Kumaresh Ghosh
Department: Department of ChemistryPhone Number: 9433249424
Institutional E-Mail: kumareshchem18@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ubNf-BAAAAAJ&hl=en
Educational Qualifications:
M.Sc. PhD (IIT-Kharagpur)
Awards and Honours (National/International)• Chemical Research Society of India Bronze Medal award for the year 2018
• Elected as Fellow of West Bengal academy of Science and Technology in 2017.
• Dr. Basudev Banerjee Memorial award, 2007 (Given by Indian Chemical Society)
• Prof. D. K. Banerjee memorial Award, 2011 (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
• Appeared in NJC Blog for publication in New Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 35, 1397.
• Award certificate form University of Kalyani for academic potentiality and excellence, 2014
• Appeared in the journal for CRSI Bronze Medal 2018; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 2029-2030
Research Area:Molecular recognition, Supramolecular Gels, Supramolecular Chemistry
Teaching Experience:25
Administrative ExperiencesHead, Department of Chemistry (November 2019 to November 2021)
Coordinator, DST-FIST (Level-II) (Ongoing)