Kalachand Mahali
Assistant Professor
Department: Department of ChemistryPhone Number: 7908466476/ 9434326192 (Only WhatsApp)
Institutional E-Mail: kalachandchem2020@klyuniv.ac.in
Educational Qualifications:
MSc, PhD
Awards and Honours (National/International)• BEST SCRIPT AWARD – 2022, for MAHALI Drama “KARHA PATUB”, in 27TH State Level One Act Drama Competition in Tribal Language, Organized by Office of the Project Officer-cum-District Welfare Officer, Backward Classes Welfare & Tribal Development Department, Govt. of West Bengal
• Best Documentary Award for Santali Short film “KHANCHA CHERE”, 2013 from All India Santali Film Festival, Jamshedpur, TATA.
• Focus on solute-solvent interaction in aqueous, non-aqueous and electrolyte solutions
• Study on amino acids solubility and related solvation thermodynamics
• Using Eco-friendly technique for purification of water
10 Years
List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)1. Solubility and salvation thermodynamics of glycine, DL-alanine and L-threonine in pure aqueous and aqueous (NH4)2SO4 solution, Partha Sarathi Guin, Biplab Ghosh, Subhas Chandra Debnath, Sibdas Baskey, Sanjay Roy, Kalachand Mahali, Chemical Physics Letters, 2022, 788, 139284. Impact Factor 2.328
2. A Review on Environmental Friendly Gasoline Substituent: Bio-ethanol, Avishek, Kalachand Mahali, Sanjay Roy, Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, 2022, 15 (1) 86-94
3. Surface phenomenon in micellar media: An excellent controlling factor for oxidation of fatty aldehyde in aqueous medium, Suman Chowdhury, Atanu Rakshit, Animesh Acharjee, Kalachand Mahali and Bidyut Saha, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 310, 113224, Impact Factor 6.165
4. Trivalent Ruthenium and Iridium Salt: Excellent Homogeneous Catalysts for Cyclic Alcohol Oxidation in Micellar Media, Suman Chowdhury, Atanu Rakshit, Animesh Acharjee, Aniruddha Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali and Bidyut Saha, Tenside Surfactants Detergents, 2020, 57, 1-12, Impact Factor 1.049
5. Solubility and peculiar thermodynamical behaviour of 2-aminobenzoic acid in aqueous binary solvent mixtures at 288.15 to 308.15K, Sk. Imran, Aslam Hossain, Kalachand Mahali, Partha Sarathi Guin, Arup Datta, Sanjay Roy, Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 302, 112566, Impact Factor 6.165
6. Ru(III) catalysed oxidation of 2-propanol by Cr(VI) in micellar media, Suman Chowdhury, Atanu Rakshit, Animesh Acharjee, Aniruddha Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali and Bidyut Saha, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 290, 111247, Impact Factor 6.165
7. Electrolytic Effect on the Solubility and Solvation Thermodynamics of L-Serine and L-Isoleucine in Aqueous Media, Saroj Chowdhury, Prasenjit Mandal, Aslam Hossain, Partha Sarathi Guin, Sanjay Roy, Kalachand Mahali, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 2019, 64, 4286-4297. Impact Factor 2.694
8. Solubility analysis of homologous series of amino acids and salvation energetic in aqueous potassium sulphate solution, Heliyon, 2019, 5, e02304. Impact Factor 2.85
9. Role of solubility and salvation thermodynamics on the stability of L-phenylalanine in aqueous methanol and ethanol solutions, Sk Imran, Aslam Hossain, Kalachand Mahali, Amit Saha Roy, Partha Sarathi Guin, Sanjay Roy, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 265, 693-700. Impact Factor 6.165
10. Solubility and transfer salvation thermodynamics of L-isoleucine and L-serine in water to aqueous solution of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 from 288.15K to 303.15K, Saroj Chowdhury, Prasenjit Mandal, Md. Sarikul Islam, Aslam Hossain, Partha Sarathi Guin Sanjay Roy, Kalachand Mahali, Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 706, 432-439. Impact Factor 2.328
11. Solubility and Thermodynamics of Solute-Solvent Interactions of Some Amino Acids in Aqueous Sodium Bromide and Potassium Bromide Solutions, Partha Sarathi Guin, Kalachand Mahali, Bijoy Krishna Dolui, and Sanjay Roy, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 2018, 63, 534-541. Impact Factor 2.694
12. Correction to “amino acid solubility under the influence of NaCl at 298.15K, S. Roy, P.S. Guin, K. Mahali and B.K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018, 95, 1199-1206. Impact Factor 6.165
13. Insertion of the o-Aminophenol Core into Ninhydrin – Phenol Adducts: Migration of Ninhydrin Carbon Leading to N-Phenyl-benzoate-Substituted Phthalimides, Suven Das, Arpita Dutta, Suvendu Maity, Prasanta Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali, Synlett, 2017, 28, 581-584. Impact Factor 2.419
14. Solvation Thermodynamics of L-Cystine, L-Tyrosine and L-Leucine in Aqueous-Electrolyte Media, S. Roy, P. S. Guin, K. Mahali, and B. K. Dolui, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 91, No. 12, (2017) 2397-2403; Impact Factor 0.691
15. Trivalent Ruthenium and Iridium Salt: Excellent Homogeneous Catalysts for Cyclic Alcohol Oxidation in Micellar Media, Suman Chowdhury, Atanu Rakshit, Animesh Acharjee, Aniruddha Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali, Bidyut Saha,Vol, 57, 4, 298-309 (2020), Tenside Surfactants Detergents. 53, (2016) 332-346. Impact Factor. 0.869
16. Surface phenomenon in micellar media: An excellent controlling factor for oxidation of fatty aldehyde in aqueous medium, Suman Chowdhury, Atanu Rakshit, AnimeshAcharjee, Kalachand Mahali, Bidyut Saha, Volume 310, 15 July 2020, 113224 Journal of Molecular Liquids, Impact Factor 6.165
17. Solubility and peculiar thermodynamicalbehaviour of 2-aminobenzoic acid in aqueous binary solvent mixtures at 288.15 to 308.15 K, Sk Imran, Aslam Hossain, Kalachand Mahali,ParthaSarathiGuin, Arup Datta, Sanjay Roy, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 112566,(2020) Impact Factor 6.165
18. Electrolytic Effect on the Solubility and Solvation Thermodynamics of L‑Serine and L‑Isoleucine in Aqueous Media, Saroj Chowdhury, PrasenjitMandal, Aslam Hossain, ParthaSarathiGuin, Sanjay Roy, Kalachand Mahali, , J. Chem. Eng. Data, Impact Factor 2.369
19. Solubility analysis of homologous series of amino acids and solvation energetics in aqueous potassium sulfate solution, Aslam Hossain, Kalachand Mahali, Bijoy Krishna Dolui, ParthaSarathiGuin, Sanjay Roy, Heliyon 5 (2019) e02304 Impact Factor1.66
20. Ru(III) catalysed oxidation of 2-propanol by Cr(VI) in micellar media, Suman Chowdhury, AtanuRakshit, AnimeshAcharjee, Aniruddha Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali and BidyutSaha, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 290 (2019) 111247 Impact Factor 6.165
21. Role of solubility and solvation thermodynamics on the stability of L-phenylalanine in aqueous methanol and ethanol solutions, Sk Imran, Aslam Hossain, Kalachand Mahali, Amit Saha Roy, ParthaSarathiGuin, Sanjay Roy, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 265 (2018) 693-700 Impact Factor 6.165
22. Solubility and transfer solvation thermodynamics of L-isoleucine and L-serine in water to aqueous solution of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 from 288.15 K to 303.15 K, Saroj Chowdhury, PrasenjitMandal, Md. Sarikul Islam, Aslam Hossain, ParthaSarathiGuin Sanjay Roy, Kalachand Mahali, Chemical Physics Letters 706 (2018) 432–439Impact Factor 1.686
23. Insertion of the o-Aminophenol Core into Ninhydrin–Phenol Adducts: Migration of Ninhydrin Carbon Leading to N-Phenylbenzoate-Substituted Phthalimides, Suven Das*, Arpita Dutta, SuvenduMaity, Prasanta Ghosh, Kalachand Mahali, Synlett2017, 28, 581–584Impact Factor 2.369
24. Solubility and Thermodynamics of Solute−Solvent Interactions of Some Amino Acids in Aqueous Sodium Bromide and Potassium Bromide Solutions, ParthaSarathiGuin, Kalachand Mahali, Bijoy Krishna Dolui, and Sanjay Roy, J. Chem. Eng. Data 2018, 63, 534−541Impact Factor 2.369
25. Correction to “amino acid solubility under the influence of NaCl at 298.15K” , S. Roy, P.S. Guin, K. Mahali and B.K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 252,(2018) 144. Impact Factor 6.165
26. Solvation Thermodynamics of L-Cystine, L-Tyrosine, and L-Leucine in Aqueous-Electrolyte Media, S. Roy, P. S. Guin, K. Mahali, and B. K. Dolui, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 91, No. 12, pp. 2397–2403 (2017).Impact Factor. 0.597
27. Employment of different spectroscopic tools for the investigation of chromium (VI) oxidation of acetaldehyde in aqueous micellar medium, S Malik, A Ghosh, P Sar, MH Mondal, K. Mahali, B Saha – Journal of Chemical Sciences, 129 (5) 637-645 (2017).Impact Factor 1.235
28. Evaluation and correlation of solubility and solvation thermodynamics of glycine, dl-alanine and dl-valine in aqueous sodium sulphate solutions at two different temperatures, S Roy, PS Guin, K. Mahali, A Hossain, BK Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229, 172-177 (2017).. Impact Factor 6.165
29. Solubility and solute-solvent interaction phenomenon of succinic acid in aqueous ethanol mixtures, K. Mahali, P. S. Guin, S. Roy, B. K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229, 172-177 (2017) Impact Factor 6.165
30. Micellar effect on hetero-aromatic nitrogen base promoted chromic acid oxidation of 1,3-proanediol in aqueous media at room temperature, S. Malik, D. Saha, M. Hossain Mondal, P. Sar, A. Ghosh, K. Mahali, and B. Saha, J. Mol. Liq., 225, 207-216 (2017). Impact Factor 6.165
31. Solubility and solute-solvent interaction phenomenon of succinic acid in aqueous ethanol mixtures, K. Mahali, P. S. Guin, S. Roy, B. K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 229, (2017) 172-177. Impact Factor 6.165
32. Micellar effect on hetero-aromatic nitrogen base promoted chromic acid oxidation of 1,3-proanediol in aqueous media at room temperature, S. Malik, D. Saha, M. Hossain Mondal, P. Sar, A. Ghosh, K. Mahali, and B. Saha, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 225, (2017)207-216. Impact Factor 6.165
33. Study of the Solubility and Transfer Thermodynamics of D,L-Phenylalanine in Aqueous Sodium Chloride and D,L-Serine in Aqueous Sodium Nitrate Solutions, S. Mondal, S. Roy, S. Ghosh, K. Mahali, and B. K. Dolui, J Solution Chem. 45: (2016)1043–1060.Impact Factor. 1.342
34. Role of electrolytes in the Solubility of L-proline and its transfer free energetics, S. Roy, P.S. Guin, K. Mahali, B. K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 223, (2016)927-933. Impact Factor 6.165
35. Thermodynamics of DL-α-Aminobutyric Acid Induced Solvation Mechanism in Aqueous KCl Solutions at 288.15–308.15 K, S. Mondal, S. Ghosh, A. Hossain, K. Mahali, S. Roy, and B. K. Doluia, Russ. J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 90, No. 9, (2016) 1798–1805.Impact Factor. 0.597
36. Picolinic Acid Promoted Permanganate Oxidation of D-Mannitol in Micellar Medium, A. Ghosh, I. Datta, S. Ghatak, K. Mahali, S. S. Bhattacharyya and B. Saha, Tenside Surf. Det. 53, (2016) 332-346. Impact Factor. 0.869
37. Combination of Sodium Dodecylsulfate and 2,20-Bipyridine for Hundred Fold Rate Enhancement of Chromium(VI) Oxidation of Malonic Acid at Room Temperature: A Greener Approach, S. Malik, M. Hossain Mondal, A. Ghosh, S. De, K. Mahali, S. S. Bhattacharyya and B. Saha, Journal of Solution Chemistry 45: (2016)1043–1060.Impact Factor. 1.342
38. A Co (II) complex of a vitamer of vitamin B6 acts as a sensor for Hg2+ and pH in aqueous media, N. Sing, S. Roy, P. S. Guin, K. Mahali, P. Majee, S. K. Mondal, P. Mahata, P. S. Senguptaa, P. Mondal, New Journal of Chemistry, 40, (2016) 6396 – 6404. Impact Factor 3.277
39. Comparative study on solubility of glycine, DL-alanine, DL-nor-valine and DL-serine in aqueous solutions of NaF and KF at 298.15 K, S. Roy , K. Mahali, B. K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 219, (2016) 815-819. Impact Factor 6.165
40. Chemical transfer energetics of a Series of Homologous α-Amino Acids in Quasi-Aprotic 2-Methoxyethanol-water mixtures, S. Roy , K. Mahali , B. K. Dolui, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 45: (2016)574–590.Impact Factor. 1.342
41. Studies on the interaction of 2-amino-3-hydroxy-anthraquinone with surfactant micelles reveal its nucleation in human MDA-MB-231 breast adinocarcinoma cells, A. Das, S. Roy, P. Mondal, A. Datta, K. Mahali, G. Loganathan, D. Dharumadurai, P.S. Sengupta, Md A. Akbarsha and P. S. Guin, RSC Adv. 6, (2016) 28200-28212.Impact Factor 3.48
42. Amino acid solubility under the influence of NaCl at 298.15K, S. Roy, P.S. Guin, K. Mahali and B.K. Dolui, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 218,(2016) 316-318. Impact Factor 6.165
43. Solubility and Solvation Thermodynamics of a Series of Homologous α-Amino Acid in Non-aqueous Binary Mixture of Ethylene Glycol and Dimethyl Sulfoxide, K. Mahali, S. Roy and B. K. Dolui*. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 60 (2015) 1233-1241.Impact Factor 2.369
44. Thermodynamics of DL-alanine solvation in water-Dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures at 298.15K, S. Roy, K. Mahali S. Mondal and B. K. Dolui, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, A, Vol. 89 (4), (2015) 654-662. Impact Factor. 0.597
45. Physico-Chemical studies of DL-alanine in aqueous Sodium nitrate solution, S. Roy, K. Mahali S. Mondal, R.P. Mondal and B. K. Dolui, Russian Journal of General Chemistry, Vol. 85 (1), (2015) 162-167. Impact Factor. 0.597
46. Thermodynamics and Mechanism of Glycine Solvation in Aqueous NaCl and KCl Solutions at 298.15K, S. Roy, A. Hossain, K. Mahali and B.K. Dolui, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, A, Vol. 89 (11), (2015) 2111-2119. Impact Factor. 0.597
47. Solvation mechanism of DL-nor-valine in aqueous mixtures of protophilic dipolar aprotic Dimethyl sulfoxide, S. Roy, K. Mahali and B. K. Dolui, International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 5 (1), (2014) 11-19. Impact Factor0.684
48. Solvation Chemistry of DL-Nor-Valine in aqueous mixture of dipolar aprotic N, N- dimethyl formamide, K. Mahali, S. Roy and B. K. Dolui, Journal of Chinese Chemical Society, 61,(2014) 659-664.Impact Factor 0.791
49. Transfer free energies of solvation of amino acid L-Histidine in aqueous mixtures of protic Glycerol at 298.15K, S. Roy, K. Mahali, B. K. Dolui*. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. Vol. 3(2), (2014) 470-476.Impact Factor 0.684
50. Role of Glycine as a ‘3D-Structure’ maker in aqueous mixture of protophilic dipolar aprotic Dimethyl sulfoxide, S. Roy, K. Mahali, B. K. Dolui*. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research. 6(5), (2014)780-790.Impact Factor 0.684
51. Thermodynamic Studies Related to the Solvation Chemistry of DL-α-Amino butyric Acid in Aqueous Solution of Sodium chloride’ S. Roy, K. Mahali, M. Murmu, B. K. Dolui*. International Journal of Chemical and Physical Science, Vol. 3(4), (2014), 29-42.Impact Factor 1.815
52. Comparative chemical transfer Gibbs free energy related to solvation of amino acid, L-Histidine in aqueous mixtures of N, N-Dimethyl formamide and Protic Glycerol at 298.15 K. S. Roy, K. Mahali, B. K. Dolui*. International Journal of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 2 (7), (2014), 953-960.Impact Factor 0.684
53. Thermodynamic Interactions due to transfer of Amino acids, Glycine and DL-Alanine from water to aqueous mixture of cationophilic dipolar aprotic N,N-dimethyl formamide, S. Roy, K. Mahali and B. K. Dolui, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 25, No. 14 (2013), 8037-8042.Impact Factor 0.15
54. Thermodynamic Solvation of α-amino acid in aqueous mixture of dipolar aprotic N, N-dimethyl formamide, S. Roy, K. Mahali, S. Akhtar & B. K. Dolui, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 25, No. 12 (2013), 6661-6665.Impact Factor 0.15
55. Thermodynamic Solvation of a Series of Homologous α-Amino Acids in Aqueous Mixtures of 1,2-Dimethoxyethane,S. Roy , K. Mahali , B. K. Dolui, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 42 (2013), 1472-1487.Impact Factor. 1.342
56. Solvation Thermodynamics of a Series of Homologous α-Amino Acids in Non-aqueous Binary Mixtures of Protic Ethylene Glycol and Dipolar Aprotic Acetonitrile,K. Mahali, S. Roy, B. K. Dolui, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 42 (2013), 1096-1110.Impact Factor. 1.342
57. Thermodynamic solvation of a series of homologous α-amino acids in non-aqueous mixture of ethylene-glycol and N,N-dimethyl formamide, K. Mahali, S. Roy & B. K. Dolui, Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, Vol.2, No.3, (2011), 185-193.Impact Factor0.63
1. Implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) in Development of Tribal Education in Science Subjects: with Special Reference to Mahali Community: A Study, Kalachand Mahali, RED`SHINE Publication, India, Londan, UK, 2021, 978-1-4834-3032-4
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
Science & Technology and Biotechnology (West Bengal) (Ongoing) |
u2022tSolubility, Solvation Thermodynamics and Interaction of Amino Acids with Cosolvent and Surfactants |
3 Years |
2.95 Lakh |
Secretary of Mahali Adivasi Welfare Society
Life Member of All India Santali Writer`s Association (West Bengal Branch)
Notable Activities
Founder of Sahid Sankar Mahali Memorial Institution, Sian, Bolpur, Birbhum, WB