Department of Chemistry

Dr. Manoranjan Jana
Head of the Department Professor-
Departmental Phone No.
+91-33-25828750 , +91-33-25828750
(Ext. 305-309)
Departmental E-mail Address
Set up in 1961 with Prof. S.K. Mukherjee, renowned agricultural chemist and former Vice-Chancellor of this University and Calcutta University, as the Head and with four faculty members, the department now has a faculty of 26. Since then it has always been fortunate in receiving good guidance and leadership. For example, late Prof. P. Sengupta, FNA, a renowned chemist, was the Head and the Dean of the Faculty of Science. There have been others who made names of their own and that of this department famous. Three present members are fellows of the West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, one of them is also a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry.
As per UGC, NET/GATE guidelines with some modifications.
(Semester from 2007-08); 50% external evaluation.
Course structure:
M. Sc-I: General Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry
M. Sc-II: Specialized Areas
Infrastructural Facilities:
Special Equipments
• FT-IR Spectrometer, PAR Electrochemical Analyzer
• UV-vis Spectrophotometer, Isocratic HPLC,DSC,Optical Microscope
• CHN Analyzer
Computer Facility:
Computational: A separate computer laboratory consisting 50 PCs with one server, two printers (one Laser and one HP DeskJet) There is a Central Internet Center in the University with somewhat restricted access. Better facilities from this centre are expected.
Programmes offered
Sl. No. | Programme | Duration | Intake capacity | Admission criteria |
1 | MSc | Two Years | ||
2 | PhD |
Faculty Profile(Alphabetical Order)


Department Details
Chemical Reviews, Polyhedron, Indian Journal of Chemistry (hard copies) RSC, ACS (soft copy through INFLIBNET)
Total no. of Publications:234 (excluding the publication of the Faculty Members of the Department Retired during 2001-2005. Total number 31) Journals where papers are published :
Nature, Org.Let., Inorg.Chem, ACS monograph, ACS Symposium Series, Industrial Engg.Chem. Res
Tet.Let, Tetrahedron, Syn.Let., Synthesis, Syn.comm.,
Polyhedron, J.Organomet.Chem.,
Can.J.Chem., Chemistry Let., Hetroatom,
J.Ind.Chem.Soc, Ind J Chem., Structural Chemistry, Ind. J. Chem Technol, J. Industrial Pollution Control
J. Theor. Comput. Chem, Internl J. Mol. Science ,
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Environ. Geol, Mineralogical Magazine, Annual Set – The Env. Protection, J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol, Waste Management
Synth. React. Inorg. Metal-Org. Nano Chem, Transition Met. Chem Internatl. J. Quantum Chem Internet Electronic. Ml. Design J. Theor. Comput. Chem Letter Cryst. Eng. Comun Spectrochimica Acta Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Heterocycles, J.Coord. Chem., J. Chem. Res.,
Research Interests of the Department:
Executive Summary of Research Report. Click here
Departmental Central Project :
This department is funded by the Department of Science and Technology under FIST Programme. CSIR and DST funded research projects are running in the department. The following is a list of current research projects :
• “Synthesis of Heterocycles” funded by CSIR (2004-2007)
Principal Investigator : Prof. K.C. Majumdar.
• “Mono and polynuclear complexes of transition metals incorporating ligands with extended IT – delocalization – A search for new election transfer centres and photoactive materials” funded by DST (2004-2007).
Principal Investigator : Dr. Surajit Chattopadhyay
• “Fluorimetric Study of Serum proteins and Heme proteins – Effects of Quenchers, Denaturants and Amphophiles” funded by CSIR (2002-2005)
Principal Investigator : Dr. Swati De
• “Studies towards the synthesis of analogous of the novel telomerase inhibitor telomestation” funded by DST (2002-2005)
Principal Investigator : Dr. Shital Chattopadhyay
The department has already produced more than two hundred Ph.Ds. At present, there are more than fifty Research Scholars in the department. Most of them enjoy their fellowships from different agencies as below :
• Nine from University of Kalyani (URS).
• Twelve from CSIR (CSIR-NET).
• Three from UGC (UGC-NET).
• Five from projects / schemes.
The rests are full timers (without fellowship) and part-timers.