University Health Centre
The University of Kalyani has a well-equipped Health Centre for providing medical assistance to its communities. It started functioning from the early sixties, building was established on 1978.
The University communities, i.e. students, research scholars, employees, officers and their families are enjoying medical facilities from the Health Centre. Health Centre extends health care activities both in preventive and as well as curative ways.

Human Resources | |
Medical Officer | One |
Asst. Medical Officer | One |
Part-time Medical officer | One |
Part-time Pathologist | One |
Pharmacist | One |
Dressers | One |
Health Assistant | One |
Nurse Assistant | One |
Store Keeper | One |
Office Clerk | One |
Office Assistant | One |
Part-time Lab. Technician | One |
Health Care Services
The Health Centre tenderly cares for the University Communities and it always tries for increasing the wellbeing ness of its beneficiaries.
Charges / KM | Minimum | |
Students | Employee | Outsiders |
10 | 20 | 20 |
150 | 300 | 300 |
Halting Charge | |
Per hour (At Hospital / Nursing Home / Diagnostic centre) | 200 |
½ hour before the residence (Per hour halting Charge) | 200 |
Any fraction of hour beyond one hour be treated as one hour |
Distance calculation starts from the Kalyani University Health Centre / or where the ambulance being last stationed, with to and fro mileage (KM) charges & additional halting hour(s) time beyond ½ an hour before the dwelling place.Distance calculation starts from the Kalyani University Health Centre / or where the ambulance being last stationed, with to and fro mileage (KM) charges & additional halting hour(s) time beyond ½ an hour before the dwelling place.
No charges will be levied for carrying University Students &Employees (during duty hours) – fallen sick within The University campus to the University Health Centre. No charge will be levied for carrying Kalyani University students from the hostels to University Health Centre.
When not engaged, extension ambulance service be provided to the surrounding Kalyani community, by the recommendation of any Kalyani University Employee / Pensioner.
Based on the above tariff calculation, Ambulance Driver, on behalf of The University,will spot collectmoney from the Ambulance User, against issuance of printed University cash receipt voucherand be depositing the entire collection to University Finance Department, on the same / next working day.
- Ambulance Hiring Money Receip.Click Here
- Ambuance Requisition Slip for University Community.Click Here
- Ambulance Requisition Slip for Kalyani Community Dwellers.Click Here
Health Awareness Services
We have done various health care camps among the University Communities.
Thalassemia screening and awareness camps in collaboration with the Department of Haematology & Transfusion Medicine of Kolkata Medical College and NSS and still it is continued.
Health care service in different events: We provide medical and health care services on different sports and athletic meets, Youth Festivaland differentNational Seminar organised by the University.
Providence of Health Education: Teaching in continuing educationcourses on health care in collaboration with the Centre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension and National Services Schemes.
AIDS awareness camp: We have done awareness camps on AIDS in collaboration with the Centre for National Service Schemes (NSS) in the department of Bengali.
Detection and awareness Camp of Anemia among female students of the university.
Project Under Development
- Eye OPD
- Dental OPD