About the Library
The University Library system was initiated in the year 1961 after the establishment of the University of Kalyani in the year 1960. The present library building was inaugurated in the year 1979. At present, the total area of the Central Library is 2805sq.m with its eco-friendly green campus. Central Library is having a healthy collection of physical as well as electronic resources to satisfy the need of its user community. Physical resources of the library are managed through the SOUL 2.0, integrated library management software. Along with the book database (more than 1.5 Lac), back volume journal database, theses database, special collections etc. have been maintained by the library, which all are OPAC enabled. Subscription-based e-journals and e-books, bibliographic databases with perpetual access have been subscribed by Central Library with the University’s financial support, along with the e-Sodhsindhu Consortium electronic resources. Renowned foreign and Indian print journals have also been subscribed by the library to support and maintain the academic excellence of the University. Library also played an important role to maintain the academic integrity of the University by analyzing the research content through the PDS software provided by the UGC, INFLIBNET Centre i.e. Ouriginal software. Moreover, Institutional Repository has also been created with the DSpace software which covers many important documents as well as the old University question papers (PG and UG level), Ph.D. theses of our University and many more. Most of the theses of our University are also accessible from the National Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Platform i.e. http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/. Presently the entire Central Library building is under renovation including the installation of an elevator keeping intact all the library services extended to its users.
Building plan: Click Here
Different Sections of the Library:
The Central Library is a three storied building situated in the eastern side of the Administrative Building, University of Kalyani.
Gr. floor:
- Property /bag deposit counter
- Registration section,
- Open access stack room cum reading room,
- Circulation section
- Stack rooms (closed-I & II)
- Data entry section
- Processing section
- Room of the Assistant Librarian
- Gents wash room.
1st floor:
- ETD Lab
- Computer Lab –II
- Periodical & thesis section,
- Bound journal section
- Stack room-III (closed)
- Bound periodical Section
- Room of the Librarian
- Office of the Central Library
- Ladies wash room
2nd floor:
- Open reading area with small garden,
- Reading room (AC), Thesis Section & Meeting room,
- Seminar Room,
- Store Room
- Reference Section,
- Stack Room-IV, V, VI (Closed)
- Two Gents Washrooms
Library hours:
- Monday to Friday- 9:30am-7:30pm
- Saturday- 11am-5pm
Library Membership
Central Library extends its services towards University students (UG & PG), research scholars, teachers, officers, non-teaching staff members, ex-employees and others.
Users need to fill up the Membership Form properly and submit it to the Central Library in order to receive the Library Membership Card.
Important Membership Rules
- Membership card is not transferable.
- A fine of Re. 1/day will be charged failing to return the book/books within the due date.
- Member will be responsible for any kind of mutilation of books.
- In case of loss/damage/mutilation of book, borrower should be liable to
i. replace the book with the same edition or the latest one.
ii. reimburse the price of book in a following way
***Price of book as per Accession Register + @15/p.a. of the price as penal charge from the date of accession of that book.
- Library Membership Form: Click Here
- Library Non- Membership Form: Click Here
- Form for Fine or Replacement of Books: Click Here
- Membership and Borrowing Norms: Click Here
Library Collections
Central Library is having its healthy collection of physical as well as electronic/online resources to satisfy the need of its user community. Collection of the Central Library mainly covers
Physical Resources Click Here
- Books
- Journals
- Bound Periodicals (Old issues) : List Click Here
- University Thesis
- Special Collections
- Other printed resources
Electronic/Online Resources
List of e-Books & Research Monographs
e-Journals & Databases
Sl. No. | Title of the Full text e-Journals & Databases | Publisher | URLs |
1 | IEEE IEL Online Tier 3 | EBSCO International Inc | https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ |
2 | JGATE+JCC | Informatics Publishing Ltd. | https://www.jgateplus.com/ |
3 | Science Direct (5 Subject Collections)-
i. Agricultural and biological Sciences ii. Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology iii. Chemistry iv. Physics v. Mathematics |
Elsevier | https://www.sciencedirect.com |
Databases | |||
4 | EPWRF India Time Series | EPW Research Foundation | http://www.epwrfits.in |
5 | Indiastat.com | Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. | http://www.indiastat.com |
6 | ProwessIQ | CMIE | https://prowessiq.cmie.com |
7 | SCOPUS | Elsevier | http://www.scopus.com |
e-SS e-Resources
Sl. No. | Title of the Full-text E-journals & Databases | URLs |
1 | ONOS Resources | Click Here |
Facilities & Services
- Access of print as well as e-resources, browsing of internet, downloading and computer printout facility from the computer laboratory along with photocopying facility.
- Circulation of books, open access stack room including reading area with all subject collections. (Book Circulation history)
- Access of theses of the University and current and old print journals from the periodicals section and bound journal section.
- Daily Newspapers service.
- Plagiarism checking of the research contents like PhD theses, research articles, book contents etc. are being done through the Ouriginal (previously known as URKUND) to maintain the academic integrity. (Similarity checking status)
- Institutional membership with the other renowned libraries, associations, consortium & library network like British Council Library, Kolkata, American Library, Kolkata, Indian Library Association, New Delhi, Bengal Library Association, Kolkata etc..
- Air conditioned auditorium with 70 seating capacity for academic discussion, exhibition, seminars and other important activities.
- Reading facility for the external users.
- Resource Sharing/ Inter library loan service.
- Property counter.
- CCTV Surveillance.
- Wi-Fi Facility.
- Ramp and wheel chairs for differently abled person.
- Filtered drinking water.
Digitization and other Important Activities
With the aim to digitize the doctoral theses (Ph.D. theses on different subjects), of the University of Kalyani, MOU was signed between UGC-INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar and University of Kalyani, Nadia on 24th March, 2015 under Sodhganga and Sodhgangotri Project. Financial assistance of an amount of Rs. 21,50,000 (Twenty one Lakh Fifty Thousand) has been granted by the UGC on 15th March 2017 out of which Rs.11,50,000 for Digitization of Theses and Rs.10,00,000 for setting up Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) Laboratory.
To ensure the continuous cycle of digitization process in future, fully air-conditioned well designed and well equipped EDT lab has been created, with the assistance from the University and financial support from UGC. Institutional Repository has also been created with the DSpace software which covers presently the old question papers (PG level), PhD theses of our University.
Presently more that 2581 numbers of PhD theses of University of Kalyani have already been uploaded on Sodhganga and efforts are being continued to complete the digitization of balance theses within a short period. The digitized data is available through link http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/. (Click here to view the present status of the University)
Research Outcomes of the University
Research work is considered as the backbone of the teaching and learning process of our University. Research work like M.Phil and PhD degree are performed in all the departments of the university as a continuous process under the supervision of respective faculty members. Apart from the University financial support, departments received UGC SAP and DST FIST supports which have strongly enhanced our research activities. The University strongly encourages research work after monitoring by the statutory committee under the chairmanship of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor. A large number of research publications of our university have earned reputation nationally as well as internationally. The research publications during the last four years include more than three thousand research outcomes. Recently a number of MoU are signed which indicates that inter-University/ institute research collaborations are being encouraged. Several conferences/ workshops are organized and collaborative programs go on regular basis to improve the academic excellence. It is needless to mention that any kinds of research contents are submitted/ communicated after similarity checking through the Plagiarism Detection Software in order to maintain the academic integrity.
Present Research outcomes of our University as per Scopus Database as on 27/09/2022:
Human resources of the Central Library
- Professional (Officer) staff – 1
- Professional (Non-Officer) staff -1
- Non-professional staff – 8
- Contractual library assistant – 5
- Casual staff – 5
- Sweeper -2
Book Exhibition
A book exhibition on Swami Vivekananda’ was organized by the Central Library, University of Kalyani from 17th -20th January, 2017 in order to celebrate the 154th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. It was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, University of Kalyani, Professor Sankar Kumar Ghosh. Swami Atmapriyananda, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor; Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University was present as Guest- in- Chief and delivered a valuable lecture on the topic of ‘ Swami Vivekananda’s Vision of Rejuvenated India’.
List of institutional membership
Libraries, Associations, Consortium & Library Network
- British Council Library, Kolkata
- UGC INFONET Digital Library Consortium, Gandhinagar
- Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, Gandhinagar
- Developing Library Network (DELNET), New Delhi
- National Digital Library of India
Future Plans
- Web OPAC.
- Could based library service
- Preservation of rare documents through Institutional Repository.
- Betterment of the library security system through RFID technology.
- Green Library.
Remote Access( Off Campus)
All the e resources are accessible outside the University campus through the remote access facility. Moreover, the subscribed e-journals and databases are also accessible remotely using the user id and password communicated by the Central Library.
Contact Details
Email Us: Kucl1961@klyuniv.ac.in