Prabir Kumar De
Department: Department of Political SciencePhone Number: 9433722556
Institutional E-Mail: prabir.de@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: na
Educational Qualifications:
M.A. in Political Science (University of Calcutta)
M.Phil. &Ph.D in International Relations (Jadavpur University)
P.G Diploma in Human Rights (Indian Institute of Human Rights, New Delhi)
• Governance
• Public Policy
• Human Rights
• Land Reform & Allied Issues
Administrative ExperiencesPresent Position: Professor, Dept. of Political Science, University of Kalyani, Kalyani-741235, West Bengal.
Former Course Coordinator, M.A in Public Administration (Distance Mode), University of Kalyani.
Former Head in the Department of PoliticalScience, University of Kalyani (2006-2008,2010-2012&2016-2018).
Presently External Member of the P.G Board of Studies, , Kazi Najrul University, Assansol, The University of Burdwan, Adamas University (West Bengal) , North Eastern Hill University, Shilong.
• SAARC: Security Compulsion of Bangladesh, Rabindra Bharati Journal of Political Science, Vol.8, 2006.
• Human Rights: Problems of Governance, West Bengal Political Science Review, Vol.XI, No.2, July-December, 2008.
• Environmental Agenda in SAARC Countries, Asian Studies, Vol.XXVII, NO.1, January-June, 2009. ISSN0970-7301.
• Assertion of Human Rights: Dalits in Journey, West Bengal Political Science Review, Vol.XII, No.2, July-Dec.2009.
• Santras, Pratibeshi Rashtra o Bharater Udbeg, in Santrasbader Bahumatrikata, Sukanta Pal (ed.),Ashok Prakashan, Kolkata,2009.
• Self-help Group in West Bengal: New Dimension of Women Empowerment,Utkal Historical Research Journal, Vol.XXII, 2009. ISSN 0976-2132.
• Self-Help Group in West Bengal: Towards Participation, Governance and Human Rights, Asian Studies, Vol.XXVII, No.1, Jan-June, 2010, ISSN0970-7301.
• Poverty in South Asia: Inevitability of Common Reddressal Mechanism, Utkal Historical Research Journal, Vol.XXIII, 2010, ISSN0976-2132.
• Poverty Alleviation: SAARC’s Initiatives, Socialist Perspective, Vol.38, No.1-2, June-Sept, 2010, ISSN0970-8863.
• Conservation of Bio-Resources: Role of W.B. Government, Indian Journal of Landscape System and Ecological Studies, Vol.33, No.2, December, 2010, ISSN0971-4170.
• Women in Governance: Rural India in Political Process, Shodh Prerak, Vol.1, No.2, Lucknow, July 2011, ISSN: 2231-413X.
• Panchayats after 73rd Amendment: In Search of Participatory Orientation, Sodha Prabaha, Vol.II, No. I, Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University, January, 2012.ISSN 2231-4113.
• Human Rights Education in India: Towards Democratic Order in Society, Shodh Prerak, Vol.II. No.2, Lucknow, April, 2012, ISSN: 2231-413X.
• Tenurial Security: Question of Land-Ownership for Women, Jigyasa, Vol V, No.1, March 2012, BHU, Varanasi .ISSN.0974-7468.
• Urbanization in West Bengal: Post Colonial Development, Asian Studies, Vol.XXX, No.2, July-December, 2012, Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata .ISSN.0970-7301.
• Conflict and Democracy: Lessons from Panchayats in West Bengal, in Buddhadev Mishra and Sachindra Nath Das (ed.) , Politics and Conflict: Lessons from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Dept. of Political Science, Shibpur Dinabandhu Institution(College), Howrah, 2013 ( ISBN. 978-81-925519-0-6).
• Empowering Women in India: Constitutional Safeguards and Beyond inJitendra Sahoo (ed.), India’s Constitutional Development since the 1950s: Its Socio-Political and Economic Dimensions, New Academic Publishers, New Delhi, 2015 (ISBN: 978-81-86772-80-5).
• Communalism and Secularism: Conceptual Framework and India’s Orientation in Jitendra Sahoo (ed.), India in Globalized Era, New Academic Publishers, New Delhi,2015.
• Need Baseed Economy and Politics of Informality, West Bengal Political Science Review, Vol.XVIII, NO.1&2, 2015-16, ISSN; 2230-8296.
• “Gender Equity and Tenurial Security: Women’s Access to Land” in Smita Nayak (ed), Wither Women: A Shift from Endowment to Empowerment”, Edu Pedia Publications, New Delhi, 2016. ISBN: 9781523724116.
• “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : Bharatiya Sanbidhaner Sthapati ( Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: The Architect of Indian Constitution –In Bengali) in Sukanta Pal (ed) , Bahumatrikatar Aloke Bhimrao Ambedkar (in Bengali), Mitram, Kolkata, June, 2017.
• “Zamir Adhikar o Linga Baisamya”, Samaj Jignassa, Vol-10, N0-1&2, 2017, ISSN-2321-158X.
• “Violation of Human Rights: Partisan Role of Police in West Bengal”, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol-5, No-11, 2018, ISSN-2349-6738.
• Land, Development and Politics of Protest in West Bengal, Samaj Jiggasa, Vol-15, Special Issue of 75 Years of India’s Independence, 2022, ISSN-2321-158X
(1) Politics of Land Reform: The Changing Scene in Rural Bengal, Minerva Publishers, Kolkata, 1994, ISBN: 81-85195-64-1.
(2) Upajati Bhabna (in Bengali; as co-author), Bangladesh Publications, Kolkata, 2001.
(3) Amra Sabai Raja (We, all are Kings), Joint author in Bengali Monograph, Murshidabad District Total Literacy Expansion Committee, Berhampore, 2003.
(4) Regionalism and National Security: Bangladesh and SAARC, Sujan Publications, Kolkata, 2005, ISBN: 81-85549-43-5.
(5) Comparative Politics (Ed), Pearson, New-Delhi, 2011, ISBN: 978-81-317-6033-8.
(6) Public Policy and Systems(Ed), Pearson, New Delhi, 2012, ISBN: 978-81-317-6172-4.
(7) Working Paper on “Engendering Land Titles: Patriarchal Bias of Indian Landownership”, University of Kalyani, 2018, ISBN: 978-81-931542-5-0.
(8) Understanding Political Theory: Concepts (As Co- author), Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-272-9490-3.
(9) Understanding Political Theory: Approaches and Debates (As Co-author), Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-272-9531-3.
(10) Political Theory (As Co-author), Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2018, ISBN:978-93-272-95-450.
(11)Gandhi and the Contemporary World (As Co-author),Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-272-95-306.
(12) Indian Political Thought (Ancient and Medieval: in Bengali), as Co-author, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2019, ISBN-978-93-5359-589-0
(13) Perspectives of Public Administration (in Bengali), as Co-author, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2019, ISBN-9789- 353-5952-65
(14) Indian Political Thought (in Bengali) , as Co-author, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2021, ISBN-978-93-90522-55-2
(15) Public Policy and Indian Administration (In Bengali), [Under Process of Publication], Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, 2023
• Acted as Rapporteur in the International Seminar on ‘Human Rights and Security: Refugees in Regional and International Perspective’ on March 27-28, 1997 organized by Center for Refugee Studies, Jadavp[ur University, Kolkata.
• Presented paperin the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “The Problem of India’s Nationhood and Indian Federation “on 21.03.2005 at Berhampore Girls College, West Bengal.
• Delivered lecture as Chief Speaker in the Regional Seminar on ‘Politics and the Problems of State and Society’ organized by Berhampore Girls College, West Bengal on 31.01.2007.
• Delivered Lecture in UGC Sponsored Seminar on ‘Right to Information’ Organized by Sripat Singh College, Jiagunj, Murshidabad, 9th February, 2008.
• Delivered Lecture in the National Seminar on Life Satisfaction Vis-à-Vis Mental Stress: A Challenge in Education to Increase Quality of Living’, 18-19 April, 2008, Organized by Simurali B,Ed College.
• Presented Paper in the National Seminar on ‘ Ambedkar and the Nation Building’ in National Seminar organized by Centre For Ambedkar Studies, Utkal University, 6-7 December,2008.
• Delivered Lecture in the UGC Seminar on ‘Development, Civil Society and Human Rights’, 24-25 March, 2009, Organized by Majdia College.
• Presented Paper in the International Conference on Decisions in Management and Social Sciences for Sustainable Development, 14-15 December, 2009, Organized IISWBM, Kolkata.
• Presented Paper in the National Seminar on ‘Democratic Governance and the Subaltern Leadership in India’ on 27-28 March, 2009, Organized by Dept. of History, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar.
• Acted as resource person in the workshop on Panachayat Representatives of Tripura organized by NIBT in Agartala sponsored by Government of Tripura on 28th February, 2010.
• Presented Paper in the National Seminar on Integrated Rural Development and Management: Issues, Strategies and Policy Options, 17-18 December, 2010, Organized by Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, Narendrapur, West Bengal.
• Presented Paper in the National Social Science Congress on ‘Panchayats in Post-1993 Period: Efforts of Ensuring Democracy and Human Rights.’ On 27-31 December, at Gauhati University, Organized by Indian Academy of Social Sciences.
• Presented Paper in the International Conference on ‘Management and Social Welfare Issues: Contemporary Perspective’ on 13-14 January, 2011, Organized by IISWBM, Kolkata.
• Acted as panel speaker in Round Table Session on ‘ Indo-Bangladesh Relations : The Way Ahead’ organized by Global India Foundation and Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, University of Calcutta at Jadavpur University on 16 August, 2011.
• Delivered Lecture on UGC Seminar on ‘State and Politics of Development in Late 20th Century’ on 29-30 September, 2011, Organized by Bethuadahari College.
• Delivered lecture on UGC seminar on ‘Inclusive Growth & the role of the Trio’ on 25 &26 November, 2011 at S.R. Lahiri College, Nadia, West Bengal.
• Participated in a National Level Workshop on Research Methodology in Research Methodology & Local Governments on 13th November at Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata.
• Delivered lecture on UGC seminar on ‘Globalization and Socio-Political Change in India: Problems and Prospects’ on 15th&16th December, 2011 at Kanchrapara College.
• Delivered lecture on UGC seminar on “Engendering Governance: Panchayat shows the way” on 13-14 January, 2012, organized by Kandi Raj College.
• Presented paper in the National Seminar On ‘Ambedkar: Mission & Vision” on 05-6 February, 2012organized by Centre for Ambedkar Studies, Utkal University, Orissa.
• Delivered lecture on ‘Conflict and Democracy: Lessons from Panchayts in West Bengal’ in the UGC Seminar on 01.3.2012 -02.3.2012 organized by Sibpur Dinabandhu College, Howrah.
• Participated in an Interactive Session on “Indo-Bangladesh Bi-lateral Trade” on 14.4.2012 organized by Global India Foundation, Kolkata.
• Presented Paper in the National Seminar on “Law, Gender and Social Transformation in India” on 17-18 September, 2012 organized by Indian Sociological Society, Centre for Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy and Centre for Gender Studies, University of Hyderabad.
• Delivered lecture on “Positive Discrimination” organized by Panchakot Mahavidyalaya, Purulia on 28.9.12 sponsored by U.G.C.
• Acted as resource-person in the Refresher Course on Development Studies (06-26 June, 2013) organized by A.S.C, Burdwan University, West -Bengal.
• Delivered Asok Dugar memorial lecture on 01.8.2013 at Sripat Singh College, Murshidabad.
• Delivered speech on “Re-Visiting Communalism and Fundamentalism in the Indian Context’ in the U.G.C sponsored Seminar on 12.11.2013 at Amtala College, Murshidabad.
• Acted as resource-person in the U.G.C sponsored National Seminar on “Rural Development and Women Empowerment: Role of Micro-Credit and Micro-Finance” on 23-24 November, 2013 at Berhampore Girls College, Murshidabad.
• Acted as Resource Person in the U.G.C Sponsored National Seminar on “Decentralized Development and Rural Governance in India: Challenges and Opportunities” on 6-7 December, 2013 at Union Christian Training College, Berhampore.
• Delivered special lecture on “Women in Governance: Problems and Prospects” sponsored by U.G.C at Krishnanagar Government College on19.2.2014.
• Acted as chair-person in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Changes in the Federal Structure of India: Current Factors and Trends” held on 03-04 September, 2014 at Haringhata Mahavidyalaya, Nadia.
• Acted as Chief Speaker in the UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “India’s Constitutional Development since the 1950s: Its Socio-Political and Economic Dimensions” at Dewan Abdul Gani College, Harirampur, Dakshin Dinajpur on 10-11 September, 2014.
• Acted as Resource Person and Chair-Person in the U.G.C sponsored National Seminar on “Human Rights and Human Development: The Current Indian Scenario” at Nahata J.N.M.S college, 24 Parganas (North) held on 29th& 39th November, 2014.
• Acted as Speaker in the Parallel Session in the AAPA International conference on January 08-10, 2015 in Xia’n, Peoples Republic of China.
• Acted as Discussant in the Parallel Session in the AAPA International conference on January 08-10, 2015 in Xia’n, Peoples Republic of China.
• Acted as Resource-person in two sessions of 99 Orientation Programme on 19.2.2015, organized by Academic Staff College, Burdwan University, West- Bengal.
• Chaired in a session on Public Administration in thev 16th Annual Conference of West Bengal Political Science Association on 21-22 March, 2015 held at Kalyani University.
• Acted as chief speaker in the UGC sponsored National Seminar on “The Political Behaviour of People of India with special reference to Contemporary West Bengal” on 13-14 January at Panchthupi College, Murshidabad.
• Presented paper on “Ensuring Empowerment and Social Justice: Women i9n West Bengal” in the International Conference on Social Issues and Social Work organized by IISWBM, Kolkata on 29th January, 2016.
• Acted as speaker in the UGC sponsored national seminar on “Politics of otherness: Feminist approach in Indian Perspective” at Murshidabad Adarsha Mahavidyalaya on 27th& 28th January, 2017.
• Acted as valedictory speaker in the National Seminar on “US Policy towards South Asia in 21st Century: A Paradigm Shift” held on 19th& 20th August, 2017 organised by Science College (Autonomous), Hinjilicut, Brahmapur, Orissa.
• Delivered lecture on “Panchayat: A new Dimension of Development and Empowerment” on 22.12.17 at Dwijendra Lal College, Krishnanagar on the Occasion of Golden Jubilee of the College.
• Delivered lecture in the seminar on “India and her Neighbours: Policy, Politics & Diplomacy” on 28.2.18 organized by Kanchrapara College, West Bengal.
• Delivered lecture on Engendering Governance” at Sreerampore College, Hoogly on 23.3.18.
• Delivered lecture on 06.7.18 in a One Week International workshop on Migration for Better Life: Challenge and Response in a Globalized Worldorganized by Kalyani University held on 03.7.18-09.7.18.
• Acted as chairperson in a session of International Youth Conference organized by Bengal Institute of Political Studies (BIPS) at Dakhsineswar Hiralal Mazumdar College on 08.9.2018.
• Acted as Chairperson in the plenary session of International Seminar on “Relevance of Gandhi” organized by department of Political Science, K,U on 24-25 March, 2020.
• Acted as Speaker in the International Conference on “ Democracy and Populist Discourse in the Twenty First Century” at Kanchrapara College on September,10,2022 organized by BIPS.
• Acted as chairperson in the International Seminar on “Debating Gandhi in 21st Century in India” organized by the Department of Political Science, University of Kalyani on 10-11 November,2022.
• Acted as speaker in the National Seminar on “Revisiting 75 years of Indian independence” on 3rd February, 2023 at RBU, Kolkata Organized by Department of Political Science, RBU.
• Acted as chairperson in the International Seminar on “Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose : The Inescapable Patriot” organized by the Department of Political Science, University of Kalyani on 10-28 February,2023.
• Acted as speaker in the National seminar on “Digital Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality” organized jointly by Adamas University, Kolkata and Haryana Central University on 28.4.23.
Member of Departmental Research Committee W.B.N.S.O.U Kolkata & University of Gour Banga, Malda.
Member of RAC: Jadavpur University, Rabindra Bharati University, M.B. University, Tripura.
Former Invitee teacher of West Bengal State University, Barasat and Tripura Central University, Agartala.
Awarded -05(Five), 2010, 2013, 2017, 2020&2021. Currently working: 01(one).