Sudipta Sarkar
Associate Professor
Department: Department of Rural Development StudiesPhone Number: 09883918225
Institutional E-Mail: ssrdsku17@klyuniv.ac.in
Web URL: Not Applicable
Educational Qualifications:
M.Com, MSW, Ph.D
Awards and Honours (National/International)About 20 years of continuous teaching experience in College and University in UG and PG level
Research Area:Financial Management of Development
Sector, Entrepreneurship, Social Sector
Development, Micro Finance and Financial
Inclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Livelihood and Empowerment issues,
Capacity Building of SHGs, Impact/
Evaluation study of Project/Programms,
Training on PRA/PLA Methods, Social
Financial Management of Development
Sector, Entrepreneurship, Social Sector
Development, Micro Finance and Financial
Inclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Livelihood and Empowerment issues,
Capacity Building of SHGs, Impact/
Evaluation study of Project/Programms,
Training on PRA/PLA Methods, Social