Department of Business Administration

Professor(Dr.) Isita Lahiri
Head of the Department Professor-
Departmental E-mail Address
The Department of Business Administration started the AICTE approved MBA course from the academic year 2001-02 on enhanced fee basis. It is also AICTE sponsored Department for MODROBS and Research Projects under RPS. For meeting the academic commitments in the best possible manner, the department is taking faculty support from other departments of the University. Services from experts in other academic institutions and corporate enterprises are also being utilized for running the course. In the wake of the economic globalization, the need for building and maintaining competitive edge over others is gaining immense importance. Secret of success in Management does not lie in specialization in any field or exceedingly starling performance, but in harmonious development of individual characteristics. Inner qualities of a person, at the helm of affairs, substantially govern the philosophy of management and it is his/her logical approach, aesthetic sense, ethical standards and practical dynamism, which will bring about results and these are what we try to inculcate in our students. Other objectives of the Department includes promotion of research endeavors of the faculty members and research scholars for better understanding of issues of management and other related fields and to help the students in their career progression.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
1 | MBA | 2 Years | 40 | Through MAT/CAT/CMAT/WBJEMAT followed by Group Discussion & Personal Interview |
2 | DHHM | 1Year | 15 | Admission Test followed by Group Discussion & Personal Interview |
3 | Ph. D. | 5 Years | As per UGC Norms | As per the Ph.D. Regulations & UGC Norms |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)

Department Details
- Financial Markets, Corporate Finance, Accounting & Reporting, Corporate Governance, Sustainability Reporting, CSR etc.
- Branding, Consumer Behaviour, Social Media Marketing, Green Marketing etc.
- Big Data, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing
- Performance Management, Talent Management, Human Capital Management, Stress Management etc.
- Computer lab with online inverter
- ICT enabled Teaching-Learning facility in all class rooms
- Smart class room
- ICT enables Air-conditioned Conference room
- Ongoing:
- Completed
i) Personal Research Project:
“Employee Stock Option Plan – Some Emerging Issues: A Study of Selected Industries in India” funded by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) (2006-2009)
Principal Investigator: Dr. (CA) Satyajit Dhar
ii) Departmental Central Project:
The “Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS)” Programme funded by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), Govt. of India has already been completed under the Principal Investigator Dr. (CA) Satyajit Dhar.
- Full Time: 3
- Part Time: 13
National Conferences & Seminars, Investors Awareness Programmes, Invited Talks etc.