Prasenjit Sarkhel
Department: Department of EconomicsPhone Number: 9836239361
Institutional E-Mail: prasenjitsarkhel@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://sites.google.com/view/prasenjitsarkhel
Educational Qualifications:
PhD in Economics
Awards and Honours (National/International)Raman Fellowship from University Grants Commission India, 2016: Post Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics,
Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Development Economics, Environmental Economics and Applied Econometrics
Teaching Experience:a)2021-Current , Professor,Department of Economics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal.
b)2016-2021, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal.
c)2011-2016, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Kalyani, West Bengal.
c) 2002 -2011, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Lalbaba College, West Bengal.
a) Member, Under Graduate Board of Studies, University of Kalyani
b) Member, Post Graduate Board of Studies, University of Kalyani
c) Member, All India Survey of Higher Education Committee, University of Kalyani
1) Duration of exposure to inheritance law in India : Examining the heterogeneous effects on empowerment (2023) with Shreya Biswas and Upasak Das, Review of Developmet Economics, (Wiley) doi.org/10.1111/rode.13080
2) Does More Schooling Imply Improved Learning? Evidence from the Kanyashree Prakalpa in India (2023) with Upasak Das , Economics of Education Review(Elsevier)doi.org/10.1016/j.econedurev.2023.102406
3) Are high altitude residents more susceptible to COVID-19 in India? Findings and potential implications for research and policy (2022) with Sushmita Chakraborty, Upasak Das and Udayan Rathore, International Journal of Health Services (Sage Publishing) 52(4),455-469. doi:10.1177/00207314221104887
4) Love Thy Neighbour? Perceived Community Abidance and Private Compliance to COVID 19 Norms in India (2021)(with Upasak Das and Sania Ashraf) South Asia Economic Journal (Sage),23(1), 30–51, https://doi.org/10.1177/13915614211053928
5) Land Acquisition, Markets and Networks: Evidence form the Indian Sundarbans (2021) (with Anirban Mukherjee),
Journal of South Asian Development (Sage Publishing), 16(2),194-219
6) Impact of Demographic Disparities in Social Distancing and Vaccination on Influenza Epidemics in Urban and Rural Regions of the United States (2019) with Meghendra Singh; Gloria J Kang; Achla Marathe; Kevin Boyle; Pam Murray -Tuite; Kaja M Abbas; Samarth Swarup, BMC Infectious Diseases (Springer Nature) ,19(1)
7) Flood Risks, Land Use and Private Participation in Embankment Maintenance in Indian Sundarbans (2015) Ecological Economics (Elsevier)
118,272 -284 doi: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.08.003
8) Municipal Solid Waste Management, Household and Local Government Participation: A cross country analysis (2019) with Somdutta Banerjee
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (Taylor Francis),63(2), 210 – 235
9) Willingness to pay before and after program implementation: the case of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bally Municipality, India (2015) with Sarmila Banerjee and Somdutta Banerjee, Environment Development and Sustainability (Springer) 18(2), 481-498 , doi: 10.1007/s10668 – 015-
9659 -5,
10) Biases and Reliability of WTP estimates from Contingent Valuation responses : A study based on Solid Waste Management services in Bally Municiplaity, Howrah (2015) with Somdutta Banerjee, Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice (Sage), 11(1–2), 77–100. https://doi.org/10.1177/0976747920120104 ,2012 published in February,2015
11) Municipal Solid Waste Management, Source Separated Waste and Stakeholder’s Attitude: A Contingent Valuation Study (2010) with Sarmila Banerjee, Environment Development and Sustainability (Springer), 12:611- 630, doi:10.1007/s10668-009-9215-2
12) Source Separation and Organic Waste Disposal: Policy options for Household Waste Management in Developing Countries(2009),
Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice, 8(1–2), 50–63. https://doi.org/10.1177/0976747920090104
13) “Economics of Household Waste Management in Kolkata : Proposed steps towards Improved Efficiency”, (2006),
Contemporary Ideas and Issues in Social Science , Vol. 2
Chapters in Edited Volume
1) Delivery of Safe Drinking Water in Rural India: An Appraisal of Public Water Supply Initiatives (2022) with Subhalakshmi Paul In: Dasgupta, B., Sarkhel, P., Ghosh, A., Ghosh, B. (eds) In Quest of Humane Development. India Studies in Business and Economics.Springer Singapore
2)Does Social Connectivity Influence Tap Water Access? Evidence from India(2019) with Subhalakshmi Paul in S. Bandyopadhyay and M. Dutta (eds.), Opportunities and Challenges in Development, Essays for Sarmila Banerjee, Springer Singapore,ISBN- 978-981-13-9980-0
3)Motives for Seasonal Migration and Rights-based Policies: Evidence from Western Odisha (2017) with Rajesh Bhattacharya in S. Irudaya Rajan eds. ‘India Migration Report: Forced Migration’. Routledge India, ISBN- 978-0-8153-6990-5
4) Who will haul the trash? Provision of Waste Management Services in Bally Municipality,Howrah (2015) in Mahalaya Chatterjee and Anis Mukhopadhyay eds. ‘Urbanization in Howrah: A Socio Economic Perspective’. Primus Publishers New Delhi,ISBN 978-93-84082-39-0, pp 268-284
5) Employment Guarantee and Natural Vulnerability: A Study of MGNREGA in Indian Sundarbans (2013) in Sarmila Banerjee and Anjan Chakrabarty eds. Development and Sustainability: India in a Global Perspective, Springer India, ISBN 978-81-322-1123-5
6) Municipal Solid Waste Management in India: Policies and Institutions(2012) in Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debasish Chakraborty eds. Environmental Scenario in India: Success and Predicament, Routledge ,ISBN: 0415666554,EAN: 9780415666558
Edited Book
In Quest of Humane Development Human Development, Community Networking and Public Service Delivery in India (2022)
with Byasdeb Dasgupta, Archita Ghosh and Bishakha Ghosh, Springer Nature Singapore, ISSN-2198-0012, forthcoming
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
An Evaluation of Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Jan Aushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) in select areas of West Bengal |
6 months |
1,200,000/- |
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?hl=en&user=HZQBwPQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AFix5MZaaZngGyC9VedBZ7tug-PkKo1A-pKo06bd5Js1eaDItEs5DTcQwERQk4OJinUr9dXZJY0CTl09N47huCzQ