Mandal, J. K, ” Soft Computing based Cryptographic Technique using Kohonen’s Self Organizing Map Synchronization for Wireless Communication(KSOMSCT), International Journal in Foundations of Computer Science & Technology (IJFCST), Vol.4, No.5,),ISSN 1839-7662, Indexed on Google Scholar, EBSCO, DOAJ,SCRIBD,WorldCat, Vol.4, No.5, pp.85-100, (DOI:10.5121/ijfcst.2014.4508) September 2014.
75. Sarkar, A, Mandal, J. K, “Intelligent Soft Computing based Cryptographic Technique using Chaos Synchronization for Wireless Communication(CSCT), International Journal of Ambient Systems & Applications(IJASA),ISSN 2321-6344 (Print) ISSN 2320-9259 (Online), Indexed on Google Scholar, EBSCO, DOAJ,SCRIBD, WorldCat, Vol.2, No.3, pp.11-20, (DOI:10.5121/ijasa.2014.2302) September 2014.
76. Nandi, U and Mandal, J. K., “Achieving the Capability of a Dictionary Based Data Compression Technique OLZW and its Variants”, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 4, ISSN (Online): 2249–071X, ISSN (Print): 2278–4209,pp.921-926, 2014.
77. Sarkar, A, Mandal, J. K, “Cryptanalysis of Key Exchange method in Wireless Communication (CKE)” (IJNS-2012-10-05-1), International Journal of Network Security,ISSN 1816-353X (Print) ISSN 1816-3548 (Online), Indexed on Scopus, DBLP, SCI, Taiwan(http://ijns.femto.com.tw/),(accepted July, 24 2014).
78. S. K. Ghosal, J. K. Mandal, ”Binomial Transform based Fragile Watermarking for Image Authentication” Journal of Information Security and Applications (Ref. No.: ISTR-D-13-00009R2, DOI: 10.1016/j.jisa.2014.07.004), Science Direct, Elsevier, Published on September 27,2014.
79. Rajdeep Chakraborty, Sibendu Biswas and J K Mandal, “Modified Rabin Cryptosystem through Advanced Key Distribution System”, published in IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR–JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 16, Issue 2 Ver XII (Mar. – Apr. 2014) issue, PP 01-07, indexed by NASA, Cross Ref, Arxiv.org, Cabell’s, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Host, Ulrichs Web, Google Scholar, ANED, Jour Informatics(2014).
80. Mandal, J K, Sing, M. M., Sing, A, “Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, ISSN 0974-2239 Volume 4, Number 2 (2014), pp. 153-164, 2014.
81. Mandal, J. K.(coauthor) et al, “A Novel Secure Image Steganography Method Based On Chaos Theory In Spatial Domain”, International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM) Vol 3, No 1, February 2014, pp.11-21, DOI:10.5121/ijsptm.2014.3102,link:http://airccse.org/journal/ijsptm/papers/3114ijsptm02.pdf, 2014.
82. Mukhopadhyay, S and Mandal, J. K. , A Fuzzy Switching Median Filter of Impulses in Digital Imagery (FSMF), Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, February 2014, DOI:10.1007/s00034-014-9739-z,ISSN: 0278-081X, Springer US,http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00034-014-9739-z, 2014.
83. Singh, M.M., Singh, A, Mandal, J.K(2014), “Towards Techniques of Detecting Node Replication Attack in Static Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology, Vol 4, Number 2(2014), ISSN: 0974-2239, pp 153-164, 2014
84. Parthajit Roy , J. K. Mandal(2014), Performance Evaluation of Some Clustering Indices, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining – Volume 3,Volume 33 of the series Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies pp 509-517,Springer,12 December 2014.
85. Madhumita Sengupta and J. K. Mandal, “Hough Signature based Authentication of image through Daubechies Transform technique (HSADT)”, Computer Society of India, Journal of Computing, Vol. 2 , No. 1, pp- 83-89, 2013..
86. Mandal, J. K., Khamrui, A, “A Genetic Algorithm based Steganography on Color Images (GASCI)” International journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE), Vol.7,No. 1, pp. 59-63,ISSN print: 1748-0698,Indexed in Scopus, DOI: 10.1504/IJSISE.2014.057935Inderscience Publishers. 2013.
87. Somnath Mukhopadhyay and J. K. Mandal, “Denoising of digital images through PSO based pixel classification”, Central European Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp.158-172,DOI:10.2478/s13537-013-0111-3,Print ISSN 1896-1533 Poland(Springer Publication), Indexed in DBLP,(December, 2013).
88. Ghoshal, S., Mandal J. K.,“ A Frazile Watermarking based on Legendre Transform for Color Images(FWLTCI)”, Signal & Image Processing:An International Journal(SIPIJ), Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.119-127,DOI:10.5121/sipij.2013.4410, ISSN:0976-710X(o),2229-3922(p), Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Proquest, Ulrichs, PubZone,New Jour, World Cat, Google Scholar, August, 2013.
89. Ghoshal, S.,Mandal J. K.,“ Binomial Transform based Image Authentication(BTIA)”, The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications(IJMA), Vol. 5, No. 4, pp.67-74,DOI:10.5121/ijma.2013.5405, ISSN:0975-5578(o),0975-5934(p), Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, DBLP Vis, Open J-Gate, Proquest, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, PubZone,New Jour, World Cat, August, 2013.
90. Sengupta M, Mandal J. K.,“ Image Authentication through Z-Transform with Low Energy and Bandwidth (IAZT)”, International Journal of Network Security & Applications(IJNSA), ISSN:0974-9330, Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, New Jour, (Reference ID 181), (Accepted July 2013).
91. Mondal, U, Mandal J. K.,“ A Systematic Approach to Authenticate Song Signal Without Distortion of Granularity of Audible Information (ASSDGAI) ”, International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications (IJMA), ISSN:0975-5578, Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, New Jour, (Reference ID 181), (Accepted July 2013).
92. Sarkar, A, Mandal J. K.,“ Group Session Key Exchange Multilayer Perceptron based Simulated Annealing guided Automata and Comparison based Metamorphosed Encryption in Wireless Communication (GSMLPSA)”, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), ISSN:0975-3834, Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, New Jour, (Reference ID 181), (Accepted July 2013).
93. Mandal J. K., Hasan, K. L.,“ A Novel Technique to Detect Intrusion in MANET,”, International Journal of Network Security & Applications, ISSN:0974-9330, Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, New Jour, (Reference ID 177), (Accepted July 2013).
94. Mandal J. K., Hasan, K. L.,“Secure Agent based Data Transmission in MANET,”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Vol. 4(Issue May-June 2013), ICV=5.47, ISSN:0976-5697, Indexed on EBSCO Host, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, Electronic Journal Library, Ulrichs, New Jour, (Reference ID 4929), 2013.
95. Sengupta, M, Mandal, J. K., “Wavelet based Authentication/Secret Transmission Through Image resizing(WastiR), Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal, ISSN:0976-710X(o), 2229-3922(Print), Indexed on ProQuest, EBSCO, DOAJ, Pubzone, CiteSeer,Google Scholar, Inspec, getcited, March 2013.
96. Sarkar Arindam, Mandal J. K., “Key Swap Over Among Group of Multilayer Perceptrons for Encryption in Wireless Communication(KSOGMLPE)”, International Journal of Information TECHNOLOGY, Control and Automation(IJITCA), Vol 3, No.1, January 2013, ISSN: 1839-6682, Indexed by:, DOAJ, getCITED,Scribd, Google Scholar, CSEB,Pubget ProQuest, pp. 85-100, DOI:10.521/ijitca.2013.3107,2013.
97. Mukhopadhyay, S., Mandal, J.K.: Image Denoising based on Sub-image Restoration through Threshold Optimization. accepted in International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (IJCIStudies), Inderscience Publishers, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013
98. Ghosal, S, J. K. Mandal, “A Two Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform Based Secret Data Embedding For Color Image Authentication (2D-DFTSDECIA)”, Signal & Image Processing :An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.6, AIRCC, DOI : 10.5121/sipij.2012.3608, December 2012.
99. Ghosal, S, J. K. Mandal, “A Fragile Watermarking Based On Separable Discrete Hartley Transform For Color Image Authentication (FWSDHTCIA)”Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ) Vol.3, No.6, AIRCC, DOI : 10.5121/sipij.2012.3603, December 2012
100. Sarkar Arindam, Mandal J. K., “Evolutionary Computation Guided Energy Efficient Key Organization in Wireless Communication (ECEEKO)”, International Journal of Information and Network Security (IJINS), Vol 2, No.1, 2012, ISSN: 2089-3299, Indexed by: BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Cabell’s Directory, Cite Seerx , Computer Science Directory, DOAJ, EBSCO Publishing, EI, Electronic Journals Library, ELSEVIER, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, ISSUU, NewJour,| OJS PKP, Open J-Gate, ProQuest, Science Central , Scirus , SCOPUS , Socolar Open Access, Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, World Wide Science , WorldCat., 2012
101. Sarkar Arindam, Mandal J. K., “Swarm Intelligence based Faster Public-Key Cryptography in Wireless Communication (SIFPKC)”, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), Vol. 3 No. 7 July 2012, pp 267-273, ISSN: 2229-3345, Indexed by: DOAJ, INDEX COPERNICUS, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, Cornell University Library, SCIRUS, 2012
102. Mondal, U, Mandal, J. K. ,(2012) “Enhancing Security of Quality Songs with Embedding Encrypted Hidden Codes in Tolerance Level(SQHTL)”,Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal(SIPIJ), AIRCC(Accepted).
103. Mandal, J. K. , Ghoshal, S., “Two Dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform Based Secret Data Embedding in Color Images(2D-DFTSDECI)”,Signal & Image Processing:An International Journal(SIPIJ), AIRCC(Accepted).
104. Mondal U, Mandal, J. K ,“Authentication of Audio signals through Embedding of Images(AASAI)”. Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), Dated:05-05-2011, ID 2771, No. 11 512(B)(In press).
105. Nandi, U., Mandal, J. K“Region Based Huffman Compression with Regionwise Multiple Interchange of Codes(RBHM)”, Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), Dated:14-05-2011, ID 2777, No. 11 514(D)(In press).
106. Mandal, J. K, Mukhopadhyay, S.,“A Novel Technique of Filtering High Random valued Impulse Noise and Optimization through Genetic Algorithm(HRVINGA)”. Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), Dated:07-05-2011, ID 2778(In press).
107. Mandal, J. K. Khamrui, Amrita “An Image Authentication Technique in Frequency Domain using Genetic Algorithm (IAFDGA)”, International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications(IJSEA), ISSN : 0975-9018 (Online); 0976-2221(Print), Indexed on DOAJ,EBSCO,INSPEC,ProQuest etc.,DOI:10.5121/ijsea.2012.3504, Vol. 3, No. 5, pp.39-46, Sept. 2012.( http://airccse.org/journal/ijsea/papers/3512ijsea04.pdf),2012.
108. Mandal J. K.and Ghosal, S. K. “A Fragile Watermarking based on Separable Discrete Hartley Transform for Color Image Authentication (FWSDHTCIA)”, Journal of Signal & Image Processing: An International Journal (SIPIJ), ISSN : 0976-710X (Online); 2229-3922 (print), Extended version of conference (DPPR 2012), “Separable Discrete Hartley Transform based Invisible Watermarking for Color Image Authentication (SDHTIWCIA)”, paperID-69, July 13 ~ 15, 2012, Chennai.
109. Mondal Uttam Kr. and Mandal, J. K. “Generating Audio Signal Authentication through Secret Embedded Self Harmonic Component (GASASH)”, Journal of IJSPTM, Extended version of conference (CNSA-2012).
110. Nandi, Utpal Mandal, J. K. “Comparative Study And Analysis of Adaptive Region Based Huffman Compression Techniques”, International Journal of Information Technology Convergence and Services (IJITCS),ISSN:2231-153X(Online)2231-1939(Print),Extended version of DDPR 2012 Chennai.(Accepted 2012)
111. Mandal J. K. and Das Debashis “Colour Image Steganography Based on Pixel Value Differencing in Spatial Domain”, International Journal of Information Sciences and Techniques (IJIST) Vol.2, No.4, July 2012, pp. 83-93, ISSN : 2249-1139, DOI : 10.5121/ijist.2012.2408.(2012).
112. Sengupta, Madhumita, J. K. Mandal, “An Authentication Technique in Frequency Domain through Daubechies Transformation (ATFDD)”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 3 No. 4 (July-August 2012), pp. 236-242,(2012).
113. Sarkar, Arindam Mandal, J. K. “Secured Wireless Communication by High-Speed RSA Using Evolutionary Programming based Optimization Computation (HS-RSA-EP)”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, Volume 3 No. 4 (July-August 2012).
114. Sarkar Arindam and Mandal, J. K., “Energy Efficient Wireless Communication Using Genetic Algorithm Guided Faster Light Weight Digital Signature Algorithm (GADSA)”, International Journal Of Advanced Smart Sensor Network Systems (IJASSN), Vol 2, No.3, pp. 9-25, July 2012, DOI: 10.5121/ijassn.2012.2302.
115. Sarkar Arindam and Mandal, J. K. “Multilayer Perceptron Guided Key Generation Through Mutation With Recursive Replacement In Wireless Communication (MLPKG), International Journal on Ad Hoc Networking Systems (IJANS) Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 11-28, July 2012, DOI : 10.5121/ijans.2012.2302.
116. Sarkar, Arindam Karforma S.and Mandal, J. K. “Object Oriented Modelling Of IDEA Using GA Based Efficient Key Generation For E-Governance Security (OOMIG)”, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS), Vol.3, No.2, pp 171- 183, March 2012, DOI : 10.5121/ijdps.2012.3215 171
117. Dasgupta, K., Mandal, J. K. Mondal, Dutta, P.,“Hash based Least Significant Bit Technique for Video Steganography (HLSB)”, International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM), ISSN 2277-5498, AIRCC,2012(accepted)
118. Mandal, J. K.(Co author),et al “Z-Transform based Digital Image Authentication Quantization Index Modulation (Z-DIAQIM)”, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vis CSIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662, Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex, MetaPress, Springerlink etc., 2012 (accepted)
119. Mondal U. K., Mandal, J. K., “Secret Data Hiding within Tolerance Level of Embedding in Quality Songs(DHTL)”, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vis CSIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662, Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex, MetaPress, Springerlink etc., 2012 (accepted)
120. Mandal, J. K., Ghoshal, S. K., “A Novel DFT based Information Embedding for Color Image Authentication (DFTIECIA)”, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vis CSIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662, Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex,MetaPress, Springerlink etc., 2012 (accepted).
121. Mandal, J. K(Co-author) et al, “Image Authentication Technique based on DCT(IATDCT)”, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vis CSIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662, Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP, SCOPUS, EI-Compendex, MetaPress, Springerlink etc., 2012 (accepted )
122. Mandal, J. K., Pal, Manas, “A Bit Level Session Based Encryption Technique to Enhance Information Security”, International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 04, No. 1,ISSN No.: 2229-5631, e-ISSN: 0975-3397, Indexed, January 2012.
123. Mandal, J. K., Pal Manas, “A Generic Session Based Bit Level Cryptographic Technique to Enhance Information Security”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp. 117-122, Koria, ISSN No.: 1738-7906, Indexed, December 2011
124. Madhumita Sengupta, J. K. Mandal and Nabin Ghoshal, (2011). An authentication technique in frequency domain through wavelet transform (ATFDWT). Advances in Modelling Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition (AMSE), 54(2). 54(1-2). Paper No 11531(1B),2011
125. Sengupta, M and Mandal, J. K., “Transformed IRIS Signature fabricated Authentication in Wavelet based Frequency Domain (TISAWFD)”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 486-490,http://www.ijarcs.info, ISSN 0976-5697, indexed in: Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Open J Gate, Electronic Journal Library, New Jour, Science central.com, Ulrichs Web, Dayang Journal System, Sept-Oct 2011.
126. Jyotsna Kumar Mandal and Somnatrh Mukhopadhyay, “PSO based Edge Keeping Suppression of Impulses in Digital Imagery”, Advances in Intelligent Soft Computing, vis, INDIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662,Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP,COPUS etc.,2012.
127. Mandal, J. K(co-author) et al, “A Steganographic Scheme for Color Image Authentication using Z-Transform (SSCIAZ)”,Advances in Intelligent Soft Computing, vis INDIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662, Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP,COPUS etc.,2012.
128. Parthajit Roy and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, “ A Relaxed ParzenWindow based Multifeatured Fuzzy-GIS Model to Forecast Facility Locations (RPWMFGISFFL)”,Advances in Intelligent Soft Computing, vis INDIA-2012, ISSN:1867-5662,Indexed by ISI Proceeding, DBLP,COPUS etc.,2012.
129. U. Mondal, J.K. Mandal, “Fabrication of Message Digest to Authenticate Audio Signals with Alteration of Coefficients of Harmonics in Multi-stages(MDAC), International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, ISSN:0975-2307(p), (www.airccse.org/journal/sipij/sipij.html), indexed by inspec, scholar, DOAJ, pubget etc.
130. Sengupta, M., Mandal, J. K“An authentication Technique in Frequency Domain through wavelet transformation(ATFDWT)”. Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), Dated:29-07-2011, ID 2809(In press), 2012.
131. J K Mandal and S. Mukhopadhyay ,”Filtering using all neighbour directional weighted pixels: Optimization using particle swarm optimization”,Signal & Image processing: An InternationalJournal (SIPIJ), ISSN: 2229-3922 (www.airccse.org/journal/sipij/sipij.html), indexedbyinspec, scholar, DOAJ, pubget etc.,2011
132. Subhankar Ghatak and J. K. Mandal, “An Efficient (2, 2) Visual Cryptographic Protocol through Meaningful Shares to Transmit Messages/Images (VCPTM)”,International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), ISSN:1793-8201 (Print Version), Indexed by: EBSCO, ETLibrary, Google Scholar, INSPEC and WorldCat, 2011(In process).
133. Uttam Mondal and J. K. Mandal, “Preservation of IPR of Songs through Embedding Secret Song (IPRSESS)” ,International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), ISSN:1793-8201 (Print Version), Indexed by: EBSCO, ETLibrary, Google Scholar, INSPEC and WorldCat, 2011(In process)
134. J. K. Mandal and Arindam Sarkar, “Neuro Genetic Key based Recursive Modulo-2 Substitution using Mutated Character for Online Wireless Communication (NGKRMSMC)”,International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE), ISSN:1793-8201 (Print Version), Indexed by: EBSCO, ETLibrary, Google Scholar, INSPEC and WorldCat, 2011(In process)
135. J. K. Mandal and Somnath Mukhopadhyay, “GA based Denoising of Impulses (GADI)”, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), ISSN:1865-0929, Vol. 0245, CISIM 2011, pp., Springer, Heidelberg (2011).
136. Uttam Kr. Mondal and J. K. Mandal, “Songs Authentication through Embedding a Self Generated Secure Hidden Signal (SAHS), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), ISSN: 1865-0929, Vol. 0245, CISIM 2011, pp., Springer, Heidelberg (2011).
137. J. K. Mandal and Somnath Mukhopadhyay, “A Novel Technique for Removal of Random Valued Impulse Noise Using All Neighbor Directional Weighted Pixels (ANDWP)”, Communications in Computer and Information Science(CCIS), ISSN:1865-0929, Vol. 203, PDCTA 2011, pp. 102–111. Springer, Heidelberg (2011).
138. Uttam Kr. Mondal and J. K. Mandal, “A Fourier Transform Based Authentication of Audio Signals through Alternation of Coefficients of Harmonics (FTAT), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), ISSN:1865-0929, Vol. 203, PDCTA 2011, pp. 76–85. Springer, Heidelberg (2011).
139. Haldar, P., Mandal, J. K“Analysis of Change of Landuse Pattern of Large Scale Landuse/Landcover Images”. Association for the Advancement of Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE), France, communicated on line (www.amse-modeling.com under user of jkm), Dated:07-05-2011, ID 2775, No. 11 513(1B)(In press).
140. Rajdeep Chakraborty, Sonam Agarwal, Sridipta Misra, Vineet Khemka, Sunit Kr Agarwal and J. K. Mandal, “Triple SV: A Bit Level Symmetric Block-Cipher Having High Avalanche Effect”,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), ISSN 2156-5570 (online), ISSN 2158-107X (print),Volume 2,Issue 7,pp. 61-68, (HOST, Directory of Open Access Journal (DAOJ), Google Scholar, Journal Seek, Index Copernicus, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, Ulrichsweb, BASE, WorldCat and Powered by Microsoft Research, July 2011.
141. Chakraborty, A, Mandal, J. K., “A File based GIS Anchored Information Retrieval Scheme (FBGISIRS) through Vectorization of Raster Map”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), ID 1422, vol. 2, no. 4, http://www.ijarcs.info, ISSN 0976-5697, indexed in: Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Open J Gate, Electronic Journal Library, New Jour, Science central.com, Ulrichs Web, Dayang Journal System, July_August 2011.
142. Chakraborty, R, Mandal, J. K., “Shuffle_RAT: An FPGA-Baed Iterative Block Cipher”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science (IJARCS), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 21-24, http://www.ijarcs.info, ISSN 0976-5697, indexed in: Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Open J Gate, Electronic Journal Library, New Jour, Science central.com, Ulrichs Web, Dayang Journal System, May-June 2011.
143. Mandal, J. K., Chakraborty, R, ”FPGA Based Cipher Design & Implementation of Recursive Oriented Block Arithmetic and Substitution Technique (ROBAST)”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application(IJACSA),, ISSN 2156 5570(on), 2158-107X(p) Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 54-59, April,2011.
144. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al, ”Gray Value based Adaptive Data Hiding for Image Authentication (GVADHIA)”, Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, ISSN 0976-5697, Volume II, Issue II,pp. 111-115, March-April,2011.
145. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al,”Steganographic Technique for High Volume Data Transmission through Colour Image(STHVSDTCI)”, Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, ISSN 0976-5697, Volume II, Issue II, pp. 96-101, March-April, 2011.
146. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al,”DFT based Hiding Technique for Colour Image Authentication(DFTHTCIA)”, Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, ISSN 0976-5697, Volume II, Issue I, pp. 417-422, Jan-Feb,2011
147. Mandal, J. K., Chakraborty, R,”An RTL Based Design & Implementation of Block Cipher Through Time-Stamp-Keyed-Oriented Encryption Technique(TSK-OET)”, Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, ISSN 0976-5697,Volume II, Issue I, pp. 428-432, Jan-Feb,2011.
148. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al, “A Authentication Technique for Image/Legal Document (ATILD)”, International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, ISSN 1615-5262, Springer Verlag. Communicated 27th, Feb. 2009, accepted for publication, October 2010.
149. Jayanta Kumar Pal, J. K. Mandal and Kousik Dasgupta, “A Novel Visual Cryptographic Technique through Grey Level Inversion (VCTGLI), The Second International conference on Networks & Communications (NeCoM-2010), Springer Verlag, Chennai, India. AIRCC, pp.124-133,(ISSSN 1865-0929), 2010 Vis. International journal of Network Security & its Applications(IJNSA), Vol. 2, No. 4,pp.118-126, October 2010, ISSN: 0974-9330(OL), 0975-2307(p), DOI: 10.5121/ijnsa.2010.2410, 2010.
150. Mandal, J. K. Mondal, U,”Frame Based Symmetric Key Cryptography”, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications (IJANA), ISSN: 0975-0290(P), Oct, 2010.
151. Mandal, J. K., Nandi, U, “Region Based Huffman(RBH) Compression Technique with Code Interchange, Malayasian Journal of Computer Science (ISSN 0127-9084),Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 111-120,(ISSN 0127-9084), Oct. 2010.
152. Mandal, J.K., Pal, J. K.,“A (2,N) Visual Cryptographic Technique for Banking Applications, International Journal of network Security & Its Applications(IJNSA) , Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 118-127, ISSN -0974-9330(OL),0975-2307(P), Oct, 2010.
153. Mandal, J. K., Som, S., “Cascaded Block Wise Bits Manipulation Technique (CBBMT)”, International Journal of Technology and Engineering Systems(IJTES), Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan-June 2010, ISSN No.:0976-269X, pp. 19-27, 2010.
154. Mandal, J.K., et. al., “Secured Data Hiding and Image Authentication in Frequency Domain using Mask (SDHIAFDM)”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information & Control, ISSN 1349-4148,(Accepted) July 2009.
155. Mandal, J. K., Som, S., “Random Byte Value Shift (RBVS) Algorithm”, JIS Management Vista, Vol. III., No. 1, July-Dec. 2009, ISSN No. 0974-0872,pp. 81-88, 2009.
156. Mandal, J. K., Dutta, S., “Ensuring Information Security Through 123-bit Recursive Substitution of Bits Through Prime-nonprime Detection of Sub-stream (RSBP)”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Research, (CSIR) New Delhi, India, vol. 68, July 2009, pp. 584-591, 2009.
157. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al, “A Novel Technique for Authentication of Image/Hiding Large Volume of Data (AI/HIVD)”, Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation Technique in Enterprises (A. M. S. E.), France, 2008, August 2009.
158. Mandal, J. K., Halder, P., and Mal, S., “ A GIS anchored Information Retrieval Scheme (GISIRS) based on Vectorization of Raster map”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Industrial Applications, ISSN: 0974-1518, Vol.-2, No. III, pp. 265-280, 2009.
159. Mandal, J. K., et. al., “A Genetic Function Based Cryptosystem(GFC)”, International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Vol. 09, No. 9, pp. 310-315, Koria, ISSN No.: 1738-7906,September 2009.
160. Mandal, J. K., Halder, P., Mal, S., “Change Detection Based on Remote Sensing Information Model and its Application on Amarabati Land”, GIS India- India’s first GIS Journal since 1992, ISSN: 0972-5776, Volume 18, No-09,, pp. 3-4, September 2009.
161. Mandal, J. K., et. al., “Region based Huffman (RBH) Compression Technique with Code Interchange”, Malayasian Journal of Computer Science(MJCS), Malayasia,(Accepted(Ref. No. MJCS/AI005)) Nov.2009.
162. Mandal, J. K., Halder, P., et al, “An Efficient Technique to Digitize Polygon Segments of a Map/ Image (ETDPS)”, International Journal of IT and Knowledge Management, ISSN: 0973-4414, Volume 2, Number 2, pp. 313-316, December 2009.
163. Mandal J. K., Som S., et al, “Power and Secret Key XOR-ing Technique (PSKXT)”, International Journal BITM Transaction on EECC, Vol.1 No. 4, December, 2009, ISSN No. : 0974-9527, pp. 528-537.2009.
164. Mandal, J. K, Jha P. K., “Cascaded Recursive Key Rotation and Key Arithmetic of a Session Key(CRKRKA)”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Vol. 2, No. 1, January-June 2008, pp. 9-20, 2008.
165. Mandal, J. K., Dutta, S. “Development & Analysis of a Ciphering Model through Recursive Positional Substitution based on Prime-Nonprime of Cluster”, Association for the Advancement of Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises(AMSE, France), WWW.AMSE-Modeling.org, 2008.
166. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al,“A Bit Level Image Authentication / Secrete Message Transmission Technique (BLIA/SMTT)”, Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation Technique in Enterprises (A. M. S. E.), AMSE Journal of Signal processing and Pattern Recognition, ISSN 1240-4543, Vil. 51, No. 4, pp 1-13, France May 2008.
167. Mandal, J. K.(co-author) et al, “A Novel Technique for Image Authentication in Frequency Domain using Discrete Fourier Transformation Technique (IAFDDFTT)”, Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, ISSN 0127-9094, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 24-32, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia,2008.
168. Mandal, J. K, Halder, P., “A GIS Based Pruning Management System of Tea Garden using Data Base Management System (GISBPMS)”, International Journal of Computer Science & Application,, Chikli, Maharastra, India, pp. 9-13, Vol. 2, No. 1, ISSN 0974-1003, 2008.
169. Mandal J.K., Jha,P.K., “A bit level Symmetric Encryption technique through recursive Session Key arithmetic (RSKA) to Enhance the Security of Transmission”, Advances in Modeling, Computer Science & Statistics(1D), AMSE Journal, France, 2007.
170. Mandal J.K., Jha, P.K., “Encryption through Cascaded arithmetic operation on pair of bit streams(CAOPB)”, Advances in Modeling, Computer Science & Statistics(1D), AMSE Journal, France,2007.
171. Mandal, J, K, Jha, P. K. , “ A Bit Level Symmetric Encryption Technique Through Recursive Carry Addition(RCA) of a Session Key”, Journal of Institute of Engineering, Pulchak, Kathmandu, Nepal,2007.
172. Jha P. K., S. Shakya, Mandal, J. K., “Encryption through Cascaded Recursive Arithmetic Operation and Key Rotation of a Session Key” ,“ZERONE”, Annual Technical Journal, Dept. of Computer and Electronic Eengineering, Volume 4, 2062/2005, pp 51-58, The Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2006.
173. Jha P. K., Mandal, J. K., “A bit level Symmetric Encryption technique through recursive transposition operation (RTO) to enhance the Security of Transmission” Journal of Institute of Engineering, Tribhuban University, Pul-Chowk, Kathmandu, Nepal, pp. 106-116, 2006.
174. Mandal J.K., Jha,P.K., “A bit level Symmetric Encryption technique through bitwise operation of blocks(BOB)”, NorthBengal University Review(Sc & Tech.),vol.15, No. 1, Darjeeling,India,2006.
175. Mandal J.K., Jha,P.K., “A bit level Symmetric Encryption technique through recursive bitwise arithmetic manipulation(RBAM) to enhance the Security of transmission.”, Journal of Association of Computer Engineers Nepal(ACEN), Vol. 1 , No. 2, pp.10-19,Katmandu, Nepal 2006.
176. Mandal J.K.,Jha,P.K.,”Encryption through cascaded recursive arithmetic operation and key rotation of a Session Key(CRAOKR)”,Technical publication of Engineering Association of Nepal,Nepal 2006.
177. Mandal, J. K., et al, “Prime Position Encoding, A Secure Encryption Realized by a Microprocessor Based System”, Advances in Modeling, D; Computer Science & Statistics (AMSE), France, 2005.
178. Mandal J.K.,Jha,P.K.,”A bit level Symmetric Encryption technique through bit Transposition Technique (BTT) to enhance the Security of Transmission “,Journal of Purbanchal Engineering College, Kathmandu, pp. 106-116, Nepal, 2005.
179. Mandal, J. K., et al, “Towards Implementation of Security and Storage Efficiency for Geographical Information System”, Advances in Modeling, B; Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition (AMSE), Vol. 47, No. 3, pp.1-12, France, 2004.
180. Mandal, J. K., et al, “A 256-bit Recursive Pair Parity Encoder for Encryption”, Advances in Modeling, D; Computer Science & Statistics (AMSE), Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-14, France, 2004.
181. Mandal J. K., et al,” Microprocessor-Based Bit Level Cryptosystem Through Arithmetic Manipulation of Blocks (AMB)”, Journal of Institute of Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-7, Nepal, December 2004.
182. Mandal, J. K.,Ghosh, A, “A Comparative Study on Different Methods of Assessing the Effectiveness of Performance Evaluation System in Different Organizations, “ZERONE”, Annual Technical Journal, Dept. of Computer and Electronic Eengineering, Volume 3,2061/2004, pp 55-60, The Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2004.
183. Mandal, J. K., Mal, S., & Dutta , S., “A Microprocessor Based Generalized Recursive Pair Parity Encoder for Secured Transmission”, Journal of Technology, Vol. XXXVII, No. 1-2, pp. 11-20, India, July 2003.
184. Mandal, J. K. , Mal, S., “A Cascaded Technique of Encryption Realized using a Microprocessor Based System, AMSE Journal, France,2002.
185. Mandal, J. K. , Dutta, S., “A Cascaded-Transpose Based Universal Encryption Technique, North Bengal Review (Sc. & Tech),India, 2002.
186. Mandal, J. K., “An Efficient Storage Scheme for Management of Social Database System”, Advances in Modeling Measurement & Control, AMSE, Vol. 19, No. 1,pp. 31-43, France, 1999.
187. Mandal, J. K.,“Coding through clustering of bits for better utilization of storage space”, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, D; Mathematical Tools General Computer Tools, AMSE, Vol.4, No. 1,2,pp. 49-59, France,1999.
188. Mandal, J. K.,Chaudhuri, A., “A Cascaded Image Compression Scheme”, N.B.U. Review(Sci & Tech.), India, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1999.
189. Mandal, J. K., Chaudhuri, A.,“A New Universal Data Compression Technique Using Running Difference Method”, International Journal of Information and Computing Science(IJICS), Volume 2, No.1, pp. 30-43, India, June 1999.
190. Mandal, J. K,”Efficient Usage of Storage Space for Processing and Storing of Large Volume of Data”, N.B.U. Review(Sci. &Tech.), India,Vol.7, No.2 , 1997.
191. Mandal, J. K., “A Gray-like Coding Scheme with Error Correction Capabilities”, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, A (AMSE), France, Vol. 22, No.3, 1994.
192. Mandal, J. K.,et. al., “Towards identification of local storm using fractal approach”, Journal of Indian National Science Academy (INSA) 1990
• Title: Reversible Steganography and Authentication via Transform Encoding from Springer (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-15-4397-5), June 2020, Author J K Mandal, published by Springer Nature
• Title: Algorithmic Design of Compression Schemes and Correction Techniques – A Practical Approach, Publisher: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-8433-9274-7, January 2011(Author- J. K. Mandal) (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_2?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Jyotsna%20Kumar%20Mandal&search-alias=books&sort=relevancerank)
• Title: Symmetric Encryption – Algorithm, Analysis and Applications:Low Cost based Security, Publisher: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-8454-2061-5, October 7, 2011(Author-P.K. Jha and J. K. Mandal)
• Title: Steganographic Techniques and Application in Document Authentication – An Algorithmic Approach, Publisher: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-8454-2919-9, August 30, 2011(Author- J. K. Mandal (Co-author) et al)
• Title: Optimization based Filtering of Random Valued Impulses – An Algorithmic Approach, Publisher: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-8473-7275-2, February 13, 2012 (Author-Somnath Mukhopadhyay and J. K. Mandal)
• Title: Artificial Neural Network Guided Secured Communication Techniques: A Practical Approach, Publisher: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-659-11991-0, June 4, 2012 (Author-Arindam Sarkar and J. K. Mandal)
• Title: Methodologies and Application Issues of Contemporary Computing Framework: Springer Nature, Singapore, Author-(Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Paramartha Dutta, Kousik Dasgupta)
• Title: Hand Book on Hardware Cryptography – Algorithms and Analysis: LAP- Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-613-9-84165-3, July 10 2018 (Author – Rajdeep Chakraborty and Jyotsna Kumar Mandal)(page- 203) (https://www.morebooks.de/store/gb/book/hand-book-on-hardware-cryptography-algorithms-and-analysis/isbn/978-613-9-84165-3)
Edited Books
• Mandal, J.K. & Sarkar, A.(2019) Special issue 2nd International Conference Devices for Integrated Circuits (DevIC-2017), Microsystem technologies, Springer, Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1853. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-019-04429-9, Volume 25, Issue 25, pp 1853–1853|
• Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Abhijit Biswas, Dulal Acharjee, Special Issue on the 3rd International Conference Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems (Micro 2016), Special issue, Microsystem Technologies (Microsyst Technol (2019) 25: 1525. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-019-04434-y), May 2019, Volume 25, Issue 5, pp 1525–1525.
• Jyotsna Kumar Mandal, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Contemporary Intelligent Systems (CSI 2017), Special issue in Innovations in Systems and Software Eng.ineering, Springer(A NASA Journal) Volume 15, Issue 1, March ISSN: 1614-5046 (Print) 1614-5054 (Online)(2019)
• Mandal, J.K., Acharjee, D. & Michel, B., Special issue on International Conference on Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems (Micro 2015) ( Microsyst Technol (2017) 23: 4035. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-017-3506-6), held in Kolkata, India, July, 11–12, 2015, September 2017, Volume 23, Issue 9, pp 4035–4035
• Mandal, J.K., Acharjee, D. & Michel, B., Special Issue on the ist International Conference Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems (Micro 2014), Microsystem Technologies (Microsyst Technol (2016) 22: 2601. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-016-3135-5), November 2016, Volume 22, Issue 11, pp 2601–2601
• J K Mandal et al., Handbook of Research on Natural Computing for Optimization Problems, Book Series: Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics (ACIR), Publisher: IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), ISSN: 2327-0411 Book Indexing: Thomson Reuters Book Citation Index, DBLP, etc., Year:May, 2016.
• J. K. Mandal, Paramartha Dutta, Somnath Mukhopadhyay, Advances in Intelligent Computing
in the series ” Studies in Computational Intelligence”, Springer, ISSN: 978-981-10-8974-9,2019
• J. K. Mandal, D. D. Sinha, Intelligent Computing Paradigm: Recent Trends. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 784, Advances in Intelligent Computing in the series ” Studies in Computational Intelligence”, Springer, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-13-7334-3(2019)
• J K Mandal et al, Handbook of Research on Multi-objective Optimization in Science and Engineering Applications, Publisher: Springer (2018)
Edited book based on Conferences:
• Advanced Techniques for IoT Applications, Proceedings of EAIT 2020, Editors: Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar, De, Debashis (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811644344), Springer Nature. 2021.
• Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing, ICCIC 2020, Editors: Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar, Roy, Joyanta Kumar (Eds.), Algorithms for Intelligent Systems (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811633676), Springer Nature. 2021.
• Proceeding of Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, MCCS 2020,Editors: Nath, Vijay, Mandal, J.K. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811602740), Springer Nature. 2021.
• Advances in Medical Physics and Healthcare Engineering Proceedings of AMPHE 2020, Editors: Mukherjee, M., Mandal, J.K., Bhattacharyya, S., Huck, C., Biswas, S. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Bioengineering (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789813369146), Springer Nature. 2021.
• Computational Intelligence in Communications and Business Analytics,Third International Conference, CICBA 2021, Santiniketan, India, January 7–8, 2021, Revised Selected Papers, Editors: Dutta, Paramartha, Mandal, Jyotsna K., Mukhopadhyay, Somnath (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science(https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030755287), Springer Nature. 2021.
• Advances in Smart Communication Technology and Information Processing, OPTRONIX 2020, Editors: Banerjee, Soumen, Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811594328), Springer Nature. 2020.
• Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics (ICACNI 2019), Editors: Mandal, J.K., Mukherjee, I., Bakshi, S., Chatterji, S., Sa, P.K. (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811586095), Springer Nature. 2020.
• Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems, Proceeding of NCCS 2019, Editors: Nath, Vijay, Mandal, J.K. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811574856), Springer Nature. 2020.
• Applications of Internet of Things, Proceedings of ICCCIOT 2020, Editors: Mandal, Jyotsna K., Mukhopadhyay, Somnath, Roy, Alak (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811561979), Springer Nature. 2020.
• Intelligent Computing: Image Processing Based Applications, Editors: Mandal, J. K., Banerjee, Soumen (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811542879), Springer Nature. 2020.
• Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communication Systems, MCCS 2019, Editors: Nath, Vijay, Mandal, J. K. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811555459), Springer Nature. 2019.
• Proceedings of the Global AI Congress 2019,Editors: Mandal, Jyotsna Kumar, Mukhopadhyay, Somnath (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789811521874), Springer Nature. 2019.
• Information Photonics and Communication, Proceedings of Second National Conference, IPC 2019, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(79), Springer, 2019.
• Intelligent Computing Paradigm: Recent Trends, Studies in Computational Intelligence(784), Springer, 2019
• Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems ,Lecture Note in Electrical Engineering, Springer Nature, No.:86964762(in Press), 2018.
• Emerging Technology in Modelling and Graphics – Proceedings of IEM Graph 2018, Organized by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India, September, 6 – 7 2018, Corresponding Editor of the Proceedings to be published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland, 2018
• Second international Conference, CICBA 2018, Organized by Kalyani Government Engineering Colllege, Kalyani, 27-28 July 2018, Proceedings to be published in CCIS Series of Springer Verlag Switzerland, 2018.
• Nanoelectronics, Circuits and Communication Systems – Proceeding of NCCS 2017, 12-13 May, organized by the IETE Ranchi Center, book series, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, member of Editorial Board, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland, 2018.
• International Ethical Hacking Conference, eHaCON 2018, Organized by the Department of Information Technology, Institute of Engineering & Management, Kolkata, India, April, 6 – 7 2018, member of Editorial Board, of the Proceedings to be published in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland, 2018.
• International Conference on Contemporary Advances in Innovative & Applicable Information Technology (ICCAIAIT 2018) Kingston Educational Institute, Barasat, 24-25th March 2018, Corresponding Editor, Proceedings to be published – Springer AISC Series, Springer Verlag, Switzerland (in Press), 2018
• International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, IEMIS 2018, UEM, Rajarhar, Kolkata, 23-25 February, 2018, Editor, Proceedings to be published – Springer AISC Series, Springer Verlag, Switzerland (in Press), 2018
• International Conference on Social Transformation – Digital Way, 52nd Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, 19-21st January, 2018 at science City Kolkata , member of Editorial Board, Program Chair, Corresponding Editor of the Proceedings published – Springer CCIS Series, Springer Verlag, Switzerland, 2018
• 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies’ [11th ICACCT 2017], Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat on 179th -18th February , 2018, member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland, 2018.
• 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies’ [10th ICACCT 2016], Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat on 19th -20th November , 2016, member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2017.
• First International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communications, and Business Analytics (CICBA – 2017), during 23-24 March 2017 at Calcutta Business School, Kolkata , member of Editorial Board, Program Chair, Corresponding Editor of the Proceedings to be published – Springer CCIS Series, Springer Verlag, Switzerland (CCIS 704), 2017.
• The International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems – I3CS 2016, NEHU, Shillong, India , during 11-13 November, 2016 at Nehu, Shilong, member of editorial Board, Program Chair, Corresponding Editor of the Proceedings to be published -Lecture Notes in Networks and System, Springer Science, Singapore (in Press)(2017).
• First International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication, (ICIC2- 2016), during 18-19 February 2016 at University of Kalyani, member of editorial Board, Program Chair, Corresponding Editor of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2016
• Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications Proceedings of Third International Conference INDIA 2016, Volume 1. Volume 2 and Volume 3 at ANITS, Visakhapatnam, member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2016..
• 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies’ [9th ICACCT 2015], Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat on 27th-29th November , 2015 14 member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2015.
• International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2015, 14-16 November,2015 at National Institute of Technology, Durgapur member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2015.
• Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, IC3T, 2015, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, 24-26 July 2015, member of Editorial Board of the proceedings Published Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC 379,380,381), Springer Verlag, Switzerland,Vol 1,Vol 2,Vol 3.
• International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014, 14-15 November,2014 at Bhubaneswar Engineering College, Bhubaneswar member of editorial Board of the Proceedings published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=3319120123, 2014.
• Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (Published by Springer Volume 1 & 2), ICCIDM, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Sambalpur – 768018, Odisha, India, 20-21 December 2014, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer as Program Co-Chair & Editor. Link: Volume I:http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2205-7 Volume II: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2208-8 Volume III: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2202-6, 2014
• Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future – Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the Computer Scoiety of India CSI Volume 1 & 2, CSI 2014, 14-16 December, 2014 at JNTU Hyderabad as Program Chair and member of Editorial Board of the Proceedings to be published -Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC), Springer Verlag, Switzerland. Link: https://books.google.co.in/books?isbn=331913728X, 2014
• Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications Proceedings of Second International Conference INDIA 2015, Volume 1 and Volume 2, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Springer, as Program Chair, Publication Chair,8-9 January,2015, Kalyani University Vol 1: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2250-7; Vol 2: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-81-322-2247-7., 2014
• Guest Editor of ‘Microsystem Technologies of Springer’, publishing special issue from extended version of “2nd International conference on ‘Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems”, Micro-2015.
• Guest Editor of ‘Microsystem Technologies of Springer’, publishing special issue from extended version of “1st International conference on ‘Microelectronics, Circuits and Systems”, Micro-2014 from 11th to 13th July in Hotel Hayat, Kolkata, India. 2014.
• The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Kolkata Center organized two days Zonal Seminar on ICT in Present Wireless Revolution: Challenges and Issues, 30-31st August, 2013, as Program Chair and Editor of the Proceedings with ISBN No. 978-93-5126-699-0., 2013.
• Two days International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Technique and Applications Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kalyani University, Kolkata organized two days International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modeling, Technique and Applications, 27-28th September, 2013, as Program Chair Coordinator and Editor of the Proceedings ELSEVIER, Science Direct has published the proceedings of CIMTA – 2013 which is available on: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/22120173/10, 2013.
• Guest Editor of CSI Journal of Computing, Vol. 2, No. 1: http://www.csi-india.org/journal-of-computing (http://www.csijournal.org/luitdox-saas/publications/Editorial-2-1-57-57.pdf ), 2013.
• Chief Editor, Advanced Computing : An International Journal, ISSN:2229-6727[online]; 2229-726X[print] of AIRCC.
• Chief Editor, Proceedings of International Conference on “Intelligent Infrastructure” under CSI-2012(www.csi-2012.org) organized by CSI on the eve of CSI Annual Convention, 2012.
• Chief Editor, Proceedings of ETCS 2012, organized by Dept. of CSE, Rastraguru Surendranath College, Barrackpur, February 2012.
• Chief Editor, Proceedings of NIDS-98 of CSI organized by CSI Siliguri Chapter, CSI Networking Division at Darjeeling Gimkhana Club 1998.
• Chief Editor,Proceedings of ERC-95, Organized by CSI Siliguri Chapter and CSI Eastern Region at Siliguri in 1995.
More than 20 talks delivered online till date
More than 20 talks delivered online during the year
1. Key Note Address on “Remote Sensing, GIs and GPS Applications”, CSI State Student Convention, JIS College of Engineering, 14th November 2019.
2. Key Note Address on Modeling and Analytics on Neural Cryptography and Authentication in Wireless Communications, CCSN 2019, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telengana, India, 19th October, 2019.
3. Keynote address on “Data Modeling and Analytics on Neural Cryptography and authentication for Wireless Communication”, Global AI Congress 2019, IEM, Kolkata 12th September 2019.
4. Keynote address on “Stratosphere Communication”, ISF, IETE program at Adamas University, ECE Department on 14.08.2019 on the eve of opening ISF at Adamas University.
5. Invited Lecture as Resource person and Domain Expert, “ICT for Higher Education”, Refresher’s Course at the University of Burdwan, 24th June 2019
6. Key Note Address on “Technical Wriring, Similarity and Management”, in 7days workshop on Research Methodology at RML Avodhaya University, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh on 2oth May 2019.
7. Key Note Address on “Quality of Service (QoS) Architecture for Software Defined Network(SDN), MCCS, Ranchi, 11-12 May 2019 on 11th May 2019.
8. Key Note Address on “Similarity in Technical Writing and Management”, in the five days workshop held during 222-26 April 2019 at the University of Kalyani.
9. Key Note Address in the Workshop “Writing Research articles and finding funding agencies” on 18.3.19 topic “Scientific writing and management of Similarities.”, Aliah University, Kolkata
10. Key Note Address “Authentication based on Transform Computation, on 24.3.19 in 3rd International Conference DevIC 2019 at KGEC, Kalyani
11. Key Note Address on the eve of National Conference NCETIST 2019 at Raiganj University on 19.3.19,” Transform Domain Computation for security and Authentication.
Expert lecture in the Refreshers Course on Computer Science & Application at North Bengal University during 22-23 January 2019, topic: Image processing and security
No. of Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 16
Conference attended: 04
Expert Lecture:
1. Key Note Address in the ISF, IETE program at NIT, Agarpara on 12.10.2018, IETE Kolkata Centre.
2. Key Note address in ICICS 2018 at Burdwan University, 21-22 December 2018, “Transform Domain Steganography for Color images”
3. Key Note address in EDKCON 2018, “Nano Device Modeling” on 25th November 2018 at Hotel Pride, Kolkata
4. Key Note Address at Elite institute of Engineering on 24.11.18, topic: Transform domain security.
5. Special Lecture: Security, Authentication and related Analytics in Nonlinear Domain, at SV University, Tirupati on 22.10.2018
6. Keynote Address in the workshop “CSE EVENTS 2K18” at Budge Budge Institute of Technology on 11.09.2018,” Steganography and Audio Authentication to Protect IPR”
7. Keynote Address in the International Conference IEMGRAPH 2018, at IEM Saltlake Campus on 06-09-2018, “Authentication in Transform Domain for Color Images”.
8. Invited talk on the eve of opening of CSI Student Branch at JIS College of Engineering, on 18.08.2018, “Aspects of Security and Authentication in Public Networks”.
9. Key Note Address at MCCS 2018, at BSNL Auditorium, Ranchi, Chhattisgarh, India, IETE Zonal Seminar, Innovation Meet & ISF Congress-2018 on 12-05-2018, “Reliability Computation in Wireless Network”.
10. Invited talk for the workshop on Emerging Trends in Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(IPCVPR-2018) on 29th March 2018 at Belur Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapeetham on “Image processing and authentication in Nonlinear domain”.
11. International Conference of advanced Computing and Big Data Analytics(ICACB’18), requested me to deliver key note address on ,”Nonlinear domain in security/authentication and related analystics” on the eve of ICAB’18 at Kingston Engineering College Vellore on 23rd March 2018,.
12. Invited talk on Chaos Assisted Security and Authentication in Public Domain Networks at Barackpur Rastraguru Surendra Nath College, one day seminar on Recent Trends in Computer Science, 6th March 2018.
13. Key Note Address at ICACCT 2018, at APIIT, Panipat, Haryana, on 17th February, 2018, on Chaos based authentication (to be published in AISC Series of Springer).
14. Key Note Address on Recent Trends of Security in Communication, State Student’s Convention, Region II, Computer Society of India, 10th February, 2018.
15. IEEE, Young Professional organized lecture at Jadavpur University, on 8th February 2018 at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, on “Chaos based security and Authentication”
16. Invited talk in an workshop at MAKAUT, Salt Lake, Kolkata, on 16th January 2018, on “Security and authentication in Transform Domain”
No. of Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 12
Conference attended: 08
Expert Lecture:
1. Nature Inspired Cryptographic Techniques based on Neural Synchronization, ISCA, 8th January, 2017, Tirupati.
2. Security and Authentication of Digital Media, Special Lecture, Future Institute of Technology, Boral Campus, 28th February 2017.
3. Data Modeling and predictive Analysis in Soft Computing, National Workshop on Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics-PADAM-2017 at AUCE (A) during March 18-19, 2017 sponsored by TEQIP Phase II, Andhra University, Andhra Pradesh
4. “Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics on Neural Cryptography for Wireless Communication”, IEEE International Conference on Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC 2017), March 23-24, 2017,Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India..
5. Data Modeling and Predictive Analytics on Neural Cryptography For Wireless Communication, National Seminar, Vidyasagar University, 31st March, 2017.
6. IEEE Expert Lecture at Kalyani Government Engineering College,Security and Authentication in Nonlinear Domain.
7. Wireless and Mobile Communication, Refresher Course, University of Burdwan,5th July, 2017.
8. Expert lecture on 10th October 2017 for the students of M Sc and MCA of Vidyasagar University, Security in wired and Wireless Domain.
9. Keynote Address in Regional Student’s Convention, Region II, Eastern Region, at Haldia Institute of Technology, on 9th November, 2017
10. Security and Authentication in Mixed Domain, Invited talk, Modern Institute of Engineering, Bandel, West Bengal, 12th November 2017.
11. Chaos based security in wireless domain, Invited talk at CCSN 2017, Lalit Grate Eastern, Kolkata, 31st December 2017.
12. Invited Talk on “Reliability Computation in Wireless Domain”, on 22.12.2017, Techno India University on International Conference , ICCECE-2017.
No. of Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 16
Conference attended: 10
Expert Lecture:
1. Neural Synchronization and Nature Inspired Algorithm based Cryptographic Techniques, National Conference of Computing Systems, Computer Science & Application, North Bengal University, 26th February, 2016.,
2. Recent Trends on Network Security, Expert lecture, The Pailan College of Management and Technology, 19th March 2016, Kolkata
3. ANN Anchored Soft Computing based cryptographic Techniques, National Seminat, Vidyasagar University, 29th March 2016
4. Embedded Systems and its Application,Expert Lecture under TEQIP II, department of applied electronic and Instrumentation, heritage Institute of Technology, 31st March, 2016
5. “Nature Inspired Cryptographic Techniques based on Neural Synchronization,National Seminar on Recent Trends in Computing 2016 (RTC 2016) on 4th May, 2016,Wednesday at JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani, India.
6. Scurity and Authentication, Expert Lecture for Ph. D Scholar workshop, radiophysice and Electronics, Calcutta, University,22nd june, 2016
7. “Nature Inspired Cryptographic Techniques based on Neural Synchronization”, Thirteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks WOCN2016,21st, 22nd and 23rd of July 2016,Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management GITAM School of Technology Hyderabad Campus Telangana State, INDIA.
8. Security & Authentication in Public Domain Networks, IEEE lecture Series, IEEE Young Professional Society, Kalyani Government Engineering College, 1st September, 2016
9. “Security in Cloud Computing”, National Seminar on Recent Trends in IT” 26th September, 2016, Kolaghat Engineering College, Kolaghat, Midnapur,WB
10. “Security in Cloud “, Staff Development Program at MCKVIE, Howrah, 8th October, 2016,
11. Image Processing , Security and Authentication, Special Lecture Programme under TEQIP II, 5th November, 2016
12. “Chaos based Security & Authentication in Public Domain Networks”, International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems – 2016 (I3CS-2016), November 11-13, 2016, North Eastern Hill University, Silchar
13. “Security & Authentication in Public Domain Networks”, 10th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Technologies (10th ICACCT 2015), 25-26th November 2016, Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology, Panipat, Hariyana.
14. Transform Domain Watermarking Techniques for Color Image Authentication, IEEE International Conference, 16th December 2016,Techno India University, Kolkata.
15. Chaos based Security & Authentication”, Micro 2016, 24-25th December, 2016, Kolkata.
16. “Invisible Steganography and related Applications”, Expert Lecture and Interaction Programme with Faculty Members and Scholars of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kathmandu University 27th December 2016, , Kathmandu, Nepal.
No. of Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 14
Conference attended: 10
Expert Lecture:
1. Security & Authentication in PublicDomain Network Anchored with Chaos, 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies(9th ICACCT 2015), 28-29th November 2015
2. Image Processing and its Application, Expert lecture for Ph. D. Scholars of Applied Physics Department, Calcutta University, 6th November, 2015.
3. Remote Sensing and Satelite Image Processing, National Seminar, Hijli College,7th October, 2015
4. “Chaos based security and authentication in public domain Networks”, Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies, IC3T, 2015, CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, 24-26 July 2015, AISC Springer.
5. “Fundamentals of Image Processing in MatLab”, MATLAB Application in Engineering Educations, West Bengal State Council of Technical Education assisted Faculty Development program for Polytechnique College Teachers organized by MCKV institute, Howrah, 6th July 2015.
6. “Chaos based Security and Authentication in public domain Communication, Staff Development program of “Opportunistic Social networks, 29th June to 4th July, 2015, KGEC, Kalyani, 29th June 2015
7. “ANN based Security in Wireless Communications“, International Conference on Nano-electronics, Circuits & Communications Systems (NCCS 2015) on 9th and 10th May 2015 at ARTTC, BSNL, near Jumar River, Hazaribag Road, Ranchi organized by IETE & ISVE Ranchi Centre, 9th May, 2015
8. “Adaptive Image Encryption based on Chaos”, National Conference on Computing, Communication and Information Processing”, sponsored by AICTE-NEQIP , May 2-3, 2015, CSE, NERIST, Arunachal Pradesh.
9. “Chaos based Image Authentication”, One day Seminar on “Current Trends in Image Processing” organized by Ramakrishna Mission Residential College(autonomous), Sarsuna College, in collaboration with Computer Society of India, Kolkata Chapter, 11th April, 2015 (Saturday).
10. “Chaos based Security and Authentication in Communication”, “One day Workshop under TEQIP II Programme” organized by MCKV Engineering College,Howrah,4th April, 2015.
11. “Information Security and quality Assurance”, “NAAC Awareness Workshop” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC), Vidyasagar University, Midnapur,1st and 2nd April, 2015.
12. “Internet Technology and Image Processing in Open Source”, UGC Sponsored Orientation Program conducted by Academic Staff College, Burdwan University, March, 17, 2015.
13. “Chaos based Image Authentication”, National Conference on Computational Technologies 2015(NCCT’15), 20th February, 2015, Department of Computer Applications, North Bengal University, 2015.
14. Security and Authentication using Chaos Theory, AICTE Sponsored National Conference at Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, 5-6 January 2015.
No. of Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 12
Conference attended: 12
Expert Lecture:
1. Talk on “Networking”, at “Reaching Out” program to the school children organized by CSI Kolkata Chapter and Sundarban Unnayan Nigam, at High School, Gosaba, Sundarban on 19.7.14
2. Talk on“Digital Systems and Networking”, at “Reaching Out” program to the school children organized by CSI Kolkata Chapter and Sundarban Unnayan Nigam, at Kalidanga High School, Basanti, Sundarban on 5.7.14
3. Invited talk on “Chaos based Security and Authentication”, Computational Intelligence in Data Mining (Published by Springer Volume 1 & 2), ICCIDM Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Burla, Sambalpur – 768018, Odisha, India, 20-21 December 2014.
4. Invited talk on, “ANN based Cryptographic Techniques in Wireless Communications”,“Eleventh International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks WOCN2014 Next Generation Internet11th, 12th and 13th of September 2014, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA(http://www.wocn2014.org), on 11.09.2014, 2014
5. Expert Lecture on “Computer Science Honours Curriculum”, Atthe Department of Computer Science, University of Burdwan on 6.8.2014.
6. Expert Lecture on “Image and Document Authentication and their use in Life Sciences”, Staff Development Programme conducted by the Department of Botany, University of Kalyani on 30.6.2014
7. Invited talk on “State-of-the-art Invisible Communication for Authentication”,First National Conference on Microelectronics, Circuit & Syatem Design(Micro-2014), 11-13th July, 2014, HOTEL HYATT REGENCY, Salt Lake, Kolkata, on12.07.2014
8. Invited Talk on “Security & Authentication of Documents”, in the Workshop on Document Security and Telecom networking, at Techno Salt Lake Campus, on 29.03.2014
9. Invited Talk on “Steganography”, in the National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science & Application(NCRTCSA – 2014), at SIT, Siliguri, on 08.02.2014.
10. Invited Talk on “Security and Authentication of Documents”, in the IETE Student Day at IETE, Kolkata, on 01.02.2014
11. Invited Lecture on “Data Authentication using Digital Signature and watermarking” in the Seminar of Haripal Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya, Haripal on 11.01.2014.
12. Invited Talk on “Authentication of legal Documents using Steganography” in the Seminar of Student day Celebration, IETE on 1.02.2014.
Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 14
Conference attended: 14
Invited Lectures
1. Invited Talk in the workshop “Sisu Vigyan Utsav”, on “How to Teach Computer Science in Schools”, 6th January, 2013 at DNM Boys School, Jadavpur.
2. Lecture/panel discussion in 5-days Workshop on “Design and Implementation of Diploma Curricula for the State of Arunachal Pradesh”, at NITTTR, Kolkata during 7-11 January, 2013.
3. Interactive Expert Lecture through Video conferencing at Video Conf. Lab of NITTTR, Kolkata on the topic “Internetworking: Concepts, principle and application”, using ICT Mode through AVIEW Software on 14.02.2013 at NITTTR, Kolkata.
4. Expert Lecture in the Refresher Course at Burdwan University on 06.03.2013, Topic “Mobile Computing – Technology and Applications”.
5. Invited Talk in one day Seminar on “Advance Computing and Communication” sponsored by TEQIP-II, organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department, Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara, Kolkata on 09.04.2013.
6. Expert Lecture for the Ph. D. Students of department of Computer Science, West Bengal State University, Barasat on 09-04-2013, topic: “Recent Trends of Security in Communication”
7. Expert Lecture at NITTTR, Kolkata on the topic “Security of Mobile IP Networks”, in Staff and Teachers’ Training Program on 14.06.2013.
8. Expert Lecture at Kalyani Govt. Engineering College,Kalyani on the topic “Soft Computing based Security”, in AICTE Sponsored Staff and Teachers’ Training Program on 19.06.2013
9. Expert Lecture in TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Program “Advances in Computer Science & Information Technology” at NERIST, Itanagar on the topic “Network and Data Security” on 26.08.2013
10. Expert Lecture in TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Program “Advances in Computer Science & Information Technology” at NERIST, Itanagar, on the topic “Remote Sensing and GIS Applications” on 26.08.2013
11. Keynote Lecture in inaugural Session of TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Program “Advances in Computer Science & Information Technology” at NERIST, Itanagar on 26.08.2013.
12. Expert Lecture in TEQIP Sponsored National Workshop on “Recent Trends in Information Technology” organized by the Dept of IT, College of Engg. & Management, Kolaghat in Technical collaboration with the Dept of CSE, University of Kalyani, on 26.10.2013, topic “Aspects of Security in Communication-Recent Trends”
13. Keynote Address on “Soft Computing based Security in data Communication”, Dept. of Computer Science, Gourbanga University, Malda, 6-7 December, 2013.
14. Invited Talk on “Soft Computing based Security in Unify Computing”, CSI-2013 Student Convention, Visakhapatnam, 11-15 December 2013, talk delivered on 12.12.2013, on the eve of International Conference on ‘Critical Infrastructure”.
Expert/Invited Lecture delivered: 12
Conference attended: 12
Invited Lectures
1. Expert Lecture in the Refresher Course on Computer Science anf IT at UGC Academic Staff College, Maulana Azad National URDU, Hyderabad, on 04.10.2012, Topic “Steganography and its Applications”
2. Invited Talk at Teqip Sponsored National Conference on “Multimedia, Imaga peocessing, Intelligent Computations and Security”, Organized by Kolaghat College of Engineering & Management, East Midnapur,Topic:”Steganography and related Security”,September 29-30,2012.
3. Invited Talk at One day National Conference on “Image Processing & Security in Communication”, Organized by Department of Computer Applications, Siliguri Institute of Technology, Darjeeling, Topic:”Secured Image Processing in Wireless Communication”, September 10,2012.
4. Invited Talk at National Conference on “Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Laws, IPRPL-2012”, Organized by Greater Kolkata College of Engineering and Management at K.P. Basu Memorial Auditorium, Jadavpur University,Topic: “Aspects of IPR in Digital Systems and Related IT Acts”, August 25,2012.
5. Expert Talk at Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, Nadia, AICTE Sponsored Staff Development Programme(30.01.12-10.02.12) on 07.02.12,“Energy Dependent Security based on Adaptive Neural Secret Key for Ubiquitous Computing in Wireless Communication”
6. Invited Talk at UGC sponsored national conference “Research and Higher Education in Computer Science and Information Technology, RHECSIT – 2012” on An Adaptive Neural Secret Key Associated Recursive Modulo-2 Operation of Paired bits for Online Wireless Communication (ANSKPPE)”, Conducted by Department of Computer Science,Sammilani Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata, in Collaboration with Dept. of Computer Science & Engg., University of Calcutta, February 21- 22, 2012
7. Invited Talk at UGC sponsored national conference “ Recent Advances in e-Technologies” organized by Department of Computer Science, Netaji Mahavidyalaya,Arambagh, Hooghly, in Collaboration with Dept. of Computer Science., University of Burdwan, February 24 – 25, 2012
8. Invited Talk at Academy of Technology, Adisaptagram on2nd International Conference on “Computer, Communication, Control and Information Technology”, topic “Watermarking in Transform Domains (WTD)”,February, 25-26 on 26.02.12
9. Visiting fellow under Merge Scheme at Department of Computer Science at Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, topic “Networking, Internetworking and Wireless Communications”, during March, 01-05, 2012.
10. Expert Lecture in the Refresher Course at Burdwan University on 14.03.2012 and 16.03.2012, Topic “Mobile and Wireless Communications”
11. Invited Lecture in second NationalConference On Computing and Systems – 2012 (NaCCS 2012), Topic, “A Tribute to Steven Paul Jobs”, on 15.03.2012 at University of Burdwan, 2012.
12. Invited Lecture in UGC sponsored National Seminar on “ICT in Rural Governance in India:Theory & Practice” on 23rd& 24th March 2012 at Government Women’s College, Gardanibagh, Patna, 2012,
Expert/Invited Lecture delivered :06
Invited Lectures
1. Invited Talk at Rajagiri School of Engineering and technology, Kochin, on 22.12.2011, International Workshop on Embedded Computing and Communication System(IWCC 2011),http://iwcc2011.org, “A Frequency Domain Steganography using Z Transform (FDSZT)”.
2. Invited Talk at Science City, Kolkata on 27.12.2011,IEEE First International Conference on Communication and Industrial Applications(ICCIA 2011), IEEE Conference id 19700, “An Adaptive Neural Network Guided Random Key Exchange Technique for Low Energy based Online Wireless Communication”
3. Dr. D. S. Mukherjee Memorial Invited Lecture at the Department of CSE, Kalyani Govt. Engg. College, Kalyani, Nadia, Topic:”Steganography and various applications” on 22.03.2011.
4. Invited Lecture at the Department of CS, University of Burdwan, Topic:“RS-GIS – A new Horizon for Application Development”, for the participants of UGC Refresher Course on ICT, on 11.03.2011.
5. Invited Lecture at Patna Women’s College, Patna, Topic:”Resources on Inflibnet:Creation, Access & Management” in an Inflibnet awareness Programme for the Principals of State aided colleges of Bihar, on 18.02.2011.
6. Expert Lectures at NET coaching centre, University of Burdwan on 29.03.2011
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
MIT, Govt. of West Bengal |
Basic Computer Training of School Teachers (July, 2010 to March, 2011) |
One year |
Rs. 4 Lakhs |
2 |
AICTE, Government of India. |
IIPC Cell - AICTE, Govt. of India (April 2009 to March 2012) |
3 Years |
Rs. 10.00 Lakhs |
3 |
AICTE, Government of India. |
GIS Anchored Integrated Plantation Management: Tea( 2004- 2007) |
3 Years |
Rs. 9.8 Lakhs |
4 |
AICTE, Government of India. |
Microprocessor Based Encoder for Secured Transmission(2002-2005) |
3 Years |
Rs. 2 Lakhs |
5 |
AICTE, Government of India. |
Modernization of Laboratory Facility(2000-2002) |
2 Years |
Rs. 7 Lakhs |
Patent Title: Enhancing Cyber Security using Hybrid Authentication Technique, Gaurav Gambhir, M Gambhir, J K Mandal, Patent Number 2021100948, Innovation Patent, Australian Government, Eight years from 19.02.2021.
Membership of Learned SocietiesIEEE Senior member(2013):92557072; ACM Associate member(2012): 2006735; CSI Life member (1992):16278; CRSI Life member(2009): L/330;AIRCC Member (2011):128572; IETE Fellow (life)(2012): F232495: Ex-Vice Chairman (2015-16); Chairman CSI Kolkata Chapter (2016-17); ISCA Life Member: L30951; Ex-Executive Committee member of CSI Kolkata Chapter; Ex-Executive Committee member of IETE, Kolkata Section; Hon. Secretary, IETE Kolkata Center (2018-2020); Regional Student Coordinator, Region II, CSI, 2014-2016
ORCID ID orcid.org/0000-0001-9447-647XSCOPUS ID http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=24605629500
Google Scholar ID http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=NIlye4UAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&pagesize=20
Notable Activities
Designed and implemented the “Morgue Software” at the Nilratan Sirkar Medical College, Sealdah where data can be uploaded into the server or local storage through an application designed under the supervision of the candidate. This software is working successfully since last twelve years.
Currently involved in designing “Low Back Pain Management” software under the leadership of group of doctors as domain experts of ESI Hospital, Sealdah, West Bengal. The initiative is taken under a State DST project of Govt. of West Bengal. The software is on Low Back Pain Diagnosis and Management. Various soft computing tools are being used for diagnosis and generate relevant outputs. Considerable progress is already made in this regard. The proposal of the research on the disease of Low Back Pain (LBP), which is one of the most predominant difficulties in all tiers of the population worldwide, with an estimated occurrence of 70% to 85%. No standard practice for assessment and administration of LBP in many developing countries like India. Oftenly, physicians from different spheres (orthopaedics, neurology, physical medicine, pain medicine, psychology, etc.) offer diverse modes of dealing for this disease, resulting in disagreement and misperception. Use of an Artificial Intelligence based medical expert system can be an answer in this respect. Guiding at scheming a computationally and clinically well-organized medical expert system for evaluation and management of LBP, this research has addressed the inadequacies of the available and unadventurous knowledge representation and inferential methods to propose suitable systems for representing the domain knowledge and well-organized inference machinery have been designed. While frame-based and lattice-based approach have been adopted for knowledge representation, the proposed inference mechanism infers the most-likely LBP diseases (sub-grouped based on different pain generators) assuring the clinical consistency and reliability. As judgement of LBP is sometimes inhibited by uncertainty-related issues, this study also suggested techniques for management of uncertainties in domain knowledge and conflicts in outcomes through probabilistic and mathematic thoughts using rough set, fuzzy set, lattice theory, Bayesian Network etc. This design procedures have been experimentally validated with the clinical records of LBP patients. The experimental results show a very good trend of computational and clinical accuracy compared to actual diagnosis. The obtained diagnostic outcomes have shown homogeneousness with the actual diagnosis, and also attained 83% sensitivity. The design would help in development of a full-fledged medical expert system for assessment and management of LBP in near future, and would act as a perfect virtual peer to assist the general or junior physicians, or other healthcare providers for treatment of the illness in an algorithmic and consistent way.
The research on satellite-based image processing mainly suggested different types of digitization methods, classification and change detection of the forest, change detection of shorelines, and classification, change detection, and future projection of urban areas. These works have been implemented using multispectral satellite data and geographic information systems (GIS). This concept is utilized in the classification and change detection of the forest, shorelines, and urban areas. In this research, an important feature is computed for the forest and shoreline because right now our world has facing several problems due to natural disasters and man-made actions. Forest cover classification and change detection is performed using various classification approaches such as different vegetation indices, maximum likelihood classifier, fuzzy c-means, self-organizing maps, and back-propagation neural network. The overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient are computed for each method. Future projection of forest cover change is estimated using the artificial neural network, fuzzy logic system, and CA-Markov chain model. Change detection of shorelines and future prediction is performed with the help of a digital shoreline analysis system (DSAS) and Kalman filter. It is strongminded which location has more eroded and accreted with graphical representation. To determine the classification, change detection, and future prediction of the urban area of Kolkata city is also suggested in our research. The objective of this research is as of the world population has been gradually increasing over the years and most of the village or town or semi-town peoples gradually shifted towards the urban areas. The magnitude of urban development is computed by using the Shannon entropy method. Buffer zone helps to find out the shape of the spatial pattern of the development in the urban area. The future forecast of the urban area of Kolkata city is predicted using the CA-Markov Chain model.
Construction of quickly deployable and resilient four-tiered communication networking architecture for employment in a post-calamity scenario has been devised, simulated where; existing infrastructure gets destroyed and becomes useless. The network infrastructure utilizes human workers, hand-held devices, manned and un-manned vehicles and communication towers at various tiers for its proper implementation in a post disaster situation. The architecture is essentially a 4-tier one consisting of components distributed at four different levels. The disaster affected area that needs to be covered is termed as Activity Area (AA). The Relief Workers (RW) that constitute the tier-1 of the architecture are divided into groups and each group is assigned a particular area (called Shelter Point, SP) to work into it. Each SP is having a local Control Station called a Throw Box or TB that forms the tier-2 of our architecture and monitors the work of that SP. The TB collects all messages generated within its SP for further transmission to a Master Control Station (MCS). The TBs of different SPs communicate with each other via data-mules that make up the tier-3 of the architecture. The MCS constitutes the tier-4 of the network architecture and is the only gateway of the AA to the outside world. MCS acts as the repository of the entire information collected from the network for further processing or distribution. The MCS is placed at a suitable location where the connectivity to the outside world is ensured and the backhaul is permanent. An existing LAN or cellular connection is used as the possible backhaul.
Downscaling of Nano-scale MOS and CMOS devices in terms of, physical dimensions (such as gate length), threshold voltage, drive current, leakage current are also done by the candidate. The downscaling carried out in 6, 5 and 4 nm gate length and CMOS circuit has been designed for every variation of MOS. Inverter is derived as an application for each variation.
Initiative has also been taken to develop a web based software system for Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) which is an integral part of NAAC Accreditation System. The software will run from a portal of the candidate and no physical infrastructure is needed to run the software by the institute to obtain the feedback from the students of the institute. This will be helpful for getting suggestions from stakeholder and hence directives of future growth of the institute.
Transform domain computation for imparting security and authentication in image communication is a relevant topic now a day. The candidate proposed various algorithms to embed the secret information for transmission and authentication both for black and white and color images. Various algorithms are written to embed security measures both in spatial and frequency domain. The candidate achieved more than 3 BpB as payload in the spectral domain and more payload in special domain. Also, the candidate successfully embedded authentication bits into the imaginary components of transform coefficient also. This leads to social benefits of the society in terms of telemedicine and banking transaction and legal documents in terms of security and authentication.
The objective of compressed sensing proclaims that we may recover signals in Rn from scarcer samples or quantities, if the signal has a sparse depiction in some orthonormal foundation; from non-adaptive linear extents by solving a L1 norm minimisation delinquent. The non-adaptive extents associated with the character of random linear mixtures of the origin or frame rudiments. However, for large-scale 2D image signals, the randomized sensing matrix consumes enormous computational resources that makes it impractical. The problem has been addressed in our research as a block compressed sensing (BCS) with sparsity normalization in the transformed domain in the pre-processing stage. The blocks obtained are transmuted to non-adaptive extents using identically independent weighted Gaussian random matrices. The reconstruction is verified using orthogonal matching pursuit. Experimental results show that healthier reconstruction performance is achieved by our technique in comparison with the existing BCS approaches.
1. Ghosh Alok, Executive Director, Future Group of Institutions, Kolkata,”Towards Design and Implementation of An Approach on CMM(Capability Maturity Model) for the Quality Performance Measurement of Manufacturing Industries, Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, 2004
2. Mal, Satadal, Retired Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, Nadia-741235, India, now Principal, Future Institute of Technology, Kolkata “Development of Microprocessor Based Encoders for Secured Transmission”, Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, 2004
3. Dutta, Saurabh, Principal, Dr. B. C. Roy Engineering College (WBUT 323), Durgapur, West Bengal, India,”An Approach Towards Development of Efficient Encryption Techniques”, Ph. D.(Science), Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, 2005
4. Jha, Pawan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Purbanchasl University, Biratnagar, Nepal, “An Approach Towards Design and Implementation of Symmetric Encryption Techniques” Ph. D.(Science), Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, 2008
5. Sinha, Sarad, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, India, ”An approach Towards Design and Implementation of Microprocessor Based Cryptosystems for secured Transmission”, Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, 2008
6. Sarkar Souvik, Vice Principal, R.K.M Residential College, Narendrapur, Kolkata 700103, “Application of Soft Computing Tools for Better Nanodevice Modeling and their Application in Digital Circuits”, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, submitted on August 31st, 2009(Report Accepted(Ref. No. Ph.D/BRS/Engg. Tech. Mang./2010, dated 15.02.2010 at 1 pm. In the BRS). Awarded on 03rd March,2010.
7. Das Swarup, Asistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, Dist. Darjeeling, West Bengal, India,”An approach Towards Design of a GIS-Anchored Decision Support System for Tea Management”, Department of Computer Science & Applications, University of North Bengal, awarded on May, 2010.
8. Ghoshal Nabin, Scientific Officer, Department of Engineering & Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, Title:”Towards Design and Implementation of Image Authentication/Secrete Message Transmission Technique using Steganographic Approach” submitted for Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, Submitted January 18th, 2011, awarded on July 4, 2011.(Ref. No. Ph. D./Comput. Sc. & Engg./NG/72/2011, dated 06.07.2011).
9. Som Subhranil, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, Amity University, Noida, Title: “Towards Design and Implementation of Cryptographic Techniques for Secured Transmission” submitted for Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, December, 2011, awarded 3rd. September, 2012.
10. Haldar, Prasun, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Purulia Government Engineering College, Purulia, West Bengal: “Towards Design and Implementation of GIS Based Tools and Techniques for Various Applications” submitted for Ph. D.(Engg.),Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, March 28, 2014.
11. Pal, Manas, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, JIS Engineering College, Kalyani, West Bengal, India, “Design and Implementation of Security Systems using Cipher Block Chaining(CBC) Mode” awarded for Ph. D.(Engg.),Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, September, 26 2014.
12. Sarkar, Arindam, Assistant Professor, Belur Ramkrishna Mission Vidyamandir, “Towards Design and Implementation of Soft Computing based cryptographic techniques for Wireless Communication” submitted for Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, November, 28 2014, awarded on July, 9th , 2015.
13. Mukhopadhyay, Somnath, Assistant Professor, Assam University, Silchar, “Estimation, Suppression and Optimization of Impulses in Digital Imagery”,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, awarded Ph. D.(Engg.),November, 12 2014, Awarded, July 20, 2015.
14. Sengupta, Madhumita, Assistant Registrar, IIIT Kalyani, “Towards Design and Implementation of Discrete Transform Image Coding based Document Authentication Techniques” awarded Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, February, 26 2015, awarded, December, 16, 2015.
15. Sudipta Kr. Ghosal, Assistant Professor, Future Institute of Technology, Boral Campus, Kolkata, India, “Design and Implementation of Transform Domain Watermarking Techniques for Color Image Authentication” awarded Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, July 2016.
16. Rajdeep Chakraborty, ,Assistant Professor, Netaji Subhas Engineering College, Kolkata, “An Approach Towards Design and Implementation of Microprocessor and FPGA Based Symmetric Encoder for Embedded System” awarded Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, March, 2017
17. Uttam, Kr. Mondal, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Vidyasagar University, “Towards Design and Implementation 0f Authentication Techniques Tt Protect IPR of Quality Songs” awarded Ph. D.(Engg.), Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, May, 2017.
18. Kousik Dasgupta, Assistant Professsor, CSE, Kalyani Govt. Engineering College, Kalyani, “Design and Implementation of Steganographic Engine for Secret data sharing and Authentication of Videos: An Overture”, awareded 23rd June 2017 from department of Computer science & Engineering,University of Kalyani, 2017.
19. M Marjit Singh, Assistant Professor, CSE, North Eastern Regional Institute of Science & Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, “Towards Design and Implementation of Reliability and Security Mechanism in Mobile Ad Hoc Network”, 8th November 2017, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, 2017.
20. Utpal Nandi, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, “A Study Towards Design and Implementation of Data / Image Compression Techniques”, 31st January 2018, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, 2018.
21. Amrita Khamrui, Assistant Professor, CSE, Future Institute of Technology & Management, Kolkata, “Genetic Algorithm based Steganography for Image Authentication, 28th March 2018, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, 2018.
22. Parthajit Roy, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Burdwan University, Burdwan, “Towards Design and Implementation of Graph based Clustering Techniques, Submitted July 2017, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, 2017, awarded 7th May 2018.
23. Anirban Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, Barrackpur Rastraguru Surendranath College, Barrackpur, “GIS Anchored Tools and Techniques for Social Utility Services”, submitted January 2018, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Kalyani, November, 2018
24. Amit Kumar Gupta, Central School, Silchar, “Efficient and secure routing in a DTN for a post disaster scenario”, (30th June 2016), submitted 12th March, 2019, awarded 27th November, 2020
25. Rajeev Chatterjee, NITTTR, Kolkata, “A Novel Architecture for Confidence based Learning (CBL)”, submitted 10th March 2021 and awarded 2nd February 2022.
26. Gaurav Gambhir, APIIT, Panipath, Hariyana, “ Study on Shared Memory Implementation of Cryptographic and Steganographic Techniques”, submitted 12th March 2021, awarded 24th March 2022
Thesis Submitted: Two
1. Khondekar Lutful Hassan, Assistant Professor, Aliah University, Kolkata, “Towards Enhancement of Security and Efficiency in MANET” ( 13th September, 2021)
2. Debarpita Santra, Research Scholar without Fellowship, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, working on Expert System dealing with Low back Pain associated with NRS Hospital, Kolkata(June, 2021).
Registered Scholar: Three
1. Sujit Das, University Research Scholar, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, working on Wavelet Transform based Sensing and Security
2. Sadhu Prasad Kar, Senior Consultant, Tata Consultancy Services, Kolkata, working on Confidence based Learning system design
3. Krishan Kundu, Assistant Professor, CSE, Govt. Engineering College, Srirampur, Hoogly, working on GIS based development of tools for social Systems
Enrolled Scholars: Three
1. Raktim Chakraborty
2. Tamal Deb working at Barasat College as Assistant Professor, Computer Science
3. Shrabanti Kundu, Full time Kanyashree Scholar