Department of Education

Professor (Dr.) Tarini Halder
Head of the Department-
Departmental Phone No.
(033) 2582 8348
Departmental E-mail Address
The Department has an eventful history in dissemination of knowledge since its inception about forty five years back. The Department was established as a Govt. sponsored Teachers’ Training College in 1958.
The Department expanded its programme of studies and research in 1970-71 and introduced two-year MA/M.Sc course in Education. Thereupon, during the 5th. Plan UGC became satisfied to sanction more teaching posts which stood as: Professor-one, Reader-four, and Lecturer –sixteen including one Co-ordinator for its Extension wing (NCERT). Since then research programme sprung up vigorously. It got further stimulation in the hefty days of re-organization of the national educational scenario with the NEP, 1986 and initiated M.Phil in Education, eventually the first in the Eastern part of the country. In maintaining continuous growth spurt, the B.Ed. Course got permanent recognition of NCTE in 1999. The strength and potential of Department was duly assessed by the MHRD, and the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal and upgraded it as Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) in 2000. Subsequently, it received central Capital Grants of Rs.115 lakh for expansion of infrastructure in specified dimensions. With this funds the Department has been more enriched in –teaching –learning supports facilities of all kinds including departmental library and laboratories besides extension & building of physical infrastructure. New ICT Lab has also been built .
Thereby old existing curricula have been modified and / or updated for preparing qualified man-power to fit themselves in contemporary world of education. Sequel to these , as an integral part of the IASE scheme the Department has already introduced NCTE recognized one –year M.Ed. course with effect from 2002-03 academic session and its is expecting to start various in-service teacher education programme very soon. A bunch of curricula for continuous in-service education & re-education for teacher, teacher-educators, and middle-level education mangers of divergent roles has also been developed very meticulously. Proposal for recurrent financial assistance from MHRD is now in active consideration of the governments. The Department in spite of several odds and hurdles continuously advances to attain its Vision : “ A community of quality educators rooted in Indian tradition ”, Mission : ‘to promote academic excellence and to provide quality education for preparation of teachers, educational managers and researchers’ monitors stakeholders’ satisfaction and changes accordingly.
During the last five years the Department has successfully organized two national seminars four UGC Refresher Course in Education and one university level Workshop on B.Ed. Curriculum Renovation .Within the span of the last five years about 15 students have qualified either SLET/SET or NET and about 20 students have been placed as lecturers in colleges through W.B. College Services Commission and six students have joined as lecturers different PG Departments of University. Additionally, nearly 25 students have been awarded with Ph.D. in Education and about 300 students have been recruited as assistance teachers through W.B.School Services Commission.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
1 | M.A/M.Sc. in Education | 2 Years (4 Semester) | 100 | Honours Degree in Education OR B.Ed with three years honours in any school subject |
2 | Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) | 2 Years (4 Semester) | 50 | As per NCTE norms |
3 | Master of Education (M.Ed.) | 2 Years (4 Semester) | 50 | As per NCTE norms |
4 | Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) | 2 Years (4 Semester) | As per UGC/University of Kalyani Regulation | M.A./M.Sc. in Education OR M.Ed. with 55% Marks (relaxation as per rules) |
5 | Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) | 6 Years (1st Phase) | As per UGC/University of Kalyani Regulation | M.A./M.Sc. in Education OR M.Ed. with 55% Marks (relaxation as per rules) |
6 | Doctor of Literature (D.Litt.) | Not Applicable | As per UGC/University of Kalyani Regulation | Ph.D. in Education |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)

Department Details
- Classroom: 06
- Laboratory: 07
Chemistry Laboratory
Computer Laboratory with internet connectivity
Geography Laboratory
History Laboratory
Life Science Laboratory
Physics Laboratory
Psychological Laboratory
Visual Arts Laboratory - HoD’s room: 01
- Teachers’ Common room: 01
- Individual Teachers’ Room (some of them are treated as classroom for special/Elective papers): 11
- Office room: 01
- Waiting Room/Rest room: 02
- Seminar hall: 01
- Assembly Hall: 01
- Canteen: 01
- Toilet
- Ladies Toilet: 02
- Gents Toilet: 03
- Staff Toilet: 02
- Library:
- Enriched Departmental Library with over 15,000 titles
- Reading room: 03
- Photocopy machine : 01
- Computer: 05 with internet connectivity
- Common room: 02
i. Boys: 01
ii. Girls:01 - Research scholar’s room: 01
- Ramp: 01
- Cycle and Motor cycle Garage: 01
- Art Education
- Educational Psychology
- Environmental Education
- Health Education
- History of Education
- International Education
- Psychology of Instruction
- Sociological Foundation of Education
- Teacher Education
- Teaching Strategies
- Women’s Education
Sl. No. | Title of Conference/ Seminar | Organized by | Venue | Date | Whether International/ National /State or University level |
1 | Rabindranath Tagore: Society, Culture and Education | Department of Education, University of Kalyani & Plassey College | Plassey College, Plassey, Nadia, West Bengal | 28th April 2018 | International |
2 | Educational Renovation in Contemporary Society | Department of Education, University of Kalyani & Nathulal Das PTTI and B.Ed. College | Nathulal Das PTTI and B.Ed. College, Manikpur, Murshidabad, WB | 23rd December 2018 | International |
3 | Seminar on the Occasion of International Women’s Day Celebration | Department of Education in Collaboration with IQAC & Centre for Culture Studies, University of Kalyani | Vidyasagar Sabhagriha, University of Kalyani | 8th March 2022 | University level |
Sl. No. | Title of Workshop | Organized by | Venue | Date | Whether International/ National /State or University level |
1 | Practical Papers of Old Curriculum and New CBCS Curriculum (Education-UG) | Department of Education, University of Kalyani | Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal | 7th August 2018 | University Level |
2 | Revised UG Curriculum in Education | UGBOS (Education) in Collaboration with IQAC University of Kalyani | Vidyasagar Sabhagriha, University of Kalyani | 3rd March, 2022 | University Level |
Sl. No. | Title of FDP | Organized by | Venue | Date | Whether International/ National /State or University level |
1 | Nai Talim, Experiential Learning and Work Education in School & Teacher Education Curriculum | Department of Education, University of Kalyani | Department of Education, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal | 6th – 12th March, 2019 | University level |
I. HR Basic.Click for Details
II. Non-teaching B.ed.Click for Details
III. Programme impact B.Ed.Click for Details
IV. Programme impact M.Ed.Click for Details
V. Students B.Ed.Click for Details
VI. Students M.ed.Click for Details
VII. Teaching B.ed.Click for Details
VIII.Teaching M.ed.Click for Details