Sk. Manirul Islam
Department: Department of ChemistryPhone Number: 9231572961
Institutional E-Mail: smi@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=5OHnPtYAAAAJ
Educational Qualifications:
Ph.D, Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur
Awards and Honours (National/International)Name included in top 2% Scientists of the world according to the updated list published by Stanford University in 2021 in Chemical Science.
Research Area:Heterogeneous Catalysis, Polymer, Materials Science, Carbonylation reaction, CO2 fixation reactions
Teaching Experience:22 years
List of Publications(Peer-Reviewed)1. Visible-light-driven sustainable conversion of carbon dioxide to methanol using a metal-free covalent organic
framework as a recyclable photocatalyst, Pekham Chakrabortty, Swarbhanu Ghosh, Anjan Das, Aslam Khan and
Sk. Manirul Islam, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2022,12, 3484-3497, DOI: 10.1039/D2CY00088A.
2. Visible Light-Driven Carboxylation of Olefins by Using 2D Metal-Free Covalent Organic Framework
asIntrinsicPhotocatalyst: A Sustainable Approach for CO2 Utilization, Priyanka Sarkar, Anjan Das,Swarbhanu
Ghosh and Sk. Manirul Islam, ChemCatChem., 2022, DOI:10.1002/cctc.202200186.
3. Haque, Najirul & Biswas, Surajit & Ghosh, Swarbhanu & Hazra Chowdhury, Arpita & Khan, Aslam & Islam,
Manirul. (2021). Zn(II)-Embedded Nanoporous Covalent Organic Frameworks for Catalytic Conversion of CO 2
under Solvent-Free Conditions. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021.4, 8, 7663–7674. doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.1c00785
4.Utility of silver nanoparticles embedded COFs as recyclable catalysts for the sustainable synthesis of cyclic carbamates
and 2-oxazolidinones via atmospheric cyclizative CO2 capture, Swarbhanu Ghosh, Tuhin Khan, Anirudhha Ghosh,
Arpita Hazra Chowdhury, M. Ali Haider, Aslam Khan, Sk Manirul Islam, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and
Engineering, 2020, 8, 5495-5513.
5. Silver Nanoparticles Architectured HMP as a Recyclable Catalyst for Tetramic Acid and Propiolic Acid Synthesis
through CO2 Capture at Atmospheric Pressure, Swarbhanu Ghosh, Aniruddha Ghosh, Sk Riyajuddin, Somnath
Sarkar, Arpita Hazra Chowdhury, Kaushik Ghosh, Sk Manirul Islam, ChemCatChem, 2020, 12, 1055-1067.
6. Cu/CuₓOy NPs architectured COF: a recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of oxazolidinedione via atmospheric
cyclizative CO₂ utilization, Somnath Sarkar, Swarbhanu Ghosh, Jahangir Mondal, Sk Manirul Islam, Chemical
communications, 2020, 56, 12202-12205.
7. Biogenic Nano-CuO-Catalyzed Facile C–N Cross-Coupling Reactions: Scope and Mechanism, Mita Halder, Md.
Mominul Islam, Zarina Ansari, Sabir Ahammed, Kamalika Sen and Sk. Manirul Islam, ACS Sustainable
Chemistry & Engineering, 5 (2017) 648-657.
8.10. A new chiral Fe(III)-salen grafted mesoporous catalyst for enantioselective asymmetric ring opening of racemic
epoxides at room temperature under solvent-free conditions,Susmita Roy, PiyaliBhanja, Sk. Safikul Islam,
AsimBhaumik and Sk. Manirul Islam, Chemical Communications., 52 (2016) 1871-1874.
9. A Route for Direct Transformation of Aryl Halides to Benzyl Alcohols via Carbon Dioxide Fixation Reaction
Catalyzed By (Pd@N-GMC) Palladium Nanoparticles Encapsulated Nitrogen Doped Mesoporous Carbon
Material, Rostam Ali Molla, Md. AsifIqubal, KajariGhosh and S. M. Islam, Green Chemistry. 2016,18, 4649-
10. Zn(II) assisted synthesis of porous salen as an efficient heterogeneous scaffold for capture and conversion of
carbon dioxide, SubhajitBhunia, Rostam Ali Molla, VandanaKumari, Sk. Manirul Islam, Asim Bhaumik,
Chemical Communications., 51 (2015) 15732-15735.
11. 3. Polymer anchored Cu(II) complex: an efficient and recyclable catalytic system for the one-pot synthesis of 1, 4-
disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles starting from anilines in water.Susmita Roy, TanmayChatterjee and S.M. Islam,
Green Chemistry, 2013, 15 (9), 2532 – 2539.
12. In situ prepared mesoporous silica nanosphere supported palladium(II) 2- aminopyridine complex catalyst for
Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling reaction in water, P. Mondal, S. Banerjee,A. S. Roy, T. K. Mandal and S. M.
Islam, Journals of Materials Chemistry.,22 (2012) 20434–20442.
1. A reusable polymer anchored ruthenium (II) complex catalyst for the reductive carbonylation ofnitroaromatics.
S.M. Islam, P. Mondal, K. Tuhina. In book: Synthesis and Catalytic properties of ruthenium(II) complexes; 2011,
Nova publisher, USA.
1. Delivered lecture in the international conference on Emerging trends in Catalysis jointly organized by the Department
of Chemistry, School of Advanced Science, VIT, Vellore, India and Royal Society of Chemistry, UK, during 6-8
January 2020.
2. Chairing the Session in the international conference on Catalysis (ACIO), 2019: Advances in Catalysis for the
Industrial outlook organized by the Department of Catalysis & Fine Chemicals, Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology (IICT), Hyderabad held during August 1-2, 2019.
3. Delivered lecture in the Indo-French Workshop on Green and Sustainable Chemistry: Role of Catalyst IFWGSC-18
held at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology(ISM), Dhanbad during 6-8 February,
4. Chairing the Session in the 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Catalysis (APCAT), 2017: Catalysis for Sustainable
Development organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai
held during January 17-21, 2017.
5. Delivered invited lecture in the 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Catalysis (APCAT), 2017: Catalysis for Sustainable
Development organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), Mumbai
held during January 17-21, 2017.
6. Chairing the Session in the Workshop on catalysis WOC-2017 held at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Indian
Institute of Technology(ISM), Dhanbad during 6-9, March, 2017.
Member of CRSI
Member of Catalytic Society of India
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=5OHnPtYAAAAJ