Sudha Gupta
Department: Department of BotanyPhone Number: 9831009498
Institutional E-Mail: sg.botany@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: https://klyuniv.ac.in/professors/sudha-gupta/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sudha-Gupta-4
Educational Qualifications:
M.Sc. (Botany), Calcutta University, 1998
Ph.D. (Science), Calcutta University, 2005
•Kalyani University Young Scientist Award (2015).
•Best Speaker Award in International Conference organized by Dhaka University & Botanical Society of Dhaka, Bangladesh (2011).
•Invited Scholar in State Key Laboratory of Systematics and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China under Indo-Indian Collaborative Research Project (April-June 2006).
•RA in ONGC sponsored research project in Calcutta University & Industry collaborative Programme-CUIIP (2005-2006).
•JRF & SRF in DST, GoI sponsored research Project (2000-2003).
•Fellow, Linnean Society of London (F.L.S.).
•Regional Representative (India), International Organization of Palaeobotany (Since 2013-till date).
•Dr. Juraj Majtan, Laboratory of Apidology and Apitherapy, Department of Microbial Genetics, Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences.
•Dr. Piotr Szweda, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland.
•Dr. Dimitris Mossialos, Microbial Biotechnology-Molecular Bacteriology-Virology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Greece.
•Prof. A. K. Datta, Department of Botany, Kalyani University.
•Dr. P. M. Padhye, Botanical Survey of India, GoI.
•Prof. S. Bera, Department of Botany, University of Calcutta.
•Prof. M. K. Adak, Department of Botany, Kalyani University.
•Dr. Debadrito Das, Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya.
•Assessment of bioprospecting values of plant-based resources for human sustenance.
•Exploration of plant diversity in geological past and modern days for eco-climatic interpretation & conservation.
•Cytotoxicity assessment of hazardous compounds for eco-safety monitoring (jointly with Prof. A. K. Datta, Department of Botany, Kalyani University).
•Plant mutation and breeding through conventional mutagens and comparison with different nanoparticles – explored as potential mutagens (jointly with Prof. A. K. Datta, Department of Botany, Kalyani University).
>18 years at P.G. & U.G. level
•Department of Botany, University of Kalyani since 13.07.2007
•Department of Botany, City College, Kolkata during 3.11.2003-12.07.2007 (part time basis)
• Member & Convener in different academic & administrative committees, Kalyani University.
• In-Charge, Central Instrumentation Laboratory, Kalyani University (2017-2019).
• Election Officer for conducting election of executive body, Alumni Association of the Botany Department, Kalyani University.
• Board Observer, West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (Since 2017).
• Regional Representative, International Organization of Palaeobotany (Since 2013).
• Co-opted Executive Council Member, Botanical Society of Bengal (2009-2011).
• Expert member for selection of guest teacher in Botany Department of U.G. colleges affiliated to Kalyani University.
55. Mitra P. K., Karmakar R., Nandi R., Gupta S.* (2023 February). Low-cost rapid workflow for honey adulteration detection by UV-Vis spectroscopy in combination with factorial design, response surface methodology and supervised machine learning classifiers. Bioresource Technology Reports 21: 1-9, 101327 (CiteScore 6.3).
54. Karmakar R., Mitra P. K., Gupta S.* (2022 June) Sensorial and Physico-Biochemical profiling of Apiary Honeys of Nadia and Murshidabad Districts of West Bengal for quality assessment. Journal Botanical Society of Bengal 76 (1): 1-15 ISSN: 0971-2976 [Impact Factor: Nil]
53. Biswas J., Gupta S.* (2021 December) In search of seasonal specificity of natural nesting sites of Apis cerana Fabricius for exploring conservation strategy: study from Gangetic new alluvial zone of West Bengal, India. Journal Botanical Society of Bengal 75 (2): 117-124 ISSN: 0971-2976 [Impact Factor: Nil]
52. Das D., Mitra P.K., Gupta S.* (2021 April) Evaluation of Cytotoxicity Induced by the Anti-Cancerous Drugs Doxorubicin and Erlotinib in Allium cepa Assay for Eco-Safety Monitoring. Cytologia 86(3): 195-199 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.913]
51. Das D., Gupta S., Datta A. K. (2020 June) Effectivity of Plant Aqueous Extracts of Curcuma longa and Nigella sativa in Cancer Therapy through Ameliorating Colchicine Induced Polyploid Cells in Allium as Test System. Cytologia 85(4): 275-280 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.913]
50. Gupta S., Das D., Mitra P. K., Halder S. Datta A. K. (2020 Feb.) Assessment of Cytotoxicity Induced by Hazardous Chemotherapeutic Drugs Cyclophosphamide and 5-Fluorouracil in Allium cepa Assay for Ecological Safety. Cytologia 85(2): 151-155 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
49. Basu S., Datta A. K, Pramanik A., Gupta S., Das D., Karmakar R., Ghosh B. (2019 May). Assessment of Cytotoxicity Induced by Heavy Metal Arsenic Trioxide and Azo-Dye Metanil Yellow in Allium cepa Assay and Aqueous Plant Extracts Mediated Amelioration. Cytologia 84 (3): 263-269 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
48. Gupta S., Datta A. K., Pramanik A., Dey S. (2019). Assessment of ‘cytothreat’ of three chemotherapeutic Drugs using Allium test and its amelioration by aqueous Plant extracts. Plant Archives 19(2): 2719-2725 e-ISSN:2581-6063 (online), ISSN:0972-5210 [Impact Factor: Nil]
47. Gupta S., Datta A. K., Pramanik A., Biswas J., Karmakar R. (2019). X-ray and gamma irradiation induced chromosomal aberrations in plant species as the consequence of induced mutagenesis – An overview. Plant Archives 19(2): 2719-2725 e-ISSN:1973-1979 (online), ISSN:0972-5210 [Impact Factor: Nil]
46. Pramanik A., Datta A. K., Gupta S., Basu S., Das D., Ghosh B. (2019 March). Cytotoxicity Assessment of Heavy Metal Arsenic (Arsenic Trioxide) using Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin) as Test System. Cytologia 84(3): 215-219 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
45. Das D., Datta A. K., Kumbhakar D. V., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S. (2019). Heterosis, lipid profile and lignan glycosides assessment in raised intervarietal promising hybrids of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.; Pedaliaceae). Industrial Crops & Products 127 (2019) 164–171 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2018.10.046 ISSN: 0926-6690 [Impact Factor: 3.849]
44. Kumbhakar D. V., Datta A. K., Das D., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S. (2019). Assessment of oxidative stress, antioxidant enzyme activity and cellular apoptosis in a plant based system (Nigella sativa L.; black cumin) induced by copper and cadmium sulphide nanomaterials. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 11 (2019) 100196 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enmm.2018.100196. ISSN: 2215-1532 [Impact Factor: 1.599]
43. Das P., Padhye P. M., Gupta S.* (2018). Second-Step Lectotypification of Pteris ensiformis Burm. f. (Pteridaceae). Indian Journal of Forestry 41(3): 285-286 ISSN: 0971-9431 [Impact Factor: Nil]
42. Das D., Datta A. K., Kumbhakar D. V., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S. (2018). Nanoparticle (CdS) interaction with host (Sesamum indicum L.) – its localization, transportation, stress induction and genotoxicity. Journal of Plant Interactions, 13(1): 182-194 ISSN: 1742-9145 (Print) 1742-9153 (Online) [Impact Factor: 1.655]
41. Pramanik A., Datta A. K., Das D., Kumbhakar Divya V., Ghosh B., Mandal A., Gupta S., Saha A., Dasgupta S. (2018). Assessment of mutagenic potentiality of chemically synthesized cadmium sulphide and copper oxide nanoparticles in Coriandrum sativum L. (Apiaceae). Cytology and Genetics 52(4): 299-308 ISSN: 0095-4527 (Print) 1934-9440 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.324]
40. Pramanik A., Datta A. K., Gupta S., Ghosh B., Das D., Kumbhakar D. V., Hore M. (December 2018). Gamma Irradiation Sensitivity in Coriandrum sativum L. (Coriander). Cytologia 83(4): 381–385 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
39. Kumbhakar D. V. Datta A. K., Das D., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S. (September 2018). Assessment of cytotoxicity and cellular apoptosis induced by azo-dyes (methyl orange and malachite green) and heavy metals (cadmium and lead) using Nigella sativa l. (black cumin). Cytologia 83(3): 331-336 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
38. Pramanik A., Datta A. K., Gupta S., Ghosh B., Das D., Kumbhakar D. V. (September 2018). Cadmium Sulfide Nanoparticles and Gamma Irradiations Induced Desynapsis with Associated Phenotypic Marker Trait in Coriandrum sativum L. (Apiaceae). Cytologia 83(3): 307-310 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
37. Pramanik A., Datta A. K., Gupta S., Ghosh B. (April 2018). Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Fertile Desynaptic Mutant Line in Coriandrum sativum L. (Apiaceae). Cytologia 83(1): 103-107 ISSN: 0011-4545 [Impact Factor: 0.481]
36. Dey S., Dasgupta S., Mandal S., Gupta S.* (2018). Experimental approach for improvement of soil fertility by dose administration of chemical and organic fertilizers in kharif rice field. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 10 (4): 225-230 ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
35. Kumbhakar Divya V., Datta A. K., Das D., Gupta S., Saha A., Ghosh B., Pramanik A. (2017). Cadmium Sulphide Nanoparticles Induced Desynapsis in Nigella sativa L. (black cumin) – a Pioneer Report. Cytologia, 82(3): 293-296 ISSN: 0011-4545 (Print) 1348-7019 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.481]
34. Dey S., Hore M., Biswas J., Biswas M., Mandal B. K., Das P., Gupta S.* (2017). A new record of brown rot disease in water fern Azolla microphylla (Azollaceae): Loss of important bioresource. Fern Gazette. 20(6): 245-254 ISSN 0308-0838 [Impact Factor: 0.440]
33. Das D., Datta A. K., Kumbhakar D. V., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S. (2017). Conditional optimisation of wet chemical synthesis for pioneered ZnO nanostructures. Nano-structures & Nano-objects. 9: 26-30. Elsevier publication. ISSN: 2352-507X [Impact Factor: Nil]
32. Biswas M., Mandal A., Hore M., Biswas S., Dey S., Biswas J., Mondal A., Mandal B. K., Das P., Gupta S.* (October-December 2017). New Record of Equisetum ramosissimum subsp. debile from Lower Gangetic Plain, West Bengal, India and Conservation Approach. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 87(4): 1237-1245 DOI 10.1007/s40011-015-0698-3; Springer Publication ISSN:0369-8211 (print) ISSN: 2250-1746 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.396]
31. Mandal B. K., Biswas M., Gupta S.* (2017). Leaf physiognomic analyses of available species of Avicennia L. in Indian Sunderbans for using as taxonomic tools. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 9 (12): 1081-1085 ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
30. Biswas M., Mandal B. K., Gupta S.* (2016). Adaptive variability in leaf traits of mangrove fern Acrostichum aureum L. in relation to ecological variations. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 8 (6): 275-279 ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
29. Das P., Padhye P. M., Gupta S.* (2016). Clarification of the typification of Pteris argyraea (Pteridaceae). Phytotaxa, 269 (1): 059–060. Magnolia press. ISSN: 1179-3155 (print) 1179-3163 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 1.087]
28. Datta A. K., Mandal A., Das D., Gupta S., Saha A., Paul R., Sengupta S., Halder, S., Biswas, S. (July-Sep 2016). Polyploidy in Angiosperms: Genetic Insight to the Phenomenon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci. 86(3): 513-522. DOI:10.1007/s40011-015-0523-z. Springer Publication ISSN:0369-8211 (print) ISSN: 2250-1746 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.396]
27. Hore M., Mandal A., Biswas S., Dey S., Biswas J., Biswas M., Gupta S.* (2016). Seasonal profile of soil spore bank of ferns in a semi-natural forest of Hooghly district, West Bengal, India and its implication in conservation. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 8 (1): 7-10 ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
26. Kumbhakar D. V., Datta, A. K., Mandal A., Das D., Gupta S., Halder S., Dey S. (February 2016). Effectivity of Copper and Cadmium sulphide nanoparticles in mitotic and meiotic cells of Nigella sativa L. (black cumin)- can nanoparticles act as mutagenic agents? Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17458080.2016.1149236 Taylor & Francis ISSN: 1745-8080 (Print) 1745-8099 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.981]
25. Datta A. K., Mandal A., Das D., Gupta S., Saha A., Paul R. Sengupta S. (2016). B Chromosomes in Angiosperm – a review. Cytology and Genetics 50(1): 60-71 60-71. Springer + Allerton Press. ISSN: 0095-4527 (Print) 1934-9440 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.379]
24. Halder S., Mandal A., Das D., Datta A.K, Chattopadhyay A. P., Gupta S., Kumbhakar D. V. (2015). Effective Potentiality of Synthesised CdS Nanoparticles in Inducing Genetic Variation on Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. BioNanoScience doi: 10.1007/s12668-015-0176-7 [Springer] ISSN 2191-1630 (Print) 2191-1649 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
23. Gupta S., Mandal A., Das D., Datta A. K. (July 2015). Ancient DNA – pitfalls and prospects. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8(13): 60073 ISSN 0974-6846 (Print) 0974-5645 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
22. Halder S., Mandal A., Das D., Gupta S., Chattopadhyay A. P., Datta A.K. (2015). Copper nanoparticle induced macromutation in Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. (Family: Leguminosae) – A pioneer report. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 62(2): 165-175. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-015-0216-8 [Springer] ISSN: 0925-9864 (print) ISSN: 1573-5109 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 1.461]
21. Das S. K., Mandal A., Datta A. K., Das D., Paul R., Saha A., Sengupta S., Gupta S., Halder S. (January-March 2015), Identification of Wild Edible Mushrooms from Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest of Eastern Chota Nagpur Plateau, West Bengal, India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 85(1): 219-232 Springer Publication ISSN:0369-8211 (print) ISSN: 2250-1746 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.396]
20. Mandal A., Gupta S.* (February 2015). Palynoassemblage and environment of deposition in the lower Gondwana sediment (Raniganj formation) of Sonepur-Bazari coalfield in Burdwan district, West Bengal. Journal of Plant Development Sciences 7(2): 91-97. ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
19. Bera S., Gupta S., Khan M. Ali, De A., Mukhopadhyay R. (August 2014). First megafossil evidence of cyatheaceous tree fern from the Indian Cenozoic. Journal of Earth System Science, 123(6): 1433–1438. Springer Publication. ISSN: 0253-4126 (print), ISSN: 0973-774X (electronic), [Impact Factor: 0.794]
18. Gupta S.*, Hore M., Biswas S. (July-September 2014). An overview of Fern Spore Bank Study: Need for Suitable Exploitation in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, Springer Publication. Published online on 23rd October 2013, doi no: 10.1007/s40011-013-0245-z. 84(3): 779-798 Springer Publication ISSN:0369-8211 (print) ISSN: 2250-1746 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.396]
17. Das S.K., Mandal A., Datta A.K., Gupta S., Paul R., Saha A., Sengupta S., Dubey P.K. (2013). Nucleotide Sequencing and Identification of Some Wild Mushrooms. The Scientific World Journal. Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 403191, 7 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/403191 Hindwai Publication ISSN 2356-6140 (Print) 1537-744X (Electronic) [Impact Factor: 1.219]
16. Mukherjee S., Mandal A., Gupta S., Datta A.K. (2013). Pollination events in Nigella sativa L. (Black Cumin). International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy. 4(3): 342-344. ISSN 2277-4343 (Print) 2229-3566 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
15. Mandal A., Datta A. K., Datta S., Gupta S., Sengupta S., Ghosh B. K. (2013). Assessment of stability and viability of a jute hybrid (Corchorus capsularis L. × C. trilocularis L.) and its trueness based on RAPD markers. The Nucleus, 56(3): 163-170. DOI 10.1007/s13237-013-0093-5 [Springer] ISSN: 0029-568X (Print) ISSN: 0976-7975 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
14. Mandal A., Datta A. K., Gupta S., Paul R., Saha A., Ghosh B. K., Bhattacharya A., and Iqbal M. (2013). Cytomixis – a unique phenomenon in animal and plant. Protoplasma 250: 985-996 DOI – 10.1007/S00709-013-0493-Z) [Springer] ISSN 0033-183X (Print); 1615-6102 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: 3.171]
13. Mandal A., Datta A. K., Datta S., Gupta S. (2013). Genetic assessment of eight Corchorus spp. (Tiliaceae) using RAPD and ISSR markers. The Nucleus, 56 (1): 23-30. (DOI 10.1007/s13237-013-0076-6) [Springer] ISSN: 0029-568X (Print) ISSN: 0976-7975 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
12. Mandal A., Gupta S., Datta A.K. (2013). Environmental influence on cytomixis in Corchorus fascicularis Lamk. (Tiliaceae). Journal of Plant Developmental Sciences, 5(1): 23-27 ISSN: 0974-6382 (Print) 2348-9170 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: Nil]
11. Mandal C., Ghosh N., Maiti S., Das K., Gupta S., Dey N., Adak M. K. (2013). Antioxidative responses of Salvinia (Salvinia natans Linn) to aluminium stress and its modulation by polyamine. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants. 19 (1): 91-103. ISSN: 0971-5894 (print), ISSN: 0974-0430 (electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.883]
10. Mandal A., Gupta S., Datta A.K., Teixeira da Silva Jaime A., Datta S. (2013). Pollen morphology of eight Corchorus spp. (Tiliaceae) and how their interrelationships aid efficient breeding. International Journal of Plant Breeding, 7(2): 101-105 Global Science Book ISSN 1752-3478 [Impact Factor: Nil]
9. Ghosh N., Das S. P., Mandal C., Gupta S., Das K., Dey N., Adak M. K. (2012). Variations of antioxidative responses in two rice cultivars with polyamine treatment under salinity stress. Physiol Mol. Bio. Plants. DOI 10.1007//S12298-012-0124-8 [Springer] 0971-5894 (Print) 0974-0430 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: 0.883]
8. Mandal C., Das K., Ghosh N., Maiti S., Gupta S., Dey N., and Adak M. K. (2012). Aluminium induced oxidative stress and its modulation by exogenous polyamine in Salvinia natans L. Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal. 66(1): 37-43 ISSN: 0971-2976 [Impact Factor: Nil]
7. Ghosh N., Adak M. K., Ghosh P. D., Gupta S., Sen Gupta D. N., Mandal C. (2011). Differential responses of two rice varieties to salt stress. Plant Biotechnol Rep. 5: 89–103. DOI 10.1007/s11816-010-0163-y ISSN 1863-5466 (Print) 1863-5474 (Electronic) Impact Factor: 1.590]
6. Ghosh N., M. K. Adak, Gupta S., Das K., Mandal C. (2010). Marsilea plant accumulates toxic heavy metals with concurrent defence activation. Journal Botanical Society of Bengal. 64(1): 71-75 ISSN: 0971-2976 [Impact Factor: Nil]
5. Ghosh R., Gupta S., Bera S., Jiang Hong-en, Li X., and Li Cheng-Sen. (2008). Ovi-caprid dung as an indicator of Palaeovegetation and Palaeoclimate in northwest China Quaternary Research, 70(2): 149-157. Elsevier Publication. ISSN: 0033-5894 [Impact Factor: 2.583]
4. Mukhopadhyay S. K., Gupta S., Das A.P., and Bera Subir. (2007). Bee-Keeping Potentials in Sub-Himalayan West Bengal, India: A Palynological Assessment of Honey. Journal of Apicultural Research. 46(3): 165-180. [Taylor & Francis] 0021-8839 (Print) 2078-6913 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: 1.942]
3. Khan M. Ali, Gupta S., Parua D. K., De A., De B., Bera S. (2006). Palynoassemblage from Upper Siwalik sediments of Papumpare district, Arunachal Pradesh with remarks on Palaeoenvironment. Journal of the Botanical Society of Bengal. 60:1-5. ISSN: 0971-2976 [Impact Factor: Nil]
2. Gupta S., Bera S., Banerjee M. (2005). Palaeocene-Eocene tropical coastal palynoassemblage from the older Cenozoic sediments of Ganga Basin, India with record of recycled microfossils. J. Geol. Soc. India, 65 (5): 587-596. ISSN 0016-7622 (Print) 0974-6889 (Electronic) [Impact Factor: 0. 596]
1. Gupta S., Bera S., Banerjee M. (2003). Record of Normapolles Group of Pollen grains in the Indian Palaeogene Palynoassemblage from Ganga Basin, India. Current Science, 85(5): 591-594. ISSN 0011-3891 [Impact factor: 0.967]
•Kumbhakar D.V., Das D., Ghosh B., Pramanik A., Gupta S., Datta A. K. (May 2019). Phyto-Nano Interaction: An insight to the Phenomenon in Raliya R. (ed.) Nanoscale Engineering in Agricultural Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. pp 183-211
•‘Origin of Life’ in the AJC Bose Memorial Lecture Series organized by Botany Department, ABN Seal College, Cooch Behar on 22 June 2021
•‘Palaeoenvironment proxies of biological origin in deciphering climate change through geological past’ in 2-days National Webinar on Significance of Palaeoenvironment and its Impact in Present Scenario organized by Shyampur Siddheswari Mahavidyalaya, Howrah during 09-10 September 2020.
•‘Analytical study on Azolla microphylla Kaulf. towards making effective biofertilizer for sustainable farming’ in 2-days National Webinar on Plant Research for Welfare of Human Beings organized by South Calcutta Girls’ College, Kolkata & Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya during 17-18 July 2020.
•‘Evolutionary Significance of the members of Zosterophyllopsida, Trimerophytopsida, Lycopsida, and Sphenopsida’ and ‘Basic Geological Information related to Palaeobotany’ in Seminar cum Invited Lecture Series for covering parts of P.G. Semester I & II syllabus since the year 2019.
•‘An introduction to the application of Palaeobotany and Palynology as intriguing knowledgebase for academic and social benefit’ in DBT sponsored Summer School organized by Botany Department, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata on 07 June 2018.
•‘Hands-on training on Palaeobotanical and Palynological techniques’ in the workshop organized as part of Centenary Celebration (1913-2013) of Department of Botany, University of Calcutta on 27 April 2014.
•Invited lecture in the 10th Annual meeting of the Palaeobotanical Association, the Botanical Society of China on 29 April 2006.
•Invited lecture as selected Young Scientist for presenting research findings in 15th GMM of Department of Science and Technology at Benaras Hindu University on 05 December 2003.
•In academic session of National conference on ‘Basic and applied researches in plants and microbes’ organized by Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala during 03-05 November 2016.
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
University Grants Commission, GoI |
Establishment of Natural Fern Spore Banks at Lower Gangetic Plain of West Bengal: A Potential Source for Conservation and Regeneration [F. No. 41-489/2012 (SR) dated 16th July, 2012)] |
2012-2015 |
Rs. 12,82,300 |
2 |
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal (WBHESTB) |
Exploring bee flora through melissopalynological study and quality assessment of honeys in quest of beekeeping potential for socio-economic development in Uttar Dinajpur district of West Bengal [Ref. No. 294(Sanc.)/ST/P/S&T/2G-38/2017 Dated 28/03/2018] |
2018-2021 |
Rs. 15,15,800 |
Membership of Learned Societies• Member, International Organization of Palaeobotany
• Life member, National Botanical Society of Bengal
• Life Member, Palaeobotanical Society of India
• Life member, Indian Fern Society
SCOPUS ID https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189311379
Google Scholar ID https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=y16hYk0AAAAJ&hl=en
Notable Activities
•Established a garden exclusively for Lower Groups of Plants (especially ferns) covering an area of about 0.50 acre of land behind the main building of Botany Department, Kalyani University with an objective to disseminate knowledge about the diversified forms of plant kingdom emphasizing their morphological evolution and significance for communication, education and public awareness purposes.
•Established a fossil museum in Botany Department, Kalyani University which houses unusually rich collection for a small museum having lot of interesting stories of natural history to tell for educating the students and common people about fossil study and their significances in our daily life.
•Identifying fern species to the researchers of other Institutes.
•Extending expertise to the P.G. level students of other University and Colleges of West Bengal and overseas students through garden & fossil museum visits, and by providing laboratory facilities.
• Ongoing: 06
• Awarded: 07 (one as joint supervisor with Prof. A. K. Datta)
Sl. No | Name | Photo | Current Status |
1 | Radhakanta Nandi |
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Ongoing (Ph.D. Admission date: 02.12.2021) |
2 | Prashanta Kumar Mitra |
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Ongoing (Ph.D. Admission date: 14.11.2019) |
3 | Raj Karmakar |
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Ongoing (Ph.D. Admission date: 22.02.2019) |
4 | Dr. Jayita Biswas |
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Awarded on 24.06.2022 |
5 | Dr. Suvendu Dey |
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Awarded on 04.12.2020 |
6 | Dr. Ankita Pramanik |
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Awarded on 26.02.2019 (as co-supervisor with Prof. A. K. Datta) |
7 | Dr. Bidyut Kumar Mandal |
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Awarded on 20.08.2018 |
8 | Dr. Madhuparna Hore |
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Awarded on 27.07.2018 |
9 | Dr. Piu Das |
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Awarded on 10.05.2018 |
10 | Dr. Mithun Biswas |
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Awarded on 02.06.2017 |
Vacancy for two Ph.D. students