

Ref ID Subject of the E-Circular / Notification Status Pub. Date Expiry Date Download File
UG/UG Adm./05/2022 Dated:18.07.2022 Online admissions for the Academic Session 2022-2023 for UG Courses on the basis of notification no. 507-Edn(CS)/10M-95/14 Dated 30th June, 2022 issued by the Dept. of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal. Active 18/07/2022 - Download
lC I 521200A/Online B.P.Ed. Adm I 2022 Doted: 04.07.2022 Circular- BPEd Online Admission 2022-2024 Active 04/07/2022 - Download
No. 508-Edn(CS)/10M-20/2015 Dated: 30th June 2022 Notification (Department of Higher Education, Govt of West Bengal) Admission in Teachers’ Training Programmes for the Academic Session 2022-2024 with effect from 1st September 2022 Active 02/07/2022 - Download
No. 507 - Edn(CS)/lOM-95/14 Date: 30th June 2022 Notification (Department of Higher Education, Govt of West Bengal) -Online Admissions for the Academic Session 2022-23 to all UG & PG Courses Active 02/07/2022 - Download
lC/52/Shiksho Rotno Aword/ l9l /2022 Doted: 29/06/2022 Circular-Shiksha Ratna Active 29/06/2022 - Download
RPS/N/355/2022/DP-408 Dtaed 29.06.2022 Ceremonial Function ( To Commemorate the 140th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy) Active 29/06/2022 - Download
Three Months Training Programme on Development of Entrepreneurship on Water Treatment, Disinfection and Sanitizer Preparation Active 28/06/2022 - Download
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW-Ph.D. admission 2021 in the Department of Education Active 20/06/2022 - Download
Circular/SVMCM/RPS-325/Dp-347/2022 date 13.06.2022 Notification-SVMCM Scholarship Scheme-2020-2021 Active 14/06/2022 - Download
GEC Paper (CBCS) Class Routine Active 30/05/2022 - Download
Ref. No. KU/FC(PG)/Open choice/DP-671 Date:17th May 2021 Notification-Allotment of Open Choice Course Active 17/05/2022 - Download
RPS/N/Aff.Coll./280/2022 Dated : 14/05/2022 Notification Regarding Mode of Online-Offline-Blended Class in Affiliated colleges Active 14/05/2022 - Download
R/Estab./Headship/VA/2022 Date : 13.05.2022 Administrative Order Active 13/05/2022 - Download
R/Estab./Leave/22/DP-258 Dated 13/05/22 Notification- Regarding Leave Applications Active 13/05/2022 - Download
RPS/N/AA/269/2022 Date : 30/04/2022 Academic activities of this University and the Colleges affiliated to this University will be conducted through online mode Active 30/04/2022 - Download
Nil Notice-Ph.D Coursework, 2022 Active 26/04/2022 - Download
R/Estd/Leave/22/DP-232 Dated 25.04.2022 University Holiday Active 25/04/2022 - Download
RPS/N/HC/157/2022 Dated: 22/04/2022 Notification Regarding Free Health Checkup Active 22/04/2022 - Download
RPS/N/156/2022 Dtaed 22/04/2022 Notice-Regarding the issue of Recommendation/Reference Letter Active 22/04/2022 - Download