Prof. (Dr.) Kausik Mondal
Department: Department of ZoologyPhone Number: 9434510521, 9163076898
Institutional E-Mail: kausik.mondal@klyuniv.ac.in
Educational Qualifications:
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Collaborative Programs1) School of Life & Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Australia
2) Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, India
3) CIFA, ICAR, Govt. of India, Bhubaneswar, India
4) CIFRI, ICAR, Govt. of India, Barrackpore, India
5) Centre of Bio-Medical Research (CBMR), Lucknow, India
Aquaculture and fisheries, Biodiversity, Ecotoxicology, Microbiology, Nanotechnology
Teaching Experience:Total Teaching Experiences: More than 19 years.
(i) Associate Professor in Zoology, UNIVERSITY OF KALYANI, KALYANI
(ii) Assistant Professor in Zoology, SIDHO-KANHO-BIRSHA UNIVERSITY, Purulia, West Bengal
(iii) Assistant Professor in Zoology, Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya, Tamluk, West Bengal
1) Head, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani (01.06.2020 to……….)
2) Coordinator, ENVIS RP on Environmental Biotechnology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani; Sponsored by MoEF & CC, Govt. of India (since 25th February 2022…..
3) Chairman, PG-Board of Studies, Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani
4) Former DFO, Directorate of Fisheries, Govt. of West Bengal
5) Acted as Board of Studies Member (UG and PG) of S.K.B. University (2012-2015)
6) Governing Body Nominee of University of Kalyani of Nur Muhhamud College, Murshidabad (Since 2018)
7) Board of Studies Member (UG) of Vidyasagar University (2006-2010, Since 2018)
8) Board of Studies Member (UG and PG) of Kalyani University (Since 2015)
9) Coordinator, ENVIS RP on Environmental Biotechnology, University of Kalyani, Kalyani; Sponsored by MoEF & CC, Govt. of India. (02.6.2020 to 05.10.2020)
10) Acted as Governing Body Nominee of University of Kalyani of K N college, Murshidabad (Since February 2021)
11) Co-ordinator and Chairman, PG-BOS, UG-BOS of Sericulture (Since January 2021)
12) CPC (Central Purchase Committee Member, University of Kalyani) (Since 04.2.2021….)
13) Chairman, PG-Board of Studies, Department of Zoology, DODL, University of Kalyani, Kalyani (Since 27.11.2021….)
1. Mondal, K., Kaviraj, A.* & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2006). Fish waste in urban and suburan markets of Kolkata: problems and potentials. Aquaculture Asia 11, 22-25. (International)
(Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific)
2. Mondal, K., Kaviraj, A.*, Mukhopadhyay, P.K., Datta, M. & Sengupta, C. (2007). Evaluation of fermented fish-offal in formulated diet of the Indian major carp, rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton). ActaIchthyologica et Piscatoria 37, 99–105. (International)
(Scientific Society of Szczecin, Imp. Fac: 0.547)
3. Mondal, K., Kaviraj, A.* & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2008). Evaluation of fermented fish-offal in the formulated diet of the freshwater catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Aquaculture Research 39: 1443-1449. (International) (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Imp. Fac: 1.203)
4. Mondal, K.*, Kaviraj, A. & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2011). Partial Replacement of Fishmeal by Fermented Fish-offal Meal in the Formulation of Diet for Indian Minor Carp Labeo bata. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 23: 41-50. (International) (Taylor & Francis)
5. Mondal, K., Kaviraj, A.* & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2011). Introducing Mulberry Leaf Meal along with Fish Offal Meal in the Diet of Freshwater Catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Electronic Journal of Biology 7(3): 54-59. (International) (University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld; Zhejiang University, Hangzhou)
6. Mondal, K.*, Kaviraj, A. & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2012). Effects of partial replacement of fishmeal in the diet by mulberry leaf meal on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities of Indian minor carp Labeo bata. International Journal of Aquatic Science 3 (1): 72-83. (International) (e-JournalsDirect Inc.)
7. Kaviraj, A., Mondal, K.*, Mukhopadhyay, P.K. & Turchini G.M. (2012). Impact of Fermented Mulberry Leaf and Fish Offal in Diet Formulation of Indian Major Carp (Labeo rohita). Proceedings of the Zoological Society. DOI 10.1007/s12595-012-0052-1.
8. Sammadar, A., Mondal, K. & Kaviraj, A.* (2011). Evaluation of Fermented Mixture Containing Fish Offal Meal in Compound Diets for the Freshwater Catfish Mystus vittatus (Bloch). Proceedings of the Zoological Society 64 (2):117–123. (International) (Springer)
9. Guha, B., Biswas, R.* & Mondal, K. (2011). Use of vermicompost as a diet for the Indian catfish Heteropneustes fossilis (bloch). Pollution Research 30 (1): 23-25. (National) (Enviro Media)
10. Mondal, K*. (2013). Review on Overfishing of Wild Fishes and Use of Fishmeal. Indian Journal of Applied Reasearch. 3 (3). 373-374. ISSN – 2249-555X.
11. Mondal, K*. (2013). Animal By-products for Freshwater Aquaculture in India. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2 (4). 89-90. ISSN No 2277 – 8179.
12. Mondal, K*. (2013). Effect of Different Manures on Water Quality and Primary Productivity In Aquatic Ecosystem. PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research.2 (4). 228-229. ISSN – 2250-1991.
13. Mondal, K*. (2013). Different Plant Derived By-products Use in Freshwater Aquaculture in India. Indian Streams Research Journal. 3 (4). 1-4. ISSN:-2230-7850.
14. Mondal, K*. (2013). Review on Impact of Globalization and Role of Peace Education. International Journal of Eduquest. 2 (2). 88-95. ISSN:- 2277-3614.
.15. Mondal, K,* (2014). Nutritional Evaluation of Fermented Poultry Feather Meal in the Formulated Diets of Fingerlings of Catla catla (Hamilton). Electronic Journal of Biology 10(4):118-124.
16. Bandyopadhyay, N. and Mondal K.*. (2014). Present Status of Icthyofaunal Diversity of Different Rivers of Duars of North Bengal, India. Journal of Today’s Biological Sciences Research & Review (JTBSRR). 3 (1):1-8. ISSN 2320-1444.
17. Mondal, K and Patra, A.K. (2015). A Review on Recycling Of Poultry Waste and Use in Aquaculture. Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(6): 26-29. ISSN2321-8819. Imp. Fac. 0.92.
18. Mondal, K and Kumar, P. (2015). A Review on Adverse Effect of Pesticides on Freshwater Fishes. Weekly Science Research Journal, 2 (45):1-7. ISSN 2321-787. .Imp.Fac. 1.4210.
19. Mondal, K and Samanta, S. (2015). A Review on Arsenic Contamination inFresh Water Fishes of West Bengal. Journal of Global Biosciences, 4(5):2369-2374. ISSN2320-1355.
20. Mondal, K and Payra, P. (2015). A Review on use of Plant Protein Sources in Diets for Fish Feed Formulation. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary, 3(5):257-264.ISSN:2320-5083. Imp.Fac1.625.
21. Mondal, K and Nath, S. (2015). Fluoride contamination on aquatic organisms and human body at Purulia and Bankura District of West Bengal, India. Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, 4 [7]: ISSN 2277-1808.
22. Mondal, K and Jana, S. (2015).A review on the effects of heavy metals on the aquatic animal of three different districts of West Bengal. Journal of Global Bioscinces, 4(6). 2504-2512. ISSN 2320-1355.
23. Mondal, K and Patra, A. (2015). Ichthyofaunal diversity of Purulia district, W.B., India. Journal of Global Bioscinces, 4(6). 2590-2593. ISSN 2320-1355.
24. Mondal, K and Karmakar, B. (2015). A review on effects of pyrethroids pesticides on freshwater fish behaviour and reproduction. Journal of Global Bioscinces, 4(6). 2594-2598. ISSN 2320-1355.
25. Mondal, K*. (2015). Vegetable waste meal as a source of feedstuff in formulated diets for rohu (Labeo rohita Ham.) fingerlings after fermentation with earthworm intestinal bacterium. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology, 12(1): 47-48. ISSN : 0973-0834
26. Mondal, K.*, Kaviraj, A. & Mukhopadhyay, P.K. (2014). Growth Performance of Indian Minor Carp Labeo bata Fed Varying Inclusions of Fermented Fish-offal and Mulberry leaf meal based-Diets. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences. 14(3) 567-582. ISSN:- 1562-2916. Imp. Fact. 0.32.
27. Mondal, K., Paul, A., Haque, S. (2015). Ethnobiological and traditional medicine practices in Burdwan district, West Bengal, India. International journal of Ethnobiology & Ethnomedicine1(1).1-8.
28. Das Sil P. and Mondal K. (2016). Studies on Mosquito Larvae (Armigeres Subalbatus) (Coquilett 1898) in Suburban Area of West Bengal. Indian Journal of Biology 3(1). 73-75. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijb.2394.1391.3116.10
29. Mondal K., Bandyopadhyay N., Nath S., Haque S. (2016). Human-Elephant Conflicts in Purulia and Bankura Districts, West Bengal, India. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 13 (1), 91-94.
30. Haque S. and Mondal K. (2016). Evaluation of Acute Toxicity and Behavioural Studies of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Exposed to Cypermethrin. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 13 (1), 55-58.
31. Das S., Mondal K. and Haque S. (2017) A review on application of probiotic, prebiotic and synbiotic for sustainable development of aquaculture. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies; 5(2): 422-429
32. Kausik Mondal, Sanjib Ghosh and Salma Haque (2018) A review on contamination, bioaccumulation and toxic effect of cadmium, mercury and lead on freshwater fishes. International Journal of Zoology Studies; 3(2): 153-159.
33. Sayantani Shaw, Santanu Mitra and Kausik Mondal (2018) Acanthopotamon Panning, A new record in fresh water crab fauna of mizoram, india. Environment and Ecology; 36 (3) : 727—729.
34. Soumima Chattoraj and Kausik Mondal (2018) Nutritional quality of freshwater fishes and its importance on regulation of nutritional status of local fisher men of murshidabad district, west bengal, india: a field study. Journal of Aquaculture in The Tropics; 33(1-2).
35. Saumya Biswas , Kausik Mondal and Salma Haque (2018) Review on Effect of the Type II Synthetic Pyrethroid Pesticides in Freshwater Fishes. Environment and Ecology; 37(1): 80-88.
36. Saumya Biswas , Kausik Mondal and Salma Haque (2018) A Review on Present Status, Potentials and Threats of Freshwater Fish Biodiversity of Nadia District, West Bengal, India. International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews; 7(3): 1209-1220.
37. Susmita Das, Kausik Mondal, Amit Pal and Chandan Sengupta (2019) Natural Microbial Resources and Their Role In Sustainable Development of Aquaculture. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 16(1) : 111-115 .
38. Kausik Mondal (2019). Traditional Knowledge and Prospects of Biotechnological Improvement. ENVIS RP DESKU News Letter. 34(1), ISSN: 0974 2476.
39. Puja Pati and Kausik Mondal (2019). A review on the dietary requirements of trace minerals in freshwater fish. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 16(2) : 171-206.
40. Kausik Mondal, Sumit Nath* and Salma Haque (2019) Potential of Medicinal Plants Extract Against Parasitic and Bacterial Infection of Freshwater Fishes of Bankura and Purulia District, West Bengal, India. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 16(1) : 103-109.
41. Anusaya Mallick, Alok Chandra Samal & Kausik Mondal (2020). Care to Biodiversity for Sustainable Future. ENVIS RP DESKU News Letter on Biodiversity and Current Scenario, 36(2), 8-10, ISSN: 0974 2476.
42. Partha Pratim Ghorai and Kausik Mondal and Nihar Ranjan Chattopadhyay (2020). Aquaculture opportunities in open cast coal mine dams in Raniganj, West Bengal, India. Journal of Environment and Sociobiology 17(1) : 11-17).
43. Haque, S., Bandyopadhyay, P.K. and Mondal, K. (2020). Pseudomonad infection in Channa causes changes in behavior, growth and haematological parameters with reference to its control by plant extract. Environment and Ecology; 38 (3B) : 639—650.
44. Haque, S., Bandyopadhyay, P.K. and Mondal, K. (2020). Studies on Growth, Behavior and Blood Profile in Anabas testudineus Infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12595-020-00330-w
45. Puja Pati, Kausik Mondal, Madhusudan Mandal (2020). Use of Aloe vera gel functionalized biogenic Zinc-Oxide nanoparticles against fish putative pathogens. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering. (Accepted In press) e-ISSN 2602-473X
46. Susmita Das, Kausik Mondal, Amit Kumar pal, Chandan Sengupta (2021). Evaluation of the probiotic potential of Streptomyces antibioticus and Bacillus cereus on growth performance of freshwater catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Aquaculture Reports. (Scopus) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aqrep.2021.100752 (Scopus), IF: 3.216
47. PUJA PATI, KAUSIK MONDAL, AMIT KUMAR PAL (2021) Characterisation of Extracellular Enzyme-Producing Microorganisms From the Gut of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758). Asian Fisheries Science. 34, 261-268. (Scopus). IF: 1.07
48. S Ray, K Mondal, K Dhara, P Sarkar, H Guhathakurta (2021). Effect of cypermethrin on Heteropneustes fossilis as a predator and its preys branchiura sowerbyiand bellamya bengalensis. BIOINFOLET-A Quarterly Journal of Life Sciences 18 (3), 300-304.
1. Solid state fermentation of fish waste for recycling of nutrients (2013). Green Chemistry and Sustainable Agriculture Pratics: A Step Towards a Btter Future.Council for MS Academic. Panchokot. ISBN: 978-81-92169736
2. Education for a Sustainable Future. (2013) Impact of Environmental Education on Daily Life. ISBN: 978-81-92290263
3. Impact of Globalization and Role of Peace Education in our Society. (2014) Peace Education: A Great Human Challenge. ISBN: 978-81927386-1-1
4. Solid State Fermentation an Eco-Friendly Technique to Use Animal Waste in Aquaculture. Pp-30-34.. (2016) Environment and Sustainable Development Strategies and Initiatives Edited by: Dr. Nithar Ranjan Madhu, Publisher: NECTAR, 206 Bidhan Sarani, Kol.kata-700006. ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-84241-45-2.
5. Kausik Mondal*, Sanjib Ghosh and Salma Haque (2018). A review on climate change and fresh water zooplankton. PP. 42-45. Proceedings of the UGC–SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity. Editor: Prof. P.K. Bandyopadhyay Publisher: i. Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani ii. West Bengal Biodiversity Board, West Bengal. ISBN: 978-81-932401-2-0.
6. Kausik Mondal*, Susmita Das and Salma Haque (2018). Effect of higher temperature on biochemical and physiological activity of fresh water cat fish, Heteropnuestes fossilis. PP-46-47. Proceedings of the UGC–SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity. Editor: Prof. P.K. Bandyopadhyay Publisher: i. Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani ii. West Bengal Biodiversity Board, West Bengal. ISBN: 978-81-932401-2-0..
7. Sumit Nath*, Chhandak Mondal, Salma Haque and Sanjib Ghosh (2018). Climatic change and their effect on the diversity and feeding habit of some local and migratory birds of Indpur and Hirbandh blocks of Bankura district, West Bengal, India. PP-88-92. Proceedings of the UGC–SAP Sponsored National Seminar on Effect of Climate Change on Faunal Diversity. Editor: Prof. P.K. Bandyopadhyay Publisher: i. Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani ii. West Bengal Biodiversity Board, West Bengal. ISBN: 978-81-932401-2-0.
8. Kausik Mondal and Md. Golam Ambiya (2019). Effect of Climate Change on Freshwater Aquatic Ecosystem: A Review. Pp.305-3011. Citation: U.K. Sarkar; B. K. Das, P. Mishal and G. Karnatak (2019). Perspective on climate change and inland fisheries in India. ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore, 324pp. ISBN: 0970-616X
1. Chairmanship at international conference, Dept. of Philosophy and Dept. of Sanskrit, S.K.B. University. “Human values in Indian Perspective” 29-30th April, 2014.
2. Chairmanship at National conference, Dept. of Philosophy and Dept. of Sanskrit, S.K.B. University. Purusarthas in Mahabharat and Modern life, 20th May 2015.
3. Key Note Address at College level Seminar, Dept. of Zoology, Kashipur Michale Madhusudan Mahavidyalaya, Purulia. Fish Culture In And Around Purulia District. 17th September 2015.
4. Chairmanship at international conference at Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, DST-Sponsored. Exploring The Modern Approach in Biological Science:From Genome to Organism. International, 25th-27 November, 2015.
5. Invited Lecture at Dept. of Zoology, Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya, Tamluk. 26-27 February 2016, National Seminar. Wetland Bio-Resource Management: Problem and Perspective, Lecture on -Holistic Management of Freshwater Resources of India.
6. Chairmanship at international conference at Dept. of Zoology, Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya, Tamluk. 26-27 February 2016. National Seminar on Wetland Bio-Resource Management: Problem and Perspective, Lecture on -Holistic Management of Freshwater Resources of India.
7. Jt. Coordinator of a 30 days Workshop on Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) on “Pollution Monitor: Water” ENVIS RP on Environmental Biotechnology, University of Kalyani (From 20.2.2020 to 20.3.2020). National level.
8. Coordinator of National WEBINAR on ‘Say No to Plastic Pollution’ ENVIS RP on Environmental Biotechnology, University of Kalyani held on 18th July, 2020. National level.
9. Coordinator of National level competition of World OZONE Day celebration: World OZONE Day celebration, ENVIS RP on Environmental Biotechnology, University of Kalyani held on 16th September, 2020. National level.
10. President of “Trends in Zoological Research: Genome to Organism” International webinar Department of Zoology, University of Kalyani, Date: 12thand 13thFebruary 2021.
11. President of , National Webinar on “Recent Advances in Biological Research and Environmental Sustainability” (RABRES 2020), 07th – 08th August 2021.
12. Chairmanship at national conference Department of Physiology, Kalyani University, Kalyani. “Sustainable Health Science for Future Generations” & “Children’s Science Congress” 28.4.2022 -29.4.2022
SCOPUS ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=23397712200
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