Hostel Accommodation
Admission to different Halls and Hostels of the University is made, generally, on the basis of the distance from the residence and family income of the regular students and Research Scholars. Regular students or Research scholars have to apply to the Dean, Students’ Welfare in prescribed Hostel Admission form along with following documents : Attested photo copies of (i) Admission Fees book, (ii) Residential document (Voter ID/Ration card), (iii) Distance certificate & Rail ticket, (iv) Family income certificate, (v) Caste certificate, (vi) Two copies of photograph etc.
Boarders have to abide by rules, regulations and norms of the Hostel, under the supervision of Provost/Superintendent. They have to deposit meal charge within the 5th day of each month. No boarder is allowed to enter Hostel after 6.30 p.m. during September to February and 7.00 pm. during March to August. All fees are collected by the concerned Provost/Superintendent or Steward/Stewardess on behalf of Provost. All fees are collected from the boarders to be deposited in the Bank Account of the respective Hostels. No boarder is allowed to collect or deposit money from to any boarder except the Steward/Stewarrders and Provost/Superintendent. No Guest would be allowed to stay in the Hostel. For emergency boarders may take written permission for their guest from their concerned Provost/Superintendent, for not more than three days. Beyond 3 days they have to take written permission from the Dean, Students’ Welfare for their Guest. Charges to be deposited in advance to the Provost/Superintendent. No guest will be allowed to visit a boarder beyond visiting hours (i.e. 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 6 pm)
There are nine hostels in all for post-graduate students and research scholars – six for male and three for female students. Two hostels are earmarked for research scholars – one for male and the other for female.
Name of the Hostels | No. of seats |
Dijendralal Bhawan (P.G Hall -I) | 85 |
Bibekananda Bhawan (P.G Hall -II) | 85 |
Meghnad Saha Bhawan (P.G Hall -III) | 85 |
Jagadish Chandra Bhaban (Banyan Hall ) | 140 |
Satyandranath Bhawan (R.S. Mens') | 65 |
Lilabati Bhawan (R.S. Womens') | 35 |
Matangani Bhawan ( L.H – I ) | 134 |
Nibedita Bhawan ( L.H – II) | 152 |
Radhakrishnan Bhawan (B.T. Mens') | 100 |
Terresa Bhawan (extension of LH-II) | 100 |
N.B.: Electricity, Water and Cook-Staff are provided by the University; Telephone incomming facilities are also provided.
New Girls’ Hostel :Demand of girl students for hostel accommodation is gradually increasing. To meet the demand, a thirty bedded new Annwxed Block has been constructed, within the Nivedita (I) Bhawan Ladies’ Hostel-II, against enhanced hostel fees. But due to fund constraint we are unable to build a new one. However, we are trying to establish another Girls’ Boards of each hostel obsurve the following co-curricular activities. Hostel for SC & ST students at the earliest possibility.

Hall Day Function:
Boarders of each hostel have been arranging “ Hall Day Function” every year, which includes cultural function, sports, games and competitions on Literary , Fine arts, Dance and Music events.

Science Aptitude Test:
Dwijendralal Bhawan (PG-Hostel–1) has been organizing ‘Mathematical Talent Search Test’ for the school students for the last 5 years. A good number of students from the districts of Nadia and North 24 parganas are participating in this test.

Boarders of each hostel are maintaining beautiful gardens within hostel campuses.

Blood Donation Camp:
Some of the University Hostels have been ogranizing Blood Donation Camps each year. Mainly boards from all hostels and day scholars have been donating their blood for the last couples of years.
- Each hostel has the facility of sports equipment and an adjoining wide field for playing football, cricket, badminton, etc. Hall Day Function: Borders of Each Hostel have been arranging ” Hall Day Function” every year which includes cultural functions, sports games and competitions, Literacy, Fine arts, and Dance Music Events.
- Overall In-Charge of all the hostels is the Dean of Students’ Welfare.