Kakali Bhadra
Associate Professor
Department: Department of ZoologyPhone Number: 9831484588; 8777290374
Institutional E-Mail: kbzooku17@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: na
Educational Qualifications:
M.Sc., PhD
Awards and Honours (National/International)1. Awarded for the ‘Dr. Gurdip Sing Best Thesis Award’ in 2010 By Indian Thermal Analysis Society (ITAS).
2. Poster award in EABS and BSJ symposium, 2006, Okinawa, Japan, East Asian Biophysical Society and Biophysical society of Japan. One among the twenty overseas awardees.
3. ABA Symposium awardees, One among the eleven, 2009, Hong Kong. January 11-15.
4. One of the best poster awards in 18th West Bengal State Science Congress, RKMRC, Narendrapur, Kolkata, 28th Feb-1st March 2011.
5. Got travel awards from DST, CSIR and INSA, New Delhi, for attending an international symposium in Gotenborg, Sweden, 2012.
6. Got a travel award of 25000/ from INSA, New Delhi for attending symposium in Dubai, 2016.
7. One of the best presenter award in 5th Annual International convention of Association of Pharmacy Professionals from 22nd- 23rd January, Anna University, Tiruchinapalli, Tamil Nadu, 2016.
8. One of the best paper presenter award in 18th International conference on biological and chemical systems engineering from 26 th- 27 th December, Organized by WASET, Dubai, 2016.
9. One of the best oral presenter award: Therapeutic potential and efficacy of harmaline targeting different motifs of nucleic acid, DST-PURSE Sponsored National Conference “CHEMISTRY:
10. TODAY AND TOMORROW” (CTT-2018), Department of Chemistry, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, 26th -27th July, 2018.
11. Awarded World championship 2018 in Zoology (Therapeutic development) for outstanding scientific contributions by International Agency for Standards & Ratings (IASR).
12. DST-SERB International travel award for attending conference in Albany, NY, Albany, 20th Conversation, 2019, 11th-15th June.
13. Research under literal access awards (RULA) as Distinguished Researcher in Drug designing and its biological evaluation, 2019, by World research council & United Medical council
14. Best oral presenter in international seminar (ICBS-2020) on innovation, expansion, impacts and challenges in chemical and biological sciences at Surendranath College, Kolkata, 8th-9th January.
15. “Women Researcher Award” from “International Research Award on New Science Inventions”, 2021.
16. International Outstanding Scientist Award on Engineering, Science and Medicine, Pondicherry, April 29th & 30th 2022, Organized by VDGOODR Professional Association.
17. International-Forty Barrels Ingenious Researcher Award, 2022, in recognition of the consistent superior performance in Zoology and upon the endorsements of the IMRF Executive council & International Earth Day Excellence Award Committee, Organized by The International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation.
collaboration with Research institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan (MOU for 3 yrs).
collaboration with Neotia University, Kolkata.
collaboration with Moscow State University , Russia.
• Structure-based drug designing is the major focus, with the aim of identifying novel therapeutic agents.
• Nucleic acid-small molecule interaction using biophysical techniques
• polymorphic structures of nucleic acid
• in vivo and in vitro cytotoxicity and therapeutic action of plant alkaloids
• Insect-plant interaction
• Electroantennogram responses of insect pest and pollinators
12 years
1. Worked as a Part time Guest Lecturer in the Department of Zoology at Vijoygarh Jyotish Roy College, Kolkata from June 2008-2010.
2. Worked as Assistant Professor of Zoology in MUC Women’s College, Burdwan, from April 10.04.10 till December 20.12.10.
3. Presently working as Assistant Professor, III of Zoology in the University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, since Dec. 21.12.2010
1. Member secretary for the institutional animal ethics committee (IAEC) since 2014.
2. Committee member for the central purchase processing.
3. Committee member for webinars and science lecture series, University of Kalyani.
4. Committee member for the Post Graduate Board of Studies of the DODL, University of Kalyani.
5. Committee member for RUSA: Implementation of Entrepreneurship & carrier hub.
(Research gate Citations 1447; 30.51 score; Google scholar citations 1629; highest impact factor-12.944; i10 index 26; Scopus H index 21; Google H index 20)
Madhuri Basak1, Kiran Das1¶, Tarun Mahata1, Abhishek Singh Sengar1, Sumit Kumar Verma1, Sreemoyee Chakraborti1, Sayan Biswas2, Suvro Chatterjee3, Kakali Bhadra4, Adele Stewart5, Biswanath Maity1*. (2022). RGS7-ATF3-Tip60 complex promotes hepatic steatosis and fibrosis by directly inducing TNFα. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling (in press). ISSN: 1523-0864, IF 8.401
Udipta Chakraborti, Bulganin Mitra and Kakali Bhadra*. (2021) Island based assemblage pattern and foraging profile of insect flower visitors on Aegialitis rotundifolia Roxb.-a near threatened mangrove plant from Indian Sundarban Neotropical Entomology; DOI : 10.1007/s13744-021-00911-0 Elect. ISSN 1678-8052, 1.434
Sarita Sarkar, Prosun Trebedi and Kakali Bhadra*. (2021) Structure-activity insights of harmine targeting DNA, ROS inducing cytotoxicity with PARP mediated apoptosis against cervical cancer, anti-biofilm formation and in vivo therapeutic study. J. of Biomol. Struc. Dyn.; Article ID: TBSD-1874533; doi: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1874533. ISSN1538-0254, 3.310
Kharel B.P., Chakraborti,U., Bhadra, K, Sarkar Kumar S*. (2020). A preliminary report on Coleoptera fauna of Kalyani (a suburban city), West Bengal, India. BIONOTES, 22(2), 55-64. ISSN 0972-1800
Paromita Bhattacharjee, Sarita Sarkar, Olga I. Shmatova, Valentine G. Nenajdenko, Prateek Pandya and Kakali Bhadra*(2020). Synthetic carboline compounds targeting protein: Biophysical and biological perspective. J. of Biomol. Struc. Dyn.; Article ID: TBSD 1769732; doi:10.1080/07391102.2020.1769732. ISSN1538-0254, 3.310
Sarita Sarkar, Paromita Bhattacharjee, Tapas Ghosh and Kakali Bhadra*. (2020). Pharmaceutical efficacy of harmalol in inhibiting hepatocellular carcinoma. Future J Pharmaceutical Sciences; 6:29; 1-18, doi:10.1186/s43094-020-00045-x ISSN: 2314-7253
Nandan K Sahoo, M.Sc.; Gopal C Jana, Mt Nasima Aktara, Somnath Das, Sk Nayim, Anirudha Patra, Paromita Bhattacharjee, Kakali Bhadra, Maidul Hossain*(2019). Carbon dots derived from lychee waste: application for Fe3+ ions sensing in real water and multicolor cell imaging of Skin melanoma cells, Materials science & Engineering:C; doi.org/10.1016/j.msec.2019.110429. ISSN: 0928-4931, 5.88
Shital Kumar Chattopadhaya*; Subhankar Ghosh; Sarita Sarkar; Kakali Bhadra. (2019). α,ß-Didehydrosuberoylanilide hydroxamic acid (DDSAHA) as precursor and possible analogue of the anticancer drug SAHA. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2019, 15, 2524-2533 ISSN 18605-397, 2.622
Chakraborti U; Bulganin Mitra; Bhadra, K* (2019). Diversity and ecological role of insect flower visitors in the pollination of mangroves from Indian Sundarban, Current Science, doi:10.18520/cs/v117/i6/1060-1070. ISSN 0011-3891, 1.102
ChakrabortiU; Bulganin Mitra; Bhadra, K* (2019). Foraging behaviour of Apis (Megapis) dorsata on Aegiceras corniculatum and Aegialitis rotundifolia from Indian Sundarban, Ambient Science, doi: 10.21276/ambi.2019.06.2.ra02 ISSN- 2348 5191 (Print)
Tapas Ghosh, Sarita Sarkar, Paromita Bhattacharjee, Gopal C Jana, Maidul Hossain, Prateek Pandya and Kakali Bhadra*. (2019). in- vitro relationship between serum protein binding to beta-carboline alkaloids: A comparative cytotoxic, spectroscopic and calorimetric assays J. of Biomol. Struc. Dyn.; 38:4, 1103-1118, DOI:10.1080/07391102.2019.1595727 ISS1538-0254, 3.310
Gopal C Jana; Munira Khatun; S K Nayim; Somnath Das; Anukul Maji; Maidul Beg; Anirudha Patra; Paromita Bhattacharjee; Kakali Bhadra; Maidul Hassan (2019). A new berberine analogue: a colorimetric chemodosimeter in absence of DNA and as a turn-on fluorescence probe in presence of DNA for superb selective detection of sulfide in real samples and living cell New J Chem. RSC; doi: 10.1039/C8NJ06120C ISSN1369-9261 ,3.591
Sarita Sarkar, Olga I. Shmatova, Valentine G. Nenajdenko and Kakali Bhadra*. (2019). Trifluoromethylated carbolines targeting DNA: Synthesis, binding and anti-proliferative effects on cancer cell lines. Bioorganic Chemistry, 86, 61-79, doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.01.028 ISSN-0045-2068, 5.275
Bhowmik B; ChakrabortiU; Bhadra, K* (2018). Ecological role of the insect pollinators in seed yield of cross pollinated Sesamum indicum from West Bengal, India, Ambient Science, 2018: Vol. 05(2) 34-39; doi:10.21276/ambi.2018.05.2.ra06. ISSN- 2348 5191 (Print)
Chakraborti,U., Sarkar Kumar, S., Bhadra, K* (2018). Butterfly diversity in and around Kalyani, a suburban city near Kolkata, West Bengal. BIONOTES, 20(2), 66-67. ISSN 0972-1800
Bhattacharjee P., Sarkar S., Ghosh T., Bhadra K*. (2018). Therapeutic potential of harmaline, a novel alkaloid, against cervical cancer cells in vitro: Apoptotic induction and DNA interaction study. J. Appl. Biol. Biotech. 6(04) 1-8. ISSN 2455-7005
Paromita Bhattacharjee, Tapas Ghoshǂ, Sarita Sarkarǂ, Prateek Pandya and Kakali Bhadra*. (2018). Binding affinity and in vitro cytotoxicity of harmaline targeting different motifs of nucleic acids: An ultimate drug designing approach.J.Mol. Recog., doi: 10.1002/jmr.2687 ISSN-1099-1352, 2.137
Sarkar, S.; Bhadra, K*. (2018). Therapeutic role of harmalol targeting nucleic acids: Biophysical perspective and in vitro cytotoxicity. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry; doi:10.2174/1389557518666171211164830 ISSN-1875-5607, 2.842
Das, D., Kumar, P.G., Bhadra, K. (2017). A new species of the genus Odontomutilla Ashmead, 1899 (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Ephutinae) from India. Zootaxa, 4290(2) 373-376. ISSN 1175-5326
Bhowmik, B., Sarkar, S., Sen, A., Bhadra, K*. (2017). Role of pollinators in the yield of Coriandrum sativum L from West Bengal and their EAG response towards plant volatiles., Agriculture Res. Journal, 54(2), 227-235,doi: 10.5958/2395-146X.2017.00042.4 ISSN 2395-1435
Bhadra, K*. (2016). Apoptotic induction ability of harmalol and its binding: Biochemical and biophysical perspectives. (World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Science Index 120) International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering, 10(12), 756 – 763. ISSN-2010-3778
Sarkar, S., Bhattacharjee, P., Bhadra, K*. (2016). DNA binding and apoptotic induction ability of harmalol in HepG2: Biophysical and biochemical approaches. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 258, 142-152. ISSN-0009-2797, 3.732
Bhowmik, B., Lakare, S., Sen, A., Bhadra, K*. (2016). Olfactory stimulation of Apis cerana indica towards different doses of volatile constituents: SEM and EAG approaches. J of Asia Pacific Entomology, 19, 847-859. ISSN-1226-8615, 1.303
Biswas, A., Sarkar, S., Bhadra, K., De, S. (2016). Novel synthesis of biologically active CdS nanoclusters in cell-mimicking vesicles. The J. of Exp. Nanosci., ISSN 1745-8080, 11, 9, 681-694. ISSN-1745-8099, 1.043
Bhattacharjee, P., Sarkar, S., Pandya, P., Bhadra, K*. (2016). Targeting different RNA motifs by beta carboline alkaloid, harmalol: A comparative photophysical, calorimetric and molecular docking approach, J. of Biomol. Struc. Dyn., 34,12, 2722-2740. ISSN-1538-0254, 3.310
Bhowmik, B., Bhadra, K*. (2015). Insect pollinators and their role on the crop yield and quality of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus, PAC-361) from West Bengal. Int. J. Curr. Sci., 18: E 76-87. E-ISSN 2250-1770
Bhadra, K* (2015). Biocalorimetric analysis of the binding of planar and non planar molecules with G-quadruplex human telomeric DNA. International J Scientific Res., 4, 73-75. ISSN 2277-8179, 3.2416
Sarkar, S., Bhadra, K*. (2015). Corrigendum to “Binding of alkaloid harmalol to DNA: Photophysical and calorimetric approach”.[ J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol., 130, 272-280, 2014]. 6.252
Sarkar, S., Pandya P.; Bhadra, K* (2014). Sequence specific binding of beta -carboline alkaloid harmalol with deoxyribonucleotides: binding heterogeneity, conformational, thermodynamic and cytotoxic aspects. PloS One. 9(9) e 0108022, 1-14. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone 0108022. ISSN
1932-6203, 3.240
Bhowmik, B., Mitra, B. , Bhadra, K*. (2014). Diversity of insect pollinators and their effect on the crop yield of Brassica Juncea L., NPJ-93, from Southern West Bengal. Int. J. Rec. Sci. Res., 5, 1207-1213 ISSN 0976-3031, 1.136
Sarkar, S.; Bhadra, K*. (2014). Binding of alkaloid harmalol to DNA: Photophysical and calorimetric approach. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol., 130, 272-280. ISSN-1011-1344, 6.252
Bhowmik, B., Bhadra, K* ; Mitra, B. (2014). Insects association with the flowers of the maize crop (Zea mays, JKMH 502) in West Bengal. BIONOTES, 16, 60-62. ISSN 0972-1800
Sahaa S.K., Sikdar S., Mukherjee A., Bhadra K., Boujedainic N., Khuda-Bukhs A.R. (2013) Ethanolic extract of the Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, hasdemonstrable chemopreventive effects on HeLa cells in vitro:Drug–DNA interaction with calf thymus DNA as target. Envn. Toxl. Pharm, 36, 204-214 ISSN-1382-6689, 2.776
Kundu, S, Biswas, M. K, Banerjee, A, Bhadra, K, Suresh Kumar, G, Drew, M.G.B, Bhadra, R , Ghosh, P. (2013) Synthesis, structure and DNA binding study of 9-phenyldibenzo[a,c]phenazin-9-ium”. RSC Adv. 3, 3054-3061. ISSN-2046-2069, 3.361
Samadder, A., Das, J., Das, S., Das, D., De, A., Bhadra, K., Khuda-Bukhs, A.R. (2012) Dihydrooxy-1sosteviol methyl ester of pulsatilla nigricans extract reduces arsenic induced DNA damage in testis cells of mice: its toxicity, drug-DNA interaction and signalling cascades. J Of Chinese Integr. Med., 10, 12, 1433-1442. ISSN-1672-1977, 0.70
Das, J., Das, S., Samadder, A., Bhadra, K., Khuda-Bukhsh, A.R. (2012) Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) encapsulated extract of Phytolacca decandra demonstrates better intervention against induced lung adenocarcinoma in mice and on A549 cells. Europ. J. of Pharma. Sci., 47, 313–324. ISSN
0928-0987, 4.384
Samadder, A., Chakraborty, D., De A., Bhattacharyya, S. S., Bhadra, K. Khuda-Bukhs, A.R. (2011). Possible signaling cascades involved in attenuation of alloxan-induced oxidative stress and hyperglycemia in mice by ethanolic extract of Syzygium jambolanum: Drug-DNA interaction with calf thymus DNA as target. Europ. J. of Pharma. Sci., 44, 3, 207–217. 4.384
Das, A., Bhadra, K. Suresh Kumar, G. (2011). Targeting RNA by Small Molecules: Comparative structural and thermodynamic aspects of Aristololactam--D-Glucoside and Daunomycin binding to tRNAphe. PloS One, 6, e23186-23197. 3.240
Das, A. *, Bhadra, K. *, Achari, B., Chakraborty, P. Suresh Kumar, G. (2011). Interaction of aristololactam--D-glucoside and daunomycin with poly (A): Spectroscopic and calorimetric studies. Biophys. Chem., 155, 10-19. *equal contribution. ISSN0301-4622, 2.352
Bhadra, K., Suresh Kumar, G. (2011). Interaction of berberine, palmatine, coralyne and sanguinarine to quadruplex DNA: A comparative spectroscopic and calorimetric study. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1810, 485-496, 3.770
Bhadra, K., Suresh Kumar, G. (2011) Therapeutic potential of isoquinoline alkaloids: An update on their nucleic acids binding aspects and implications for drug design. Med. Res. Rev., 31, 6, 821-862. ISSN-1098-1128, 12.944
Bhadra, K., Suresh Kumar, G. (2010). Isoquinoline alkaloids and their binding with DNA: Calorimetry and thermal analysis applcations. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 10, 1235-1247, 2.645
Chatterjee, R., Singh, O., Pachuau, L., Malik,S.P., Paul, M., Bhadra, K., Paul, S., Kumar G.S., Mondol, N.B. and Banerjee, S (2010). Identification of a sulfoquinovosyldiacylglyceride from Azadirachta indica and studies on its cytotoxic activity and DNA binding properties. Biorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 20, 6699-6702. ISSN0960-894X , 2.823
Bhadra, K.*, Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G*. (2009) Interaction of isoquinoline alkaloids with polymorphic DNA structures. Chem. Biodiversity 6, 1323-1342. ISSN1612-1880, 2.408
Bhadra, K., Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G. (2008) DNA binding cytotoxic alkaloids: Comparative study of the energetics of binding of berberine, palmatine and coralyne. DNA Cell Biol. 27, 675-685. ISSN 1044-5498 ISSN: 1044-5498 , 3.311
Bhadra, K.*, Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G*. (2008) Berberine-DNA complexation: New insights into the cooperative binding and energetic aspects. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1780, 1054-1061. ISSN 0304-4165, 3.770
Bhadra, K, Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G. (2008) Interaction of isoquinoline alkaloid palmatine with deoxyribonucleic acids: Binding heterogeneity, and conformational and thermodynamic aspects. Chem. Biodiversity 5, 575-590, 2.408
Bhadra, K., Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G. (2008) Thermodynamics of the binding of cytotoxic protoberberine molecule coralyne to deoxyribonucleic acids. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1780, 298-306. ISSN 0304-4165, 3.770
Bhadra, K., Maiti, M. and Suresh Kumar, G. (2007) Molecular recognition of DNA by small molecules: AT base pair specific intercalative binding of cytotoxic plant alkaloid palmatine. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1770, 1071-1080. Cited by MicroCal ISSN 0304-4165, 3.770
Sinha, R., Islam, Md. M., Bhadra, K., Suresh Kumar, G., Banerjee, A. and Maiti, M. (2006) The binding of DNA intercalating and non- intercalating compounds to A-form and protonated form of poly(rC).poly(rG): spectroscopic and viscometric study. Biorg. Med. Chem. 14, 800-814. ISSN 0968-0896, 3.641
Bhadra, K., Suresh Kumar, G., Das, S., Islam, Md. M.; Maiti, M. (2005) Protonated structures of naturally occurring deoxyribonucleic acids and their interaction with berberine. Biorg. Med. Chem. 13, 4851-4863. ISSN 0968-0896, 3.641
Yadav, R. C*, Suresh Kumar, G. *, Bhadra, K. *, Giri, P., Sinha, R., Pal. S., Maiti, M. (2005) Berberine: a strong polyriboadenylic acid binding plant alkaloid: Spectroscopic, viscometric, and thermodynamic study. Biorg. Med. Chem. 13, 165-174. *equal contribution. (One of the highest cited papers during 2006-2007 period in Tetrahedron journals) ISSN 0968-0896, 3.641
Suresh Kumar, G., Das S., Bhadra K., Maiti M. (2003). Protonated forms of poly[d(G-C)] and poly(dG).poly(dC) and their interaction with berberine. Biorg. Med. Chem. 11, 4861-4870. ISSN 0968-0896, 3.641
Book chapter:
Anti cancer natural alkaloids as drug bank targeting bio-molecules, Bhadra Kakali.*, Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, Editor-in-Chief: C. M. Hussain, P. D. Sia (eds.), Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58675-1 eBook ISBN 978-
Tapas Ghosh, Kakali Bhadra*. (2019) Cytotoxic investigation and photophysical analysis of serum protein binding with beta-carboline alkaloids, BIOSPECTRUM, 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology & Biological Sciences, 8th- 10th August, 2019. ISBN 978-0-367-43161-7
Biswanath Bhowmik, Sarita Sarkar and Kakali Bhadra*. (2018). Diversity and role of insect pollinators in increasing the yield of Coriandrum sativum L, and EAG response towards plant volatiles, Bandyopadhyay P.K. (Eds), 2018. Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity: Proceedings of the UGC-SAP Sponsored National Seminar. Pp. 1-113. ISBN- 978-81-932401-2-0
Paromita Bhattacharjee, Tapas Ghosh, Sarita Sarkar and Kakali Bhadra*. (2018). Efficacy of harmaline, a natural beta carboline alkaloid, as a chemotherapeutic agent against human cancer cell line, Bandyopadhyay P.K. (Eds), Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity: Proceedings of the UGC-SAP Sponsored National Seminar. Pp. 1-113. ISBN- 978-81-932401-2-0
Bhowmik, B., Mitra, B and Bhadra, K*. (2015). Diversity of insect pollinators of cash crop plants in southern West Bengal. Journal of Soil Biology & Ecology, 35(1&2), 241-250. ISSN 0970-1370
Bhowmik, B. and Bhadra, K* (2014). Ecosystem services provided by insects through pollination. Proc. Nat. Con. Cha. Bio. Res. Man., 130, 122-128. ISBN 978-81-927762-0-0
Invited talk on Binding affinity targeting different motifs of nucleic acids and apoptotic induction ability of harmaline: An ultimate drug designing approach, National seminar on Application of cellular and molecular biology in human health and diseases, Department of Biotechnology, JIS University, Kolkata, 27th April, 2018.
Invited talk on “An Overview of Treatment against COVID-19 : Synthetic Drugs to Natural Metabolites …A Retrospective.” as a guest speaker during the two-day National Webinar on “Pandemic COVID-19 : Pathophysiology, Prevention & Treatment” Organized by Nirmala College Ranchi, on 11th August 2020.
Invited talk on “Anti-cancer efficacy of natural beta carboline plant alkaloids” as a guest speaker during the two-day International Webinar on ‘The World of Plants’ Its impact on indigenous people, society and biosphere, IWWOP 2020 Organized by Department of Botany, Government General Degree College, Mohanpur, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, on 18-19th November 2020.
Plenary talk on Nature to laboratory: A sustainable approach to design anti-cancer drug molecule, in Two-day National conferences on sustainable health science for future generations, in collaboration of ISCA and Department of Physiology, University of Kalyani, 28th-29th April, 2022.
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
UGC, Govt. of India; CSIR; DST-West Bengal, Govt. of India; DST-RFBR; DST-UZBEK; |
Quadruplex DNA structure and its interaction with biologically important alkaloids; Therapeutic potential and cytotoxicity of DNA binding beta carbonil group of alkaloids: Biophysical and biological perspectives; Bioassay of the response of insect pest and pollinator by electroantennogram from North 24 Parganas; Synthesis and therapeutic potential of most promising anticancer, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory beta carboline derivatives;The bioactive composition of tick saliva, their prevalence of infestation and olfactometric response to electroantennogram; From laboratory to field; selection, designing and formulation of green pesticide |
2 yrs; 3 yrs, 3yrs; 2yrs; 3yrs; 1yr; Grants-in-Aid under RUSA Component 10 (Entrepreneurship & Career Hub) |
2 lakhs (approx); 27 lakhs (approx); 12 lakhs; 21,36000 lakhs; 1780200 lakhs; 5 lakhs |
• Life Member of Indian Biophysical Society (L-609)
• Life Member of DNA Society of India (LM-14)
• Life Member of Indian photobiology society (LM-1145)
• Life Member of Association of Pharmacy Professionals (APP/WB/LM-007/15)
• Annual Membership for the year 2019-20 of World Research Council (WRC-RPA-IND-101365)
• Zoological society of Bangladesh, Sl. No. 4351
• International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation (IMRF) Annual Membership, 2022
1.Ph.D. awarded, 05.04.2017; zool./SS/133(28)/2017 Dr. Sarita Sarkar CSIR project fellow Therapeutic potential and cytotoxicity of DNA binding beta carboline alkaloid, harmalol: in vitro and in vivo study
2.Ph.D. awarded, 28.07.2017; zool./BB/198(28)/2017 Dr. Biswanath Bhowmik Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Insect pollinators and pest diversity of economically important crops of South Bengal and the bioassay of plant volatile by Electroantennogram (EAG)
3.Ph.D. awarded, 14.11.2018; zool./PB/003(30)/2018 Dr. Paromita Bhattacharjee URS, University of Kalyani Nucleic acid binding, in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity studies of beta-carboline alkaloids
4.Ph.D. awarded, 15.07.2020; zool./UC/185(30)/2020 Dr. Udipta Chakraborti DST, W. Bengal Project fellow Diversity of insect flower visitors and their role in pollination of true mangrove plants of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, India
5.Ph.D. awarded, 15.07.2021; Zool./TG/290(30)/2021 Dr. Tapas Ghosh CSIR, NET Natural beta-carboline alkaloids targeting serum albumin protein: Structural characterization, binding and cytotoxic evaluation
6. Ph.D. awarded, 05.05.2022 Ms. Dipanwita Das Employee of ZSI, Kolkata Systemic studies on the Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) of India