Susmita Lahiri
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor
Department: Department of Ecological StudiesPhone Number: 9830793021
Institutional E-Mail: susmitalahiri@klyuniv.ac.in
Educational Qualifications:
MSc, Ph.D
Awards and Honours (National/International)ACADEMIC HONOURS
ICAR-Senior Research Fellow, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Government of India (1995-1997)
Junior Project Scientist, West Bengal State Council of Science and Technology, Govt. of West Bengal, 2003-2005
Project Fellow, Kolkata Urban Services for Poor, Govt. of India, 2006-2008
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, 2008-2010.
Collaborative ProgramsInternational-6
1. Arhus University
2. AIMEN, Spain
3. UPC, Spain
4. AUTARCON, Germany
5. KILIAN, Denmark
6. DHI, Denmark
1. Netaji Subhash Open University
2. Aligarh Muslim University
3. Indira Gandhi National Tribal University
4. Burdwan University
– The efficiency of reclaiming domestic sewage-fed fish ponds through the use of biogeochemical cycling bacteria as indicators.
– Eco-engineering strategies aimed at recovering nutrients from various waste sources and their potential to enhance rural economies.
– The effectiveness of constructed wetlands in eliminating pathogens from wastewater used in aquaculture.
– An analysis of energy flow and ecosystem dynamics, complemented by limnological studies across different aquaculture systems.
– Eco-technological methods for the reclamation of eutrophic waters, utilizing hydroponics (in raft systems) and other biological agents.
– The application of human urine in aquaculture as a sustainable technology.
– The impact of global warming and climate change on aquaculture practices in India.
– The role of microalgae-bacteria complexes in carbon sequestration within wastewater ponds, with the potential for biomass production for economic benefits, employing an enzyme signature approach.
– The evaluation of both natural and synthetic adsorbents for their nutrient removal capabilities from wastewater, eutrophic waters, and polluted water bodies.
– The protection of India’s water resources through the implementation of green technologies for wastewater treatment and disinfection.
– The identification of microbial signatures for eco-attenuation in polluted aquatic environments.
– The potential of bacterial metabolism in a stressed lentic ecosystem, induced by eutrophication, for assessing stress and facilitating engineered nutrient removal.
• Guest Lecturer of Microbiology, University of Kalyani for the session 1999-2000
• Junior Teacher M.Sc in Zoology in Rishi Bankim Chandra College, Naihati, West Bengal, 2005-2006
• Part-time lecturer in Zoology in Chandernagore College, Chandernagore, Hooghly, West Bengal, 2006-2008.
• Resource Person in PG Diploma Course on Environment Management (distance mode) conducted by Kalyani University for the session 2007-2008
• Assistant Professor, M.Sc in Environmental Management, Department of Ecological Studies, International Centre for Ecological Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia district, West Bengal from 2010-2022.
• Associate Professor, M.Sc in Environmental Management, Department of Ecological Studies, International Centre for Ecological Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia district, West Bengal from 2022-2025.
• Head, Department of Environmental Management/Ecological Studies, former Coordinator, International Centre for Ecological Engineering, Kalyani University, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India 2012-2014, 2017-2018.
• Member, Academic Committee, Centre for Womens’ Studies, University of Kalyani from 2018 till date.
• University nominee, governing body of Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya, Amtala, Murshidabad, West Bengal from 2018-2023.
• Director-in-charge, Centre for Women Studies, University of Kalyani from 04.09.2023 to 21.12.2023.
• Member, RUSA fund proposal for Component 10: Research, Innovation & Quality Improvement, Thrust Area II : Environmental Issues, Climate Change and Sustainability
• Member of the PLACEMENT CELL, Kalyani University
• Member of the CENTRAL ADMISSION COMMITTEE, Kalyani University
• Member, Central Purchase sub-commitees of SWINGS (2014-2018) and RUSA Certificate Course (2021), University of Kalyani
• Coordinator, NET/SET Coaching Centre Environmental Science, University of Kalyani
1. Bhattacharya, S., Bhakta, J. N., Lahiri, S., Panigrahi, A.K. (2024). Evaluating the Colonization Efficiency of Probiotic Bacteria in Intestinal Milieu and Fish Growth Promotion. Current Probiotics DOI: 10.2174/0126666499321747241108045608.
2. Khan, S. Ray, A., Bhakta, J. N. and Lahiri, S.* (2024). Bacterial multi-enzyme signature assessment for wastewater reclamation and ecological resilience in tropical waste stabilization pond. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 21(3)DOI: 10.1007/s13762-023-05177-0
3. Ghosh, S., Dutta, T., Lahiri, S., Roy, P. (2024).Highly selective and sensitive rhodamine based chemosensors for Al3+ and their applications in living cell imaging. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 565, 121980.
4. Lahiri, S.*, S.K. Nandi and S.K. Bag (2023). Impact of climate change on fish production. In: Urmi, E- journal. https://doi.org/10.52756/urmi.2024.v01
5. Hazra, S. G., Bag, S. K., Lahiri, S.* (2023). Eco-San: An emerging sustainable technological approach in Educational Institutions, Anwesa-A journal of education, 15:21-36.
6. Dutta, D., Kundu, D., Jana, B.B., Lahiri, S. and Bhakta, J.N., (2022). Growth dependent carbon sequestration proficiency of algal consortium grown in carbon dioxide enriched simulated greenhouse. Bioresource Technology Reports, 18(01):101090.
7. Dutta, D., Kundu, D., Jana, B. B., Lahiri, S., and Bhakta, J. N. (2022). Greenhouse-temperature induced manure driven low carbon footprint in aquaculture mesocosm, Carbon Research, 1:18
8. Bhakta, J.N., Bhattacharya, S., Lahiri, S. and Panigrahi, A.K. (2022). Probiotic Characterization of Arsenic-resistant Lactic Acid Bacteria for Possible Application as Arsenic Bioremediation Tool in Fish for Safe Fish Food Production. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, DOI: 10.1007/s12602-022-09921-9
9. Dutta, D., Kundu, D., Jana, B.B., Lahiri, S. and Bhakta, J.N., (2022). Growth dependent carbon sequestration proficiency of algal consortium grown in carbon dioxide enriched simulated greenhouse. Bioresource Technology Reports, 18(01):101090.
10. Guha, B., Lahiri(Ganguly), S., N. Ghosh et. al., (2021). Efficacy of derelict water bodies to be a fish culture pond: a potential survey based on influence of physicochemical parameters on the bacterial population and enzyme activity, Indian Journal of Biology,8(2): 47-6. 6.
11. Bhattacharjee, A., Jana B.B., Mandal, S.K., Lahiri, S., Bhakta, J.N. (2021). Assessing phosphorus removal potential of laterite soil for water treatment and eco-technological application. Ecological Engineering 166(11):106245
12. Ganguly, S. L.*, Ghosh, N., Bhakta, J. N., Guha, B., Saha, S. C., Ghosh, D., & Bag, S. K. (2021). Heterogeneity of bacterial enzymes as nutrient enrichment signature in tropical wetlands: A sustainable environmental management tool. Environmental Challenges, 5, 100395.
13. Jana, B.B., Nandy, S.K., Lahiri, S., Bhakta, J.N., Biswas, J.K., Bag, S.K., Ghosh, P., Maity, S.M. and Jana, S., (2019). Heterogeneity of water quality signature and feedbacks to carbon sequestration in wetlands across some districts of West Bengal, India. Journal of Water and Climate Change.
14. Bhattacharjee, A., Jana, B. B., Mandal, S. K., Bhakta, J. N., Ghosh, D., and Lahiri, S.* (2018). Nutrient Deportation Efficiency of Selected Natural and Synthetic Adsorbents from Municipal Wastewater for Environmental and Economic Benefits. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, ISSN 1819-3412 DOI: 10.3923/rjes.2018.
15. Jana, B. B., Kundu, D., Dutta, D.,Lahiri, S., Bag, S. K., and Bhakta, J. N.(2018). Positive synergistic impacts of greenhouse temperature and manure driven total environment on breeding success of Tilapia sp. during winter. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 57: 96-104
16. Sarkar (Paria), D., Lahiri (Ganguly), S., Ghosh, D. & Jana, B. B. (2018). Ecological processes-driven distribution of net-algal diversity and carbon sequestration potential across the sewage effluent gradient of stabilization pond system. Ecohydrology& Hydrobiology. doi:10.1016/j.ecohyd.2018.10.003
17. Mistri S. and Lahiri S* (2018). Socio –economic vs ecological status of Ramsar wetlands challenges for sustainable development. Review of Research, 7(10): 1-8.
18. Jana BB, Nandy S, Lahiri S, Bag SK, Ghosh P, Bhakta JN, Ghosh D, Biswas JK, Bhattacharjee A, Jana S. Does solar heated structure mimicking greenhouse effective to impede winter growth reduction of some tropical fishes? Aquaculture. 2018 Sep 12;499:51-60. Impact Factor – 2.7
19. Ghosh, D., Jana, B. B., Lahiri, S., Bhakta, J. N. and Bhattacharjee, A. (2018). Assessing the cellulase enzyme heterogeneity of bacterial strains and their feedback to cattle manure degradation in a greenhouse model of in vivo pond ecosystem, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, ISSN: 0167-6369 (Print) 1573-2959 (Online). Impact Factor – 1.804.
20. Khan, S, Ray, A. and Lahiri S.*, (2018). Role of carbonic anhydrase in biological carbon-pump system of aquatic ecosystems-a short review. Aviskar-A Xaverian Journal of Research, 10: 92-107. ISSN (Print) 2277-8411, ISSN(Online): 2278-1048
21. Nandy, S.K., Jana B. B., Lahiri, S., Ghosh, P., Bhakta, J.N., Bag, S.K., Biswas, J.K. and Jana, S. (2018). CNP Ratio and Dose Regulated Production of Water Chestnut Trapa: Social and Environmental Implications. Russian Agricultural Sciences, 44(4):318-325. ISSN: 1068-3674 (print version), ISSN: 1934-8037 (electronic version).
22. Jana, B.B., Kundu, D., Dutta, D., Lahiri, S., Bhakta, J.N., Maity, S. and Jana, S. (2018). Positive Synergistic impacts of greenhouse temperature and manure driven total environ on the breeding success of fish tilapia during winter. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 57(2): 96-104. ISSN – 0019-5189.
23. Sarkar (Paria), D., Lahiri (Ganguly), S. and B. B. Jana (2018). Evaluating the ecological integrity and microalgal carbon sequestration potential across the sewage effluent gradient of tropical waste stabilization pond system. Hydrobiological Journal (Kiev), 54(2):58-69. ISSN Print: 0018-8166, ISSN Online: 1943-5991
24. Philipp Otter, Pradyut Malakar, Ulrike Feistel, Thomas Grischek, Bana Bihari Jana, Susmita Lahiri, Alexander Goldmaier, Florian Benz, Joydev Jana, J. A. Álvarez (2018). Arsenic Removal from Groundwater by Solar Driven Inline-Electrolytic Induced Co-Precipitation and Filtration—A Long Term Field Test Conducted in West Bengal. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 1167; doi:10.3390/ijerph14101167, ISSN 1660-4601; CODEN: IJERGQ; ISSN 1661-7827 for printed edition. Impact Factor: 2.101
25. Bhakta, J.N., Lahiri, S., Bhuiyna, F.A., Rokunuzzaaman, M., Ohonishi, K., Iwasaki, K., Jana, B.B. (2017). Profiling of heavy metal(loid)-resistant bacterial community structure by metagenomic-DNA fingerprinting using PCR–DGGE for monitoring and bioremediation of contaminated environment. Energ. Ecol. Environ. 3:102-109. DOI 10.1007/s40974-017-0079-2. ISSN: 2363-7692 (Print) 2363-8338 (Online)
26. Bhakta, J.N., Jana, B. B., Lahiri, S., Panigrahi, A., Mandal, S. K., Rana, S., Bag, S. K., Gyanakan, K., Rokunuzzaman, M. (2016). Ecological restoration: An emerging eco-technology for sustainable environmental conservation. Int J Env Tech Sci2: 21–30.
27. Bhakta, J.N., Jana, B. B., Lahiri, S., Mandal, S. K., Pradhan, M. K. (2016). Impact of nanomaterial in environmental remediation and toxicity. Int J Env Tech Sci2: 38–52.
28. Bhakta, J.N., Rana, S., Jana, J., Bag, S.K. Lahiri, S., Jana, B.B., Panning F. and Fechter L. (2016). Current status of arsenic contamination in drinking water and treatment practice in some rural areas of West Bengal, India. Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology 38: 336–373.
29. Jana BB, Kundu D, Datta D, Lahiri S, Bag S, et al. (2016). Evidences of Manure Driven and C:N Regulated Enhanced Carbon Status and Microalgal Productivity in Managed Aquatic System under Simulated Green House Conditions. J Earth SciClim Change 7:336. doi:10.4172/2157-7617.1000336 ISSN: 2157-7617.
30. J. N. Bhakta, Susmita Lahiri, Jon K Pittman, Bana behari Jana (2015). Carbon dioxide sequestration in wastewater by a consortium of elevated carbon dioxide-tolerant microalgae,Journal of CO2 Utilization 10. Impact Factor-7.132
31. Pal, S., Sen, B., Mukherjee, M., Patra, M., Lahiri (Ganguly) S. and Chattopadhyay P.* (2015). Selective and sensitive turn-on chemosensor for Al(III) ions applicable in living organisms: nanomolar detection in aqueous medium. RSC Advances, (89), Impact factor – 3.84
32. Bhakta, J.N., Rana, S., Lahiri, S., Jana, B.B., Ibrahim, S. (2015) Nutrients profile and fish growth of some fish culture ponds. Int J Env Tech Sci1:1–7. 20.
33. Lahiri, (Ganguly) S.*, Sarkar (Paria) D. and Jana, B.B, (2015). Evaluating the Ecological Resilient Driven Performance of a Tropical Waste Stabilization Pond System using Ecological Signature of Biological Integrity. J. Ecol. Eng. 2015; 16(3):97-107 DOI: 10.12911/22998993/2942. Impact factor-
34. Bhakta, J.N., Rana, S., Jana, J., Lahiri, S., Cao, G., Jana, B.B (2014) Carbon sequestration and biofuel generation of carbon dioxide tolerant microalgae in wastewater: a sustainable mitigation approach toward climate change. “National Seminar on Impact of Climate Change on Aquaculture and Mitigation Options for Food Security”, Kalyani, West Bengal, India (March 25–26, 2014)
35. Lahiri, S., Jana, T., Chatterjee, J. and Jana B.B. (2014). Assessment of fertilized pond ecosystem productivity using cellulose decomposing bacteria as carbon signature. Asian Fisheries Science 27: 234-247.
36. Bhakta J.N., Rana, S., Lahiri, S. and Munekage Y. (2014). Sorption of mercury onto waste material derived low-cost activated carbon. Applied Water Science. (DOI: 10.1007/s13201-014-0236-0)
37. Rana S., Jana J., Bag, S., Mukherjee (Roy), S., Biswas, J. K., Ganguly (Lahiri), S., Sarkar (Paria) D. and B. B. Jana. (2011)Performance of constructed wetlands in the reduction of cadmium in a sewage treatment cum fish farm at Kalyani, West Bengal, India. Ecological Engineering, 37 (12): 2096-2100. Impact Factor : 3.106.
38. Jana, B. B. and Ganguly, S. (2002). Assessment of reclamation efficiency in sewage fed aquaculture ponds monitored through nitrifying bacterial populations. Verhandlungen Internationale VereinigungLimnologie28:1-4 (E.Schweizerbart’scheVerlag, Germany).
39. Ganguly, S. and Jana, B. B. (2001). Cadmium induced adaptive responses of certain biogeochemical cycling bacteria in aquatic system. Water Research, 36: 1667-1676. Impact factor : 5.315
40. Jana, B. B., Chatterjee, J., Ganguly, S. and Jana, T. (2001). Responses of phosphate solubilizing bacteria to qualitatively different fertilization in simulated and natural fish ponds. Aquaculture International 8: 1-18. Impact factor : 0.943
41. Jana, B. B., Chakrabarty, P., Biswas, J. K. and Ganguly,S. (2001). Biogeochemical cycling bacteria as indices of pond fertilization : Importance of CNP ratios of input fertilizers. Journal of Applied Microbiology 90: 1-8. Impact factor : 2.337
42. Ganguly, S. and Jana, B. B. (2000). Biogeochemical cycling bacterial activity in response to lime and fertilizer applications in pond systems. Aquaculture International 7: 413-432. Impact factor : 0.943
43. Jana, B.B. Lahiri, S., Sarkar, D. and Paul, D. (2016).Storage induced changes in coliform, heterotrophic groups of bacteria and nutrient levels of human urine for its safe use in biological production. Indian journal of experimental biology 54(8):544-548.
44. Das K.*, Lahiri S.**,Panigrahi A. K.*** (2016). Industrial Pollution Assessment of Tamla Rivulet in Industrial Town of Durgapur, West Bengal, India: Hazard Analysis Through GIS. Indian Journal of Biology, 2(2) Volume 2 Number 2, ISSN: 2394-1391
45. Jana, B.B., Lahiri, S., Nandy, S., Ghosh, P., Bag S.K., Biswas, J.K., Bhakta J.N. and S. Jana (2015). Polyhouse driven raised temperature induces cichlid tilapia to breed during winter. Indian Journal of Animal Science 85(2):108-115. Impact factor – 0.13
46. Jana, T.K., Banerjee, R. D.,Lahiri, S. and Jana, B. B.(2014). Management induced changes of antibiotic resistant strains of heterotrophic bacteria in shrimp farming ponds. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 84(3): 323-328. Impact factor – 0.13
47. Patra, S., Das, T.K., Avila, C., Cabello, V., Castillo, F., Sarkar (Paria), D., Lahiri (Ganguly), S. and Jana, B.B. (2012). Cadmium tolerance and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from wastewater stabilization ponds. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 50: 300-307 Impact Factor : 1.295
48. Sarkar (Paria), D., S. Bag, C. Pradhan, Lahiri (Ganguly), S. Jana and Jana, B. B.(2011). Indian carp polyculture integrated with duck and poultry: Ecological and economic benefits. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences. 81 (7): 773-780. Impact factor : 0.13
49. Chatterjee, J., Ganguly, S. and B. B. Jana. (2003). Responses of nitrogen cycling bacteria and fish to stress of potassium nitrate fertilizer: a mesocosm study. Journal of Freshwater Biology, 15 (1-4) 21-35.
50. Chatterjee, J., Sahu, S. N., Ganguly, S. and B. B. Jana. (1998). Growth inhibition of some groups of bacteria during the 1995 solar eclipse. Journal of Freshwater Biology, 10: 37- 44.
1. Sanjana Lahiri, Shreyosi Dey, Susmita Lahiri* and Ashis Kumar Panigrahi (2024).
Microbial diversity as an ecological signature for eutrophication management, In: S. Das and A.K. Panigrahi (eds.) Global Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Integrating Education, Environment and Social Change. Redshine, UK (in press).
2. Susmita Lahiri, Dipanwita Sarkar Paria, Sabiha Khan, JatindraNath Bhakta (2024). Ecological Dynamics of Facultative Waste Stabilization Ponds for Enhanced Wastewater Reclamation and Aquaculture Production. In: Modern Trends in Aquaculture Technology, A. Dey, S. Das & A.K. Panigrahi, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, UK. ISBN-10
3. Susmita Lahiri, Sanjukta Mistri, Sanjana Lahiri and Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, (2024). Wetland ecosystem and socio-economics: interdependence for sustainability. In: Dr. Somnath Das, Dr. Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Prof. Rose Stiffin and Dr. Jayata Kumar Das (eds.), Life as Basic Science: An Overview and Prospects for the Future, Volume: 1. ISBN:978-81-969828-9-8; pp. 208-222; Published online: 20th March, 2024. © International Academic Publishing House,
4. Sarkar, U., Jana, B. B., Biswas, J., Bhakta, J. N., Lahiri, S., Mandal, S.K., Bag, S.K., Majumdar, J. (2024). Maachh Chasher Sahaj Path (in Bengali) (Simple Text on Fish Farming). International Centre of Ecological Engineering, University of Kalyani, ICAR-NBFGR, Lucknow.
5. Sourav G. Hazra, Sujoy Kumar Bag, Jatindra N. Bhakta and SusmitaLahiri* (2023). Eco-San: A Holistic Approach Towards Sustainable Organic Farming, In: Research Advancements in Organic farming, J.N. Bhakta and Rana S. (eds.) BISAC: SCI026000, Nova Science Publishers Inc., USA, 310pp. ISBN: 979-8-88697-519-2
6. S. Lahiri, S. Lahiri and S. Chakraborty (2023). Pollution induced infertility problem in humans: responsibility of women only? In: Shaping Gender from Women’s Perspective-An Anthrology on Gender Studies, Editors: Kakali Dhara Mandal, Associate Editor: Susmita Lahiri. ISBN: 978-93-81858-00-0.
7. Jana B. B., S. Lahiri, Ghosh, D., Bhakta, J. N., Mandal, S., Bag, S. K. (2018) Understanding the Soil-Water Interactions for Sustainable Ecosystem Services in Aquatic Environments. In B. B. Jana, R. N. Mandal, P. Jayasankar (eds) Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture. Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd. ISBN 978-981-10-7248-2
8. Lahiri, S., Ghosh, D. and Sarkar(Paria), D. (2018). Biogeochecimal Cycling Bacteria and nutrient dynamics in Waste Stabilization Pond system. In B.B. Jana, Rathindranath Mandal and P. Jaysankar (eds.). Wastewater Management through Aquaculture. Springer Verlag, 29-54p.
9. Datta, D., Mahapatra, B. K., Bhakta, J. N., Bag, S. K., Lahiri S., Mandal, R. N., Jana, B. B. (2018) Aquaponics: A Green and Sustainable Eco-tech for Environmental Cum Economic Benefits Through Integration of Fish and Edible Crop Cultivation. In B. B. Jana, R. N. Mandal, P. Jayasankar (eds) Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture. Springer Nature, Singapore Pte Ltd. ISBN 978-981-10-7248-2.
10. S. Lahiri, Sabiha Khan, A. Ray and J.N. Bhakta (2019). Carbonic Anhydrase Enzyme Activity of Aquatic Ecosystem: A Green Technology to Reduce Carbon dioxide Pollution. In J.N. Bhakta, Susmita Lahiri, B.B. Jana (ed.) Green Technology for Bioremediation of Environmental Pollution, ISBN: 978-1-53614-528-1, Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA.
11. Jatindra N. Bhakta, Sukanta Rana, Debajyoti Kundu, Susmita Lahiri, Bana B. Jana, Sushil K. Mndal, Ashis K. Panigrahi, Chiranjiv Pradhan, Ludmila Gorbatiuk and Olena Pasichna (2019). Bioleaching: Current Concepts of Microbial Metal Mobilization and its Application as Green Technology. In J.N. Bhakta, Susmita Lahiri, B.B. Jana (ed.) Green Technology for Bioremediation of Environmental Pollution, ISBN: 978-1-53614-528-1, Nova Science Publishers, NY, USA.
12. Lahiri, S., Ghosh, D., Bhakta, J.N (2017) Role of Microbes in Eco-Remediation of Perturbed Aquatic Ecosystem. In: J. N. Bhakta (eds) Handbook of Research on Inventive Bioremediation Techniques. IGI Global, PA, USA, 70–107, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2325-3.ch004. ISBN: 978-1-53614-528-1.
• Delivered an invited extension lecture on Advances in Ecological Research to handle plastic pollution held on occasion of Earth Day celebration by Victoria Institution(College), Calcutta University on 22.04.2024.
• Delivered an invited lecture on Bacterial Enzyme Heterogeneity As Molecular Biomarker In Eutrophication Stress Assessment And Eco-Remediation in ‘2nd International Conference on Environment’ held from 02-03 March 2024 in Environmental Science Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna 9208, Bangladesh.
• Delivered an invited lecture at One day seminar on Advances on Research Methodologies for Innovation based Quality Research in Ecology for undergraduate students and faculty members on 05.12.2023 at Chandernagore College organized by Department of Zoology and IQAC, Chandernagore college.
• Delivered an invited lecture on Ecological Engineering: a new paradigm on environment management at One day seminar entitled “Ecological Management with an Emphasis on biodiversity Conservation and Green technology” on 29.09.2016 at Chandernagore College organized by Department of Zoology, Chandernagore college.
Sl. No | Grant Agency | Title of The Project | Duration / Tenure | Total Cost of The Project |
1 |
University of Kalyani |
Certificate Course on Water and soil qualities monitoring and environmental management (As Joint PI) |
07.09.2023 to 07.02.2024 |
Rs. 30,000.00 |
2 |
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) |
Certificate Course on Water and soil qualities monitoring and environmental management (As Joint PI) |
28.11.2021 to 31.05.2022 |
Rs. 5,00,000.00 |
3 |
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal, India |
Wetland ecosystem stress assessment through assay of microbial nutrient cycling and fish anti-oxidant enzymes (As PI) |
05.02.2019- 31.03.2023 |
Rs. 14,00,000.00 |
4 |
Department of Higher Education, Science & Technology and Biotechnology, Govt. of West Bengal, India |
Development of novel pollutant detoxifying probiotic-fish feed using metagenomic marker probiotic and regional prebiotic food bio-resource (as Co-PI) |
24/03/2018-24.03.2021 |
Rs. 9,99,800.00 |
5 |
Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India |
Safeguarding Water Resources in India with Green and Sustainable Technologies, SWINGS under the frarnework of Iudia-European Union Science & Technology Cooperation Agreement. (As CO-PI of the consortium and PI of the host institute) |
18.12.2012-31.03.2018 |
Rs. 50,52,000.00 |
6 |
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt. of India |
Assessment of Impact of Climate Change on Inland Aquaculture in selected districts of West Bengal (As Co-PI) |
2010-2013 |
Rs. 1,32,00000.00 |
Membership of Learned SocietiesLife member, Zoological Society of India, Kolkata
Member, Academic Committee, Centre for Women Studies, University of Kalyani, Kalyani
Life-member, Indian Science Congress Association
Member, Paryavaran.com
Member, Kalyani Shine India, Kolkata
Notable Activities
Academic Member, Centre for Women Studies, University of Kalyani